Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 563 Another battle? Confronting Zhu Yuansichu

Longdu Lawyers Association, at the gate.

Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun were talking in a low voice.

"Old Tie, it's okay for you to go back to the hotel alone, I have to attend another hearing, so I can't accompany you!"

"Understood, it's for that kid Guan Ping, you go, I'm fine by myself!"

Because Tie Ruyun is undergoing an internal investigation by the Lawyers Association, he can't go to the court, and he can't meet the client and related people, so he can't go to the court to listen.

Because of this, the cases about Guan Ping and even Guan Yuhong can only be handled by Zhang Wei.

On Tuesday afternoon, the hearing on Limbert's death and whether the Investigation Section and the prosecution will launch murder charges against Guan Ping will be held in the afternoon.

In fact, Zhang Wei also made a lot of preparations for this hearing.

At this moment, he set off again, heading for the District Court in Longdu.

Longdu Court, the gate.

Guan Ping had been waiting here for a while, and when Zhang Wei arrived in a hurry, he quickly waved.

"Lawyer Zhang, you are finally here!"

"You came early enough. I went to help Lao Tie with the internal investigation in the morning, and now I have to help you with this case. I'm really busy!"

Zhang Wei made a joke, and led Guan Ping into the court.

The hearing is different from the court trial, which is an internal closed trial, mainly to confirm whether it is necessary to initiate a lawsuit.

The only person the prosecution and defense have to convince is the judge.

The general internal hearing does not even have a jury.

Therefore, Zhang Wei took Guan Ping directly to the hearing site, a small court in Longdu Court.

The person in charge of this hearing is a senior judge named Bao Serious. His face is slightly dark, so he is known as the "Black Bread Man" in the Longdu judicial system.

Seeing this contemporary "Baogong" for the first time, Zhang Wei was slightly surprised.

Because the judge's face was a bit dark, he was a little bit unable to use his better skills of observing words and expressions, and penetrating people's hearts.

Therefore, Zhang Wei prayed in his heart: I hope that the black-faced Duke Bao (Bao Zheng) can truly be stern and selfless like his predecessor, the black-faced Duke Bao (Bao Zheng).

At the same time, Zhang Wei looked at the prosecution seat again.

There are two opponents, a man and a woman.

Among them, the man is a little younger, and he is also submissive to the women around him, looking like a follower.

As for the woman, it should be a woman, who looks thirty-five or even thirty-seven, with curly hair and formal attire, with a serious face and no smile.

If Tie Ruyun followed, he would definitely remind Zhang Wei that the female prosecutor in front of him was Zhu Yuansi, and besides Qin Yang, she had the strongest record in the Longdu District Prosecutor's Headquarters!

Zhu Yuansi, the senior prosecutor of Longdu Prosecutor's Headquarters, belongs to the leader among Longdu prosecutors, and is a truly powerful figure.

"Zhu Gaojian, it's rare to see you recently!"

At the trial seat, Judge Bao also greeted Zhu Yuansi.

"Judge Bao, I haven't seen you for a few days, but your complexion is still the same!"


Judge Bao smiled.

I have such a dark face, how can I have any complexion, you really know how to joke.

Regardless of the fact that the prosecution and the judge were smiling, Zhang Wei was also observing the two from the defense bench.

His gaze was naturally noticed by Judge Bao and Zhu Yuansi.

Both of them are veteran drivers of the court, and their insight is naturally keen.

"Zhu Gaojian, who is your opponent? Why haven't I met this kid before?"

"His name is Zhang Wei. He is not from Longdu. He is from Dongfangdu. Naturally, Judge Bao has never met him. In fact, this should be his first time in Longdu court!"

"Oh, that's it, I see."

Judge Bao glanced at Zhang Wei, then said with a smile to Zhu Yuansi: "Since you are a newcomer, then Zhu Gaojian will have to watch it later, don't go too far, and give the newcomer some face!"

"I try my best……"

Zhu Yuansi reluctantly responded, but there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

Because she had experienced Zhang Wei's methods yesterday, and when the other party was interrogated by the two officers of the investigation department, the sophistication he showed was definitely not like a rookie.

Even though Zhang Wei looked young, Qin Gaojian had reminded her that Zhang Wei was very tricky.

Therefore, Zhu Yuansi felt that he should encounter a little difficulty in the next hearing.

However, she believes that the advantage is still on her side.

After all, Zhang Wei came here on Monday, today is Tuesday, and there is only one day, how many tricks can the other party prepare?

Although this case is not iron-clad, I have the advantage!

A few minutes later, the hearing finally began.

"Ahem, this court announces that the hearing on whether the suspect Guan Ping needs to be prosecuted in the case of the deceased Limbert will start now!"

After Judge Bao made the announcement, he looked at Zhu Yuansi: "The prosecution, please show the evidence first!"

Zhu Yuansi stood up and walked to the court.

"Judge Bao, regarding the case of the murder of the deceased Limbert, the investigation department has already obtained a lot of evidence of the suspect Guan. Among them, through monitoring, it was found that the suspect Guan had followed the deceased many times before he was alive..."

