Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 578 Anti-customer? See You Dalei

Sunday morning.

After Zhang Wei got up early, he was planning to go out.

As a result, the B\u0026B where he stayed was visited by the officers of the investigation department.

"Lawyer Zhang Wei, we are from the Serious Case Team of the Longdu Investigation Division. We need you to go to our team to cooperate with the investigation regarding the two murder cases!"

When several operators saw Zhang Wei, they immediately took out their IDs.

Zhang Wei thought about it and decided to cooperate.

"I will go with you!"

Among Zhang Wei and his group, Xia Qianyue stood up.

"This girl, we are going to take away Zhang Wei, you..."

An operator hurriedly stopped him, but Xia Qianyue also took out his ID.

"I am a law enforcement officer of the serious crime team of the Dongfang Metropolis Investigation Section. My task is to protect Zhang Wei. I hope that the colleagues in the serious crime team of Longdu Metropolis can give me a hand!"

Xia Qianyue shook the ID card in her hand, her attitude was quite sincere.

"The Eastern Metropolis Serious Crime Squad?"

Several officers of the Longdu Serious Crime Squad looked at each other in blank dismay, and then could only nod in agreement.

Just like that, Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue were taken away.

Before Zhang Wei left, he told Zhao Xiaoxiao, Jessica and Mo Yuzhu to let them have fun today.

After all, it seems that today I can only go to investigate with Hanhan, and Zhao Xiaoxiao and the three girls can enjoy the weekend.


half an hour later.

Headquarters of the Longdu Investigation Division, Office of the Serious Crime Squad.

Although Xia Qianyue, a member of the serious crime team of Dongfang Capital, was watching Zhang Wei, the routine questioning process still had to go.

"The deceased Huang Yunhe, do you know him?"

"Yesterday I already answered the operator next to you. I know Huang Yunhe, but apart from a hearing, the only point of intersection between us is the divorce proceedings between him and his wife. I am his wife's divorce lawsuit." Hire a lawyer."

Zhang Wei said, sighed again, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "But now, this so-called divorce is meaningless, Huang Yunhe is dead!"

"Yes, Lawyer Huang is dead, so there is no need to divide the divorce property, right?"

"This operator, what do you mean? Do you think that the killer was hired by my client, Mrs. Huang's family?"

Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes, and stared at the operator in front of him, as well as the operator next to him who had communicated with him yesterday.

With Zhang Wei staring at the two of them, they always felt a little uncomfortable.

Therefore, the second operator quickly said: "Lawyer Zhang, don't get me wrong, we are just making an assumption, that's all."

"But this assumption doesn't match up in time, and even as the two of you said, assuming Mrs. Huang really had the motive to murder Lawyer Huang, but she didn't have any intersection with Green Snake?"

Everyone knew that the sniper killed the green snake first, and then Huang Yunhe.

If Mrs. Huang hired a sniper to murder Huang Yunhe, what would happen if the other party killed the green snake before?

In fact, the operator really wanted to say that maybe the sniper took on two different jobs.

Killing the Green Snake was another order before, and he only accepted the order to kill Huang Yunhe later.

But these are just hypotheses, not supported by any evidence.

After all, the investigation department is a place that pays attention to evidence. Unless there is evidence that proves that Mrs. Huang is in direct contact with the sniper, or the sniper receives orders, these assumptions cannot be established.

"So Lawyer Zhang, do you have any contact with the gang member Green Snake?"

Seeing that one direction was vetoed by Zhang Wei, the operator immediately asked a second question.

Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue looked at each other.

They and Green Snake naturally have an intersection, but this intersection comes from Limbert's case.

The Green Snake was obviously instructed by someone to monitor Guan Ping for a long time, and even wanted to find Guan Ping's surveillance record of Lin Bote in Guan Ping's rented house, so as to frame the latter.

Of course, the plan was sabotaged by Zhang Wei, and in the end Green Snake brought his troops to confront Zhang Wei.

But because the people behind the scenes felt that the plan was exposed, they asked the sniper to kill the green snake.

I have to say that the people behind this scene are really ruthless, treating their own people so cruelly and mercilessly.

"Green Snake, we don't know each other, but we know that he is a member of a gang, and he brought his younger brothers to block the door of my hotel!"

