Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 562 Huang Yunhe in a hurry? excuses for both sides

Internal hearings are still ongoing.

After Chen Xiao showed off his acting skills and accusations, it was Zhang Wei's turn to ask questions.

"Lawyer Chen, in these photos from 12 years ago, I saw you behaving intimately with more than one client of your law firm?"

As Zhang Wei said, he picked out pictures of Chen Xiao and the man holding hands while smiling, and displayed them in front of everyone.

These photos were taken when Tie Ruyun "followed" Chen Xiao.

Although the camera equipment 12 years ago, the camera function is naturally incomparable with the present, but these photos are already very good at explaining the problem.

"Please take a look at this one!"

Zhang Wei took out one of them, and Chen Xiao walked towards an imported luxury car by the side of the road, holding a man's hand.

"The man in the photo is the general manager of a well-known international foreign trade company in Longdu. He has always been a client of Longteng International, but the lawyer in charge of his company's business 12 years ago was a lawyer from the project department of your law firm. Later, the client transferred the lawyer in charge to Ms. Chen Xiao, which is a bit strange."

"There is also this one. The man in the photo is named You Dalei. He is the boss of Longdu Longxiang Construction Group and a star entrepreneur in Longdu. Although Longxiang Construction was only an asset 12 years ago A medium-sized company with 100 million yuan, but in just 12 years, it has developed into a real estate giant worth over 50 billion yuan, and its market value has increased by 500 times. I believe that Ms. Chen Xiao made a fortune for Boss You. Less power?"

"And this one. The man in the photo is still in the same family as you. This Mr. Chen is amazing. He is the CEO of a listed company with assets exceeding 60 billion. Similarly, his company is also Longteng's long-term customer. Not out Unexpectedly, in the near future after meeting you, the lawyer in charge of the company and Longteng became you, lawyer Chen Xiao."

"And this one, the man in the photo is..."

After showing several photos in a row, Zhang Wei's eyes became even more curious.

And the lawyers in the auditorium all around started guessing one after another, some of them even whispered to each other, pointing at Chen Xiao and whispering.

"Ms. Chen Xiao, may I ask you to explain why you hook up with so many men?"

"Ahem, Lawyer Zhang, what are you doing!"

Just after Zhang Wei asked the question, Huang Yunhe, the representative, couldn't sit still.

He reminded with righteous words: "This internal hearing is aimed at Tie Ruyun's stalking of Lawyer Chen Xiao, not whether Lawyer Chen has intimate behavior with certain men. Lawyer Zhang, what are you doing? Divert our attention?"

As soon as this remark came out, the pointing people around also restrained a lot.

Obviously, Huang Yunhe's majesty was still there, and his words made many people stop imagining.

"Old Huang, you are so serious. I just started to make a move, and you jumped out. If you didn't know, you would have thought Lawyer Chen was having an affair with you too!"

Seeing Huang Yunhe's attempt to sabotage his plan, Zhang Wei immediately leaned in front of him with a mocking face.

"You kid is really presumptuous..."

"No, I just feel like I hit something, otherwise why are you in a hurry?"

Huang Yunhe seemed anxious.

Anyway, no matter whether he is in a hurry or not, Zhang Wei will think that he is in a hurry.

"Am I in a hurry?"

The anger on Huang Yunhe's face suddenly subsided, replaced by a look of surprise.

He looked to the left and right and asked the other 4 representatives.

The four of them nodded subconsciously. You, Attorney Huang, seemed really anxious just now.

"Old Huang, the eyes of the masses are discerning!"

Zhang Wei also made up the knife at the right time: "Look, I said Chen Xiao's question, but you stood up and interrupted it. I really don't understand it."

"This time, even if it is an internal review hearing for my client, this is not a court. I think we have the right to state our opinions. But when I talked about the unfavorable speech against Chen Xiao, you are worse than her." Is it inappropriate to stand up quickly?"

"Why is it inappropriate?" Huang Yunhe snorted coldly, "I told you, the hearing this time is for Tie Ruyun, not Lawyer Chen!"

"But it was precisely because of Lawyer Chen's actions back then that Laotie had to supervise her!"

