Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 580 Retrial Passed, Preventing Problems Before They Happen?


It's actually hard.

The Supreme Court of Longguo may need to accept tens of thousands of appeals + retrials + retrials every year, but the pass rate is only a handful.

The number may be dozens, or it may be hundreds, but it is definitely no more than three digits.

A percentage of less than single digits is enough to explain the problem.

Although the presiding judge looked at the photos of Chen Xiao and You Dalei, he had some doubts in his eyes, but it was obviously not enough to win the retrial this time.

"Your Excellency, my acquaintance with Mr. You was just a coincidence. At that time, I didn't know Mr. You was the boss of Longxiang Construction!"

Chen Xiao naturally stood up and quickly denied it.

Anyway, this happened 12 years ago, and Tie Ruyun only took photos at that time, and there was no other evidence.

There is neither video nor recording, so I want to deny it, how can you prove it?

"What a good excuse. If you don't know a word, you want to get rid of it. Lawyer Chen, you are really shameless!"

"Lawyer Zhang, what do you say about me?"

"It's nothing, I just think your excuses are too bad."

Zhang Wei chuckled, and then began to submit new evidence.

"Your Excellency, Zhu Gaojian, I have a document record here, which can prove that Lawyer Chen had many contacts with Mr. You during the trial of the case."

"As for her so-called coincidence, it's a completely fabricated excuse. Lawyer Chen has been in contact with Mr. You many times. How could he not know Mr. You's identity!"

As Zhang Wei said, he submitted the second piece of evidence again.

This time the evidence was a thick stack of documents.

"What is the evidence?"

"This is the information that lawyer Huang Yunhe gave me before his death!"

In fact, Zhao Xiaoxiao found these materials in Huang Yunhe's cloud disk.

But Huang Yunhe is dead, no one knows what he did before his death.

Zhang Wei said it was given by Huang Yunhe, even if Chen Xiao wanted to refute it, it was impossible, because if you want to find out the truth, you have to go to the underworld to ask Huang Yunhe yourself.

"The judge and Zhu Gaojian may not know that the last person Huang Yunhe saw was me when he was alive. He was going to handle the divorce proceedings with his wife, and I was his wife's attorney."

"I got these documents from lawyer Huang Yunhe during the divorce proceedings, in order to facilitate statistics on the division of divorce property between the two parties."

Speaking of this, Zhang Wei paused slightly, and then sighed: "Of course, everyone knows the final result. Lawyer Huang was murdered. There is no need to continue the divorce proceedings."

"However, since I have obtained some documents from Lawyer Huang, I will naturally reveal the truth at that time!"

Zhang Wei pointed to the document in Zhu Yuansi's hand, and reminded, "Zhu Gaojian, and Your Excellency, please look here."

"Mr. You and Lawyer Huang of Longxiang Construction have actually known each other for a long time, and the two parties have had many business meetings. Lawyer Huang has kept all the records of his meetings with clients as backups and uploaded them to the cloud."

Both Zhu Yuansi and the judge couldn't help looking through the documents, and sure enough, they found rows and rows of interview records.

Among them, Zhang Wei specially marked a few meeting records in red. This is the meeting between Huang Yunhe and You Dalei.

"It can be seen that the meeting between Lawyer Huang and Mr. You actually started 13 years ago. At that time, Mr. You had just set foot in the real estate development business. After he established Longxiang Construction, the lawyer he hired was Mr. Huang. myself."

"Please look at the pages of records from 12 years ago. Attorney Huang met Mr. You 15 times this year, and even 4 of them he brought someone with him, and who did he bring? , but there is a note at the back of the record!"

Zhu Yuansi and the judge began to look through the year records 12 years ago, and found the four eye-catching records marked in red.

Chen Xiao!

When Huang Yunhe and You Dalei met, Chen Xiao was the one who took them with him out of the four times.

"These 4 meetings, the first 2 times were before my client's case was heard, the third time was during the case trial, and the fourth time was after the case ruling was over!"

"The timing of these meetings is very strange, and I can't help thinking, is it the third time Mr. You called Lawyer Chen and signaled to the latter that my client must be sent to jail?"

