Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 581 Preliminary review, asking questions and refreshing the three views

Monday night.

In the city center apartment.

Chen Xiao was talking on the phone with his "boss", that is, Master Long.

"What, the Investigation Section has provided Guan Yuhong with security protection. Before the retrial verdict comes out, he will live in the Investigation Section's safe house instead of a prison?"

"Yes, this is also the news I just received. It seems that Zhang Wei predicted in advance that we would make the worst move!"

On the other end of the phone, Master Long was also a little surprised.

Because in his plan, once the development of the case exceeds expectations, or if too many things are pulled out during the trial process, it is necessary for him to intervene.

As for how to intervene?

Naturally, it was arranged for Qing Jiao to help Guan Yuhong go to "wash and sleep" early, once and for all.

But now, Zhang Wei seemed to have anticipated Master Long's plan, and actually persuaded Zhu Yuansi to let the Investigation Section provide protection for Guan Yuhong.

"Master Long, if that's the case, doesn't it mean that we won't be able to touch Guan Yuhong anymore?"

"That's not true. After all, the safe house is not really safe, and Guan Yuhong, as a suspect in the case, needs to testify in court at every hearing. There is always a time when he needs to leave the safe house!"

Master Long said, with a hint of ruthlessness in his tone.

If he really wanted to attack Guan Yuhong, there must be a way.

Just like what he said, you Guan Yuhong must leave the safe house and go to the court to attend the trial.

At this time, if you are not in the safe house, can you attack?

But if you really do this, you are telling everyone that there is something wrong with this case.

Moreover, the investigation department dispatched strict protection, but the killer still insisted on killing Guan Yuhong, which is enough to explain the problem.

Even if Guan Yuhong was really assassinated, the investigation department, which has lost face, will definitely investigate to the end.

So if it wasn't necessary, he didn't want to kill Guan Yuhong in full view.

If there is no protection before, it can still be disguised as an accident.

But if the killer can still cause some accidents under the strict monitoring of the investigation department, then he is really a god-level killer.

"So, we now have the safest method!"

"Master Long, what method did you say!"

Chen Xiao looked serious, waiting for orders.

"That is to let the prosecution win!"

Chen Xiao had thought of this method a long time ago, but the result of this case is really not good.

But what Long Ye said is also reasonable.

As long as Guan Yuhong can't turn the case over, everything will be empty talk.

As long as you are still found guilty in this hearing, then everything is meaningless.

It's scary to be afraid of...

"Master Long, if Guan Yuhong's lawyer is an ordinary person, I can definitely assure you that we will win this case, but..."

"I know, that Zhang Wei is right!"

There was also a brief silence on the other end of the phone.

"Master Long, with your means, can't you still handle this Zhang Wei?"

"Hmph, if it was so easy to deal with him, my partners in Dongfangdu wouldn't use tricks to lure him to Longdu!"

Master Long also sneered, and despised a few "friends" of Dongfang Capital in his heart.

I really thought I didn't know why you asked Zhang Wei to come to the dragon, and it wasn't to prevent him from sabotaging your MP election plan!

For these people, Lord Long can only hehe.

Since you Dongfang can't handle Zhang Wei, why do you think that our dragons can handle it?

"In short, if this case really develops to an uncontrollable moment... I will provide resources to help you!"

"Thank you, Lord Long, I..."

After Master Long gave some advice, he hung up the phone without waiting for Chen Xiao to respond.

" must go all out!"

Afterwards, Chen Xiao's response blurted out, but Master Long on the other end of the phone could no longer hear it.


Tuesday, pre-trial day.

Longdu court, criminal court.

To be honest, Bao Zhengsheng never thought that the retrial would be approved.

And he didn't expect that Guan Yuhong's case was really assigned to him.

And the appeal for retrial on Monday has just passed, and the pre-trial will start this Tuesday.

The speed is really fast, there is no time to prepare.

But this was a case 12 years ago. I believe the defense prepared to cover up the case for a long enough time for this moment.

"Everyone stand up, honorable Judge Bao!"

