Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 584 Evidence is required for everything! Old Huo?

On the murder weapon, the building block sword, there could only be the girl's fingerprints.

Because Zhang Wei wore gloves the whole time he acted, it was absolutely impossible to leave his fingerprints on the building block sword.

This is one thing Zhang Wei wanted to tell everyone, for which he even did not hesitate to let a child come to the court to perform.

This time, everyone in the audience could see it.

"Everyone, you have all seen that I killed Ms. Sun, but if I hand over the murder weapon in my hand to the investigation department, what will they get?"

Zhang Wei raised the building block sword in his hand high, and then shouted: "The investigation department can only give one result, and that is that there are only Miss Sun's own fingerprints on this murder weapon!"

"Because I was wearing gloves all the time, it is absolutely~absolutely~absolutely~ impossible for someone's fingerprint to show up on this murder weapon!"

Under the three absolutes, Zhang Wei's self-confidence is shown, and he is also telling the truth.

There will be no fingerprints of the real murderer on the building block sword.

"Miss Sun, you can get up now. I give full marks to your acting skills, at least you are better than your mother's acting skills!"

Afterwards, Zhang Wei lifted the girl up and let her sit back on the witness stand.

"Everyone can see why there is no fingerprint on the murder weapon, because the whole room is made of building blocks assembled by Ms. Sun. Then, for the same reason, if the real murderer in this case wore gloves from the beginning to the end, then the murder weapon, the Black Umbrella There will be no fingerprints left on the other party."

Speaking of this, Zhang Wei raised his finger and pointed to his client Guan Yuhong on the defense table.

"My client, Mr. Guan, has been running a grocery store for 12 years. This grocery store sells various things, including black umbrellas, and some precision parts like gear screws."

"Let's make a hypothesis here. If the murderer of the deceased Sun Mou was actually someone else, he chose to buy the raw materials for making the murder weapon in his grocery store in order to put the blame on my client, Mr. Guan. Is there such a possibility? sex?"

"If I buy raw materials in my client's store, then these parts are not all Mr. Guan's fingerprints. And the murderer must have worn gloves during the whole assembly process to ensure that no fingerprints are left on the murder weapon. Wouldn't it be perfect in this way?" Did you blame my client?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the court nodded.

"No, all of this is the subjective imagination of the defense lawyer!"

Seeing that the wind direction in the courtroom was slightly wrong, Zhu Yuansi immediately got up and interrupted.


But Zhang Wei just smiled, and immediately turned to look at the witness stand.

"Miss Sun, do you think the possibility I mentioned exists?"


Although the girl is a witness, one fact cannot be ignored.

She is only 13 years old and a junior high school student. She can't understand such a complicated question.

And she doesn't like to read some mystery novels and detective novels, so Zhang Wei's question seems to have stumped her.

"Should, maybe, maybe, maybe... some..."

The girl thought about it, but she didn't say anything dead.

"Oh, there is such a possibility, even a 13-year-old child thinks it is possible~" Zhang Wei smiled again, and winked at the trial seat and the jury.

"The objection is invalid, and the reasonable doubt raised by the defense is possible!" Judge Bao was helpless, but he could only nod.

Yes, the fact is that there is such a possibility.

And Zhang Wei raised this point in court, which is a reasonable doubt!

Similarly, as long as there is evidence, if he can prove the existence of aliens, then it is also a reasonable doubt that the aliens blamed Guan Yuhong.

It's just that aliens are just joking, how could they really exist.

But someone put the blame on Guan Yuhong, and this is the truth of the case.

"As you can see, there is actually another truth in this case, that is, someone put the blame on my client, and the real culprit is someone else!"

"My client, Guan Yuhong, was just the operator of an ordinary grocery store 12 years ago. He was honest and responsible. How could he commit murder?"

"As for the so-called conflict between him and the deceased Sun, it was just because of Sun's occupation. If you think about it, if a person came to collect land rent every day, you would not be happy, would you be angry? You see Will the other party say a few words about mouth addiction?"