"As for the fourth time, is it because Mr. Chen has completed the task very well, so Mr. You asked Mr. Chen to meet again to express his gratitude?"

"be opposed to!"

Zhang Wei's speculation finally made Chen Xiao unable to bear it anymore, and interrupted him directly.

"Lawyer Chen, are you in a hurry?"

"No, Your Honor!"

Chen Xiao pointed at Zhang Wei with a serious tone: "The accusation made by Lawyer Zhang just now is just speculation!"

"Actually, as I said just now, my meeting with Mr. You was actually a coincidence..."

"Is it, 4 coincidences, and did not inform my client that there is a conflict of interest between you?"

Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes, and his tone was rather surprised.

"Lawyer Chen, don't use the rookie lawyer's way of speaking. Even if you didn't understand anything at the time, don't the investigators of Longteng Law Firm have nothing to do? They didn't tell you that my client, Mr. Guan, works Is there a conflict of interest with Longxiang Construction's acquisition plan?"

Seeing that Chen Xiao still wanted to make excuses, Zhang Wei directly turned back.

Generally, the investigators of large law firms will conduct certain background checks on the parties or clients under the guidance of the lawyers.

Especially in criminal defense cases, the investigation of the parties or suspects can be said to be very detailed.

Not to mention the place of work, the situation of the work unit, you have gone to other places on business trips a few times, they can find you accurate numbers, and even find that good girl who has served you.

Therefore, if Chen Xiao said that he really didn't know that Guan Yuhong and You Dalei had a conflict of interest, it would be a big joke.

Could it be that Longteng International's investigators are all on dry food?

Therefore, Chen Xiao stopped talking.

Because she couldn't find any other interface for the time being, and Huang Yunhe's meeting records, there was no way to refute it.

As long as Zhang Wei casually produced other meeting records, it could prove that this document was true, and she couldn't deny it if she wanted to.

"So, Your Excellency, Zhu Gaojian, you can also see that 12 years ago, my client was under the service of the defense lawyer Ms. Chen Xiao who had a conflict of interest and concealed the matter, without fully protecting my rights and interests. Accepted the guilty verdict. This incident is not only against him, but also a provocation against the law, and a serious violation of fairness and justice!"

Seeing what Zhang Wei said so seriously, the presiding judge subconsciously nodded.

"Well, this court also thinks so. If the defense lawyer in the case at that time had a major conflict of interest with the client, but failed to inform the client, this behavior is a serious dereliction of duty!"

The judge said, looking at Chen Xiao, "Lawyer Chen, do you have any objections to this accusation?"

"Your Honor, I categorically deny it!"

"Lawyer Chen, you can only deny it with your mouth, right, because you know this is the truth, and you can't find evidence to refute it!"

But Zhang Wei sneered, as if he saw that Chen Xiao could only play with his words.

"Then, Attorney Chen, this court considers that you claim to deny, but there is no evidence to refute this allegation."

Chen Xiao's face darkened, but he couldn't refute this.

"Well, this court understands. Regarding Lawyer Chen's negligent behavior, I will explain to the Lawyers Association later. As for whether Lawyer Chen wants to object to this item, wait until the internal hearing of the association and let them listen to you slowly. Explain!"

As the presiding judge said, he looked at Guan Yuhong again. He was about to announce the result.

"Your Honor, allow me to interrupt!"

But at this moment, Zhu Yuansi, who had never spoken before, couldn't help but interjected.

"Zhu Gaojian, do you have anything else to say?"

"Your Excellency, if the case from 12 years ago is sent back for retrial, there will be a lot of witnesses and physical evidence, as well as the participants in the case at that time, and even the case..."

"Zhu Gaojian, I know what you want to say, but I care more about the rights and interests of the parties involved!"

Seeing that Zhu Yuansi was still struggling, the presiding judge couldn't help it.

"I believe you and I both know that no matter what the case is, the most important thing is fairness and justice. The law is the responsibility of fairness and justice. If this cannot be guaranteed, then what is the point of the existence of the law?"

"Guan Yuhong, the party involved in this case, was treated unfairly 12 years ago. He paid for 12 years of freedom for this. If he cannot be given real fairness and justice, then it will be the greatest blasphemy against the law!"

