Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 556 First Arrive in Longdu, Get Old Tie First

Monday, Rendezvous Airport.

"Passengers, please note that the plane has arrived at the destination Longdu. Passengers, please check your luggage and get out of your seat under the guidance of the crew. Thank you again for taking Longguo Airlines..."

The flight attendant's pleasant announcement sounded in the plane, and with the assistance of the crew, the passengers walked out of the cabin one by one.

The destination, Longdu, has arrived!

Among the passengers, there was a young man walking among the crowd, looking around from time to time, left and right.

Passengers with a little bit of experience can tell that this kid must be coming to Longdu for the first time.

They didn't have the heart to talk to the newcomers, but walked quickly to the taxi stand at the airport, and if they got there late, they wouldn't be able to get in the taxi.

The young man followed the crowd to the place where the taxi was taken, and quickly squeezed into a taxi relying on his eyesight and dexterity.

"Boy, where are you going?"

"Go to this address."

The driver brother took an address from the young man, his pupils shrank slightly.

He glanced at the young man through the rearview mirror.

"Young man, I didn't see it, you are actually a lawyer, but judging by your appearance, you are not from Longdu?"

"Well, I'm from Dongfangdu."

"Yo ho, what a great place, I heard that the Oriental Capital is a good place where the lights are red, the feasting, the luxury and the luxury..."

Hearing the young man tell his background, the driver's elder brother curled his lips, and there was a little longing in his eyes.

"Brother, you are... the dragon is not bad, is it?"

"Dragon is good, but how to put it, places with deep heritage are not young and energetic enough."

The driver brother said, suddenly became interested: "By the way, I heard that there are many beauties in the East, and even foreign girls, is it true?"

"Yeah, there are a lot of foreign girls. Walking on the street, there are white legs and tits everywhere, which makes you blind."

"Tsk tsk tsk..." The driver brother couldn't help but clicked his tongue, and the yearning on his face became more.

"Babe, how are they doing?"

"I can only say that their car lights are big and bright, their driving skills are fast and good, and both the appearance and interior of the car body are first-class."

The young man said, looking very experienced, with a memorable smile on his face.

This smile, the driver brother can tell at a glance, this is the expression of the old driver.

Fellow people.

"Tsk tsk tsk, young man, you have hooked up a lot in the east, don't you see how you walked over just now, your legs are a little soft?"

"It's okay, my girlfriend knows I'm going on a business trip, so it took me 4 hours at night!"

"4 hours!"

The hand of the driver brother holding the steering wheel almost trembled.

He glanced at the young man again with the rearview mirror, and after seeing the pale face of the other party, he understood it.

Before I came here, it seemed that I really stayed up all night.

After 4 hours, Iron Man's legs will be weak.

"By the way, young man, what are you doing in Longdu? The law firm sent you here for business?"

"It's mainly here to find people. Who asked me to be a criminal defense lawyer?"

"Criminal defense lawyer?" The driver looked at the rearview mirror with a strange expression on his face.

At your age, do you want to be a criminal defense lawyer?

Criminal defense lawyers are not all relatively calm people, or they are people with certain experience.

Depending on your age, you may not have even passed the internship period. Why do you dare to come out of Dongfangdu alone and come to Longdu to file a lawsuit?

Don't you know that the prosecutors in Longdu are very powerful?

"By the way, Brother Driver, I heard that the prosecutor in Longdu is very powerful, but do you know who is the most powerful?"

"the best?"

The driver brother recalled it for a while, and said casually: "I don't know who is the most powerful, but the person with the highest appearance rate in the interview should be Qin Yangqin Gaojian!"

"Qin Yang?!" The young man muttered, with a strange expression on his face.

"That's right, Qin Yang Qin High Prosecutor, he is a person who specializes in major cases. I heard that he went to your east to handle a big case a while ago, but he seems to have lost a case."

The driver brother said with a look of incredulity: "I heard that he lost to a young lawyer in Dongfangdu. I have to say that there are also powerful people there!"

"By the way, don't you, boy, belong to Dongfang Capital? Who is the person who defeated Qin Gaojian? Do you know him?"

