Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 571 Reopening the Internal Hearing, Shameless Huang

Friday morning.

"Old man, how did you sleep last night?"

"It's okay...Of course, if you guys could go to bed early last night, maybe I can feel better..."

Tie Ruyun yawned, feeling a little out of sorts.

"Old Tie, look at what you said, we were working overtime last night."

Your words are ambiguous.

Those who didn’t know thought Hanhan and I were doing something shameful.

"If you work overtime, you can't play songs outside, it's still death metal..."

Zhang Wei, Xia Qianyue and others all subconsciously turned their attention to Zhao Xiaoxiao.

"What are you doing, you're all looking at Miss Ben, did you agree to play the music?"

The second daughter was immediately upset when so many eyes were staring at her, "Besides, listening to music makes my work more efficient, otherwise how could I make so many things in one night!"

"But I can still hear someone singing a foreign language song?"

Tie Ruyun complained again.

Now, all eyes were on Jessica.

The latter quickly blushed, lowered his head and said, "Well, when the music was playing, it happened to be the tune I liked, and I hummed it unconsciously..."

Tie Ruyun was speechless, what do you mean hum?

The last soaring high pitch definitely exceeds 100 decibels!

"Also, which one of you played "Tom and Jerry" in the end, that BGM disturbed me!"

All eyes turned to Mo Yuzhu again.

"Well, it's not that I see that everyone is tired from work, so I just play cartoons for everyone to relax, I..."

Mo Yuzhu also lowered her head with a look of embarrassment.

"Old Tie, everyone is here to help you, why are you picking and choosing!"

Zhang Wei finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Everyone came here from the east, for whom?

Isn't it because of you that you are as iron as a cloud, but in the end you are here to make a fuss, which is outrageous?

"Today is going to the second internal hearing, can you not care about these little things!"

Zhang Wei followed up with a reminder.

The Lawyers Association has issued a notice, the second internal hearing this morning.

If one is not handled well, you old iron will have to say goodbye to your legal career.

"Are those trivial things, okay...emmm..."

Lao Tie said, you have a lot of people now, you are the boss, you have the final say!

Tie Ruyun decided not to worry about these matters anymore, just like Zhang Wei said, today's hearing is the most important.

The group had breakfast and then set off.

Tie Ruyun drove Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue, while Jessica took Zhao Xiaoxiao and Mo Yuzhu. Thanks to the careful consideration of the landlord, he prepared two vehicles for them.

But this morning, they also experienced the traffic conditions in Longdu.

It can only be said that in terms of traffic congestion, Longdu is even worse than Dongfangdu.

Originally, the map navigation was only a 30-minute journey, but it made them drive for more than an hour.


Longdu Lawyers Association, at the gate.

Tie Ruyun stopped here without moving for a long time.

"Old iron, what's the matter, why don't you go in?"

"Zhang Wei, you said that after today, if I can no longer go to court, is this a blessing or a curse?"

"It's up to you to choose."

For this matter, Zhang Wei really didn't have a good opinion.

But he poked Tie Ruyun with his elbow, and asked curiously, "If you don't become a lawyer, what are you going to do?"


This question made Tie Ruyun confused.

Seeing Tie Ruyun's reaction, Zhang Wei instantly understood.

"Then it seems that this is not a good thing for you at present!"

Because you don't know what else you can do, so you probably have no choice but to be a lawyer.

Zhang Wei once asked himself, what would he do next if he was no longer a lawyer?

His answer was to retire early, speculate in stocks, grow flowers, travel abroad with Xia Qianyue, etc. Anyway, he made enough money.

If he didn't make enough money, he could also rely on his own ability to become a detective or teach, or even go to some special channels to receive commissions.

Even if he doesn't become a lawyer, he can do a lot of things, anyway, he won't starve to death.

Therefore, for Zhang Wei, whether to be a lawyer or not actually has a great impact on this issue.

But Tie Ruyun was different. If he couldn't become a lawyer, he couldn't think of what else he could do.

"So, old iron, show your spirit, you have to let everyone in the hearing see your spiritual side!"

