Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 570 Broker's Information, Enemy's Clue

Longteng International Building.

Located within the second ring road of Longdu, it is a magnificent high-rise office building.

At this moment, in a partner's office.

Chen Xiao was on the phone with someone.

"You mean, the plan to blame the target's son for the death of the scavenger failed?"

"Because of the rush of time, Qing Jiao didn't take into account the surveillance probes outside, so it happened to be photographed?"

"He infiltrated the local prosecutor's headquarters, and handed over the murder weapon to Zhu Yuansi with you, but that Zhang Wei still found a loophole?"

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was somewhat dissatisfied with the news reported over the phone.

"I see!" She hung up the phone in a cold voice without changing her expression.

But after hanging up the phone, there was anger and disappointment on her face.

"Zhu Yuansi, thanks to us helping you so much, I didn't expect you to lose!"

"But what you said there is also true. The plan made in a hurry will eventually have flaws. But didn't Zhang Wei also take the case in a hurry? Why can he be fully prepared?"

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes, as if he had sensed the difficulty of his opponent this round.

This young lawyer named Zhang Wei has court trial experience that does not match his actual age, and a strong psychological quality that is calm when changing.

The quality of these excellent lawyers will appear in a boy in his early twenties, which shows that the opponent is obviously not ordinary.

"It's no wonder this kid can beat Qin Gaojian, he really isn't someone to wait for!"

As Chen Xiao said, he didn't put down the phone in his hand, but dialed another number to go out.

The phone was connected quickly.

"Our plan to use Zhu Yuansi failed, at least the first round of action failed. The prosecution did not initiate a lawsuit against the target's son. That Zhang Wei found a loophole in the local prosecutor's headquarters. Even Qing Jiao may have been exposed!"

"Need to report to the higher authorities, do you want to deal with Qingjiao?"

On the other end of the phone, there seemed to be a moment of silence, obviously thinking about the possibility of dealing with Qing Jiao.

"I don't need it for the time being, but Qing Jiao's plan to go to the local inspection headquarters has been exposed. If the opponent finds Qing Jiao's location, it is very likely..."

"Oh, it's all dealt with, then I understand, and I won't bother!"

"Yes, I understand, I want to make Tie Ruyun forever, at least so that he can't affect our plan; but, I found that Zhang Wei is more troublesome than Tie Ruyun!"

Chen Xiao paused for a moment, and then analyzed: "Based on my understanding of the former, he may show certain methods and aura, but after all, he can't threaten us, because he has weaknesses!"

"But this Zhang Wei doesn't have any weaknesses so far. His behavior style includes means and so on, which makes it almost impossible to catch the dead corner. His performance in court can be said to be impeccable. If he doesn't deal with it, he will be a big hit. Tie Ruyun is even more troublesome!"

"I know the next plan, as long as Guan Yuhong can't appeal, then everything will be fine, but just in case..."

"Oh, you're right, even in this eventuality, we have follow-up plans!"

"Guan Yuhong is in prison after all, so what can he do?"

"I understand, leave everything to me..."

Chen Xiao hung up the phone, and then his eyes seemed to look through the glass window to the sky.

"Zhang Wei, tomorrow is the second internal hearing. I must ruin Tie Ruyun's reputation, and I won't make it easier for you!"

There was hatred in her eyes...


Longdu prison, meeting room.

Ah Choo!

Zhang Wei didn't know why, but suddenly sneezed.

Probably, maybe maybe, there is an enemy plotting against him.

But now he has no time to think about which enemy is thinking about him.

He's on a date now.

"Guan Yuhong, here!"

Called by the guards, Guan Yuhong in prison uniform came to the meeting room.

Guan Yuhong walked into the meeting room, and then saw his son Guan Ping and Zhang Wei.


"Ah Ping!"

The father and son looked at each other, nodded to each other, and did not show much excitement.

Afterwards, Guan Yuhong nodded to Zhang Wei again, with a hint of gratitude in his eyes.

