Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 582 The key juror, Zhu Yuansi's opening statement

"Does time make love? I think it makes sense!"

The man nodded subconsciously, his eyes seemed to burst out with some kind of brilliance.

Many people looked at him and thought to themselves: Young man, don't think about it, that's not what it means to be in love with each other for a long time!

"Well, thanks for your answer!"

Zhang Wei was satisfied with the answer of the person in front of him, and then looked at the trial seat, "Judge Bao, we accept this juror."

Judge Bao shook his head helplessly, and at the same time reluctantly clicked on the notebook, which was regarded as a record.

At the same time, he also secretly thought in his heart: What do you mean when you ask Rijiu to be in love?

Is it normal to be in love with each other for a long time?

Zhang Wei didn't know the inner thoughts of everyone in the audience, he just continued to ask questions with love at first sight and love over time.

Several jurors were screened at the same time.

"Thank you for your answer, we reject it!"

"Thank you for your answer, we accept it!"


In this way, the jury has already finalized more than half of the candidates.

"Zhu Gaojian, do you want to continue asking questions?"

"Lawyer Zhang, if you like it, you can continue!"

Zhu Yuansi waved his hand at Zhang Wei, then rested his forehead with one hand and lowered his head.

Her expression seemed to say, if you want to continue, you can continue, and I won't be ashamed to come up.

"No way, my purpose is so obvious, you can't even see through it?"

Zhang Wei looked at Zhu Yuansi who had committed cancer with an embarrassing face, and complained in his heart.

He asked the jury whether they believed in "love at first sight", and then proposed "love over time", in fact, the purpose is to find people who can reasonably accept other options.

Because this is an old case 12 years ago, if the jury is the kind of person who cannot accept changes and will not change their minds after finding out, then once such people see that the verdict 12 years ago is guilty, they will He took it for granted that Guan Yuhong was the murderer, and didn't care whether the defense found new evidence in the past 12 years.

Such a person is not the intended jury that Zhang Wei needs.

This is the purpose of Zhang Wei's question.

But now, Zhu Yuansi gave up the opportunity to ask questions, so Zhang Wei decided the most critical step.

He needs a key juror!

For this, all he needs to do is to continue to ask questions, and the questions must be...

"Ahem, fellow jurors, I would like to ask, when you buy electronic home appliances in the mall, do you read the manual carefully?"


Zhang Wei's question once again aroused the collective silence of the jury.

Judge Bao on the trial bench, Zhu Gaojian on the prosecution bench, and even Chen Xiao on the hearing bench all opened their eyes wide again with a bewildered look on their faces.

What's the problem with this Nima?

In the past, falling in love at first sight and falling in love with each other after a long time was outrageous enough, but now I ask the buyer to read the manual of the appliance.

Are these outrageous questions unique to the East?

Or, you lawyers from the East always like tricks that you have never seen before, right?

Maybe even Zhao Xiaoxiao and Jessica, who are familiar with him, don't know whether Zhang Wei is working, but the question still needs to be asked.

"Everyone, have you read the manual?"

The jury looked at each other, and many nodded.

"Oh, those who read the description please raise your hand."

Nearly half of them raised their hands.

Therefore, after all, there are a small number of people who read the manual, and many people do not read the manual.

"So, is there anyone who read the warranty card?"

"After you buy electrical appliances, furniture, home appliances and even digital products, will you carefully read the terms on the warranty card?"

Hearing this question, the jury was collectively speechless.

Who will watch this thing.

At most, they just ask directly, how many years is the warranty, full insurance or half insurance, how much insurance premium will be paid, and so on.

Who would look at the words on the warranty card, all the little ones are like ants, full of food?

"Excuse me, how many people have read the description of the warranty card, please raise your hands and let me have a look?"

Among the jury, no one raised their hands.

Zhang Wei frowned, and then looked at the reserve jury sitting in the front row of the hearing booth.

"What about you, everyone can answer this question!"

Among the reservists, many people also shook their heads, they are not so boring.