Zhang Wei also spread his hands, and turned to ask Huang Yunhe: "Old Huang, you were the leader of Lao Tie back then, and you were also a senior partner of Long Teng. You should know Long Teng's rules, right?"

"What rules?"

"That's the law firm's code of conduct for lawyers!"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out another page and began to read in front of Huang Yunhe, "Longteng Law Firm's lawyers' code of conduct includes this article: Our lawyers need to provide clients with the best legal advice, Keep up the great service partnership (work only)!"

"Why is there a bracket here, saying that it is only for work, Lao Huang, you are from Longteng, why don't you explain it to the big guy?"

"I am a representative of this hearing, why should I listen to you."

"Oh, for Lawyer Chen's matter, you should stand up and help me. If it's my turn to ask you a little favor, you can just decline it, right?"

There is something in Zhang Wei's words, which means something.

This also made the other four representatives, as well as many lawyers in the hearing booth, have opinions on Huang Yunhe.

"You..." Huang Yunhe was immediately annoyed.

But Zhang Wei hurried to Tie Ruyun's side, not giving the former a chance to get mad.

"Fortunately, my client is an old man. He used to be Long Teng's lawyer. He should also know these rules."

Zhang Wei took the code of conduct and asked, "Old man, why is there brackets for this code of conduct, and why is it only for work?"

"This is to prevent lawyers from being too close to clients, which will affect the accuracy of lawyers' legal services to clients. Once lawyers and clients are too close, it will inevitably affect lawyers' judgment on issues!"

"Oh, so that's the case~"

Zhang Wei made a look of surprise, and then walked up to Chen Xiao.

"Old Tie, tell me, does the relationship between Lawyer Chen Xiao and his clients exceed the code of conduct of Longteng Law Firm?"

"I think so, their behavior is too intimate, they have crossed the line!"

Hearing this answer, Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and then asked again: "Then the same thing, is your so-called stalking Lawyer Chen Xiao because, as the team leader, you have to care about whether your subordinates cross the line with clients?"

Tie Ruyun hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes..."

"Objection, leading question!"

At this moment, Chen Xiao couldn't sit still, so he stood up and interrupted.

"Lawyer Chen, let me stress again, this is an investigation hearing within the Lawyers Association, not a trial in court!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly and joked again.

Chen Xiao seems to be in a hurry, otherwise he will not forget that the internal hearing process is different from the court, and there is an essential difference between the two.

First of all, the defense is Zhang Wei, the prosecution is Huang Yunhe and other five representatives, and Chen Xiao is just an eyewitness.

Witness, how is it possible to object?

Another point is that this is not a court, and it is useless to raise objections.

In internal hearings, when the defense is speaking, the prosecution will hardly interrupt, but will think about whether the defense's speech is effective, and they will take the defense's speech into the next consideration.

After Zhang Wei finished his ridicule, he looked at Huang Yunhe and spread his hands to signal him.

"Ahem, Lawyer Chen, as a witness, don't raise any objections."

When Huang Yunhe spoke to Chen Xiao, his tone was much softer, but he still reminded the other party to pay attention to their identity.

Chen Xiao showed a hint of embarrassment and apology, but there was also a faint glint of haze in the corner of his eyes.

Zhang Wei's speech was obviously to push himself into the pit of fire.

She couldn't stop it, which was really annoying.

On Zhang Wei's side, he didn't care about Chen Xiao's interruption at all, and continued to make use of it.

"My female subordinates behaved too intimately with customers. As a leader, Lao Tie was very concerned about this matter at the time."

"What does he care about?"

"He cares about two things!"

Zhang Wei said, holding up two fingers, "First, whether Chen Xiao intends to have close contact with clients, so as to shorten the distance between himself and clients, and even indirectly affect the client's attitude towards the law firm and the representative lawyer. Chen Xiao Whether there is some cross-line behavior with customers."

"For example, provide clients with services that law firms cannot provide in exchange for the qualifications of full-time lawyers; provide clients with services beyond working relationships in order to earn clients' trust?"

"These assumptions lead to the second point. Is Chen Xiao a spy of a rival law firm? Is she developing a close relationship with her client? Is there a risk of taking her client away from Longteng, thereby indirectly causing a major loss of Longteng's interests?"

