Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 576 Huang Yunhe, wash up and sleep?

Friday evening hours.

In the second ring road of Longdu, a high-end apartment.

This is Chen Xiao's apartment, and she is on the phone in the living room.

"The plan failed, not only that, we also caught up with Huang Yunhe!"

"I didn't expect that this Zhang Wei could get so much black material from Huang Yunhe all at once?"

"Isn't he a newcomer lawyer from the Eastern Capital? I don't quite understand why he has such intelligence capabilities."

"Is he surrounded by some top hackers, top detectives, top negotiators, otherwise, how could he find so much evidence in just a few days, and even persuaded Huang Yunhe's wife and children?"

"I know, it's meaningless to say these things. What we should consider now is Guan Yuhong's case!"

"Since that's the case, let's talk about it in detail at the weekend. There are many things that need to be paid attention to in this case. At present, the most pressing point is Guan Yuhong's appeal!"

"Well, okay, see you tomorrow then!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xiao's eyes became extremely cold.

"Tie Ruyun, Zhang Wei..."

In her mouth, these two names were repeated in a whisper.

"Unexpectedly, we failed, and Huang Yunhe was sent in by you!"

To be honest, Chen Xiao originally thought that this hearing was a sure thing.

But what happened?

Of the 5 people who could vote at the hearing, 3 belonged to them, and all 3 of them disappeared.

In the end, even the treasurer Qin Lu was alarmed, and the big man personally stood up for Tie Ruyun, and the result was already settled.

Tie Ruyun is innocent!

Zhang Wei did what she couldn't figure out anyway, and completed this almost impossible task.

"Compared to Tie Ruyun, this Zhang Wei is the real tricky one. I hope this kid will stop acting like this in Guan Yuhong's case."

"However, Tie Ruyun should have been in contact with Guan Yuhong in this case, so Zhang Wei should be the second lawyer. This is good news. At least the experts at the Longdu District Prosecutor's Headquarters should be able to handle a mere Tie Ruyun. ?”

Chen Xiao thought for a while, and all he could do now was to pin his hopes on the experts at the Longdu District Prosecutor's Headquarters.

She didn't know what to do with Zhang Wei, but she should be fine with Tie Ruyun.

Impossible, Tie Ruyun has followed the case for 12 years, so he can give up the position of chief lawyer if he says so?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!


Saturday, 5 am.

Zhang Wei woke up from a deep sleep, then twisted his aching waist, and then glanced at Xia Qianyue who was still sleeping beside him.

"It's okay, I controlled the time yesterday, it's much better than last time!"

After feeling that his body could still stand up, Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone was in a good mood after winning the case yesterday, and Zhang Wei was naturally very happy too.

In addition, Lao Tie went home to visit his parents, and only Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue lived on the second floor.

This lonely man and widow live on the same floor, if nothing happens, wouldn't it be unreasonable.

Although the first experience is still vivid, Zhang Wei feels that as long as he controls the frequency and time, his body may be able to bear it.

So, yesterday he pulled Xia Qianyue and started a shameless night life.

Facts have proved that as long as it is not 4 hours, if the time is halved, my body can really hold it.

After getting up early, he kissed Xia Qianyue's beautiful forehead lightly.

"Hey~" Hanhan, who was sleeping soundly, uttered a soft whimper, then turned over and continued to sleep.

"Okay, I have to make breakfast for you!"

Zhang Wei said that even though it was the weekend, he still couldn't rest.

No way, some people are born to work hard.

Zhang Wei went downstairs and started making breakfast in the famous kitchen.

Soon, footsteps came from the third floor one after another.

Mo Yuzhu and Jessica, both wearing loose silk pajamas, went downstairs with sleepy faces.

The second girl had a plump figure, and under the half-covered silk pajamas, her snow-white breasts and two white and slender thighs were faintly visible, making it difficult to open her eyes.

"Hey guy, why did you two get up so early?"

"Yeah, we smell breakfast."

If it was before, when Lao Tie was still there, Jessica and Mo Yuzhu would both be fully dressed before going downstairs.

But now Zhang Wei was the only one left in the whole celebrity, so they let go.

