Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 577 Back wave? lead analysis

Longdu, a high-end club.

Inside the VIP luxury suite.

A man was sitting on the sofa in the middle, with his legs crossed, smoking a cigar.

He was wearing a golden coat with no clothes on. His arms were bare like this, and his lower body was a pair of golden boxer pants. He had a pair of golden slippers dangling from his toes and a gold chain around his neck. He was quite the nouveau riche dress up.

In front of the man, there were two people with slightly respectful attitudes.

One of them is Chen Xiao.

Beside Chen Xiao was a burly man in a suit.

Whether it is Chen Xiao or the big man, seeing the somewhat casual attire of the man in front of him, they dare not say no.

Similarly, although there are many rules in this high-end club, the employees in the club dare not question this man, and even shouted "Hello, boss" when they saw him.

This clubhouse, and even many industries in Longdu, are owned by men.

And on the road, he is well-known in the business circle of Longdu.

The big man and Chen Xiao looked at the man in front of him smoking a cigar, but they didn't dare to move a little bit.

Ding dong!

A text message broke the silence in the room.

"Here comes the news!"

The man put down the cigar in his hand, turned on the phone, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Qing Jiao told me just now that Huang Yunhe has already washed up and slept!"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xiao and the big man looked at each other in blank dismay.

Washing and sleeping, of course it can't be really literal.

"Oh, things are unpredictable in this world. Lao Huang just left. What a good lawyer, he just disappeared~"

Because the man opened the door, Chen Xiao and the big man also knew that they could talk.

"Yes, Master Long, this old Huang left too suddenly."

The big man spoke first, and revealed the identity of the person in front of him.

Dragon Lord is the man's nickname, and it is also the name that resounds throughout the high-level people in Longdu.

"Da Lei, Lao Huang didn't leave suddenly, and he has reached his age. I reckon he has almost lived enough."

Master Long waved his hand, laughed and looked at Chen Xiao, "Really, Ah Xiao?"

"Yes, yes, what Long Ye said is true."

Chen Xiao quickly agreed, and then looked at the man beside him.

"Don't worry about it, Mr. You. After all, Lawyer Huang is a senior. There is a saying, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the waves before him die on the beach."

The identity of the big man is also clear, the boss of Longxiang Construction, Mr. You Dalei.

"Ah Xiao's words are right. The waves behind the Yangtze River push against the waves ahead, and the waves before them die on the beach!"

Master Long also laughed, agreeing with this statement.

But then, he frowned, "Then are we the front wave or the back wave?"

The atmosphere froze slightly.

This question is really hard to answer.

In the end, it was Chen Xiao who saw that the atmosphere was a bit stiff, and quickly explained with a smile: "Master Long, we are naturally considered to be the back waves!"

"Is that so, that is to say, you are the only ones who shoot other people to death?"

"Yes, yes, it is only for us to shoot others to death, and it is impossible for others to shoot us to death!"

As Chen Xiao said, he hinted at You Dalei who was beside him: "That's right, Brother You, we are all backward waves!"

"Yes, yes, we are all back waves, and Lord Long is even the back wave among the back waves!"

"Well, we are all the back waves, and I am the back wave of the back waves. That's a good point!"

Master Long took another puff on his cigar, and then exhaled a circle of smoke.

"Then let me ask you, you won't be shot to death by that Zhang Wei?"

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere became stiff again.

Zhang Wei!

After all, this name caught the ears of Master Long.

"I thought the plan was perfect this time, depriving Tie Ruyun of his lawyer's qualifications, and blaming the killer Linbert's death on that son, but both plans failed!"

Master Long slapped the sofa hard with one hand.


The sofa made a sound, which also indicated that Master Long was not in a good mood.

"The two plans were unsuccessful, and they were both destroyed by this kid named Zhang Wei! Tell me, what is he? He is a fearsome young man, and he is also a latecomer?"

Chen Xiao and You Dalei looked at each other in blank dismay.

You Dalei said, I don't know this Zhang Wei, and I have never met him.

Chen Xiao is helpless, because only he and Zhang Wei have seen each other.

Taking a deep breath, she hurriedly put on a smiling face: "Master Long, this kid is just lucky, so what kind of back wave!"