Zhang Wei naturally nodded in response, and then the three sat down.

it is more than words.

"Mr. Guan, now I have dismissed your son's accusation, and the prosecution will not prosecute him now..."

Hearing what Zhang Wei said, Guan Yuhong nodded solemnly.

"However, I have a question. How do you know Limbert?"

"Before we talk, I want to ask, Mr. Zhang, have you found Limbert's spare warehouse?"

"Well, I found it, and found a lot of gadgets that he tinkered with!"

"So, have you found any records, or some information, that can prove that he killed Sun 12 years ago?"

"That's not true. After all, employers don't like sweepers who write records. They hire people like Limbert to leave no traces afterwards."

Hearing what Zhang Wei said, Guan Yuhong's face was slightly regretful.

But he still confessed: "My reputation in prison is not bad. To tell you the truth, I have not been idle all these years. I have been studying law, and many people here actually don't understand law."

"That's right. If they knew the law, they wouldn't have been arrested."

Zhang Wei also smiled, obviously agreeing with Guan Yuhong's words.

"Because of this, relying on the knowledge I have acquired over the years, I still have some popularity in prison. Relying on these popularity, many people owe me favors. I also helped an intelligence broker in prison. He told For someone like me, Limbert."

"In fact, Linbert is considered an expert in the field of scavenger. Many of the tools he made are small and exquisite, making it almost impossible to find flaws. The broker said that especially the murder tie, which makes the target hard to detect..."

A picture instantly appeared in Zhang Wei's mind.

A man is wearing a tie, humming happily; suddenly, the tie tightens so tight that he can't breathe, he struggles uselessly, can't cry out, and is finally strangled to death by the tie.

To be precise, it was the mechanism in the tie that strangled the person to death.

Who can guard against this?

"It's a pity that such an outstanding talent has died!" Zhang Wei also felt a little regretful.

In comparison, Guan Yuhong and Guan Ping, the father and son, put all their hopes of getting rid of the crime on Lin Bobert.

It's a pity that the people behind the scenes also noticed Limbert's problem and decided to kill him first.

And not only that, the people behind the scenes obviously knew that Guan Ping was seeing Lin Bot, and they actually planned to use their tricks to blame Guan Ping for Lin Bot's death.

"Speaking of which, Lawyer Zhang, I would like to ask you for a favor!"

Guan Yuhong leaned closer and said cautiously: "I actually wanted to entrust Lawyer Tie for this favor at first, because I really didn't know who else I could trust. But you helped my son, and I knew you You can definitely trust me, so I need you to help me again!"

"Oh, what's busy?"

Guan Yuhong looked around and said in a low voice: "In fact, that intelligence broker still holds some information from 12 years ago, and this information is obviously related to my case. I need your help. It was for him."

Hearing this news, Zhang Wei was stunned.

In this small prison, Guan Yuhong can still find clues, which is really amazing.

"What do you want me to do?"

"He has a wife and children outside, but the crimes he committed are relatively serious, and he probably won't be able to get out in this life. And he offended many people back then, and he didn't dare to let his wife and children come to see him in prison, otherwise, if the enemies knew about it, The consequences are disastrous. His wish now is to see if his wife and children are doing well..."

"I see!"

This wish must be granted to someone who can be trusted.

Otherwise, ordinary people might really betray Guan Yuhong or that intelligence broker.

But this is not a problem for Zhang Wei.

"Then wait for me for a while, I know how to do it!"

As Zhang Wei said, after getting the information from Guan Yuhong, he directly took Guan Ping to leave.

Since the intelligence broker has important information in his hands, he must give priority to it.


2 hours later.

Or meeting room.

But this time, apart from Kai Zhang Wei, Guan Ping, and Guan Yuhong and his son, there was one more person, and that was the intelligence broker Guan Yuhong knew in prison.

At this moment, the broker is looking at Zhang Wei's mobile phone to watch the video.

"Honey, let's go to the amusement park today~"

"Okay, Mom, I like amusement parks the most."

