Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 579 Request for retrial, 12 years of waiting

Longxiang Construction Group, President's Office.

Zhang Wei left, taking Xia Qianyue with him.

At the moment, only You Dalei and Chen Xiao are left in the office.

"This kid, didn't he just come to fight the war?"

"No, because he came to see me today, and meeting you is just a coincidence."

You Dalei shook his head, he didn't know that you, Chen Xiao, were here too.

He guessed that Zhang Wei originally wanted to come over to ask him something, but because Chen Xiao was present, he knew he couldn't ask why, so he came in the afternoon instead.

"However, speaking of it, does he really only know so much about Guan Yuhong's case?"

You Dalei thought about Zhang Wei's inference that he forcibly linked himself to the Guan Yuhong case just now, and couldn't help but want to laugh, but he couldn't.

"I don't know, but I guess, he was able to win so many people in the east, it shouldn't be as simple as it seems on the surface!"

Chen Xiao was actually a little apprehensive about Zhang Wei's attitude.

After all, although the other party looked young, he was said to be a ruthless person in the East.

Those records are also real.

No matter how incompetent Dongfangdu's lawyers and the local prosecutor's headquarters are, Zhang Wei can win so much, which can explain something in itself.

This kid, even though he is young and inexperienced, has strength after all.

It may be good luck to win the district inspection headquarters once or twice, but it must be more than just luck three times, four times and five times.

"This kid also said that tomorrow he will take Guan Yuhong to the appeal court. What do we need to do?"

"It's better to stay put for now. After all, the headquarters of the local prosecutor's office is not just for nothing. Do you really think that if he wants to appeal, he can succeed in his appeal?"

As Chen Xiao said, he sneered, "He, Zhang Wei, is well-known in the East, but this is Longdu, so he can't do anything wrong!"

"Besides, as Guan Yuhong's attorney 12 years ago, I am also obliged to go to the court to participate in the appeal application. At that time, Zhang Wei will not only have to face that Zhu Gaojian, but he will also face my sniping! "

"That's true!"

When You Dalei heard this, he nodded.

He predicted that no matter how powerful Zhang Wei is, he should be able to face a high-level prosecutor. With Chen Xiao, a top lawyer, supporting him, the appeal will definitely not be successful!

"Don't worry, even if this kid can really make a splash, we still have Master Long in his pocket!"

"Hahaha, hearing what you said, that kid will lose this time no matter what!"

"Of course, as long as we are still here, this kid has no chance of winning!"

In the office, there was only laughter soon.

You Dalei and Chen Xiao are full of confidence and confidence at the moment.

Like they say, really don't know how to lose?


at the same time.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xiao was there, so Zhang Wei could only stop asking You Dalei.

After he wrote the gauntlet, he returned with Xia Qianyue.

When they returned to the homestay, it was still close to evening.

Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others haven't been seen yet, obviously they are playing crazy outside.

Zhang Wei is not ambiguous, he works when he should work, and rests when he should rest.

He also took Xia Qianyue out for a short walk and experienced the special snacks of Longdu.

It can only be said that there are all kinds of places in the south and the north, but the local characteristics of Longdu are actually less.

After all, Longdu has gathered migrant workers from all over the country. In order to earn money from these migrant workers, the merchants have resorted to all means, all under the banner of the migrant workers' hometown, in order to attract the migrant workers' sense of belonging.

So there are things from all over the world, but it lacks the characteristics of Longdu.

Come to think of it, it's the local characteristics of Longdu, and he doesn't bother to lower himself to cater to outsiders.

This also allowed Zhang Wei to see some clues of Longdu, proud!

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others came back, and Zhang Wei also took Xia Qianyue to spend a few hours in the sweet world of two people.

"Remember to go to bed early, tomorrow Monday, we will take the client to appeal!"

"Okay, I just got tired from playing today, so I'm going to take a shower~"

Zhao Xiaoxiao yawned, she was a little sleepy.

"Good night Zhang Wei, good night Xiao Yueyue!"

"Bye, see you tomorrow~"

"Sweet dreams!"

Mo Yuzhu, Jessica and Xia Qianyue also greeted Zhang Wei and went back to their rooms.