"It is precisely because my client had a conflict with Mr. Sun, and then was used by someone with a heart, and became the target of the real murderer."

"be opposed to!"

Zhu Yuansi stood up again, and looked at the trial seat: "Judge Bao, are you just letting the defense lawyers reason here? If he says that the real culprit is actually an alien, is there such a possibility?"

"Aliens are too exaggerated, but my client was indeed framed!"

But Zhang Wei spread his hands and asked Zhu Yuansi, "I would like to ask, how can a murderer throw the murder weapon near the deceased after killing someone?"

"I'm curious, is he afraid that the investigation department will not be able to find him, so he left clues for the officers of the investigation department to arrest him?"

"Although my client did not major in criminal investigation in school, killing someone with a sophisticated organ umbrella is absolutely impossible to be an impulsive murder. It is definitely an action that has been planned for a long time and calculated after a reasonable killing plan."

"With such an action, it's hard to imagine that at the last moment, the murderer would leave the murder weapon stained with his fingerprints at the murder scene, and let the people from the investigation department track him down easily, right?"

Zhang Wei's words attracted the approval of many people in the court.

Yes, this is unreasonable!

First of all, this is definitely not an impulsive killing together.

Because the tool used to kill Sohn was a well-designed organ umbrella, and it is absolutely impossible for an impulsive murderer to be able to make such a tool.

Secondly, why the murder weapon was left at the scene.

Since it is not an impulsive murderer, it is really unreasonable to leave a murder weapon with fingerprints on the scene, why not take the murder weapon away.

A black umbrella, even if the surface is stained with blood, most people would not be able to see the problem, so it is not difficult to take it away.

Therefore, it can be inferred from Zhang Wei's words that someone bought raw materials and parts from Guan Yuhong, assembled the black umbrella of the murder weapon, and then on the day of the quarrel between Guan Yuhong and Sun, attacked Sun and put the blame on Guan Yuhong. Sex is bigger.

Thinking about it this way, wouldn't it be reasonable for the murderer to leave the murder weapon with Guan Yuhong's fingerprints on the scene?

In the jury, many people nodded.

Especially the man of science and technology, the intentional juror specially selected by Zhang Wei, even showed an expression of "so the truth is so".

It can be said that the reasonable doubts raised by Zhang Wei attracted the jury.

Not only that, once this reasonable doubt came out, Zhu Yuansi's previous efforts were all in vain.

Zhu Yuansi previously suggested that Guan Yuhong had a motive for the murder.

But Zhang Wei told everyone in the court that many people were suspected of murdering Sun 12 years ago, because of his occupation, many people had quarrels with him.

If Guan Yuhong had a motive to kill, then so did other people.

Guan Yuhong was not the only one who yelled at Sun to kill you.

In fact, Sun's ex-wives can't be counted. How many people wanted to kill their ex-husband at the beginning, if it was limited to talking about it, then the number is really too many.

As for the so-called murder weapon, Zhang Wei also raised reasonable doubts, and under the "vivid image" performance, the reasonable doubts were magnified.

Guess, is there a real culprit who blamed Guan Yuhong?

Anyway, in the eyes of almost everyone in the court, the real murderer obviously exists.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain, how could a professional who can make precision killing tools make a fatal mistake and leave the murder weapon with "own" fingerprints on the scene?

"Miss Sun, thank you for your answer. By the way, this building block sword is given to you as a small gift from me!"

Zhang Wei said, finally finished asking questions, and gave the girl the "murder weapon" in his hand.

"Zhu Gaojian, it's your turn!"

While smiling at Zhu Yuansi, he took off the plastic gloves on his hands.

Zhu Yuansi got up with a gloomy face and came to the witness stand.

She looked at the 13-year-old girl on the witness stand and didn't know how to speak for a while.

After all, interrogating a girl who is also a family member of the victim is not what a prosecutor representing justice should do.

The girl blinked, holding the building block sword in her hand, and looked at Zhu Yuansi with piercing eyes.