"I believe that if Mr. Guan is really guilty, then after 12 years, justice will definitely make a fair verdict, but if Mr. Guan is not guilty, please reflect on it at the Longdu District Prosecutor's Headquarters!"

As the presiding judge said so, he looked at Guan Yuhong again.

"Guan Yuhong, this court now informs you that you did not receive a fair and just trial 12 years ago, and such mistakes will not happen in the next retrial!"


The gavel fell, which also indicated that the request for a retrial was finally passed.


In the rear hearing booth, Tie Ruyun was the first to raise his arms and shouted, and hugged Guan Ping excitedly.

They had waited 12 years for this moment.


Guan Yuhong also looked excited, with tears in his eyes.

He had waited too long for this moment, and he could finally get fair and just treatment.

"Great, it's finally time for another trial!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others were also very excited, because Zhang Wei helped the client obtain the qualification for retrial.

"Your Excellency, we have a small request!"

But at this moment, Zhang Wei was surprisingly calm, not at all excited by the successful appeal.

"Oh, Lawyer Zhang, what else do you want?"

"Your Excellency, although we are very excited to have the opportunity for a retrial, please consider my client's feelings of waiting for 12 years. I hope that this case can be tried in an expedited manner, and the pre-trial and hearing of the retrial will be arranged as soon as possible, so that my client Wash away your grievances as soon as possible!"

Zhang Wei said, asking Guan Yuhong to come to his side.

"Your Excellency, my client has been waiting for 12 years. He has suffered every day in prison. I ask the court to allow his petty waywardness!"

The presiding judge thought about it and found it reasonable.

Although it has been 12 years of waiting, it is expected that the person involved will not mind these few days.

But he still announced: "Well, this court has also approved it, and I will help you get a preliminary trial tomorrow. As for the hearing date for the retrial, it depends on whether the judge in charge has time to arrange it!"


When the gavel was knocked down, Zhang Wei smiled with satisfaction.

The appeal was successful, and the pre-trial will be available tomorrow!

"Zhu Gaojian, you are the person in charge of the prosecution this time, right?"

"Of course, I was not a participant in the case back then. I wasn't even a prosecutor at the Longdu District Prosecutor's Headquarters 12 years ago. I have no interest in the case. They will definitely arrange for me to come face to face with you!"

"Okay then, see you tomorrow!"

As Zhang Wei said, he led Guan Yuhong and his party directly out of the courtroom.

The next thing to be busy is the real court confrontation.

"Zhang Wei, you really are a powerful person!"

Zhu Yuan thought about what Qin Yang told him, don't underestimate Zhang Wei, this kid is a formidable enemy.

Now, she finally understood why the other party was able to defeat Qin Gaojian.

She also started to pack her things to prepare for tomorrow's pre-trial.

But before leaving, she also took a look at Chen Xiao.

This time the case was able to be retried, thanks to the help of this person.

Zhu Yuansi also left, leaving only Chen Xiao to appeal to the court, but she also walked out of the Supreme Court very quickly.

Her mood at the moment is naturally very bad.

I thought it would be impossible for Zhang Wei to get a retrial if she came forward and Zhu Yuansi's support was added.

But the fact is that she has been the target of Zhang Wei's attack from the beginning to the end, and he used her as a breakthrough point to make the presiding judge suspicious of her. In the end, because of the challenge of fairness and justice, he had to agree to the retrial of the case.

Moreover, the judge will also report her behavior to the Bar Association.

But regarding this point, Chen Xiao was not worried.

After all, she still has people in the Lawyers Association, and she is a member of that Long Ye, so the Lawyers Association would not dare to do anything to her.

Even if it is a so-called internal hearing, it is estimated that it will go through the process and go through the appearance. The final result must be that all 5 votes are not guilty.

"Then, the most difficult question now is Guan Yuhong's murder trial?"

After Chen Xiao sorted out the current situation, he felt that he still had to fight for Guan Yuhong's case.

She would not place her hope that the local prosecutor's headquarters could send Guan Yuhong in again.

Because there are too many things involved in this case, she has to be fully prepared, and there is absolutely no room for loss!