Zhang Wei patted Tie Ruyun on the shoulder, then teased with a smile: "If you think about it, Team Leader Lin is still waiting for you to go back and confess to him in the East!"

"Fuck, Zhang Wei, don't talk nonsense, Team Leader Lin and I are innocent!"

"Yeah, clean and innocent... If you really fall down this time, then you and Team Leader Lin will be clean and innocent for the rest of your life!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, with a face full of ridicule.

Hearing these words, Tie Ruyun finally came to his senses.

If I was finished today, wouldn't I be unworthy of Lin Ruonan for the rest of my life?


I have to fight!

Tie Ruyun straightened his face, with an indescribably serious expression.

"Very good, the old man is in good spirits!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei was very satisfied.

He and Xia Qianyue beside him looked at each other, then waved to Jessica, Mo Yuzhu and Zhao Xiaoxiao who were behind them.

Then a group of people quickly walked into the bar association.

hearing room.

Huang Yunhe and other five representatives have already taken their seats.

A lot of people came to the auditorium, because today is the second hearing, and the result is likely to come out. Everyone wants to see if Tie Ruyun will lose his license to practice.

Chen Xiao also came, and behind her were several newcomer lawyers who looked like followers.

However, compared to Chen Xiao's side, Zhang Wei's side has more people and is more eye-catching.

"Good boy, brought 4 girls to the hearing, didn't you take our Lawyers Association seriously!"

When Huang Yunhe saw this scene, he was impatient.

These 4 girls are not lawyers at first glance, but you brought them here, it's just nonsense.

"Lawyer Zhang, the few people around you should not be members of the association, they..."

Zhang Wei had expected that Huang Yunhe would find fault, and replied with a sneer: "They are all witnesses in this hearing!"

"Witness!" Huang Yunhe obviously did not expect that Zhang Wei would use such an excuse.

Yes, this sounds like an excuse.

You are obviously talking nonsense, making something out of nothing!

"They are all witnesses, they..."

"Lawyer Huang, you are too lenient. I said they are all witnesses, and they are. It's just that if it is not necessary, I will generally not summon them to testify, so what can you do to me?"


Huang Yunhe was short of breath.

But as Zhang Wei said, the witness belongs to the witness.

He was really helpless.

After all, many witnesses came to the court, and neither the prosecution nor the defense would summon each other, but the court still had to reserve seats for the witnesses.

And Huang Yunhe couldn't prove that these women were not Zhang Wei's witnesses.

"Damn it, I was beaten up by this kid again!"

Huang Yunhe was naturally extremely annoyed in his heart, because his majesty was provoked again.

But he quickly endured it, and a sneer formed on the corner of his mouth.

You kid, just yell!

Anyway, today he will definitely lose Tie Ruyun's license to practice. If I don't vote against, I, Huang Yunhe, will have your surname!

If you can pass this level today, I will lose!

Huang Yunhe knew that he had grasped Zhang Wei's sore foot, and now let the other party scream for a while, anyway, when you will cry.

As Zhang Wei and his party came to the hearing booth, everyone took their seats.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Huang Yunhe immediately announced: "Then the time is just right. As one of the representatives, I will announce the start of today's hearing!"

"This hearing is a critical discussion on Tie Ruyun's oppression of new lawyer Chen Xiao by Tie Ruyun, who was still an in-service lawyer at Longteng International Law Firm 12 years ago, and whether there is any negligence in stalking obscene behavior. Please clarify the topic!"

Huang Yunhe said, and gave Zhang Wei a meaningful look.

His emphasis, although in line with norms, also has a hint of partiality.

Because of the last hearing, Zhang Wei has already proved some things, proving that Chen Xiao, who is regarded as the plaintiff, may have violated the rules.

And Huang Yunhe emphasized again that this time the hearing was aimed at Tie Ruyun, and it had nothing to do with what Chen Xiao had done, which was obviously favoring Chen Xiao.

"Now, let's continue the previous process!"

As Huang Yunhe said, he sneered at Zhang Wei.

You can start now, I want to see how you can jump!

Zhang Wei straightened his collar, then slowly got up under the gaze of the audience.