As soon as the second point came out, many people looked at each other in blank dismay.

It's fine if Zhang Wei doesn't speak, but why is it so serious when he speaks?

Even spies were involved?

"It's a joke, if Lawyer Chen was a spy, how could she have worked for Long Teng for 12 years!"

Huang Yunhe sneered and directly refuted Zhang Wei's point of view.

"Lawyer Huang, I know you are stupid, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid!"

"What did you say, you boy..."

Huang Yunhe finally became anxious again, because Zhang Wei dared to call himself stupid in front of so many people.

"Lawyer Huang, I don't think I'm wrong, you are too stupid!"

Zhang Wei ignored Huang Yunhe, who was full of anger, and asked back with his hands outstretched, "Let me ask you, when did Lao Tie's so-called stalking behavior towards Lawyer Chen Xiao?"

Huang Yunhe replied subconsciously: "12 years ago!"

"Then it's over. How did the veteran 12 years ago know that Chen Xiao would stay at Longteng Law Firm for 12 years?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people nodded subconsciously.

Yes, how did Tie Ruyun 12 years ago know what Chen Xiao would do in the future.

They are all people who experienced 12 years before they knew that Chen Xiao hadn't left Longteng.

But how could the person involved 12 years ago see what happened in the future?

"This..." Huang Yunhe fell silent when he heard this explanation.

But Zhang Wei didn't intend to let the other party go like this.

"Old Huang, I didn't say it. Why are you so anxious when it comes to Lawyer Chen Xiao? Lawyer Chen's surname is Chen, not Huang, and she is not your daughter?"

"Am I in a hurry?" Huang Yunhe looked to the left and right, his face recovered a little.

But the four representatives on the left and right nodded subconsciously.

You are in a hurry, you were really in a hurry just now!

Although it is inappropriate for us to say this, you are indeed in a hurry. Attorney Zhang is right about this.

When Huang Yunhe saw that many people in the hearing stand were looking at him and pointing fingers, and at the same time, the four representatives also cared about his behavior, he was immediately annoyed.

He slapped the table and made a "bang" sound.

"Hmph, what you said is just your assumption!"

"well said!"

But Zhang Wei didn't mind Huang Yunhe's reaction at all, and even clapped his hands.

Afterwards, imitating Huang Yunhe's momentum, he walked up to Chen Xiao and slapped the table in the same way.


Zhang Wei glared, staring at Chen Xiao: "Ms. Chen Xiao, your accusations against Lao Tie are just your assumptions!"

"Just because he followed you, you feel that she attempted to violate the rules + attempted to moles you, but he just wanted to confirm whether the female subordinates in his group had violated the rules and whether they harmed the interests of the law firm. As the team leader, will he be accused of even protecting the interests of the law firm?"

Zhang Wei's behavior made Huang Yunhe slightly taken aback.

Good guy!

Learn now and sell now!

And he still used his own attitude to deal with Chen Xiao.

You Zhang Wei are really brave!

"Lawyer Chen, I don't deny that you are an excellent lawyer. In fact, Lao Tie's evaluation of you at the beginning was also a good seed. So I think that after Lao Tie discovered your cross-line behavior, he wanted to protect the law firm. I am afraid that you are a spy of other law firms, and may even take clients to other law firms, so I have carried out necessary tracking and monitoring of your cross-line behavior, I think there is nothing wrong with his behavior, right?"

As Zhang Wei said, he specifically emphasized: "Stalking a strange lady is a perverted behavior, which cannot be tolerated. But for a female subordinate under his command who may threaten the interests of the law firm, we will punish her for crossing the line." Follow-up investigation, I think this is a performance of being responsible for the interests of the law firm!"

After speaking, Zhang Wei looked at the five representatives and at the auditorium.

Many people nodded subconsciously. According to what Zhang Wei said, the problem is indeed not big.

If you follow a strange woman, there must be something wrong.

But if you are following an acquaintance, and it is because the other party has crossed the line, then the situation is different.

You stalk someone not because of sex, but because the other party may threaten the interests of the law firm, and you stalk someone as a last resort, so this explanation is indeed justifiable.