Mo Yuzhu might still be a little shy, but Jessica came to the kitchen graciously, and even took the pan from Zhang Wei's hand to help make breakfast.

"I'll fry the eggs, and you will prepare the rest."


With the division of labor and cooperation between the two, a sumptuous breakfast is ready.

Fried bacon, poached eggs, fried sausages, vegetable stew, vegetable salad, toast and soy milk, all of which are full of Zhang Wei’s sincerity.

"Eldest daughter, second daughter, let's have breakfast!"

Everyone is so familiar, Zhang Wei also let go, calling out the nicknames of Xia Qianyue and Zhao Xiaoxiao.

Jessica and Mo Yuzhu looked at each other, and they smiled tacitly.

Xia Qianyue went downstairs first, probably because of Zhang Wei's nourishment last night, her face was rosy and radiant today.

"Come on, come on, what are you calling!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao, on the other hand, was wearing cartoon pajamas, complaining with sleepy eyes.

"It's obvious that you are here for vacation, why do you all get up so early, don't you sleep in after the holiday?"

"Girl, what are you shouting for? Hurry up and have breakfast, we have to go out after breakfast!"

"Go out, where are you going?"

As Zhao Xiaoxiao asked, she picked up the fried egg from Zhang Wei's plate with chopsticks, and put it directly in her mouth.

"Hee hee hee..." After the sneak attack was successful, her face was full of smug smiles.

Seeing how lively and mischievous the second girl was, Zhang Wei just laughed, but didn't care.

How can a father blame his daughter?

"Today, my task may be a bit heavier. I'm going to the prison to meet with the client, and then arrange the appeal on Monday. For you, take a good rest on the weekend. You have worked hard the past two days."

Zhang Wei said, expressing his gratitude.

If it weren't for Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others' joint help, he really wouldn't be able to get Huang Yunhe and his family over so quickly.

"Then the cost of our activities in Longdu today, isn't it..."

Zhao Xiaoxiao giggled again, and unconsciously rubbed her fingers with her little hand.

"Of course, I will pay you the activity fee now!"

Zhang Wei immediately took out his mobile phone and clicked on the transfer.

"Ding, the transfer of 500,000 from your account has been completed!"

"It's fun today, it's rare to come to Longdu, don't leave any regrets!"

After giving 500,000 pocket money, Zhang Wei waved his hand and told the second daughter and the others to let go.

"Okay~" The second girl was naturally very happy, and she didn't even play tricks on Zhang Wei anymore.

Xia Qianyue was a little worried, but Zhang Wei gave Hanhan a reassuring look.

After breakfast, the group of people divided into two groups and set off separately.

Zhang Wei naturally went to a prison in the suburbs.

And Zhao Xiaoxiao, Xia Qianyue, Jessica, and Mo Yuzhu went to the most lively place in Longdu to start today's activities.

It can only be said that the division of labor is clear, and those who should be busy must be busy, but those who should play can't stop for a moment.


Longdu Prison.

Meeting room.

Zhang Wei and Guan Ping met Guan Yuhong again.

"Lawyer Zhang, I've heard about your heroic achievements. In an internal hearing of the Lawyers Association, you not only defeated three representative lawyers, but also cleared up your grievances for Lawyer Tie!"

"Mr. Guan, you are in prison, and the news is very well-informed!"

"Of course, don't underestimate the information channels of Longdu Prison. There are mixed religions and nine streams here, and there are everyone. As long as you have money and connections, you can get any information."

Guan Yuhong is equally happy at this moment, because the young lawyer in front of him has already passed two hearings and proved his strength.

"Old Tie told me that I will be the chief lawyer for this appeal, but don't worry, I will follow you from beginning to end as the second lawyer!"

"For Lawyer Tie and Lawyer Zhang, I am naturally at ease!"

Guan Yuhong didn't care about this.

But he still looked left and right, and then leaned closer, "However, regarding the appeal, can it be done?"

"There should be no problem, because I have prepared a lot!"

As Zhang Wei said, he opened the notebook and wrote the word "Chen Xiao" on it.

"First of all, it's from Chen Xiao!"

"Lawyer Chen?"