"By the way, uncle took my sister to go with me today. It's rare for the four of us to get together."

"Oh, I see..."

"By the way, baby, this time I hope you will call daddy after seeing uncle!"


"Not this time, you have to promise me, call Dad!"

"All right……"

"Well, baby is the best, mom loves you!"

In the video, a woman is preaching to her seven or eight-year-old son.

Seeing this, the broker had tears on his face.

"She remarried?"

"Yes, remarried, married a primary school teacher, and gave birth to a daughter, who is currently 9 months old."

After hearing this, the broker nodded and said with emotion: "Teacher is good, at least it will be good for children."

"Well, your wife's incumbent, I heard that she has a good reputation in the elementary school, the neighborhood is harmonious, and there are no conflicts."

Hearing this, the broker finally laughed through his tears.

"I can see that my wife followed me and suffered a lot and suffered a lot. Now they live happily."

Seeing this, the broker looked at Guan Yuhong again: "Old Guan, since you have helped me fulfill my wish, then I won't keep it from you."

Zhang Wei also immediately sat upright, with a serious expression on his face.

I don't know what kind of information this broker has in his hands.

"In fact, 12 years ago, I had dealt with both Qingjiaohui and Lin Bote. At that time, I was a broker, and I was the one who helped Qingjiaohui contact Limbert."

"But I'm just a middleman, and I don't know about their deal, and I don't know that Limbert killed Sun afterward. I only learned about this case later."

"I didn't expect that Sun was holding the child in his arms when he died, so this case aroused a lot of public opinion at the time, and the serious crime team had to solve the case under pressure, which made you implicated!"

Guan Yuhong was also a little surprised when he heard the news.

It turned out that the person in front of him had been hiding this matter from him.

"You said that you contacted Lin Bot for the Qingjiao Society. Apart from entrusting you to hire a scavenger, what else did the Qingjiao Society entrust you with?"

Zhang Wei immediately asked a question, if besides contacting Limbert, Qing Jiaohui had any other business that the broker knew, it would be very important to this case!

"In fact, Qingjiaohui was not the person who contacted me at the beginning. He was also a middleman. The person who contacted me at the beginning was a member of a construction company. They asked me to contact the local gang, saying that they needed to deal with some shady things. , I agreed without thinking too much about it.”

The broker said with a smile: "At that time, many construction companies were not clean, and collusion with gangs was common, so I could receive similar business every month, and my rule was that I could not If you inquire, inquire less!"

"People from the construction company?"

Zhang Wei frowned, vaguely aware of something.

"What's the name of this construction company, do you remember?"

"I seemed to have received a business card at that time, but I received too many business cards at that time, and I remember that there seemed to be a word "dragon" on the business card..."

Seeing the broker frowning, as if he couldn't remember, a name popped into Zhang Wei's mind.

"Is it Longxiang Construction?"

"Hey, it seems to be Longxiang Construction!"

The broker suddenly realized that he had an impression of this name.

"Oh~ it's actually Longxiang Construction."

Zhang Wei didn't expect that it would be Longxiang Construction. This is Chen Xiao's client in Longteng Law Firm... Wait, Chen Xiao...

In Zhang Wei's mind, Guan Yuhong's case and Tie Ruyun's case flashed through at the same time.

Is there an inevitable connection between these two cases?

Otherwise, why did Lao Tie just arrive at Longdu and was attacked by Chen Xiao?

"Longxiang Construction, I also have an impression!"

At this moment, Guan Yuhong also remembered.

He looked at Zhang Wei with piercing eyes: "Lawyer Zhang, I seem to have received a business card from Longxiang Construction back then. They seemed to want to accept the land from my grocery store for development, but I rejected it with righteous words!"

"Really, Longxiang Construction was going to use the land where your grocery store is located for development?"

Zhang Wei said, took back the collection from the broker, and then opened Qiandu to start searching.

"The location of your grocery store back then is here, right?"

"Yes, this is the road, now...Longxiang Building, Longxiang Apartment, Longxiang Entertainment City, Longxiang Shopping Center...this..."