"I know, why don't I know, the famous 'Murder Lawyer', people in the lawyer circle in the East, who hasn't heard of him."

"It turns out that the young lawyer who defeated Qin Gaojian has such a title. He didn't really kill someone, did he?"

"No way, it's all rumors, and then the rumors become more and more mysterious." The young man waved his hand, with an attitude that he must not take it seriously.

"I'll just say it!" The driver brother also smiled, and he really didn't take it seriously.

"By the way, Big Brother Driver, besides Qin Yang High Prosecutor, are there any other powerful people in the Procuratorate Headquarters of Longdu?"

"Except for Qin Gaojian, it should be Zhu Gaojian, right?"

"Zhu Gaojian?"

"Yes, Zhu Yuansi Zhu Gaojian, one of the representatives of the Longdu District Prosecutor's Headquarters, belongs to others' face!"

The driver brother said, giving a thumbs up and saying: "Don't look at Zhu Gaojian as a woman, she has been working in the inspection and criminal investigation system for more than 20 years, she is a good hand!"

"Oh, that's it!" the young man said, and couldn't help but nodded, and at the same time wrote down the name "Zhu Yuansi" in his allegiance.

This time, after all, it is an old case, if you really want to overturn the old case, you will definitely encounter resistance.

Even if the General Prosecutor's Office of Longdu didn't send Qin Yang, it would definitely send other powerful figures, and this Zhu Gaojian was likely to be his next opponent.

Gotta write it down!

"Young man, do you know what the powerful people at the local prosecutor's headquarters are for? Judging by your appearance, you probably don't intend to fight them?"

The brother driver looked curious when he saw the young man's appearance.

"No way, I came to Longdu just to find people, so it's impossible to compete with such a powerful person in court."

The young man naturally waved his hand, with an expression of "I'm actually very weak".

"That's fine." The driver brother didn't doubt him, and continued to drive.

"By the way, brother driver, do you know Lawyer Chen Xiao?"

"Know, why don't you know!"

The driver brother said, the taxi slowed down because there was a red light ahead.

After the car stopped, he pointed to a billboard on the side of the road, "Here, that's the Lawyer Chen Xiao you mentioned."

On the billboard is a woman in a suit with her arms crossed and a confident smile on her face.

[Professional agency of various litigation cases, Chen Xiao, partner of Longteng Law Firm! 】

That's the word on the billboard!

"Longteng's partner?"

"Yes, this lawyer Chen Xiao seems to be Long Teng's youngest partner. I heard he is very powerful."

The driver brother said in a low voice: "A colleague of my seventh aunt's niece's husband, her case seems to be handled by this lawyer Chen Xiao. A lot of compensation!"

"This Lawyer Chen Xiao's professional skills should be very good?"

"That's not true, otherwise, how could you become Long Teng's partner at such a young age?"

As the driver brother spoke, he began to brag.

What do you mean that Longteng International is the first-class in Longdu, with top-notch strength, the law firm has a cloud of masters and strong generals like rain, and the big law firms in other cities can basically be regarded as scumbags in Longdu.

"I remember that Lawyer Chen Xiao has only about 10 years of experience since the end of his internship. It is really not easy to be a partner of Longteng!"

"Yeah, it's a good thing you are a criminal defense lawyer, and lawyer Chen Xiao is a litigator, so the two of you shouldn't be compatible."

Hearing what the driver brother said, the young man nodded.

"By the way, big brother driver, I heard that Longteng's chief shopkeeper seems to be named Qin?"

"Oh, you mean the treasurer Qin Lu and Qin?"

For this, the driver brother is too familiar.

Qin Lu, the current head of Longteng International. Chairman of Longdu Law Association, Executive Director of Longdu Lawyers Association, Standing Member of Longdu Judicial Committee...

Anyway, there are also a lot of names, and they can't be reported in five minutes. This reminds Zhang Wei of that fatty Lin.

In fact, Qin Lu's position in Longdu is almost the same as Lin Xiangtian's in Dongfangdu.

And Lin Xiangtian is called the big boss, and Qin Lu is called the big shopkeeper.

It is said that the older generation of the Lin family and the older generation of the Qin family are also "family friends".