Zhang Wei took a deep breath, also began to wash, then returned to the room, and went to bed early.

After all, they have been preparing for a long time for the appeal next week.

Just waiting for this day!


Monday, appeal day.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Wei has been in Longdu for a week.

This is also the third week of October, and the summer heat has basically receded, leaving only the refreshing autumn wind and slightly cooler temperatures.

"Old Tie, you're back too!"

"Nonsense, today is the retrial application day, can I not come back?"

Tie Ruyun chuckled inwardly, and then turned serious, "Zhang Wei, are you sure you're going to the Supreme Court today?"

"Don't worry, everything is going according to plan!"

Zhang Wei replied with an "OK" gesture, showing confidence.

"That's good!"

Seeing Zhang Wei so confident, Lao Tie also breathed a sigh of relief.

Today's appeal carries his 12-year wish, so there can be no difference.

But he is now the second lawyer, and the stage has to be handed over to Zhang Wei.

"Okay, after breakfast, let's go!"

After a simple and pleasant breakfast, everyone is ready to set off.

at the same time.

Longdu Suburban Prison.

In a cell.

Guan Yuhong sorted out his personal belongings, and carefully observed his face in front of the mirror to see if there was anything that needed to be modified.

He had just shaved his beard and had a few small cuts on his chin from excitement.

He touched his bare chin, looked at his face in the mirror, and then couldn't help but sighed.

For this day, he waited for 12 years.

From the uneasiness and fear of entering the prison at the beginning; to the subsequent shouting, questioning, and close to madness; then to self-doubt, until numbness; hope.

In the past 12 years, he has shouldered too much.

Only he himself knows what he has experienced in the past 12 years.

"12 years, 12 full years, just for this day!"

Guan Yuhong really wanted to shout like this in front of everyone.

Do you know how I have spent the past 12 years?

There are neither games nor TV in the prison, let alone playing games. Do you know how I have spent the past 12 years?

"Guan Yuhong, your appeal will start in one hour, get ready to go!"

The prison guards also came at this time.

"Okay, Warden, I'm ready!"

Guan Yuhong has been preparing for this day for 12 years, and he doesn't need the guards to remind him, he has already made preparations.


1 hour later.

Longguo Supreme Court, Court of Appeal.

Zhang Wei and Lao Tie, together with Xia Qianyue, Zhao Xiaoxiao, Jessica and Mo Yuzhu, waited in the court with a group of 6 people.

Afterwards, the prison guard brought Guan Yuhong to the courtroom.

At the hearing stand, as Guan Yuhong's son, Guan Ping also came here early in the morning to wait.

Seeing their father appearing, the father and son looked at each other for a long time without saying anything.

"Lawyer Zhang, Lawyer Tie!"

"Mr. Guan!"

The two sides nodded, and then took their positions.

On the other side, Chen Xiao also came. As Guan Yuhong's criminal defense lawyer, she was naturally obliged to be there.

But Chen Xiao just looked at Zhang Wei and his party, with a mocking smile on his face from time to time.

Perhaps in her opinion, it is really whimsical to apply for a retrial in the case 12 years ago.

"Ahem, the Guan Yuhong case!"

Following the announcement of the presiding judge in the court of appeal, Zhang Wei and his party went to the court.

With them in court, there are also people who are the prosecution.

Coincidentally, the person who came was still Zhu Yuansi.

It seems that this Zhu Gaojian is Zhang Wei's opponent.

"Why was a retrial initiated for the murder case 12 years ago?"

The presiding judge looked at Zhang Wei and his party below. As a justice of the appeals court of the Supreme Court, he was a little curious.

"Your Excellency, as Mr. Guan's defense lawyer, I found that there were many unreasonable things in the trial 12 years ago. Therefore, in order to prove the innocence of my client, Mr. Guan Yuhong, we request the Court of Appeal to accept our request. Support the retrial of this case!"

"How many unreasonable things were there in the case 12 years ago?"

"A lot, the most important of which came from the defense lawyer at the time, Ms. Chen Xiao!"

"Oh, Lawyer Chen?"

The presiding judge looked at Chen Xiao, who was below, with a look of surprise.

Twelve years ago, Chen Xiao was Guan Yuhong's defense lawyer, and not many people knew about it.