"Oh, Lawyer Zhang, what did you do to allow them to come and block your door?"

"I don't know this question either!"

Zhang Wei shook his head, then smiled slightly, and looked at the two people in front of him: "So, can you two answer me, why did the gangsters in Longdu follow me after I arrived in Longdu for a few days? "


The two operators did not expect that Zhang Wei turned against the customer and asked himself a question.

"What do you think, I'm from the Eastern Capital, and it's my first time in Longdu. I don't have any background in Longdu, nor do I have any social connections. I'm also curious why a good gang member would suddenly stare at Longdu. As for me, I wonder if the officers of the investigation department can answer my doubts?"

"Oh, by the way, and, since I am Mrs. Huang's attorney, as the representative lawyer of the victim's family, I also want to know how the investigation department's investigation of Lawyer Huang's death is going. What evidence can I tell you in full?"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out his notebook, took out his pen, and got ready to record.


The two operators were completely overwhelmed at the moment.

It's not that they can't answer, but that they are not sure about Zhang Wei's true identity at the moment, and they don't want to reveal important information.

"What's the matter, two, the investigation department must have some clues. As a family representative, it is reasonable for me to want to know the specific information. Or is it that the rules of the Longdu investigation department are different from ours in the East, and the family members have no right to know? ?”


Seeing that Zhang Wei moved out the right to know, the two operators suddenly felt a little bit difficult.

They unconsciously glanced at the monitoring room next door.

"What's the matter, why are your heads crooked, is there anyone next door?"

Zhang Wei had noticed this a long time ago, and laughed and teased.

"Lawyer Zhang!"

At this moment, the door of the interrogation room was pushed open, and then Zhu Yuansi appeared.

"Yo, Zhu Gaojian!"

Seeing Zhu Yuansi, the "defeated general", Zhang Wei naturally smiled and waved.

"You two go down!"

Zhu Yuansi knew that the people in the investigation department could not be Zhang Wei's opponent.

After all, one side is investigating cases, and the other side is earning money by talking about it. How can ordinary people take advantage of lawyers with their mouths.

The two officers got up, nodded with Zhu Yuansi in salute, and left the interrogation room quickly.

Zhu Yuansi was alone, facing Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue in person.

"Lawyer Zhang, this Xia Qianyue from Dongfang Capital seems to have a close relationship with you?"

"Yeah, this is my Hanhan, my girlfriend!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, hugged Xia Qianyue, and showed his affection in front of Zhu Yuansi.


Zhu Yuansi's expression froze slightly, and he secretly said, "Good guy."

You kid don't even look at what this place is, this is the interrogation room of the investigation department, how can you show affection like this?

"By the way, Zhu Gaojian, the question I just asked was not a joke!"

On Zhang Wei's side, after releasing Xia Qianyue, he looked at Zhu Yuansi seriously, "Do you have any clues about Lawyer Huang's death?"

Although Huang Yunhe's death may have a lot to do with him.

After all, if he didn't beat Huang Yunhe almost to death, how could the people behind the scenes kill Lao Huang?

But Zhang Wei can only play a supporting role at best.

After all, from the perspective of causality, there is no direct causal relationship between him beating Huang Yunhe to nothing and him being killed by someone behind the scenes.

"For your question, we can't answer you yet, because the investigation department hasn't found any conclusive clues yet!"

"No way, use this excuse to perfuse us?"

Zhang Wei chuckled, you Zhu Gaojian can be regarded as a veteran of criminal investigation, and I, Zhang, is also a criminal defense lawyer, and everyone is an old driver, so don't play this game.

"Lawyer Zhang, I didn't mean to lie to you. The investigation department really doesn't have much information at the moment, but once we lock down the suspect, we will notify you and Lawyer Huang's family!"

"Okay, then please ask Zhu Gaojian to urge the investigation department to let them solve the case as soon as possible, and give justice to my client, Mrs. Huang's family. They are very, very concerned about the death of Lawyer Huang!"

"Yes, I will urge you!"

Although Zhu Yuansi promised on the surface, he was speechless in his heart.

What you said, those who didn't know thought that you and Huang Yunhe had a good relationship, so concerned about the cause of his death?

But how do I remember that you and Huang Yunhe almost got into a fight at a certain hearing?