"Objection, false accusation, we once told the two operatives of the investigation department that this so-called stalking is just a coincidence!"

As soon as Zhu Yuansi spoke, Zhang Wei stood up and interrupted.

This time it was in court, and there was a judge. The identity of the prosecution and the defense was clear. It was not an internal investigation by the Lawyers Association. Naturally, the opponent could be interrupted.

After Zhang Wei interrupted Zhu Yuansi, he looked at the judging seat: "Judge Bao, the multiple stalking mentioned by the prosecution is just that the deceased went to the supermarket, and my client happened to appear in the supermarket. Returning home at this point in time, the two happened to be on the same road, and other coincidences caused by the fact that the two lived on opposite corners of the street."

"But the prosecution regards these coincidences as my client's stalking of the deceased. Is this too arbitrary?"


Judge Bao didn't expect that the young man in the defense would be so aggressive.

Just as Zhu Yuansi opened his mouth, you interrupted him directly.

But there is some truth in what you said, is it a coincidence that the following and just happened to be on the way?

"Zhu Gaojian, your so-called suspect following the deceased is not really just such a simple coincidence as the defense said?"

Zhu Yuansi did not expect that Zhang Wei would be so straightforward that he interrupted his first sentence directly.

But she didn't expect Judge Bao to be convinced by the other party.

"Judge Bao, once or twice may be a coincidence, but if there are more than five times in a week, can it still be a coincidence?"

Zhu Yuansi said, and submitted all the so-called stalking photos provided by the investigation department to the judging seat.

Zhang Wei had seen all these photos, so he knew that the deceased and Guan Ping appeared on them, and they were in the same frame.

"In fact, five times a week was not because the suspect did not follow up in the remaining two days, but because the deceased did not go out. So we have reason to suspect that the suspect has been monitoring the deceased around the clock!"

"No, the prosecution is making unreasonable speculation about my client!"

Zhang Wei got up again to interrupt Zhu Yuansi, and this time his face became extremely serious, "Judge Bao, I think the prosecution's statement is very one-sided. She ignored the most important point that is also the most easily overlooked!"

"Oh, what is it?"

Judge Bao immediately became interested, his eyes sparkling.

"What Zhu Gaojian overlooked is my client's hard work!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Yuansi was slightly taken aback, and Judge Bao was taken aback.


What kind of evidence is this?

Is this evidence, and how do you show it in court?

"Zhu Gaojian should know that my client is a plumber maintenance worker, right?"

"So what?" Zhu Siyuan looked strange.

So what if your client is a plumber?

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and took out a stack of documents from his briefcase.

"In response to Zhu Gaojian's so-called stalking behavior, we also submit rebuttal evidence!"

Zhang Wei divided the documents in his hands into two parts, one was handed over to Judge Bao, and the other was sent to Zhu Gaojian's assistant.

"This is the log of my client's on-site water and electricity pipeline repairs in the past two months. His company has kept records to check every time workers are dispatched. Zhu Gaojian must be aware of this."

Zhu Yuansi naturally knew that, in fact, he went to the maintenance company yesterday to find out about Guan Ping's situation, but Guan Ping was not good at communicating in the company, and his relationship with other colleagues was not good or bad.

"These records can prove that my client went out to work every day during the so-called stalking period. He just happened to finish his work, and happened to meet the deceased Limbert after he came back from get off work."

"If it is true, as the prosecution said, that my client was monitoring the deceased around the clock, why would he go out to work every day?"

"On the other hand, if my client really wants to monitor the deceased, as a plumbing maintenance worker, he has also carried out many repairs and plumbing maintenance work on the building where the deceased lived. Wouldn't it be more convenient, why would he bother to meet the deceased by chance every day when commuting to and from work?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, then raised his finger to Guan Ping, "So, my client really just came back from get off work every day, and happened to meet the deceased."

"Judge Bao, you should often meet your neighbors when you are shopping in the supermarket, walking in the park or shopping, right?"

"When you put it that way, it seems to be really..."

Judge Bao also nodded subconsciously, as if he understood this.

Afterwards, he looked at Zhu Yuansi: "Zhu Gaojian, if there is no further favorable evidence to prove that the suspect monitored the deceased in the documents you submitted, then this court will think that these evidences are not enough to prove your point of view. These documents will be rejected!"


Zhu Yuansi frowned, finally aware of Zhang Wei's difficulty.

With just a few photos, the other party could find so many reasons to argue.

Yes, sophistry!

Zhu Yuansi felt that Zhang Wei's explanations were all tm sophistry!

"We have other evidence!"

Since the first argument is invalid, new evidence is naturally needed.

Zhu Yuansi took a record from his attendant and handed it to the judging seat.

"This is the investigation record of the investigation department. There is a clear record on it. The trace of the suspect was found in the building where the deceased died. When the investigation department wanted to interrogate the suspect, the other party fled in fear of crime. !"

What Zhu Yuansi submitted was the testimony of the officers of the investigation department and an operational investigation report.

After Limbert died, the Investigation Section received a report and rushed to the scene.

As a result, Guan Ping was found near the scene.

