Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 583 People in the Eastern Capital like to work hard?

in court.

The first witness was the deceased Sun's ex-wife. Under Zhu Yuansi's suggestion, she started the old routine of selling miserably.

But because her current husband was watching her from the hearing booth, she couldn't do too much, at least she couldn't show that she missed Sun Mou too much.

This also caused the ex-wife's performance to be greatly restricted. If she cried too badly, her husband would not like it. If she cried badly, it would have no effect on the jury.

Zhu Yuansi hated in his heart, you Zhang Wei are powerful enough, you actually called the ex-wife's incumbent to the court, just to guard against me, right?

If Zhang Wei could hear Zhu Yuansi's complaint, then he would answer yes.

I called my ex-wife's incumbent, just to make it impossible for you to use your ex-wife to make a fuss, so that she can't sell her badly!

Isn't the effect coming?

Quite a few people in the jury could see that this woman was crying on the witness stand, and she didn't cry enough emotionally. She really has no acting skills. We will definitely give you zero points.

"Judge Bao, we have nothing to ask about Ms. Dou for the time being!"

Soon, Zhu Yuansi saw that the effect was not very good, so he hurriedly ended the proof.


Zhang Wei was ready without Judge Bao's reminder.

He adjusted his collar and walked to the court.

"Ms. Dou, hello."

"Hello, lawyer."

The ex-wife looked at Zhang Wei, her eyes averted for no reason.

This expression is obviously a sign of guilty conscience, and it may also be because the current husband is present, and he is afraid that Zhang Wei will ask some embarrassing questions.

"Ms. Dou, you are the ex-wife of the deceased Sun, right? You were his wife 12 years ago?"


"Let me ask, how long have you been married?"

"It was about three years ago."

"Oh, how long have you been dating?"

"About six years."

"Then it means that you know Sun very well. After all, you have known each other for 6 years, right?"

The ex-wife glanced at the incumbent in the hearing booth and nodded.

There is no way to deny this, because everyone knows this.

"Then I want to ask, Sun's occupation before his death, what did he do for a living?"


It is really hard to answer what Sun Mou did for a living during his lifetime.

Because the ex-wife knew that Sun's identity was a bit disgraceful.

"Ms. Dou, this is a court, you shouldn't lie, right?"

"I...Of course I won't..."

"That's good, please tell everyone in the court that Sun's occupation is..."

"He...he is a member of the society, responsible for managing the streets and vendors, and regularly collecting...ground rent from them..."

"Oh, club members!"

Zhang Wei nodded, then looked at the clerk's position.

"Please record the clerk. This point was not mentioned in the trial 12 years ago. The deceased, Mr. Sun, was a member of an association and would regularly collect land rent from merchants, not an ordinary civilian in the case record!"

The clerk nodded and began to record.

Likewise, the jury and hearing were a little surprised why this wasn't recorded at the time.

In fact, the identities of club members are all hidden. As long as you don't tell them, no one will know that you are a club member.

Moreover, Tie Ruyun, who was in charge of the case at the time, didn't ask about this in detail. His main job was to help Guan Yuhong clean up his grievances.

As for Chen Xiao who took over later, her purpose was to put Guan Yuhong in jail, she was stupid to ask these unrelated questions.

Therefore, this is the first time that many people in the court know Sun's "part-time job" status.

He is actually the lackey of the society, a green-skinned rascal who bullies small vendors on the street. As for the so-called land rent fee, isn't it just paying insurance premiums on time?

bad guy!

Sun is actually a proper villain!

This question also made Zhu Yuansi, who was on the prosecution table, a little puzzled.

Just one question, what's the situation that makes the jury hostile to the deceased.

As for Sun's identity, she knew something about it, but the other party was just a small member of a small society and could not be on the stage.

However, Zhu Yuansi did not consider the difference between her and ordinary people.

She is a prosecutor and has contact with criminals and community members every day, so she doesn't have much hostility towards criminals.

Ordinary people who abide by the law are very repulsed by local hooligans, rogues, and so on.