Oh, by the way, Huang Yunhe was ruined by you at that hearing, and his wife also wanted to divorce him. This is also Zhang Wei's handwriting, right?

What is this, cat crying mouse fake mercy?

"Then, Zhu Gaojian, let's take our leave. Remember to let us know if you have any news!"

As Zhang Wei said, he took Xia Qianyue directly and waved goodbye to Zhu Yuansi.

Zhu Yuansi didn't stop him either. After all, Zhang Wei is a criminal defense lawyer, and the other side understands the process and rules.

The investigation department has no way to force Zhang Wei to stay without conclusive evidence, and Zhang Wei is not the first suspect, so he has no obligation to cooperate with the investigation.

"This Zhang Wei really doesn't treat himself as an outsider. Entering the investigation department is the same as entering your own home. It's too casual!"

Zhu Yuansi complained, but he could only get up and join the operators next door.


the other side.

"Hey, am I used to it, entering the investigation department is the same as going home?"

Zhang Wei had just walked out of the investigation department headquarters, and he muttered the same thing.

In Dongfang Metropolis, he almost considered the Crime Squad Office as his second home.

I didn't expect to come to Longdu here, and I couldn't change my habits.

"Zhang Wei, what are we going to do next, are we going to join Xiaoxiao and the others?"

"No, let's go directly to the headquarters of Longxiang Construction and meet You Dalei!"


Hearing that Zhang Wei had a plan, Xia Qianyue naturally nodded and readily agreed.

Anyway, her mission in Longdu is to protect Zhang Wei, unlike Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others, who also have the purpose of rest and vacation.

Now that the investigation department has finished the investigation, Zhang Wei naturally rushed to the headquarters of Longxiang Construction Group located in the business district of Longdu without stopping.

The headquarters of Longxiang Construction Group is located in Longxiang Building.

Speaking of which, this land was the place where Guan Yuhong opened a grocery store back then, and there used to be a supermarket here.

But now.

This place has become Longxiang Shopping Center, which is bigger than before, and the signs of various physical stores and flagship stores dazzle people's eyes.

Headquarters of Longxiang Construction Group.

"Hi, we want to see Mr. You!"

"Do you two have an appointment?"

At the front desk of Longxiang Construction Headquarters, the reception lady asked Zhang Wei with a smile.

"Do you think we look like people with an appointment?"

The front desk took a look at Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue, and knew that the young couple in front of them looked like they didn't have an appointment.

"If you don't have an appointment, Mr. You won't see you."

"Then tell him that Zhang Wei came to look for him, maybe he will see me?"

"I'm sorry, if everyone is like this, and if I tell Mr. You, then we may be overwhelmed every day!"

"What you said makes sense, but I believe Mr. You will meet me!"

Zhang Wei said, but unconsciously glanced at the surveillance video in the reception hall.

He smiled and waved to the monitor.

Seeing this, the reception lady couldn't help but call the security department.

Jingle Bell!

But the phone at the front desk rang first.

"President You's office?" Seeing the switchboard number of the call, the receptionist's eyes changed.

"Manager, you are, oh oh oh, I see, I'll let them come up!"

After the receptionist hung up the phone, the way they looked at Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei also changed.

"You two, Mr. You is already waiting for you up there, I'll lead you up right now!"

"Look, I'll tell you that Mr. You will meet me!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, as if he had expected this scene.

The receptionist didn't dare to say anything, but just followed the instructions from above, led Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei to the elevator, and went straight to the CEO's office on the top floor.

Soon, the receptionist brought the two of them outside a luxurious office.

"Mr. You is waiting for the two of you inside, please!"

Zhang Wei pushed open the door, and then walked in with Xia Qianyue.

Longxiang Construction, inside the president's office.

You Dalei was sitting in the middle. He was a rough-faced burly man. Although he was wearing a formal suit and leading the way, he had more quack spirit than business spirit.

Zhang Wei has seen this kind of person a lot, similar to the tricks of the big brother of the rivers and lakes through commercial laundering. Although he has become a businessman, he still more or less retains some of the atmosphere of the rivers and lakes.

"Oh, Lawyer Chen is here too!"

In the office, Zhang Wei saw Chen Xiao, who was sitting on a seat by the window, with her hands crossed, looking at Zhang Wei with a strange expression.