"Looks like the construction and development of Longxiang has been successful!"

Zhang Wei opened the enlarged page of Qiandu Map. The supermarket where the grocery store used to be located has disappeared, replaced by residences, office buildings, entertainment venues and super shopping centers developed by Longxiang Construction.

"Although I am not a professional real estate lawyer, from my point of view, Longxiang Construction relies on the development of this land, at least the return on investment is comparable to this amount!"

As Zhang Wei said, both hands spread out.

"10 times!"

Guan Yuhong and Guan Ping looked at each other incredulously, both of them were shocked.

"Well, even though I'm wearing shoes, my 10 toes are actually sticking up, so 20 times!"

"20 times!"

"It may be more than that. You don't know how profitable the real estate market has been in the past few years!"

Zhang Wei muttered, thinking of the house owned by Dongjiang Yipin under his name.

The river-view house next to the Dongjiang River is worth 200 million yuan per building.

But 12 years ago, the housing price there might have been just a little over 10,000 yuan, and a river view house might be available for 5 million yuan.

From 5 million to 200 million, the house price has increased by 40 times.

This is only housing prices, Longxiang Construction has also invested in the development of office buildings and shopping centers and so on.

Although these are not one-time transactions, the rents collected for the 12-year lease of shops, apartments and office buildings have also paid back their costs early, and they have earned many times more.

The land that could be obtained for 1 billion yuan at the beginning is not worth 20 billion yuan in return, so it is 20 times the income.

Sure enough, real estate is really huge profits!

"Now, we have a clear goal. Longxiang Construction found a broker back then, so you helped them connect people from the Qingjiao Society."

"For some reason, Qingjiao needs to get rid of Sun, so he found a broker, and you helped them contact Lin Bot."

"Linbert shot and killed Sun, and left the tools of the crime near the scene, so as to put the blame on Mr. Guan."

"Based on the fingerprints on the crime tools, the serious crime team found Mr. Guan and convicted him. In this way, Mr. Guan's grocery store could not continue to operate and had to close down."

"The grocery store is gone. Longxiang Construction took advantage of the opportunity to buy other merchants in the supermarket at that time, and finally took that piece of land and developed it. Only then did we have the current Longxiang Building, Longxiang Shopping Center, etc... "

Now, everything is connected.

This may be the truth of Sun's death case 12 years ago.

Guan Yuhong was framed by Qingjiao Society and Longxiang Construction, in order to clear the obstacles for Longxiang Construction to acquire the land.

After all, Guan Yuhong explicitly rejected the acquisition, and it didn't seem surprising that Longxiang Construction would play tricks.

The time has come to the present.

Guan Yuhong is going to appeal to overturn the case. If the case is sent back for retrial, there is no guarantee that the investigation department will not pursue the past.

In case Sun's death was traced to Longxiang Construction, wouldn't the people behind these people have trouble sleeping and eating.

That's why Tie Ruyun was attacked by Chen Xiao as soon as he arrived in Longdu.

Because Chen Xiao wanted to attack Tie Ruyun, so Guan Yuhong had no way to appeal.

Similarly, as the outsourcer at the time, Lin Bott, the scavenger hired by Qingjiao Club, was also an insider.

That's why the people behind the scenes will deal with him cleanly, and then put the blame on Guan Ping, so as to eliminate the threat.

But the people behind the scenes obviously didn't expect that although Tie Ruyun was recruited, they called Zhang Wei.

The plan to blame Guan Ping was also destroyed by Zhang Wei.

"Thank you for your help, I think I have a rough plan of action!"

Having obtained so much information, Zhang Wei said that he already knew what to do next.

After all, the enemy is clear, so the next step is to investigate them to the bottom, and then defeat them one by one in court!

But this time the opponent is obviously someone who has great energy in Longdu, so every step must be more prudent.

Otherwise, one is not good, and it is easy to be caught by the other party!

When Zhang Wei left the meeting room again and walked out of the prison, it was already dark.

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