Zhu Yuansi noticed the changes in the courtroom, and immediately stood up and interrupted: "No, the deceased Sun's occupation has nothing to do with this case!"

"Even if he is a big villain, he should be sanctioned by the law, instead of trying to use Sun's identity to beautify and justify the defendant's murder, as lawyer Zhang said, no one is above the law! "

"Besides, Sun was not the only one who died. The child in his arms was innocent, but the child also died that day. So what?"

Zhu Yuansi said a lot, and Judge Bao couldn't help but nodded.

It is true that the child is innocent, and that is enough.

"The objection is valid. Lawyer Zhang, please don't be obsessed with Sun's identity before his death. Our case is about his murder and the cause of his death. What he did before his death has little to do with this case!"

"No, Judge Bao, what Sun did before his death is actually related to this case!"


Judge Bao was stunned for a moment, obviously didn't react, he himself said that the objection was valid, how dare you Zhang Wei raise an argument?

But when he thought of the other party's identity from Dongfang Capital, Judge Bao still gave Zhang Wei a little face.

"Lawyer Zhang, I didn't understand what you said."

"Judge Bao, please listen to me and continue to ask questions, is that okay?"

Judge Bao glanced at Zhu Yuansi, then at Zhang Wei, and then fell silent for a moment.

"I'll give you 2 minutes, I hope you can convince me to make this decision without regretting it!"

"Thank you, Judge Bao, for your understanding!"

Zhang Wei nodded his thanks, and then immediately walked to the witness stand.

"Ms. Dou, since you have confessed your ex-husband's occupation, could you please tell me whether your ex-husband had quarrels with many people when collecting land rent?"

"Of course, if you ask them to pay a sum of money for nothing, how many people are sincere?"

The ex-wife also spread her hands, speechless.

"So, how many people have cursed, cursed, and even wished for your ex-husband to die?"

"Then I guess it's too much, almost everyone who has been charged rent by him wants him to die quickly..."

The ex-wife said with a weird face, because this is the truth.

12 years ago, Sun was not a good person at all, he was bad.

It is common to be hated by others, otherwise why would the society behind him send him to collect land rent.

"That's strange, you said before that your ex-husband is a good person, even if he is scolded every day?"

"Ah, this..."

The ex-wife's expression froze as if she had been caught in a horse's foot.

But embarrassing his ex-wife is not Zhang Wei's main purpose.

His main purpose is to...

"Ms. Dou, please tell me honestly, how many people have you heard verbally saying that they want to kill your ex-husband?"


This question really stumped the ex-wife.

Because the number of people was too many, she couldn't count them with two fingers.

"Why, are there many?"

"Yeah, a lot, too many, I can't remember all of them..."

My ex-wife wanted to say, you are clearly making things difficult for me!

But she dared not.

Because Zhang Wei put too much pressure on her, I was afraid that the other party would suddenly pop up a question that she couldn't parry.

"Then that is to say, there are very, very many people who wish your ex-husband to die, right?"

The ex-wife glanced at Zhu Yuansi, and then confessed helplessly: " can put it this way..."

"In that case, doesn't it mean that besides my client, there are many people who have murderous intentions towards Guan Yuhong?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the court were stunned.

Zhu Yuansi and Judge Bao were also taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

It turns out that your Zhang Wei's purpose is actually this!

Zhu Yuansi said before that Guan Yuhong's motive for murdering Sun was because of the quarrel between the two.

So now, Zhang Wei has proved one thing. Sun had quarreled with many people before his death, so are these people all suspected?

Judge Bao understood Zhang Wei's intentions, but frowned.

Even if you can refute the motive, what about the murder weapon?

And the murder weapon, the black umbrella only has the fingerprints of your client Guan Yuhong, how do you explain this?

"Ahem, thank you Ms. Dou for your speech, but I have one last question, I hope you can answer me honestly!"

"go ahead……"

Seeing his ex-wife responding in this way, Zhang Wei grinned a little sinisterly.