Just under Tingwei's loud announcement, Bao solemnly walked into the scene.

He walked to the trial seat, glanced around, and then sat down calmly.

On the prosecution's seat, Zhu Yuansi and his followers were ready.

At the defense table, the duo of Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun was also ready.

Similarly, Guan Yuhong, the party involved, is also on the defense table.

On the witness stand at the rear were the four daughters Zhao Xiaoxiao and Xia Qianyue.

In the front row of the hearing seat, Guan Ping, Yuhong's son, and some people whom Judge Bao didn't know but had seen photos of in the brief of the case.

They are witnesses.

Witnesses who appeared in the trial 12 years ago.

Of course, in the middle of the hearing booth, Chen Xiaole, a direct participant in the case and also Guan Yuhong's defense lawyer, was naturally indispensable.

There were even a few newcomer lawyers from Longteng Law Firm sitting beside Chen Xiao.

Maybe, it was their first time to participate in the retrial of the case, and they learned a lot by the way.

"Ahem, this court would like to announce the schedule of the trial. In fact, just yesterday, the Supreme Court also notified me by phone, asking me to spare a little more time for this case. Their request is that the sooner the better. "

"Then, this court has fully adjusted the time. Today is Tuesday. We will pre-trial in the morning and start the first hearing in the afternoon. Are you okay?"

"We have no complaints!"

Although it was a bit of a surprise that it was time to do this, Zhu Yuansi had already made full preparations.

"The defense agrees to this timetable!"

Naturally, Zhang Wei would not have any objections. The pre-trial in the morning and the trial in the afternoon were just right.

"Well, since the case was retried 12 years ago, let me ask you both, do you maintain your original position?"

Judge Bao then looked at Zhu Yuansi and Zhang Wei.

"We maintain our original position and prosecute Mr. Guan Yuhong for intentional homicide!"

"We maintain our original position and defend Mr. Guan Yuhong's innocence against the accusation of homicide!"

Seeing that both parties maintained their original stand, Judge Bao also nodded.

"Very good, but this court still wants to explain to the jury that this trial is a retrial of Guan Yuhong's murder charge of murdering Sun and the child in his arms 12 years ago. The court has edited the details of the case in advance yesterday. The information summary is ready, after the preliminary trial is over, the court clerk will distribute the summary to you for those who have obtained the jury qualification!"

As Judge Bao said, he nodded to the clerk beside him, who also nodded in response.

"Okay, please select the jury to be seated!"

Tingwei began to let people enter the jury candidate seats. This time, there were more than 30 people in total, and there were also reserve candidate jurors in the hearing booth. The number was enough for selection.

"Both the prosecution and the defense, which one of you will come first?"

"Lady first!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's answer, Judge Bao was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Zhu Yuansi again.

Zhu Gaojian didn't hesitate, he got up directly and walked to the jury seat.

After she cleared her throat, she spoke affectionately: "Everyone, can you imagine that a child who was still in his infancy lost his life before he had time to experience his own life?"

"Objection, inflammatory speech!"

Just when Zhu Yuansi had just asked the question, Zhang Wei stood up directly.

"Judge Bao, Gaojian Zhu's question obviously wanted to use the child of one of the victims in this case to gain sympathy, and she even asked the wife of the deceased Sun to come to the scene!"

As Zhang Wei said, he also pointed to a woman on the hearing stand with a sad face and her arms around a girl beside her.

The jury and other people in the hearing booth all looked at the woman in surprise.

She was actually the wife of the deceased Sun, so the girl in her arms should be Sun's daughter?

"Judge Bao, I just asked what I think is a reasonable question, and the jury has the right to know the truth at that time."

Zhu Yuansi didn't give up either, he also hated Zhang Wei

"You two really want to fight like this, this is the first question!"

Judge Bao has a bit of a headache, this is the first question, oh, you guys started arguing in court?

"Judge Bao, I can prove that Prosecutor Zhu's purpose is to incite the jury!"

But at this moment, Zhang Wei suddenly raised his eyebrows, and then looked at Zhu Yuansi with a sly smile.

"Oh, can you prove it?"