But Master Long's voice was sharp, "I'm lucky, I was able to shoot Lao Huang to death at a hearing?"

This yin and yang tone made the forced smile on Chen Xiao's face froze.

In the end, You Dalei, who was at the side, saw this and suggested: "Master Long, since this kid is a disaster, why don't we let Qing Jiao end him?"

"Every time Qingjiao moves, he only looks at one target. This time it is Lao Huang, so we have to wait for the next time!"

Seeing what Master Long said, Chen Xiao and the two looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Next time for sure?"

"Hmph, I must deal with this kid next time!"

Master Long nodded. He also had the same intention when dealing with Zhang Wei.

When you turn around, let Qing Jiao do it, and next time you must deal with this kid!


at the same time.

Huang Yunhe's residence.

Zhang Wei and his party are busy.

Although Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others didn't have a job today, who caused Huang Yunhe to have an accident.

Zhang Wei needed professionals to deal with the corpse, so Zhao Xiaoxiao and others could only come to help.

At this moment, in the living room of the house.

"The sniper moves his hand from that direction. Visually, the straight-line distance exceeds 700 meters. The bullet has a certain falling trajectory, which is a parabola!"

Standing by the window, Zhang Wei pointed to a commercial center not far from the community, which was the killer's sniping point.

"Mr. Mo, how about the corpse?"

In the living room, Mo Yuzhu was carrying a toolbox and grabbing clues with tweezers.

"The deceased Huang Yunhe, we have probably read the information several times. He was shot in the head. The bullet shattered his skull and exploded half of his brain, so there is no way he can be resurrected!"

As he spoke, Mo Yuzhu took out a bullet from the ground with tweezers, then took out his phone and took a few photos.

"The caliber of the bullet is 7.62x55mm. It is speculated that it should be a sniper rifle used by the war department!"

"The war department uses a sniper rifle?"

Hearing Mo Yuzhu's analysis, Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes.

This is not something that ordinary gangsters can get their hands on.

Zhang Wei yelled into the study again, "Xiaoxiao, have you finished copying all the information?"

"Come on, come on, he has a cloud disk, I'll copy everything in it and it's over, give me another 2 minutes."


Zhang Wei nodded, then looked at Xia Qianyue in the corner of the living room.

"Hanhan, have all our traces been erased?"

"All erased!"

Seeing that Xia Qianyue also responded with an "OK" gesture, Zhang Wei was relieved.

"Okay, then you guys go first after packing up, and then leave it to me to deal with it alone!"

After waiting for a while, Zhao Xiaoxiao came out of the study, and the materials had been copied.

Mo Yuzhu and Xia Qianyue also packed their things, making sure that there were no clues pointing to their group.

The three women met Jessica who was standing at the door watching the wind, and then took the elevator to leave Huang Yunhe's house.

When there was only one person left in the room, Zhang Wei decisively took out his mobile phone and dialed the report number.

"Hey, is this Longdu Investigation Division? I want to report the crime!"

10 minutes later.

Investigate the scene.

Huang Yunhe's home has been completely sealed off by officers from the Investigation Section, staff from the Forensic Section, and field personnel.

A three-layer isolation belt was placed at the door to separate the neighbors who heard the news from the people who eat melons.

In the corner of the house, Zhang Wei was being questioned by an officer of the Investigation Section.


"Zhang Wei!"


"This operator, are you serious?"

The operator raised his eyelids and glanced at Zhang Wei, but did not continue to ask this question.



"Long Teng's lawyer, the deceased Huang Yunhe's colleague?"

"No, I'm the lawyer of the deceased's wife. I came here today to discuss the settlement fee of the divorce lawsuit with the deceased."

"Oh, I also heard that Huang Yunhe divorced his wife, so you appear here to represent his wife to discuss divorce proceedings with him?"


The operator scribbled a message in a notebook, then glanced at the headless body that had fallen across the living room.

"When you came here, Huang Yunhe was still alive?"

"Yes, he even opened the door for me."

Zhang Wei pointed to the entrance door.

"However, during our discussion on the division of divorce property, the negotiation has reached an impasse. Lao Huang... Oh, Lawyer Huang got up and went to the toilet, and when I came out, I heard a 'bang', and the glass exploded. Then Lawyer Huang fell to the ground, bleeding all over the floor..."