"Ahem, at the last hearing, I showed you a lot of photos..."

"Lawyer Zhang, we've seen those photos, so don't mention them again!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei was about to take out the photo of Chen Xiao and the client who was too intimate, Huang Yunhe interrupted immediately.

We have seen all those photos, and we know what you want to say, so don't repeat it today!

This is not only a warning, but also an excuse for Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao was very satisfied, how could Zhang Wei win if Huang Yunhe helped him like this.

"Oh, so everyone has seen it, but if you want to watch it again, I can continue to show it."

As Zhang Wei said, he looked at the auditorium with a questioning face.

Do you want to see it, do you want to see it?

"Lawyer Zhang, haven't I made it clear enough? I said that we have seen those photos, so don't continue to show them!"

"Old Huang, what do you mean?"

Seeing that Huang Yunhe continued to interrupt him, Zhang Wei quit immediately and walked towards the former with an angry face.

"Old Huang, you are only one of the five representatives presiding over the hearing today. Why did your words become everyone's opinion, or do you want to say that you are the boss in this hearing and everyone has to listen to you?"


Huang Yunhe really wanted to say, I'm the biggest here, if you don't listen to me, listen to someone else.

But this sentence must not be said out loud, otherwise Zhang Wei will definitely take it out and interpret it separately, and even make himself lose his qualification as a representative.

Therefore, Huang Yunhe's answer is...

"I'm just one of the 5 representatives, and I just expressed my opinion. If the other 4 representatives have different opinions, they can also raise it..."

Although Huang Yunhe replied with a smile, his eyes unconsciously glanced to the left and right, and there was a hint of warning in his eyes.

The representatives who were stared at by him did not dare to speak.

"Old Huang, since you have said so, then I will forgive you, but what happened to your eyes, when did you become cross-eyed?"

Fuck you cross-eyed, why don't you forgive me, I need your forgiveness?

Huang Yunhe said that if there were not so many people here and so many eyes staring at him, I would beat people with my hands.

This kid surnamed Zhang really deserves to be beaten up.

I really don't know how the lawyers who fought against him before could bear this kid's messing around.

"Lawyer Zhang, please don't continue to dwell on some trivial matters. If you still have witnesses to subpoena, please hurry up!"

As Huang Yunhe said, he looked at Xia Qianyue and the others. If these are your witnesses, let them appear in court!

"Old Huang is right, the witness must be brought to court!"

Zhang Wei couldn't help giving Huang Yunhe a thumbs up, then raised his finger to the auditorium, "Okay then, we'll summon today's first witness, Lawyer Wang!"

In the auditorium, a woman wearing glasses stood up.

This woman has an ordinary appearance, she looks about thirty-three or four-year-old, and has almost no features.

"is her?"

However, when Chen Xiao saw the woman standing up, his face was a little weird.

This woman, she knows.

"Xiao Wang?"

Similarly, Tie Ruyun sitting on the "trial seat" was also surprised.

He also knew this woman, because she was a team member he had led when he was in Longteng.

"Lawyer Wang, hello."

"Hello, Lawyer Zhang."

"Lawyer Wang, you used to be a soldier under Lao Tie's command, right?"

"Yes, I have been a member of Iron Team Leader's team 12 years ago, and I have been with him for almost 2 years, but after I married my husband 10 years ago, I left Longteng and joined A small law firm."

"How's the job in a small law firm?"

"Although my law firm is a small one, there are no big cases like Long Teng to take on, but the same work pressure is not so great. I can get off work before 7 o'clock every day, and I have time to spend with my son at night,"

"Well, congratulations, Lawyer Wang."


Seeing that the two were almost chatting about family matters, Huang Yunhe couldn't sit still.

"You two, please pay attention to the content of the question. This is a hearing against Tie Ruyun, not a place for you to chat!"

"Oh, what Lao Huang said is that you have to ask key questions."

Zhang Wei blinked at Huang Yunhe, then looked at the woman, "Lawyer Wang, please tell me, what kind of person was Lao Tie when you were working under Lao Tie?"


The woman took a look at Tie Ruyun, and then recalled: "Team leader Tie is a very serious and careful team leader who treats us very well."