But now, 12 years later, Chen Xiao is the junior partner of Longteng International, which many people know.

For a famous lawyer, there were many unreasonable things in the case 12 years ago. Does this count as black material for the other party?

"Your Excellency, as one of the parties to this case, I am inexplicably surprised by Lawyer Zhang's allegations!"

When Chen Xiao saw that Zhang Wei fired directly at him, he immediately denied it.

"In fact, 12 years ago, I put a lot of effort into Mr. Guan's case. Unfortunately, the prosecutors at the local prosecutor's headquarters were superior. I did not defend Mr. Guan's innocence. It was because of my lack of strength. That's all!"

"Your Honor, this is unreasonable!"

Zhang Wei raised a finger and questioned: "Mr. Guan's case was considered to have had a great impact at the time, but Longteng International, which was ranked number one in Longdu, asked a trainee lawyer who had just joined the law firm to take charge of this case. Isn't it a bit too hasty?"

"Lawyer Zhang, I remember that you also took over a lot of criminal cases as a trainee lawyer, right?"

Chen Xiao also made a lot of preparations, and even took Zhang Wei as an example, and said eloquently: "For example, the Lin Xiao case you fought against the Dongfang Metropolitan Prosecutor's Headquarters for the first time, and the Tang Chunfeng case you fought against for the second time. Wang Yuqing's case for the third time, Fang Yunshu's case for the fourth time..."

It can be said that Chen Xiao actually investigated Zhang Wei's record of fighting against the headquarters of the Eastern Metropolitan Procuratorate since his debut in two days on the weekend.

In fact, when Chen Xiao saw Zhang Wei's resume for the first time, he was also shocked.

It is hard to imagine that a student who just graduated from law school and has not even obtained a license can become a commune defense lawyer who is generally considered the most difficult, tiring and dangerous in the industry, and win so many criminal cases.

This kid, hang up!

Crazy, you call this a trainee lawyer?

This kid is either a genius, or he is courageous and lucky.

Anyway, this kid is very wicked!

"Lawyer Chen, I'm glad you've read the cases I've taken over, but I don't know if you've noticed that these cases all have one thing in common?"

"What do you have in common?"

"That's the case. Many people think it's impossible to fight, but I want to fight because I know the parties are innocent!"

Zhang Wei said, pointing to Guan Yuhong, "Same, this case is the same, I think Mr. Guan is innocent, that's why I want to apply for retrial!"

"Since Lawyer Chen has used me as an example, let me also clarify here. Many lawyers thought that they could not win the cases at the beginning, so they didn't take over the case, and it all fell on me in the end."

"But the case of my client, Mr. Guan, is different. Longteng Law Firm obviously has so many excellent lawyers, but the law firm did not ask my client, Mr. Guan's opinion, and changed his entrusted lawyer without authorization. This is completely inconsistent with the norms. !"

"It's not like you don't know about Tie Ruyun's situation at that time!"

"Oh, that's strange, didn't I prove the innocence of the old iron during the internal hearing last week?"


Chen Xiao never expected that he wanted to start a fire about the iron-like cloud, but Zhang Wei was already prepared.

The matter about Lao Tie and you has already been revealed.

"Well, I've also heard about the hearing of your bar association!" The presiding judge couldn't help but nodded after hearing this.

Then he looked at Tie Ruyun, "Lawyer Tie, you were the one who defended the client at that time, right?"

"Yes, Your Honor!"

"At that time, I remember that you had to give up your defense qualification because you were investigated by the Lawyers Association?"


"Twelve years later, last week, the Bar Association withdrew the charges against you. So you were framed 12 years ago. Shouldn't the Bar Association revoke your defense?"

"I think, yes."

"I see!"

It seems that the presiding judge decided to adopt Zhang Wei's suggestion.

However, based on this point alone, it is obviously impossible to want the case to be retried.

"Twelve years ago, because of some unjust issues, the defense lawyer lost his defense qualifications, and then Attorney Chen replaced Attorney Tie, right? Mr. Guan Yuhong was found guilty and then imprisoned..."