As he spoke, palpitations flashed in Zhang Wei's eyes, a hint of incomprehension about Huang Yunhe's death, and a hint of joy for the rest of his life.

The operator saw Zhang Wei's emotional changes, and then looked at the death of the corpse. He knew that Zhang Wei was definitely not the murderer, and it might have nothing to do with Huang Yunhe's death.

"In this case, you can leave here first, but you have to leave us a contact information. If you need to assist in the investigation later, we..."

"Understood, this is my business card!"

Zhang Wei naturally knew the process, handed the business card to the operator, and then left the scene without looking back.

The operator took the business card given by Zhang Wei, opened it and took a look.

"Hey, a lawyer from Dongfang Capital?"

Looking at the address on the business card, the operator was a little surprised.


Saturday night.

Zhang Wei returned to the famous hotel and started working with Xia Qianyue and others.

Where did Zhang Wei get two small blackboards, and wrote all the current information on them.

"This is not the first time that sniper has sniped someone who provoked me. Before that, it was the Green Snake of the Qingjiao Society, and then today's Huang Yunhe."

Zhang Wei said, and posted a photo on the blackboard.

This photo is a street scene taken on the street outside the Longdu District Prosecutor's Headquarters.

In the photo, the man is wearing the uniform of a maintenance worker and holds a rectangular cardboard box.

"I suspect that the sniper is this person. He was the one who sent the black umbrella to Zhu Gaojian at the local prosecutor's headquarters in order to frame Guan Yuhong's son. Then inference, the person who killed Limbert, would it be possible? What about him too?"

"So, this guy is also a professional scavenger?"

Mo Yuzhu looked at the blackboard and raised her hand to ask a question.

"should be!"

"Then killed Sun before, why didn't the people behind him use him, instead they used the outsourced scavenger Limbert?"

Zhang Wei had expected this question a long time ago, "I have considered two points."

"First, Lin Bote is better at disguising killing methods, that is, using inconspicuous tools to kill people. He can even put the blame on Guan Yuhong so that the latter will be charged with murder."

"You have also seen that compared to Lin Bote's method, this Qingjiao can only use a sniper rifle, and it is a sniper rifle from the war department. The movement of this move is too big, and it will definitely alarm the investigation department."

Mo Yuzhu nodded.

Jessica, who was sitting next to him, also raised her hand and asked, "So, what about the second point?"

"The second point, of course, is because of Qing Jiao's identity. According to the broker, he helped Longxiang Construction and Qing Jiao meet the needle, which shows that they had already started cooperation at that time, and Qing Jiao's identity was also somewhat sensitive."

"The purpose of Longxiang Construction is to acquire the land where Guan Yuhong opened the grocery store. If there is a murder case, the acquisition plan will definitely be shelved, so hiring Limbert is a good way."

"If Qingjiao is allowed to take action, once the investigation department finds Qingjiaohui, it may follow the clues to find out Longxiang Construction, and then the acquisition plan will inevitably run aground."

As Zhang Wei said, he posted a photo of Sun, the deceased in Guan Yuhong's case.

"Similarly, we have also found out the identity of the deceased, Mr. Sun. He was sent by another real estate company. In other words, he and Longxiang Construction are absolutely in conflict of interest. So Mr. Sun's death is not incomprehensible."

Sun, the deceased in the Guan Yuhong case, worked for a real estate development company called "Tianma Real Estate" 12 years ago.

This company is now closed because they lost to Longxiang Construction in the acquisition and development of real estate 12 years ago.

And because of Sun's death, the company's reputation plummeted, which eventually led to bankruptcy.

Even coincidentally, after Sun's death, Chen Xiao was also the attorney entrusted to sue Tianma Real Estate on behalf of Sun's family.

At that time, she helped Sun's parents sue Tianma Real Estate, and helped the two elders get a very, very generous compensation.

This compensation caused a huge threat to the flow of funds to Tianma Real Estate at that time, and it also indirectly led to the bankruptcy of Tianma Real Estate.

Looking at it this way, it all makes sense.

In the case of Guan Yuhong, although it was Limbert who set the blame.

But in the final analysis, it is still related to the real estate development project 12 years ago, and it is related to Longxiang Construction.

"From this point of view, it is necessary for us to meet the boss of Longxiang Construction."