Zhang Wei also pointed to the woman at the hearing, Sun's widow.

"In fact, Mrs. Sun remarried 4 years ago, and now we should call her Mrs. Fan!"

As soon as this statement came out, many people in the court were slightly surprised.

"But it's strange. Why did Zhu Gaojian let Mrs. Fan appear in court but not Mr. Fan? Is it because he was afraid that Mrs. Fan's presence would affect Mrs. Fan's effectiveness in instigating the jury?"

Hearing Zhang Wei's words, Zhu Yuansi's expression changed slightly, becoming a little unnatural.

"Zhu Gaojian, let me ask you, are they really the widow of the deceased Sun?"

"Yes, Judge Bao, they are the wife and daughter of Sun, the victim in this case."

"So what Lawyer Zhang said is true?"


Zhu Yuansi showed a trace of embarrassment, but still nodded.

At this moment, many people in the court were stunned.

If a widow brings her daughter to court, it can attract the sympathy of the jury.

Then a remarried woman brings her daughter to the court to sell miserably, the effect will be greatly reduced.

And now, Zhang Wei also revealed some of Zhu Yuansi's little thoughts.

You let someone's widow come to the court to sell miserably, but now she has remarried, and you still don't let her husband come with her. Isn't this going to fool the jury like a fool?

So the jury looked at the mother and daughter in the hearing booth, and there was no sympathy at all, but indifference.

If you want to sell miserably, then sell it, if you cry, then cry, let's take a look anyway.

"Since Lawyer Zhang has said so, then this court finds that the objection is valid. Zhu Gaojian, please control the scale of the question yourself!"

Judge Bao didn't expect that Zhang Wei had predicted this step, so he could only support and oppose it immediately.

"My routine has been cracked!"

Zhu Yuansi didn't expect that his plan to let Sun's widow sell miserably would be blocked just like that.

"I really thought I couldn't guess it, and you don't even think about it. How many prosecutors have I fought against? Don't use such superficial tricks."

Zhang Wei sat down with a blank face, without any sense of victory over the prosecution's means.

After all, this is just the beginning.

Since the first routine was useless, Zhu Yuansi immediately prepared the second routine.

"Jury members, I'm sure you've all heard the saying, family members can't be hurt, right?"

On the jury, everyone nodded subconsciously.

"Well, please raise your hand if you support this point of view!"

Almost everyone raised their hands.

"So everyone, do any of you agree with the idea of ​​"using violence to control violence"? "

When she raised this question, she took a special look at Guan Yuhong.

Obviously, in the eyes of this senior prosecutor, Guan Yuhong must have had friction with Sun at the beginning, so he chose this way to take revenge on Sun.

Many members of the jury looked at each other in blank dismay, most of them put their hands down, but a few people still raised their hands.

"Thank you for your honesty!"

Zhu Yuansi nodded to those who raised their hands, and then turned around decisively.

"Judge Bao, we request that jurors No. 1, No. 5, No. 17 and Juror No. 21 be eliminated!"

Judge Bao took out his pen and began to record, while waving at the four people who were called.

"Oh, do you think my client used violence to counter violence?"

Zhang Wei muttered, and at the same time, he could see through the purpose of Zhu Yuansi's question at a glance.

After screening four juries, Zhu Yuansi asked some questions that the prosecution usually asks, accepted several juries, and rejected more juries.

"Lawyer Zhang, it's your turn!"

After the questioning, Zhu Yuansi returned directly to the prosecution seat.

She would like to see what tricks this young lawyer from the East will play during the pre-trial.

And the friends from Dongfangdu, including Tie Ruyun, Xia Qianyue, Zhao Xiaoxiao, Mo Yuzhu, and Jessica, all adjusted their sitting postures.

They seemed to have guessed what would happen next, and adjusted their sitting postures to prevent their emotions from fluctuating too much later, causing them to embarrass themselves.

"Ahem, hello, jury members."

Under the attention of the audience, Zhang Wei came to the court with a smile and came in front of the jury.

"Everyone, I would like to ask, do you believe in "love at first sight"? "

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Countless people opened their mouths and even froze on the spot.