"He treats newcomers very well. He will almost teach us how to fight the first case. He will also wait for us to go to the moot court to increase our trial experience. These are basically the teachers in the school who will patiently teach us. I learned a lot from my team leader."

As the woman said, she looked at Tie Ruyun with gratitude.

"Then, Lawyer Wang, I would like to ask, what was Lao Tie's reputation when he was your team leader, or at Longteng Law Firm?"

"The team leader's reputation is very good, at least in the administrative department, the litigation department, and even the project department next door, he has a good reputation. Colleagues in many departments will also greet him with a smile. He is really a very good person. good man."

Hearing what the woman said, Zhang Wei couldn't help but nodded.

"Okay, thank you for your answer."

After thanking Zhang Wei, he walked up to the five representatives.

"As you can see, my client is a veteran, and I have always had a good reputation in Longteng. Since I became a member of Longteng, I have never done anything against the regulations. I have worked hard for so many years before I became the team leader. Is it necessary for him to joke about his career and future for a female member?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the hearing booth nodded.

Even among the five representatives, two subconsciously showed contemplative expressions.

Obviously, what Zhang Wei said made sense.

Tie Ruyun's future is not bad, there's no need to be impulsive and make fun of his own future.

With such a good reputation, if he stays in Longteng for a few more years, he might be promoted to supervisor.

After a few more years, maybe the head of the department retires, and he can still be the head of the department, or even a partner.

But because of impulsiveness, he was directly expelled from Longteng. This is really impulsive and somewhat incomprehensible.

Seeing the reactions of many people at the hearing, Huang Yunhe frowned, sensing Zhang Wei's intentions.

"Ahem, Lawyer Zhang, are you finished with your questions?" He even directly interrupted many people's thoughts with his coughing sound.

"Old Huang, since you have interrupted me, of course I will end the question."

Zhang Wei smiled slightly and sat down calmly.

Huang Yunhe glanced at Chen Xiao, and a stern look flashed in the latter's eyes.

Huang Yunhe knew it, he looked at the woman.

"Lawyer Wang, I remember that you have been in Longteng for more than three years, right?"

"Yes, Lawyer Huang, I was under your command at the time, but you were the department leader, and I was just a member of a team, so I don't see you on weekdays."

"That means, you and Tie Ruyun will spend a lot of time together, right?"

"You can say that!"

"During your work in Longteng, you received a lot of favor from Tie Ruyun, right?"

"That's right."

The woman also seemed to feel something was wrong.

Why is Huang Yunhe's question so misleading?

In fact, this was Huang Yunhe's purpose.

Seeing that the groundwork was almost done, he asked directly with a cold face: "Then, does it mean that there is a high possibility that you will testify in court today, because you will repay Tie Ruyun's kindness to you back then!"

"This..." The woman never expected that Huang Yunhe would question herself like this.

"Objection, subjective conjecture!"

Zhang Wei couldn't bear it anymore, he stood up and interrupted.

"Old Huang, you are one of the 5 representatives. You should sit in the position of a representative, a fair and impartial witness speak, and then make a fair and just vote, but you are clearly embarrassing our witnesses, and it is through your Is it inappropriate to speculate on the behavior of our witnesses subjectively?"

Facing Zhang Wei's questioning, Huang Yunhe didn't take it seriously at all, instead he sneered: "Hmph, I remember someone said that this is a hearing, not a courtroom!"

These words were said by Zhang Wei, and they were used to object to Chen Xiao.

But at this moment, Huang Yunhe actually stole the teacher on the spot!

"As one of the five representatives, I really have to handle this hearing impartially, but if I just sit like this and listen to your witnesses instead of raising questions in a timely manner, wouldn't it be unfair to the victim, Lawyer Chen? "

Huang Yunhe said, and moved Chen Xiao out.

Anyway, if you say you are right, I say I am also right!

Everyone is a lawyer, and they all rely on their mouths to make a living, so no one is afraid of anyone!

Huang Yunhe's shameless behavior naturally deeply shocked Zhang Wei.

Well, you old Huang, you are really shameless!

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