"That... I will watch!"

But suddenly, a man wearing glasses who looked like a science and engineering major raised his hand.

"My little brother, do you know how to read the warranty card?"

"Yes, I can not only read the warranty card, but also the electronic files, parameter sheets, the other company's service terms manual, customer notice manual, etc., so that I can really know what I know!"

The engineering man adjusted his glasses and replied seriously.

Everyone around looked at him with "you're so boring" expressions on their faces.

"May I ask, brother, what is your occupation?"

"I'm a programmer!"

Zhang Wei thought to himself, indeed.

Only programmers would be so bored and do these abnormal things.

Look at his outfit, plaid shirt and jeans, isn't this a proper programmer's formal attire?

This man with glasses was the key juror he wanted.

"Judge Bao, we accept this juror!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people looked at Zhang Wei speechlessly.

What do you want this crazy programmer to do, can he fix your computer for you?

But in fact, programmers can't fix computers, that's the job of hardware.

And programmers pay more attention to the software level. To put it bluntly, they generally don't fiddle with things like repairing computers.

So when visiting relatives during the Chinese New Year, when a programmer is asked by relatives if they can help repair the computer, their expressions will be very embarrassed.

This stuff doesn't really match their work.

Even so, Zhang Wei accepted the juror and gave him the codename "Science and Technology Man"!

This is Zhang Wei's key juror in this trial, the helper Zhang Wei needs most.

"Very well, we have 12 jurors next, and now we are disbanded. After lunch, we will continue the first hearing!"

Judge Bao struck the gavel, and the courtroom began to dissolve.

Everyone in the court left in a hurry, but Zhao Xiaoxiao and his party came to Zhang Wei's side.

"Zhang Wei, why are you looking for a programmer?"

In the end, Zhang Wei's step of choosing a man of science and engineering puzzled Zhao Xiaoxiao.

What’s so good about programmers? My dad’s company has a lot of plaid shirts and jeans, with a sullen face every day, and the most frequently asked questions are “Has your bug fixed?”, “I heard Need to change again?", "Do you want to work overtime this weekend?" and so on, there is no sentimentality at all.

Especially after the age of 30, one by one walks in a frivolous way, is listless, hair begins to fall out, and cervical spondylosis and lumbar spondylosis gradually begin to exert strength.

Such a person is actually the juror you want?

"Girl, you don't understand this, what I want is not the programmer, but the attitude of the other party to get to the bottom of it!"

Zhang Wei pampered Zhao Xiaoxiao's forehead, and explained with a smile: "Think about it, this is a case from 12 years ago. How many people do you think will read the summary of the case from 12 years ago?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao broke free from Zhang Wei's "magic claws", and muttered while stroking her hair. "Should they all go to see it?"

"Wrong, none of them will go to see it!"

Zhang Wei sneered, as if he knew the result long ago.

More than 99% of the jury will not read the case summary, and they don't even bother to search for relevant case information.

They will think, anyway, during the trial, the prosecution and the defense will present evidence and explain the situation, and there will be opening statements and closing statements anyway, so they just listen to them.

So they are too lazy to spend this energy to read a boring case summary. Since there are prosecutors and lawyers, why should they waste this brain cell?

But now, Zhang Wei is really excited to see a person who can even read the instruction manual and even the warranty card carefully.

Such a person, not to mention the summary of the case, may even watch the public video of the trial at that time frame by frame.

This is why Zhang Wei chose the man of science and engineering.

"What I value is not his identity as a programmer, but his professional habit of searching for the root of everything, which is similar to obsessive-compulsive disorder."

Zhang Wei pointed to the direction where the jury left, and analyzed to Zhao Xiaoxiao and others: "This case was 12 years ago, I need someone who is still curious enough about the old cases and who is willing to take the time to explore the truth , and he is the candidate that meets my expectations!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others were stunned for a while, and finally they could only nod subconsciously.

Although I can't understand it, it seems to be very powerful.

"Okay, let's go to eat, after lunch, we have a court session in the afternoon!"