"Ms. Dou, do you still love your ex-husband?"

When the ex-wife heard this question, her mind suddenly became dizzy.

She was really afraid of something. Zhang Wei's question instantly made her feel a sharp gaze from the hearing seat.

The current husband is looking over with sharp and dignified eyes.

This is a warning, if you answer wrong, you are screwed!

"I...I don't love my ex-husband anymore. After he died, I just..."

"I don't love you?"

Zhang Wei didn't even bother to hear the witness finish his answer, so he interrupted him directly.

"Yes, I don't love you anymore." The ex-wife hurriedly added while looking at the hearing booth.

Dear, did you see, my answer is this.

The current husband nodded as if relieved, and he was very satisfied with the answer.

"Judge Bao, I think the witness lied, and I would like to request a rebuttal witness!"

But at this moment, Zhang Wei's words made the hearts of both his ex-wife and current husband "click" at the same time.

"Damn it, I was wronged, husband, you have to believe me!"

My ex-wife is going crazy, I really don't love Sun Mou anymore.

"Who is the rebuttal witness?"

Judge Bao was speechless. Aren't you fooling around? How do you prove this?

"It's very simple. The rebuttal witness I want to summon is Ms. Sun!"

Zhang Wei raised his hand and pointed, and the direction he pointed was the daughter of the deceased Sun X, a girl about 13 years old in the hearing booth.

"be opposed to!"

Zhu Yuansi immediately got up and interrupted directly.

"Judge Bao, what is the defense lawyer doing to summon a 13-year-old girl?"

"Judge Bao, when I was in court in the East, the prosecution even summoned an 8-year-old boy. Ms. Sun is already 13 years old, and she can tell the basics from right to wrong. And it is the duty of every citizen to testify in court. Although Ms. Sun is a minor, if she wants to go to court voluntarily, I don't think anyone can stop her, right?"

Judge Bao was depressed.

You people in the Eastern Capital, don’t you do personnel affairs, and 8-year-old children are summoned to court?

But soon, Judge Bao caught one point.

"You said you voluntarily went to court?"

He quickly looked at the hearing seat, "Miss Sun, do you want to testify in court?"

"Don't worry, you are a minor. If you don't want to testify in court, no one can force you."

The girl glanced at her mother, and Ms. Dou was shaking her head frantically, her eyes implying that her daughter should not come up.

The girl looked at the stepfather next door again, but the latter thought for a long time and chose to nod.

"Miss Sun, don't worry, I won't ask you too many questions. Besides, your stepfather and mother seem to have some conflicts now. Do you need to come up and clarify?"

"Okay, I'm willing to testify in court!"

Seeing that Ms. Sun agreed, Judge Bao could only shake his head at Zhu Yuansi.

You see, everyone agrees, so don't worry about it, objections are invalid.

Zhu Yuansi had no choice but to sit down resentfully.

At this moment, Ms. Dou gave up her seat to her daughter, and a 13-year-old girl sat on the witness stand.

"Miss Sun, when your mother was alone with you, did you mention the deceased Sun, who is your biological father, many times?"

This question made Miss Dou and her current husband at the hearing stand nervous.

"My mother said so!"

"Have you said that many times?"

"Well, I can't remember how many times...but there must be quite a few?"

This answer made the current husband very dissatisfied, and even changed the way he looked at the people around him.

Immediately, Ms. Dou's face was about to burst into tears.

"So, what did your mother say about your biological father?"

"My mother said, if my father didn't join the club, maybe he wouldn't have to die?"

As soon as this remark came out, the current husband frowned, and sweat dripped from Ms. Dou's forehead.

"She also said that if he hadn't died, we orphans and widows might not have been so sad in the first few years."

"She also said that she was lucky to meet my stepfather, otherwise she might not be able to hold on and collapse."

"My stepfather is very kind to us. Although I know he is not my father, I always treat him as my father in my heart. After my mother knows about it, she always praises me for being sensible!"