The old rival Qin that Lin Jincheng had mentioned was the father of Qin Lu and Qin Yang.

"To tell you the truth, the treasurer Qin Lu and the high prosecutor Qin Yang are brothers. One is a big prosecutor and the other is a barrister. They are both top-notch!"

"So that's how it is, it's amazing!"

The young man couldn't help but nodded, indicating that he knew.

"Oh boy, here we are!"

The driver parked the taxi in front of a magnificent building, then pointed to the sign at the door to remind the people behind him.

"Okay, thank you brother, this is the fare!"

The young man said, and handed over 5 red notes.

"Young man, the fare is too much, from the airport to here, up to 200 yuan!"

"This is the money you paid to chat with me, brother. The fare is that amount, but the information you provide is also valuable!"

"Hey, young man, you are so generous, don't you..."

The elder brother of the driver wanted to say something, but the young man had already paid the money and left the taxi directly.

No matter what the driver's elder brother said in the back, the young man was unmoved and walked straight into the destination.


Longdu Bar Association.

Reception, reception.

"Hello, who are you recruiting?"

"I'm Zhang Wei, a lawyer from Dongfangdu. I want to find my friend. His name is Tie Ruyun!"

"A lawyer from Dongfang Capital?"

The receptionist glanced at the business card handed over.

"Zhang Wei, the ace lawyer in the Criminal Department of Jincheng Law Firm!"

Seeing the words "Jincheng Law Firm" and "Ace" on the business card, the reception lady immediately felt that the person was coming from an extraordinary status.

Jincheng Law Firm is the top law firm in the Oriental Metropolis, the largest law firm in the top ten firms in the Oriental Metropolis.

Although this is Longdu, as the reception staff of the Lawyers Association, she is naturally deaf and blinded by many things in the lawyer circle.

Longdu and Dongfangdu happen to be the two super big cities in the north and south of Longguo.

Whether it is Longdu or Dongfangdu, there are ten major lines, which are not only a symbol of status, but also a division of strength.

The first place among the top ten companies in Longdu is Longteng International.

However, Longteng's distribution in Dongfangdu can only rank third in strength, and Jincheng's strength in the first place is naturally not weak.

The ace lawyer of the No. 1 law firm in Dongfang Metropolis came to Long Metropolis Lawyers Association, certainly not for simple matters.

"Lawyer Zhang, please wait a moment, I will check for you right now."

The reception lady immediately started to operate.

Soon, she found information about "Tie Ruyun" from the personnel system.

"Uh, Lawyer Zhang, your friend is currently in the confinement room on the corner of the second floor, and is being interrogated by our association. If it's convenient for you, you can sit here and wait for a while."

"Investigation by the Bar Association?"

Zhang Wei asked with a dignified face, "Is it a character investigation or an investigation of improper conduct?"

"Well, both!"

"All of them?"

Zhang Wei secretly said, "Good guy."

"Then please take me up to find Lao Tie, I want to be his defense lawyer!"

"But this is an internal investigation of the association, not a court prosecution..."

"A defense lawyer can actually be hired for internal investigations. Of course, the people under investigation are lawyers. Most of them will choose to defend themselves, because everyone doesn't like to use outsiders and they are most at ease with themselves, so many people ignore this point. "

Zhang Wei brought out the speech he had prepared a long time ago, and clearly emphasized it with the reception lady.

Obviously, he wanted to help Tie Ruyun deal with the internal investigation of the Lawyers Association instead of letting Tie Ruyun defend himself.

"Okay, Lawyer Zhang, please follow me!"

Since the purpose of the visitor is clear and everything is in compliance with the standard procedures, there is no reason for the reception lady to stop him.

The latter took Zhang Wei up the stairs, entered the second floor, passed through a checkpoint, and then came to the door of a guarded room.

"This is lawyer Zhang Wei from Jincheng Law Firm. He wants to see Tie Ruyun."

"Tie Ruyun is currently undergoing internal investigation and will not interview anyone for now!"

The guard's face remained unchanged, and he responded in a cold voice.


The reception lady wanted to say something, but Zhang Wei had already walked in front of the guard.

"Even if my client accepts an internal investigation, he still has the right to hire a lawyer to defend him. This is a rule that your Longdu Lawyers Association knows well, right?"