Zhang Wei wrote down the name "You Dalei" on the blackboard. This is the boss of Longxiang Construction.

In this way, the operation on Sunday has a goal for the time being. Go to Longxiang Construction to meet Boss You.

Here, Zhang Wei has finalized his plan for Sunday.


On the other side, Longdu District Prosecutor's Headquarters.

The officers of the serious crime team looked at the headless corpse in front of them, it was Huang Yunhe's corpse.

"Is this the second body headshot by a sniper?"

"So far, yes!"

"This sniper is using the sniper rifle of the war department, which is well equipped!"

"This is the information from the forensics department on the spot. The specific sniping point should be an office building in a business district 700 meters away. We have also been to that sniping location and found a little gunpowder residue, which confirmed the forensics department's judgment. "

The officer in charge of the case held the firm report of the forensics department in his hand and studied it carefully for a moment.

"Unfortunately, this sniper is very cunning and did not leave any useful clues at the scene. Our only breakthrough point should be the excellent equipment used by this sniper?"

"But this kind of equipment is only available in the War Department in the Dragon Kingdom, but it doesn't necessarily come from the War Department. It may also be smuggled from abroad. How can we find it if we need to investigate? And even if we find the smuggler, they will send it every year. How much work to call and how to find the downstream person who accepts this is also a problem.”

Several operators sat together to discuss, but unfortunately everyone realized the difficulty of the case in the end.

"Speaking of which, the deceased Huang Yunhe and the previous deceased seem to be members of a gang named Green Snake. In fact, there should be nothing in common between the two, right?"

"According to the information we got, when Green Snake went to the hotel, he was looking for trouble with a guest named Zhang Wei. The hotel lobby manager has confirmed this to us."

"Zhang Wei?"

An operator heard the name and quickly took out a business card from his pocket.

"The Zhang Wei you mentioned, is this Zhang Wei?"

Pointing to the words "Ace Lawyer of the Criminal Department of Jincheng Law Firm" on the business card, he asked immediately.

Another operator immediately opened the notebook.

"According to the information submitted by the hotel, that Zhang Wei is from Dongfangdu. I remember that Jincheng Law Firm is from Dongfangdu, right?"

"It seems to be true!"

"So, the deceased Green Snake and the deceased Huang Yunhe actually have a common connection, because they seem to bother this Zhang Wei, and they both died in the end?"

Several operators looked at each other in disbelief.

This is what the two deceased had in common. Their deaths were all related to a lawyer from out of town?

"Really, these cases are all related to Zhang Wei?"

At this moment, a surprised voice sounded outside the door.

Just outside the office, a woman in formal attire came in, and there was a follower standing behind her.

"Zhu Gaojian!"

Seeing the woman appear, all the operators got up and said hello.

"It's okay, you continue to chat, I just happen to be interested in this case!"

Zhu Yuansi signaled the operators to continue, while she sat aside with her followers, wanting to hear the details of the case.

"By the way, Zhu Gaojian, why did Zhang Wei come to the East?"

"According to the records, he seems to have come here for the case of his colleague Tie Ruyun, which was a murder case 12 years ago, but I was not the prosecutor who investigated the case at the time."

"Yes, I wonder if there is any connection between this case and the current two murder cases?"

Zhu Yuansi glanced at all the clues on the evidence board, then shook his head, "According to the information I have so far, there should be no connection."

"In the case 12 years ago, the murderer was Guan Yuhong, and you all know that he is in prison now. How could it be related to the death of Green Snake and lawyer Huang Yunhe?"

"That's true!" All the operators nodded.

"However, there must be a connection between Zhang Wei and this case. You can bring him here tomorrow and ask for details!"

Zhu Yuansi gave an idea.

Although it is impossible for Guan Yuhong to have any connection with this case, Zhang Wei is different.

It couldn't be a coincidence that he was in the same place as the dead man twice?

Therefore, it is necessary for the investigation department to conduct another interview with Zhang Wei on the weekend.

And this time, she, Zhu Yuansi, would also listen in!

After all, if Guan Yuhong succeeds in her appeal, she may be the representative of the prosecution.

Thinking of the possibility of a real contest with Zhang Wei, Zhu Yuansi's eyes were particularly solemn.

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