"Woohoo~, let's eat!"

Hearing that there was food to eat, Zhao Xiaoxiao jumped up excitedly.

Most of the pre-examination in the morning was very boring, and she was already bored, so she had to give Zhang Wei a good meal at noon.

Zhang Wei naturally didn't care, and left the court with his friends and his party.


1 pm.

After the lunch break, time for the first official hearing of the retrial.

In the criminal court, everyone came together.

On the prosecution's bench, Zhu Yuansi and his followers were sitting upright.

At the defense table, Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun had serious faces, while Guan Yuhong on the side also tensed up, looking a little nervous.

At the hearing booth, there were many more people than the pre-trial. Even the Longdu District Prosecutor's Headquarters also had several prosecutors, and even Qin Yang and Qin High Prosecutors sat among them.

After Zhang Wei saw each other, the two nodded in the air, which was regarded as a greeting.

In the middle of the hearing booth, there were also lawyers Chen Xiao and new lawyers from Longteng International, but You Dalei from Longxiang Construction was not among them.

Zhang Wei originally thought that the other party would attend the case, but he did not expect that the other party did not plan to appear.

But it doesn't matter, he can use some tricks to make Zhu Yuansi or his own party summon the other party, so that the other party has to appear in court.

Of course, this is all a follow-up operation, and now he has to focus on the things in front of him.

"Then before the trial, this court should first explain that this case is a retrial of a criminal case 12 years ago, so many evidence records are from 12 years ago, and some relevant witnesses, etc., have been separated by 12 years. Please understand everyone here, so now, the prosecution can start the court statement."

Under Judge Bao's reminder, Zhu Yuansi got up first.

He winked at his valet, who immediately opened his notebook and started working.

"Twelve years ago, Guan Yuhong, the defendant in this case, was accused of murder. There were two targets of the attack, the deceased in this case, Sun, and his infant son, who was even less than 6 months old!"

In conjunction with Zhu Yuansi's opening statement, photos from 12 years ago appeared on the projection screen.

A man lying on the ground with dilated pupils and a lifeless man, and a baby in his arms who was also dead.

Of course, a lot of mosaics were used on the screen, but the tragedy of the scene is still permeating!

Seeing this group of photos, everyone is not calm.

What the hell kind of person is capable of doing anything to babies?

"Woo woo woo, my son..."

In the front row of the hearing, a woman was crying, it was Sun's ex-wife.

But this time, there was an extra man beside her, who was comforting him.


Seeing Zhu Yuansi's routine, Zhang Wei was speechless.

Fortunately, he called the current husband of Sun's ex-wife over, and the jury did not cause much psychological fluctuation when they saw the mother who had lost her son cry.

They sympathized with the dead child, but not with the remarried woman.

"We have reason to believe that it was the defendant Guan Yuhong who killed the deceased Sun X, and at the same time, in the process of attacking Sun X, caused the direct fact of the death of Sun X's son!"

On the projection screen, the screen switched again, and this time there was a photo of the murder weapon, the black umbrella.

"This is the murder weapon at that time, a specially modified black umbrella with sophisticated mechanisms inside, as long as you press the button on the handle of the umbrella, the moment the umbrella is opened, a sharp steel needle will be pierced from the tip of the umbrella. "

Zhu Yuansi said, looking at Zhang Wei and Guan Yuhong: "This umbrella was found near the attack site. After DNA comparison, we found that the blood of the deceased Sun and his son were left on the umbrella, which proved that this object was the murder weapon. !"

"Similarly, we also found the fingerprints of the defendant Guan Yuhong on the surface of the precision parts inside the umbrella, indicating that the person who modified the umbrella was the defendant Guan Yuhong himself!"

Having said this, Zhu Yuansi took a deep breath, and then said in a solemn tone: "Not only that, we also visited and investigated the merchants near the crime scene, and learned from them that the deceased Sun and the defendant Guan Yuhong were on the day of the crime. There was a quarrel over some trivial matter!"