Facing the officers of the investigation department, Guan Ping naturally escaped, which also made him behave suspiciously, and was even listed as the number one suspect.

"No, our client did not abscond in fear of crime, he was just frightened and acted subconsciously!"

But for Zhu Yuansi's accusation, Zhang Wei has already prepared his speech.

In fact, after he asked Guan Ping to recall the situation back then, he prepared a coping strategy.

"Judge Bao, in response to the new evidence submitted by the prosecution, we request the arraignment of the operator who rushed to the scene of the deceased's death and chased my client to testify in court!"

Judge Bao thought about it, and felt that it would be better if the investigators came forward to testify.

"Well, this court approved it!"

Seeing this, Zhu Yuansi looked at the assistant and signaled with his eyes.

The assistant walked out of the courtroom immediately, and a few minutes later, he brought back an investigator in plain clothes.

"I was the first investigator to rush to the scene when I received the report. We found the suspect Guan was acting suspiciously in the building at the time, so we wanted to interrogate him, but we didn't expect Guan to see us. Afterwards, he seemed to be very flustered, and ran away when we approached, so we naturally decided that he was the murderer, and started to track him down!"

The investigator said, and took a look at Guan Ping, "However, the suspect's speed is very fast, and his physical strength is equally astonishing. In just 5 minutes, we were all thrown away."

"So we concluded that the suspect must have surveyed the nearby terrain before the operation, so we were able to throw away all the people in our investigation department!"

Hearing what the investigator said, Judge Bao nodded.

But Zhang Wei seems to have an opinion.

"Tsk tsk tsk, investigator, why are you so irresponsible?"

As he spoke, he walked up to the other party with a teasing look on his face: "My client behaved suspiciously, looked flustered, ran away, and stepped on it beforehand, why are you talking so irresponsibly?"

"What I said is the truth!" The investigator was not irritated by Zhang Wei's yin and yang aura, but continued to emphasize with a cold face.


Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and then asked: "In this case, can you please recall, what was the first sentence you said after seeing my client?"


The investigator was confused, what was the first sentence my client said to Guan Ping?

At that time, the situation was so urgent that he almost subconsciously opened his mouth, so he couldn't remember some details.

"If you can't remember, let me help you recall. When you saw my client, did you say, 'Stop, don't move, turn around!'?"

"Okay, yes!" The investigator nodded, he should have said this sentence.

"Then, my client didn't turn around, what did you say?"

"I seemed to ask him some questions, such as 'who are you', 'why are you here' and so on?"

"Yes, you did ask those questions."

Zhang Wei nodded, but then said with a strange expression: "But as an investigator, shouldn't you explain your identity immediately?"

"I told you!" The investigator pointed at Guan Ping, "But when I explained my identity, he happened to run away!"

"So, in fact, you didn't reveal your identity in the first place, did you?"


Seeing the investigator's admission, Zhang Wei smiled slightly.

"In this case, let's imitate the scene at that time!"

As Zhang Wei said, he walked to the center of the court and began to construct the scene of the crime.

"My client happened to be walking in the building where the deceased Limbert lived. Of course, it is also possible to check whether there are water leakage problems in the pipes and whether there are electrical leakage problems. After all, he has repaired the building before, and it may have happened on a whim that day. It's over."

"And at this moment, two burly men rushed out from behind him, and looked at him fiercely, and shouted..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Wei paused for a moment, and then shouted with full breath: "Stop, don't move, turn around!"

"Later, they continued to yell, 'Who are you', 'Why are you here' and other words. At this time, my client was obviously scared."

"After all, he is just an ordinary person, an ordinary plumbing maintenance worker, and behind him are two unidentified burly men, who are walking towards him with fierce faces, and it is not clear whether they are armed or not."

"Then what should my client do at this time, catch him without a fight or take the opportunity to escape?"

"I believe that when it is not clear whether the person behind is armed or not, it is always right to prepare for the worst. At this time, my client followed the survival instinct, ran as far as he could, and finally relied on his familiarity with the nearby streets. To the extent that they have thrown off the possible threats.”

Zhang Wei said, looking at the trial seat: "Judge Bao, this is the real situation at that time. My client just ran away for self-protection, that's all."

"This..." Judge Bao was completely confused by Zhang Wei's explanation.

Is that so, was that the case at the time?

The investigator sitting on the witness stand couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately retorted: "I said we are from the investigation department, why did he run away!"

"When people are extremely panicked, they will experience short-term cognitive failure. Even if you say that you are my client's father, he may not hear it!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and easily refuted it back with joking words.

"This..." At this moment, the investigator was also speechless.

"So, my client ran away because of fear, and the responsibility lies with the investigation department. They didn't identify my client at the first time, and created the illusion that my client might be threatened, so he had to Don't run for your life, which caused this unnecessary misunderstanding!"

"I believe that if the officers of the investigation section reveal their identities immediately, my client will be very happy to stay and accept the investigation. Don't you think so, Zhu Gaojian?"

Zhu Yuansi felt that he really met his opponent today.

This Zhang Wei, when he refuted his own evidence, it was a set of fallacies.

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