"Yes, Your Honor, I even asked for an appeal after the trial, but Lawyer Chen did not take my suggestion at all. I feel that I have been slighted and my rights have not been guaranteed!"

Guan Yuhong spoke the same way, and pointed at Chen Xiao with a look of indignation.

Seeing Zhang Wei and Guan Yuhong firing at Chen Xiao at the same time, the presiding judge turned his head and looked at Zhu Yuansi.

"Prosecution, what's your opinion?"

"We think that the retrial is slightly inappropriate!"

As the representative of the prosecution, Zhu Yuansi naturally needs to protect the interests of the prosecution.

For the homicide case 12 years ago, God knows how much manpower and material resources will be spent if a retrial is initiated.

Moreover, once the case of 12 years ago is retried and overturned, it will also be a huge blow to the prestige of the Longdu District Prosecutor's Headquarters.

After comprehensive consideration, the prosecution will naturally not support the retrial.

In fact, in cases of conviction, the prosecution will 100% not agree to a retrial.

Zhang Wei had expected this.

"Your Excellency, Zhu Gaojian, for this retrial appeal, please allow us to submit evidence to prove that my client, Mr. Guan Yuhong, suffered injustice 12 years ago!"

Since the prosecution disagrees, the only way to get support is to rely on proof.

"This court approves that if the defense has evidence to prove that there were many mistakes or irrationality in the judgment made 12 years ago, then this court will consider the retrial of this case!"

The presiding judge has nothing to say, if you have evidence, then show it.

"First of all, please let me disclose a piece of information. This information can show that, as Mr. Guan Yuhong's defense lawyer, Chen Xiao has a huge conflict with Mr. Guan's interests!"

"It can even be said that if Mr. Guan goes to jail, it will be beneficial to her, so it is impossible for her to really give her all-out service for Mr. Guan Yuhong!"

The first piece of evidence submitted by Zhang Wei was again against Chen Xiao.

"This is an intimate photo of Lawyer Chen Xiao and Mr. You of Longxiang Construction taken by my colleague, Lawyer Tie, when he was working in Longteng International Law Firm 12 years ago!"

These photos had already been shown in internal hearings, but it was the first time that they were submitted to the court.

Both the presiding judge and Zhu Yuansi got a copy of the photo.

Chen Xiao's face was slightly gloomy, because she did not expect that Zhang Wei brought the evidence of the internal hearing here.

"In fact, the conflict of interests between lawyer Chen Xiao and my client, Mr. Guan, came from here. My client, Mr. Guan, had repeatedly rejected Longxiang Construction's acquisition request because he was unwilling to give up the store he relied on for survival, which led to That Longxiang Construction has a conflict of interest with him."

"Lawyer Chen Xiao became a cooperative lawyer of Longxiang Construction within one year after Mr. Guan Yuhong was imprisoned. And it can be seen from the photos that Mr. You and Lawyer Chen of Longxiang Construction have long been with Mr. Guan Yuhong. At the time of the trial, they had already maintained a close relationship, and it is hard to say whether they deliberately violated the interests of my client, Mr. Guan, for the acquisition of Longxiang Construction!"

Hearing this, the presiding judge couldn't help but nodded.

The photo was taken during the trial of the Guan Yuhong case 12 years ago, which is meaningless to everyone.

During this time, Chen Xiao has hooked up with You Dalei.

It's hard to say whether Chen Xiao would really let Guan Yuhong go to jail for the benefit of You Dalei and Long Xiang's construction.

After all, if Guan Yuhong is in jail, his store can no longer be opened, so it is meaningless for him to disagree with Longxiang Construction's acquisition.

Everyone is in prison, how can he resist the real estate development plan of Longxiang Construction?

"That's right, what Lawyer Zhang said is reasonable, Lawyer Chen, your behavior does have many inappropriate things!"

Looking at the photo in his hand, the presiding judge was slightly suspicious of Chen Xiao.

And his reaction was also noticed by Guan Yuhong and Zhang Wei.

The former clenched his hands unconsciously, with a serious expression on his face.

After all, 12 years of waiting is for this moment.

Zhang Wei, on the other hand, looked calm, even a little suspicious.

After all, Chen Xiao and Zhu Yuansi will not let the case pass the retrial request easily!

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