Regarding Chen Xiao, Guan Yuhong actually remembered it. After all, he personally killed the person who was imprisoned by himself, so he could forget it.

"If it was before, I might have thought that Chen Xiao didn't intentionally put you in jail, but after two hearings, I have doubts about this idea."

Zhang Wei said and analyzed: "Now, I can conclude that Chen Xiao colluded with the boss of Longxiang Construction, and even when she framed Lao Tie, she was instigated by the people behind the scenes, so that you had to go to jail !"

Speaking of which, there were many coincidences in the case 12 years ago.

Why did Tie Ruyun, as the chief lawyer, come under internal investigation because of Chen Xiao's accusation just after the trial of the case began.

Also because of this internal investigation, Tie Ruyun lost her identity as a lawyer.

What's more coincidental is that Longteng Law Firm still has many powerful lawyers. Why did such an important murder case fall into the hands of a newcomer, Chen Xiao.

In the end, Zhang Wei had seen all of Chen Xiao's performance records in court.

It can only be said that Chen Xiao never thought of helping Guan Yuhong get justice at all, and her performance can only be described as poor.

Maybe, his cute little apprentice Lin Yumeng's performance is better than Chen Xiao's.

But since Chen Xiao can enter Longteng Law Firm, it is absolutely impossible for her to be a newcomer who doesn't know anything. She can only say that she is pretending.

And based on the performance at the hearing, it should be Huang Yunhe who handed over Guan Yuhong's case to Chen Xiao.

The head of the department spoke, and the others naturally did not dare to object.

"Then, leave everything to Lawyer Zhang!"

"For the sake of the old iron, and for the truth, I will do my best!"

After chatting with Guan Yuhong about the details of the case again, Zhang Wei came out with Guan Ping.

"Lawyer Zhang, where are we going next?"

"Next, I'm going to meet an enemy, so you don't want to follow me, otherwise I'm afraid the other party won't be able to let go!"


Guan Ping was surprised for a moment, but he didn't ask any further questions. He only knew that Zhang Wei must have intentions in doing so.

The two separated, and Zhang Wei used the navigation all the way to the entrance of a high-end community with relatively new facilities in Longdu.

Standing at the entrance of the community, Zhang Weigang was about to go in, but frowned.

"Let me believe that since Huang Yunhe is an insider, and now he has no use value, you say that the person behind the scenes will get rid of him?"

Zhang Wei felt that his guess was very likely, so he immediately took out his phone and edited a text message to Xia Qianyue.

[Xia Qianyue: Received, hurrying over here! 】

After getting Xia Qianyue's reply, Zhang Wei was relieved, and then through some means, he tricked the security personnel and was able to enter the community.

Huang Yunhe's house is on the 16th floor of the building in the center of the community. It is a 140-square-meter large-scale residence with a good location and view. The front hall faces the landscape garden of the community, which belongs to the king of the building.

Such a house is worth at least 20 million based on the house price of Longdu.

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong!

Zhang Wei rang the doorbell.

But for a long time no one came to open the door.

Zhang Wei frowned, put his ear to the door, and listened carefully.

"There are people inside!"

He heard movement, and there seemed to be someone behind the door.

Zhang Wei thought about it carefully, and instead of continuing to ring the doorbell rashly, he squatted down.

This ensures that if someone peers behind the peephole, they cannot see themselves.

He knew that Huang Yunhe's wife and children had already left here.

Because the two parties are currently undergoing divorce proceedings, Huang Yunhe and his wife are also separated.

So the one hiding inside could only be Huang Yunhe.

In fact, Zhang Wei guessed right.

The person behind the door who was peeping through the cat's eyes was Huang Yunhe.

He stared at the door for a long time, but he didn't see anyone.

Huang Yunhe thought for a while, but cautiously exited the living room and returned to his study.

At this moment, Huang Yunhe had to say that he was in a mess, and he had completely lost his reputation as a senior partner of Longteng International.

Now he is disheveled, his suit is wrinkled, and he smells of alcohol and stench all over his body.

"Damn Zhang Wei, you're the ones who killed me, you're the ones who killed me!"