Judge Bao, Zhu Gaojian, even Guan Yuhong, who was sitting in the defense box, and Chen Xiao, who was sitting in the middle of the hearing box, were all stunned.

What the hell?

love at first sight?

Are you sure you're standing in a courtroom, not a blind date?

Really, everyone was stunned.

They never expected that the defense lawyer would ask such a weird question in court.

Under this question, many people were embarrassed, their eyes were blank, and their sitting postures became unnatural.

"Lawyer Tie, what does this question really mean?"

Guan Yuhong was puzzled and asked Tie Ruyun directly.

"Zhang Wei's question has his own intentions!"

Tie Ruyun sullenly replied in an unfathomable manner.

But in fact, he was only madly complaining in his heart, Zhang Wei, damn it, if I didn't know you too well, I would have sprayed you directly.

This is a court, okay, it's not a pedestrian street, it's not a place where you can casually pick up girls, what the hell are you asking stupid questions.

Love at first sight a ghost!

"Everyone, what's the matter, is this question difficult to answer, why are you all stunned?"

In court, Zhang Wei didn't seem to feel that there was anything strange about this question, and looked at the jury again.

Everyone in the jury looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing how to react.

Fortunately, Zhang Wei can directly roll the roll.

"Sir, do you believe in love at first sight?"

"I don't believe it!" The man shook his head.

"Oh, may I ask why, between you and your wife..."

As Zhang Wei said, he pointed to the man's left ring finger, where there was a wedding ring.

"To tell you the truth, my wife and I met each other on a blind date. In fact, I married her because we both think each other is pretty good and we can make do with each other."

Hearing the man's answer, Zhang nodded in satisfaction.

"Judge Bao, the defense accepts this juror!"

you accept?

Why did you accept him? To make do with your wife. Isn't this attitude too casual?

Hearing what Zhang Wei said, Judge Bao opened his mouth, but he still held back the desire to complain.

Seeing this, Zhu Yuansi on the side also supported his forehead with an expression of "I don't even bother to read it".

"Madam, do you believe in love at first sight?"

"Believe it, my husband said he fell in love with me at first sight!"

"Oh, thanks for your answer."

Zhang Wei looked at the nympho woman in front of him, sneered and turned around.

"Judge Bao, we request the dismissal of this juror."

Why did you reject it again? Do you have any opinions on love at first sight?

Judge Bao opened his mouth again, but still resisted the desire to complain, and drew a stroke in his notebook.

The woman leaves the seat.

"This handsome guy, do you believe in love at first sight?"

"I would love to say yes, but my girlfriend broke up with me, so..."

"Oh, that's right, I'm sorry, then let me ask another question, do you believe in "Rijiushengqing"? "

As soon as this remark came out, many members of the jury looked at each other in blank dismay.

At the trial seat, Judge Bao was stunned again.

Love for a long time?

You have been in love for a long it serious?

"Love for a long time?"

In the hearing booth, countless people muttered a word, but they all froze in place.

"My God, day~jiusheng love!"

Among the friends, Mo Yuzhu drove the car first, and her cheeks were hot.

"Go to hell, you bereaved girl. You can drive on such a broken road. This is a court. If you want to drive, please check the occasion first?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao on the side was speechless for a moment, and poked the arm of the person next to her with her fingers, her expression was speechless.

But then, the friends also looked at Zhang Wei.

Damn, haven't you been in court for a long time? This question is really weird, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger.

They all felt that Zhang Wei's question today was not to screen the jury, but to...

Refreshing the three views of Longdu's prosecution.

Moreover, the other party seems to have succeeded in achieving its goal.

At this moment, whether it is Judge Bao or Zhu Gaojian, their three views seem to be refreshed by Zhang Wei's question.

It was really hard for them to imagine who could ask such a weird question during the pre-trial.

Speaking of which, do the prosecutors and judges of Dongfang Capital have to endure such weird questions every time they participate in Zhang Wei's case?

Then we can only say, colleagues in Dongfang Capital, you have worked hard...

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