Zhu Yuansi also looked at the former, and both of them fell into silence.

"Miss Sun, I want to ask, do you love your biological father?"

"I have no impression of him..." The girl shook her head.

Because when Sun died, she was only over 1 year old, so she had no idea about this father.

"All right……"

Zhu Yuansi sighed, the plan to use the girl to win sympathy had to be cancelled.

"Judge Bao, we have no questions to ask about this witness."

Facing a 13-year-old girl, Zhu Yuansi couldn't do anything after all.

"Little girl, you can step back."

Judge Bao waved his hand, and the girl immediately stood up and walked back to the hearing booth step by step.

"Lawyer Zhang, do you have any questions about Ms. Dou?"

"Judge Bao, we have nothing to ask about Ms. Dou."

Judge Bao waved to Sun's ex-wife who was in the hearing booth, indicating that you don't need to come up.

Ms. Dou finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then said a few words to her current husband, and the family of three got up and left.

Obviously, after they testified, it was not like being in this court for a moment.

Ms. Dou left with her incumbent and her daughter, but they were not key witnesses in the case, and whether they left would have little impact on the court.

But at this moment, the pressure came to Zhu Yuansi again.

She thought that summoning Ms. Dou to the court would make the jury all fall to her side.

Unexpectedly, all the accusations raised by him were easily resolved by Zhang Wei.

The murder motive, murder weapon and fingerprints were all rejected by the other party one by one.

Even Ms. Dou's family and her daughter became Zhang Wei's helpers and assistants in attacking the prosecution's allegations.


Only at this moment did Zhu Yuansi really understand the trickiness of Zhang Wei as an opponent.

I really admire the group of prosecutors in Dongfang Capital. If I have to fight against such people every day, I can't help but go crazy.

But what she didn't know was that the prosecutors in Dongfang Capital couldn't help but go crazy when they heard that their opponent was Zhang Wei.

"Judge Bao, we will continue to summon witnesses to testify in court!"


Under Zhu Yuansi's summons, an old man with gray hair and white beard sat in the courtroom.

"Hello, Officer Huo."

"Zhu Gaojian, I have already retired, so you don't need to call me Officer Huo anymore. Everyone is so familiar, you can just call me Lao Huo."

"I'm used to it, and I can't change it for a while."

Zhu Yuansi looked at the witness in front of him and smiled.

This witness is a senior officer of the investigation department, who was also in charge of the murder of Sohn 12 years ago.

"Officer Huo, please tell everyone, is your relationship with this case okay?"


The witness did not pause, nodded and said: "12 years ago, as a senior officer of the Serious Case Team 1 of the Longdu Investigation Section, I was in charge of investigating this case!"

"Then at that time, after you identified the suspect Guan Yuhong through the fingerprint identification on the murder weapon, you arrested him, right?"

"Yes, because the suspect had both a motive and fingerprints on the murder weapon, we arrested him!"

"Then, in your eyes, what kind of person is the suspect Guan Yuhong?"

"The suspect Guan is an impulsive and impatient person. Although he strongly denies that he is the murderer, we know that he has been lying!"

What the witness said made Guan Yuhong, who was sitting on the defense bench, frown tightly.

In his mind, the high-intensity mental pressure he suffered in the interrogation room 12 years ago appeared unconsciously.

With a polygraph attached to his finger, the officers of the serious crime team asked him frantically, and the continuous questioning made him almost lose his patience.

"Guan Yuhong, are you the murderer?"

"I'm not!"

"Why did you kill Sun Mou?"

"I don't!"

"There is still a child in his arms, less than 6 months old, how can you do it!"

"I said it all, I didn't do it!"

"It's useless for you to deny it, your fingerprints are all on the murder weapon, you can't escape!"

"I said I didn't. I don't even know what the murder weapon is!"

"Haha, you are still denying, your fingerprints are all on the murder weapon, and you still want to deny it!"

"I didn't deny it!"

"No, you are lying, you are denying!"