"Lawyer Zhang, this must be the first time I've seen you!"

"Yes, but I have admired Mr. You for a long time!"

Zhang Wei was not too polite, and took Xia Qianyue to bow to You Dalei, and then sat directly on the sofa in the middle of the office.

"Oh, have you heard of my name for a long time?"

"Yeah, I have admired Mr. You's name for a long time, especially the case where your family blamed my client Guan Yuhong back then!"

As soon as this remark came out, both You Dalei and Chen Xiao's expressions changed.

The two looked at each other subconsciously.

Chen Xiao also said at the same time: "Lawyer Zhang, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. The case between Mr. You and Guan Yuhong has nothing to do with it!"

"Really, but I remember Mr. You seems to have hooked up with Lawyer Chen back then, right?"

Zhang Wei started to bring up the old story again, and pointed at Chen Xiao, "Lawyer Chen, don't deny it. The photos taken by Lao Tie back then are not synthetic. You and Mr. You did hook up, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Xiao frowned, but did not refute.

Indeed, what Zhang Wei said was the truth.

"Back then, Lao Tie was in charge of Guan Yuhong's case. As a result, Lao Tie left Longdu for reasons known to everyone. This case should be handed over to Lawyer Chen."

"However, it's strange to say that such an important case, so Long Teng was relieved to hand it over to a rookie lawyer. As a result, the rookie lawyer really lost the case and sent the client, Guan Yuhong, to jail."

"Because Guan Yuhong is in jail, he never imagined that the place where he opened a grocery store in the past has turned into Longxiang Shopping Center. You said that this place has changed so much in just 12 years. How can there be such a big change here? "

As Zhang Wei said, he shook his head and let out a sigh, as if full of embarrassment for Guan Yuhong and these past events.

"Lawyer Zhang, you won't tell me that I only have this little contact with Guan Yuhong, right?"

You Dalei also looked at Zhang Wei with a look of astonishment?

That's it?

That's all you know?

You still forcibly connect me and Guan Yuhong with Chen Xiao?

Are you here to make trouble?

"Otherwise, is it possible that Mr. You and my client Guan Yuhong have other connections?"

"Well, there really isn't one, and I don't know that your client once opened a grocery store here."

You Dalei naturally waved his hands with a perfunctory look on his face.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. You, do you know Lao Huang, the lawyer Huang Yunhe?"

"Lawyer Huang, of course I know him!"

Hearing Zhang Wei mentioning Huang Yunhe again, although You Dalei was talking and laughing, there was a glint of coldness in his eyes.

"Oh, that's right. I remember that Lawyer Huang was the consultant lawyer of Longxiang Construction at the beginning. Later, he gradually transferred the business to his subordinates. At that time, it seemed that Longxiang Construction was handed over to..."

"Give it to me!"

Seeing Zhang Wei's expression of knowingly asking, Chen Xiao didn't intend to waste time arguing, and directly admitted it.

Huang Yunhe handed over the business of Longxiang Construction to her, Chen Xiao, to handle it.

Longxiang Construction has always been a customer of Longteng, and the previous person in charge was Huang Yunhe.

However, after Long Xiang became bigger, Huang Yunhe voluntarily gave up this client, and instead handed it over to his subordinate Chen Xiao.

This point, Zhang Wei is very strange.

Few lawyers will voluntarily give up serving big clients, unless the lawyer is really out of energy.

But judging by Huang Yunhe's appearance, it is obviously not, otherwise the other party would not have the energy to attend any hearing, and he was still confronting himself at the hearing, so it seemed that he was very energetic.

Of course, Lao Huang had already left, so it was meaningless to discuss a dead person.

"Lawyer Zhang, you're not here to catch up with us, are you?"

"Mr. You, Lawyer Chen, I'm very glad to meet you today. I'm actually here to tell you that I will appeal Guan Yuhong's case on Monday. As the defense lawyer back then, Lawyer Chen Xiao may also testify in court. "

As Zhang Wei said, he turned his eyes away from Chen Xiao and turned to You Dalei, "As for Mr. You, you can also come and listen to it when the time comes."

"Then I take my leave!"

After finishing speaking, he took Xia Qianyue to leave without waiting for the two of them.

Seeing Zhang Wei walk out of the room, You Dalei and Chen Xiao looked serious.

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