When she arrived here, Ms. Dou felt that the pressure around her suddenly became much less, and her current husband's face, which was originally covered with clouds, suddenly became cloudy and sunny.

"I'm scared to death..." Ms. Dou patted her chest in fright.

This shit, in just 2 minutes, his life was about to be lost.

"My wife, I'm sorry, I've been doubting you just now!"

"It's okay, I've always loved you..."

In court, because of the girl's answer, the smoke that might have happened was finally resolved.

"So your mother doesn't love your biological father anymore?"

"It should be, I don't know what love is, I will know whether I like it or not..."

The girl blinked, expressing her incomprehension.

"Okay, let's not worry about this anymore. Next, my brother will ask you to do an experiment. I hope you will cooperate!!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly and revealed his real purpose.

He summoned the girl to come up, just to teach Sun's ex-wife a lesson, just to scare her.

Now that the small goal has been achieved, he has to show his real goal.

Zhang Wei walked to the defense bench, took the briefcase from Tie Ruyun's hand, and then went to the court.

He took out two white plastic gloves from the briefcase, and after putting them on for himself, he turned over the briefcase and dumped the contents in front of the girl.

"Miss Sun, do you like building blocks? I have some toys here. Please put them together. By the way, these toys can be made into a sword~"

The girl looked at the building block toys in front of her, and started to assemble them without thinking too much.

The entire court was stunned.

Many people looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding why Zhang Wei asked the girl to put together blocks in court.

Judge Bao glanced at Zhu Yuansi, and Zhu Yuansi also spread his hands to express his incomprehension.

Lawyers from all over the East like to play tricks, don't they?

Both of them were completely speechless.

Fortunately, after 2 minutes, the building blocks were finished.

What was pieced together was a two-foot-long building block sword.

"Miss Sun, do you like acting?"

"When I was in class activities, I performed a play."

"Okay, wait until you do this..."

Zhang Wei leaned close to the girl's ear and whispered something, and the girl nodded.

"Everyone, please be careful."

As Zhang Wei said, he raised the building block sword and signaled the audience to look at him.

He didn't need to remind him of this, everyone was looking at him.

At this moment, the girl stepped down, came to the center of the court, and turned her back to Zhang Wei.

"Hey hey, little girl, today is your death day!"

Zhang Wei showed an evil smile, like a villain in a movie, sneaking up to the girl.

Afterwards, the building block sword stabbed out one by one, and went straight to the girl's back.

"Pfft!" Zhang Wei took advantage of the situation and performed some ventriloquist at the moment when the building block sword stabbed the girl.

"Ah, I'm dead~"

The girl also pretended to scream, and fell straight while clutching her chest. Soon her body twitched and she closed her eyes.


Everyone in the audience watched this scene, and they were all stunned on the spot.

This is like a performance by kindergarten children. What does it mean?

Judge Bao on the trial seat opened his mouth.

You people from the east, don’t you particularly like to work hard?

"Everyone, as you can see, did I kill the girl?"

Everyone nodded subconsciously, but then shook their heads again.

How can you kill someone with a building block sword?

Zhang Wei didn't care about these, but walked in front of Zhu Yuansi, and put the "murder weapon" building block sword on the opponent's table.

"Zhu Gaojian, please answer me now. If you want to collect fingerprints on this 'murder weapon', what will be the result?"

Zhu Yuansi looked at the building block sword in front of him, but his pupils suddenly shrank.

If you were to fingerprint a Jenga sword, what would you get?

There is and only one result will be obtained, that is, the fingerprint of the girl is the only one on the "murder weapon".

Because it was a girl who put together the building block sword, only the girl's fingerprints were on the building block sword.

As for the real "murderer" Zhang Wei, he wore gloves from the beginning to the end, and it was impossible to leave any fingerprints on the "murder weapon".

"Zhu Gaojian, I think you understand it?"

Seeing Zhu Yuansi's pupils contract and change, Zhang Wei smiled.

This performance has achieved its goal!

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