"I don't……"

There were faint sweat stains on Guan Yuhong's forehead, and his hands trembled unconsciously.

"Mr. Guan, are you nervous, and have psychological pressure on something that happened 12 years ago?"

"Lawyer Zhang, you can see that after I was arrested by the crime squad 12 years ago, they didn't believe me at all, leaving me speechless."

When Guan Yuhong said this, he smiled wryly.

That experience was really beyond the reach of ordinary people, and it was a miracle that he didn't go crazy.

God knows how I endured it at the time.

"It's hard for you, but the serious crime team has evidence in hand. The murder weapon, fingerprints, and murder motives all point to you. They will never let you go!"

Zhang Wei had a sneer on his face. Once the serious crime team has set their eyes on the target he thinks is the murderer, how can he let go.

Even if it was him, seeing a murder case, the murder weapon, fingerprints, etc. were all locked on Guan Yuhong, he would definitely have to stare at Guan Yuhong 24 hours a day to find the target's flaws.

It's just that the Longdu Investigation Section 12 years ago went a little too far.

At this moment, Zhu Yuansi's purpose of summoning Officer Huo was finally revealed.

"Mr. Huo, just now the defense lawyer proposed that there are reasonable doubts such as the real murderer setting the blame in this case, do you agree?"

"To be honest, things like reasonable doubts actually exist in every case, but I want to say that our investigation department pays attention to evidence when arresting people. Since all the evidence pointed to the suspect Guan Yuhong at the beginning, we will naturally give priority to arresting people. He was targeted."

"What if there are other goals?"

"It depends on the evidence. If there is evidence pointing to other targets, we will naturally not rule out this reasonable doubt. But if there is no evidence, then the defense lawyer is trying to confuse the public with the so-called reasonable doubt."

Officer Huo said, glanced at Zhang Wei, and sneered: "Our investigation department only pays attention to evidence. If there is evidence, we will launch an investigation. If there is no evidence, we will raise one or two reasonable doubts casually. Then please forgive us for not accompanying us!"

Zhu Yuansi nodded, "It seems that the investigation department's rule is to pay attention to evidence in everything!"

When she said this, it looked like she was singing a double reed with Officer Huo, but it was more to remind everyone in the court to look at the evidence in everything.

Just now, for example, a certain lawyer surnamed Zhang casually went to court, raised a reasonable doubt that was completely unsupported by evidence, and tried to interfere with the direction of the court. This is wrong.

You jury, please think about it, which side is the evidence supporting?

On the prosecution side, at least there is a motive for the murder and fingerprints of the murder weapon.

On the defense side, there was nothing.

Officer Huo also emphasized this point many times through his speech, and we must pay attention to evidence in everything!

Needless to say, after Zhu Yuansi and Huo Ganyuan sang together, many members of the jury really changed their opinions.

On the one hand, what Zhang Wei gives are all speculations and assumptions.

On the other hand, the former senior officers of the investigation department have said that they will not accompany things without evidence.

So to support the prosecution, at least there is evidence to support it, but to support the defense, it is really groundless.

The wind direction of the court began to change quietly.

Seeing this, Zhu Yuansi decided to make up for it again.

"Officer Huo, you just mentioned the defendant Guan Yuhong, what kind of person is he?"

"Impulsive, irritable, and even irascible!"

"So, if such a person really made a murder weapon, and after the first murder, would he leave the murder weapon at the crime scene?"

"It's very possible!" Officer Huo nodded naturally, and explained: "Because when a person makes an unforeseen action for the first time, his brain will go down to a certain extent, that is, he cannot accept his own doing."

"This is after impulsive killings. The average murderer will be in a trance, and even can't concentrate, and do some things that ordinary people don't understand."

"Oh, after killing people, they will do some things that ordinary people don't understand."

Zhu Yuansi walked in front of the jury, and even made a point of emphasizing it.

If Guan Yuhong killed someone, he might do some things that ordinary people can't understand, such as...

Is it not impossible to leave the murder weapon with his fingerprints on it at the scene of the crime?

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