Thinking about why he fell to this point, Huang Yunhe couldn't help cursing someone.

After a while, Huang Yunhe might be in a hurry and couldn't help but want to go to the bathroom.

He sneaked out of the study room, then rushed into the bathroom, opened the gate to release the water.

After urinating, he let out a long breath, and then walked back to the study.

"Old Huang, what's wrong with you, are you in such a mess?"

But at this moment, there was an extra figure in the living room, and he laughed mockingly.

"Zhang Wei!"

This voice, and this sentence "Old Huang", Huang Yunhe said, I will remember you even when it turns into ashes!

"How did you get in here!" Seeing Zhang Wei, Huang Yunhe quickly picked up a golf club.

"Joke, if I can't even get in the door, what kind of criminal defense lawyer will I be?"

Zhang Wei said, and sat down with a slight smile, "By the way, don't be surprised. I'm here to discuss the divorce between you and your wife. After all, the division of the husband and wife's property is also a big event in itself!"

"Property division!" Huang Yunhe's face flushed red upon hearing these four words.

If you hadn't done those things, how could he have fallen to such a state.

"Old Huang, don't look at me with such eyes. Think about it carefully. Is it really my fault that you have fallen into such a state?"

But Zhang Wei spread his hands, can you, Huang Yunhe, rely on some clues and reflect on yourself?

Didn't you roll over because of yourself?

You have done so many things to your heart, and you don't have any clues in your own mind?

"Old Huang, don't say I'm inhuman, I'm here to cooperate with you this time."


"Yes, cooperate!"

Seeing that Huang Yunhe didn't do anything directly, but listened to his own speech, Zhang Wei knew it.

"It's like this. In the divorce proceedings between you and your wife, I planned to hold you accountable based on the number of times you cheated on me and let you leave the house. But I persuaded your wife. After all, you are a husband and wife after all. She also wants to save you some face, we can make some concessions in the division of property."

"A little concession can be made, so you obviously need me to do something?"

After all, Huang Yunhe became the lawyer of Long Teng's senior partner. He knew Zhang Wei's purpose just after hearing this sentence.

"Yes, dealing with smart people is effortless."

Zhang Wei smiled slightly and stated the condition: "It's very simple, you just need to tell me who is behind your scenes, and I will persuade your wife to save you some face."

"My people behind the scenes, you mean the Guan Yuhong case?"

"Yeah, I know that you are involved in this matter, otherwise Chen Xiao would not be qualified as the chief lawyer of this case, so Chen Xiao also participated. The same people who also participated, and the boss of Longxiang Construction, the gang killer Lin Burt, it's a pity that he was silenced by you, and there is also the Qingjiao Society, but the Qingjiao Society should be just a tool for you to use, so who is the person behind this scene!"

"Hahaha, kid, it looks like you still don't know who you provoked yourself!"

Seeing Zhang Wei like this, Huang Yunhe couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

"Boy, do you know that the person you provoke is a dragon..."

"Old Huang, squat down!"

Huang Yunhe was about to say something presumptuously, but Zhang Wei's expression suddenly changed, and he fell prone on the ground.


The glass in the living room exploded suddenly, followed by Huang Yunhe's head!


Another sniper!

Huang Yunhe was still headshot!

The sniping bullet was so powerful that Huang Yunhe's entire head exploded directly, and the headless corpse fell tremblingly, with blood and brains mixed on the ground.

Huang Yunhe, dead!

"As expected, these people behind the scenes are really insane!"

Seeing Huang Yunhe dying in front of him, Zhang Wei said that the actions of these gangsters were really quick.

If he was one step late, he would probably only see Huang Yunhe's body.

And on the roof of a building that is hundreds of meters away.

A sniper wearing sunglasses and a windbreaker put away the sniper rifle in his hand, then took out his mobile phone, edited a text message and sent it out.

【Huang Yunhe washes up and goes to sleep】

The content of the text message is only a few words, but it indicates that a life has passed away.

After doing all this, the snipers dismantled the firearms on the spot and began to evacuate.

After all, those in this line of work pay attention to being crisp and neat, and the sooner you leave the scene after killing the target, the safer it is.

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