"Ask outsiders to defend?" The guard man frowned, a little strangely.

Because in their impression, didn't the people who were brought over to assist in the investigation defend themselves?

I haven't heard of anyone who chooses to invite outsiders to defend themselves when they are under investigation.

"Why, you guys set the rules, but you guys don't intend to abide by them?" Zhang Wei raised his eyebrows again, this time his words carried a warning tone.

"Wait a minute, I'll go in and report!"

The guard had no choice but to knock on the door and walk in after getting permission.

After a while, he came out.

"It's Lawyer Zhang, you can come in now."

The guard opened the door for Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei naturally walked into the room without hesitation.

The interior of the room is quite large, but it is relatively empty. There are a few chairs and a blackboard in the middle, but they are full of people at the moment.

Zhang Wei saw Tie Ruyun, who was sitting on a chair in the middle, stared at by two guards in black.

In front of him was a row of 6 chairs, sitting 6 people who seemed to belong to the Bar Association, and behind them, there were also a few guards standing.

"Zhang Wei!" Tie Ruyun looked slightly relieved when he saw the person coming.

"Your Excellency is Lawyer Zhang!"

Among the group of six members of the Lawyers Association, a woman with a gloomy face got up first and squinted at Zhang Wei.

"Yes, I am Zhang Wei, the ace lawyer of the Criminal Department of Jincheng Law Firm!"

Zhang Wei said, ignoring the scrutinizing gazes of other people in the room, and calmly walked to Tie Ruyun's side.

"Let me explain one thing first. I am this defense lawyer. I will help my client Tie Ruyun deal with the internal investigations and accusations of the Lawyers Association in the future. If you still want to summon my client for investigation later, you can Call me to let me know, and I will notify my client that he is invited to come."

As he spoke, he took out 6 business cards from his pocket, walked up to the 6 people one by one, and handed them out.

"Also, I won't ask about the details of the previous investigation, but I want to make it clear that my client is innocent and we refuse to admit any accusations against him, and you all , I conducted unnecessary interrogation on my client, which makes me very dissatisfied, now I want to take my client away, as for the investigation, how about we make an appointment next time?"

Although Zhang Wei was asking, his attitude was already very clear.

He patted Tie Ruyun on the shoulder, signaling him to get up.

But just as Tie Ruyun was about to leave, the guards on both sides suddenly took a step forward.

"Oh, you guys, are you going to let us go?"

"Lawyer Zhang, you can come and leave whenever you want. Where is our Longdu Lawyers Association now? This is not Dongfangdu, and it's not a place where you want to be presumptuous!"

The woman seemed to be the person in charge of this investigation, as she spoke, she stared at Zhang Wei with cold eyes.

"What's the name?"

"I am the person in charge of this investigation!"

"That's the big sister of action, hello big sister!"

Zhang Wei said, looked at the woman in front of him, and then asked with a smile: "Then if I want to take Tie Ruyun away, I don't know what rules of the Lawyers Association have been violated, can you say so?"

"Of course there are no rules, but I can tell you that the investigation against Tie Ruyun has just begun, and our Lawyers Association has zero tolerance for what he has done!"

"Really, then we will wait and see, but let me tell you, I, Zhang, came to Longdu only to do three things!"

As he spoke, Zhang Wei raised three fingers:

"Fair, fair, or tm fair!"

As soon as this statement came out, the investigation team of six, including the woman, all frowned.

They have seen arrogant ones, but they have never seen one as arrogant as Zhang Wei.

To be so presumptuous in front of the investigation team of their Lawyers Association.

"Okay, I've finished my harsh words. I believe you won't keep the two of us for lunch. If so, then I don't mind staying a little longer. I'm just hungry."

As Zhang Wei said, he rubbed his belly with a look of anticipation.

"If we still need Lawyer Tie to cooperate with the investigation later, we will notify you Lawyer Zhang in time, and you can leave now!"

"What's the matter, is this the way Longdu Lawyers Association treats guests, not even a meal?"

All six people had blue veins popping up on their foreheads.

"see a visitor out!"

In desperation, they could only yell and ask the staff to invite Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun out.

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