"Even, they heard the two threatening each other, and the threatening words included the sentence: 'I'm going to fuck you!'"

"Therefore, we have absolute reasons to suspect that the person who killed the deceased Sun was the defendant Guan Yuhong!"

Having said this, Zhu Yuansi looked at the jury.

"Whether it is the motive, the murder weapon, or the eyewitness testimony, they all point to one person, and he is the only suspect in the court. I believe that even after 12 years, everyone should know that there is only one murderer in this case, and that person is the only suspect in the courtroom. In the dock!"

Following Zhu Yuansi's words, everyone on the jury turned to the defense bench and Guan Yuhong.

This made the latter look a little unhappy, he didn't like Zhu Yuansi's words.

"Mr. Guan, calm down, this is the routine operation of the prosecution, and the stage of the opening statement is their home field!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly reminded him, and at the same time signaled Tie Ruyun to keep a close eye on him, don't let Guan Yuhong do anything irrational.

"Lawyer Zhang, don't worry, I understand!"

Guan Yuhong took a deep breath, and then his expression became calm.

In the 12 years in prison, he has changed. He is no longer the impulsive man he was back then. He will not quarrel with the other party just because of a few words, let alone lose his mind.

After waiting 12 years, he will not let all this hard work go down the drain just because of a few minutes of verbal attacks.

Seeing Guan Yuhong's reaction, Zhang Wei did not expect it.

The 12 years of grievances have tempered this man and made him calm.

This is very good.

Facing the jury's skeptical gaze, Guan Yuhong also showed no abnormality. Apart from being a little upset at the beginning, he remained calm throughout the process.

This scene also surprised many members of the jury. Could it be that this guy is so calm?

"Oh, my opening statement didn't work?"

Seeing Guan Yuhong's performance, Zhu Yuansi was also a little surprised.

There are very few defendants who can remain calm under such accusations, but the other party actually did.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that this hearing is a retrial of the case, not the first trial.

There is naturally a huge gap between a criminal who has just committed a crime and a man who has been wronged for 12 years.

"While you're in a good mood, I suppose it's useless to say that because the jury will be on my side!"

Zhu Yuansi glanced across the jury.

She had just proved Guan Yuhong's motive for the murder. He had a quarrel with Sun, and the two sides even got into a very unpleasant situation.

There are also eyewitnesses who saw the scene of the two arguing, and both sides threatened to kill each other.

Similarly, the most favorable evidence for this case is the fingerprints inside the black umbrella of the murder weapon.

Only the murderer can leave fingerprints on the black umbrella, and there are no other people's fingerprints on the black umbrella except for Guan Yuhong's fingerprints.

This shows that only Guan Yuhong may be the murderer!

These evidences are enough for the jury to conclude that the murderer is the defendant himself, and there is no other possibility.

"Come on, Zhang Wei, let me see how you can make a comeback!"

Zhu Yuansi thought about this, and looked at the trial seat, "Judge Bao, the prosecution requests to summon the first witness, the ex-wife of the deceased Sun to testify in court!"

Hearing that this witness appeared in court, Zhang Wei was speechless.

The prosecution likes a routine so much?

Whether it's in Dongfangdu or Longdu, your favorite routine is to pull family members to sell you, right?

However, this trick is indeed tried and tested, especially the more miserable the family members are, the more sympathetic the jury can be aroused.

The jury, that's really all there is to it.

Therefore, under Zhu Yuansi's summons, Sun's ex-wife sat on the witness stand.

"Ms. Dou, hello."

"Hello, prosecutor!"

"I would like to ask, what kind of person was the deceased Sun in this case 12 years ago?"


The ex-wife wanted to blurt out that Sohn was a good person and I missed him a lot.

But considering that the current husband is also in court, I have to consider the feelings of the other party.

"He used to be very good to me, but he left me and my children forever, he..."

The ex-wife said with grief on her face, she couldn't help crying.


Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei's mouth collapsed, and he almost couldn't help spraying.

That's it, that's it?

Your acting skills are too bad, aren't you?

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