Seeing that many people showed understanding eyes, a smile finally appeared on the corner of Zhang Wei's mouth.

This is his purpose, to put aside the personal emotional factors of the old iron's stalking behavior, and add the interests of the law firm.

In this way, Tie Ruyun's behavior can be justified by safeguarding the interests of the law firm.

Chen Xiao and Huang Yunhe obviously had no way to refute this point of debate.

Because 12 years ago, who knows which law firm Chen Xiao will work for in the future, and whether the other party will stay in Longteng for 12 years, only the future will know.


Huang Yunhe and Chen Xiao looked at each other, both of them were surprised.

They never expected that Zhang Wei would use such a point of view to "beautify" Tie Ruyun's behavior.

Stalking is stalking, and you said that he did this to protect the interests of the law firm.


Who really regards the law firm as their own home, and wants to protect the interests of the law firm after work?

"Lawyer Chen, I have said so much, I would like to ask you to answer again, why did you maintain an intimate relationship with so many male clients in the first place, can I ask the reason?"

After Zhang Wei explained his point of view, he fired at Chen Xiao again!

This time, Huang Yunhe wanted to stop him, but he had no reason to retort, so naturally he couldn't stand up and interrupt.

The auditorium, and even the other four representatives, including Tie Ruyun, all cast their gazes over.

They all want to know the answer.


Chen Xiao didn't expect that Zhang Wei would hold on to this question.

If she answers only because of business issues, then it is obviously untenable here.

Because the lawyers in charge of these clients at that time were not her, Chen Xiao.

It will be a later matter for the client to sign a contract again and to change the attorney.

She knew that once she made an excuse, Zhang Wei would definitely refute it immediately, which actually confirmed the possibility of her having a problem.

That being the case, then we can only try to get as close to the facts as possible.

"Actually, at the beginning, these clients and I just met by chance."

Chen Xiao recalled it for a while, and then explained: "At that time, I just settled in Longdu, and I was still a newcomer who didn't understand anything. I happened to meet a client on the street. I am a person who likes to make friends. See When you see someone you know, you will naturally go over to say hello!"

"Lawyer Chen, do you want to say that these clients who are worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, greet you with smiles one by one, invite you into the car, and chat with you about their ideals?"

Zhang Wei spread out his hands, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"You can say that!"

Chen Xiao smiled slightly, without denying it at all.

"In fact, I had a very good conversation with these clients, and it was for this reason that they later chose me as the lawyer in charge of their company's business. I seem to be better at communicating with clients!"

"A newly graduated law firm, Lawyer Chen, how can a lawyer like you handle so many clients?"

"It's the same with you, Lawyer Zhang. You have just finished your internship, but you can win so many cases, and you can also do many things that law firms can't do."

Chen Xiao also took Zhang Wei as an example, and said with a smile: "In this world, there are always some geniuses, so why can't it be you and me?"


Zhang Wei also didn't expect that he became an example for the other party and helped the other party find an excuse.

Now, the offensive just now seems to have been resolved.

This Chen Xiao was indeed of a certain level.

"Ahem, it's almost time in the morning, let's end today's hearing temporarily!"

At this moment, Huang Yunhe glanced at the time, stood up and announced the suspension of the hearing.

The five representatives, as well as everyone in the auditorium, all got up and left.

Zhang Wei watched everyone leave, and Tie Ruyun just exchanged glances.

The hearing on Tuesday morning ended in a hurry when the game between the two sides was inconclusive.

A corner of the Bar Association.

After Chen Xiao walked out of the hearing room, the calmness on his face disappeared instantly, replaced by a look of gloom.

She took out her cell phone and immediately dialed a number.

"Today's hearing is over, please rest assured for the time being, that incident has not been exposed, and it is not time to use that method!"

"Although the opponent is a bit tricky, I don't think it is a threat. The purpose of this hearing is only for a fool. Everything is within my expectations!"

At the end of Chen Xiao's speech, he hung up the phone, and then there was a hint of sarcasm and coldness at the corner of his mouth.

It is impossible for her to lose in this hearing, because she has absolute support!

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