That afternoon.

Zhu Yuansi's office at Longdu Prosecutor's Headquarters.

Zhu Yuansi never expected that Zhang Wei would come to visit him directly after he came out of the Supreme Court.

"What, you want the investigation department to arrange a safe house to protect your client!"

Although he knew that Zhang Wei was good at working hard, Zhu Yuansi never expected that Zhang Wei would make an "excessive" request just after winning the retrial.


Zhang Wei came with Guan Yuhong, and he was about to apply for protection directly.

He took out a stack of photos from his briefcase and placed them in front of Zhu Yuansi.

"Qingjiao will help the green snakes, gang hired killer Lin Bo, and even lawyer Huang Yunhe, I think their deaths are related to this case!"

"Then, as the most direct conflict of interest, my client Guan Yuhong must also be the enemy's target, so I ask Zhu Gaojian to agree to our request and provide necessary security measures for my client!"

Looking at the photos in front of him, Zhu Yuansi looked puzzled, "Aren't all these cases related to you?"

"Yes, it's all related to me, but Zhu Gaojian, you also know that I have only been in Longdu for a week, how could I be involved in such things as murder, these cases are obviously related to the case I am accepting."

Zhang Wei said, pointing to Guan Yuhong and Guan Ping.

"Before I accepted Guan Ping's case, the Green Snake came to provoke me, but after being cleaned up by my girlfriend, the people behind the scenes sent the Green Snake on the road directly to prevent the matter from being exposed."

"Similarly, the gang hired killer Linbert. We have evidence to prove that he has a great relationship with the murder of Sun X 12 years ago, so the people behind the scenes also silenced him in order to block the news."

"As for Lawyer Huang, he was also a participant in the case back then. We have reason to believe that he also knew the inside story. The people behind the scenes silenced him as necessary after they found out that he was no longer useful."

"That's why we infer that once this case really develops to the point of irreversibility, it cannot be ruled out that the people behind the scenes will directly kill my client, once and for all, and never have any future troubles!"

Hearing what Zhang Wei said, Zhu Yuansi narrowed his eyes.

In fact, the investigation department has not yet obtained enough evidence regarding the cause of death of these people to link them together.

However, the murderers all used sniper rifles of the same caliber, which is enough to explain the problem.

The news that Zhang Wei said today can be regarded as the answer to Zhu Yuansi's inner doubts.

The deaths of these people are all related to Guan Yuhong's case?

"Lawyer Zhang, your request..."

"Zhu Gaojian, I believe you don't want something to happen to my client during the trial, do you?"

Seeing that Zhu Yuansi was still a little hesitant, Zhang Wei sneered directly and used the aggressive method.

"In case, I mean in case, the case 12 years ago was remanded for retrial, and the suspect died the next day, would the public think that the investigation department made a move to cover up possible mistakes 12 years ago?" What kind of bad move?"

"This... this is impossible!"

Zhu Yuansi never expected that Zhang Wei would directly use this reason to threaten himself and the investigation department.

"Zhu Gaojian, you should understand that public opinion doesn't care about the facts. They just need to find an explanation that the public thinks is the most reasonable, and then make it up."

"Public opinion will always develop in a direction that everyone doesn't expect. If someone with a heart is fueling the flames, it will obviously be a big challenge to the credibility of the local prosecutor's headquarters and the investigation department, right?"

"I personally suggest that instead of waiting until the worst happens, Zhu Gaojian might as well ask the comrades in the investigation department to work hard during this time."

"There is a saying that is good, it is better to prevent problems before they happen than to write a review or even apologize afterwards, right?"

Threat, Zhu Yuansi felt a naked threat.

She never expected that a mere criminal defense lawyer from the east would dare to directly threaten her.

"Okay, Lawyer Zhang, I will apply for the necessary protection from the investigation department for your client. Now you can rest assured!"

"Thank you Zhu Gaojian, then I feel a lot more at ease."

Seeing Zhu Yuansi compromise, Zhang Wei finally smiled.

However, he didn't feel safe at all about the so-called "safe house" of the investigation department.

After all, in many movies, the safe house is the least safe.

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