Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 586 Summon Chen Xiao, Zhang Wei breaks the news!

Who are the key witnesses?

Zhu Yuansi wanted to ask, but would Zhang Wei say it?

"Judge Bao, regarding Lao Huo, we have also chosen to end the questioning!"

Zhang Wei did not name the key witness, but chose to end the cross-examination first.

Lao Huo walked off the witness stand, but did not leave the courtroom. Instead, he found a seat in the back row of the hearing stand.

Obviously, he also cares about this case, and he intends to continue looking at it.

Zhu Yuansi watched Zhang Wei walk back to the defense table after finishing the cross-examination, and finally couldn't help his curiosity.

"Judge Bao, we request a pre-court consultation!"

"Well, this court approves it!"

Judge Bao beckoned to Zhang Wei, who could only get up and come to the courtroom even though his buttocks were still hot.

"Zhu Gaojian, what are you going to do when you call me up?"

"Lawyer Zhang, let's be smart and don't speak in secret. Since you mentioned the key witness, please tell me, who is the key witness in this case?"

Zhu Yuan thought that he wanted to know who the key witness was, which did not surprise Zhang Wei.

After all, it was his own foreshadowing, and the other party really accepted it.

"Actually, this key witness is on the list of witnesses, but I think Zhu Gaojian, you didn't intend to summon the other party from the beginning, right?"


Zhu Yuansi was surprised. He was on his list of witnesses. Who was it?

"She is..."

As Zhang Wei said, he leaned in front of Zhu Yuansi and Judge Bao, and whispered a name.

Zhu Yuansi and Judge Bao looked at each other in surprise.

The other party is actually a key witness in this case, isn't that a little wrong?

"Lawyer Zhang, are you serious?"

"Is it true, Zhu Gaojian, you just need to summon her, she has been on your witness list, why don't you let her go to court to prove her innocence~"

Zhu Yuan thought about it and thought it was true.

Since he is a witness, he should be summoned.

After the pre-court discussion was over, Zhang Wei and Zhu Yuansi returned to their seats.

"Zhu Gaojian, are you going to call witnesses?" Judge Bao asked knowingly this time.

"Yes, Judge Bao, we request that the witness, Ms. Chen Xiao, be summoned to testify in court!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the court looked towards the middle of the hearing booth.

Chen Xiao's expression was also a little stiff. She thought that she would not be summoned by the prosecution, but she didn't expect that she would be called by name.

The key witness is Chen Xiao?

This is also the doubt of many people in the court.

Just now Zhang Wei mentioned the key witness, and now Chen Xiao is summoned to appear in court, there must be a connection.

So, is Chen Xiao the key witness?

Amidst the doubts of the audience, Chen Xiao walked up to the court and came to the witness stand.

She was originally the defense law firm for the Guan Yuhong case 12 years ago, and she was a person involved in the case.

It was to be expected that the prosecution would call her and name her as a witness.

So Chen Xiao was not surprised that he was going to appear in court.

Soon, she was on the witness stand.

Zhu Yuansi got up, walked to the court, and met Chen Xiao face to face.

"Lawyer Chen, hello."

"Hello, Zhu Gaojian."

The two women greeted each other with smiles.

"Lawyer Chen, could you please tell everyone in court your identity?"

"Twelve years ago, I took over the case of Mr. Guan Yuhong from Tie Ruyun, the team leader, and I was his defense lawyer!"

"Then it can be said that, Lawyer Chen, you are a direct participant in the case, right?"


"Lawyer Chen, do you know that Lawyer Zhang told me a little bit just now that you are the key witness in this case, so that means that besides the defense lawyer, you also play a vital role in this case?"

"I don't know what Lawyer Zhang means. Apart from defending Mr. Guan 12 years ago, I don't know the other details of this case!"

Chen Xiao naturally denied it.

"Really, Lawyer Chen, are you sure you don't know?"

"Other than defending Mr. Guan in court, I don't know any other information about this case. In fact, if it wasn't for the iron group leader's incident, I wouldn't have been temporarily appointed as a trial lawyer at all!"


Hearing Chen Xiao's denial, Zhu Yuansi took a meaningful look at Zhang Wei.

I have nothing to do with this key witness, why don't you come?

Zhang Wei naturally nodded, I come and I come!

"Judge Bao, we are done questioning Lawyer Chen."

"Lawyer Zhang, come up!"

Judge Bao also knew that this was the witness proposed by Zhang Wei, so naturally Zhang Wei had to interrogate him.

Zhu Yuansi walked back to the prosecution table, sat down slowly, but turned her eyes to the court, she wanted to see how Zhang Wei would question Chen Xiao.

Although she didn't know what Chen Xiao knew, she knew better that Chen Xiao was an excellent lawyer at the partner level of Long Teng.

If such a lawyer is really killed, it should be impossible for a mere Zhang Wei to pry any secrets from the other party's mouth, right?

Therefore, Zhu Yuan wanted to see what Zhang Weineng could do.

Zhang Wei walked up to the court calmly and came to Chen Xiao.

"Hello, Lawyer Chen."

"Hello, Lawyer Zhang."

The two greeted each other and greeted each other.

"Speaking of which, Lawyer Chen is still my senior sister?"

"Oh?" Chen Xiao looked surprised, then looked at Tie Ruyun.

You, Zhang Wei, were also brought out by Tie Ruyun.

Also, why did you mention this to me?

This is to get closer, for the convenience of the next routine, right?

Is it me, Chen Xiao, who is out of my mind, or is it because you, Zhang Wei, have lost your memory, you and I are in the same situation, and you still want to have a relationship with me?

"Of course, I have never regarded Lao Tie as a teacher. If I have to say it, if I compare myself to Yang, then Lao Tie is Zhao Zhijing!"

As soon as these words came out, Tie Ruyun became restless.

God tm Zhao Zhijing!

You want to say that Lao Tzu pulled you into Quanzhen Sect, but you ended up relying on yourself from the beginning to the end, right?

Wait, it seems that you are right when you say that...

Tie Ruyun suddenly lost his composure, could he really be Zhao Zhijing?

"Lawyer Zhang, you didn't come to court for a joke, did you?"

Chen Xiao couldn't bear Zhang Wei's joke, so he interrupted it directly.

"Oh, look at me, this almost forgot the business!"

Zhang Wei tapped his head in embarrassment, and then laughed: "Then, Lawyer Chen, let's get down to business!"

"First of all, the first question, you just said to Zhu Gaojian that you were forced to take over my client's case and became his trial lawyer because of the incident that happened to Lao Tie, right?"


"Then, what kind of matter is it?"

"of course……"

Chen Xiao wanted to blurt out the fact that Tie Ruyun followed him and even threatened him, but then he reacted immediately.

There is a trap hidden in this question.

Because it is now in the trial of the criminal court, if you give false testimony in the criminal court, you will be imprisoned.

The basis for judging perjury is whether the witness tells the truth according to the actual situation and whether there is a lie.

The matter of Tie Ruyun has been settled by Zhang Wei. If she continues to say that Tie Ruyun followed her in front of the judge in court, it will be tantamount to fabricating a non-existent thing.

In other words, the matter of Tie Ruyun cannot be said, because this matter does not exist.

Chen Xiao finally came to his senses, Zhang Wei asked him to testify in court, it turned out that he wanted to blackmail himself!

She looked at Zhang Wei, and she really saw the "insidious" smile on the other's face.

"Hmph, wait for me here!"

Chen Xiao sneered in his heart, but his face remained unchanged, and he even replied calmly: "Twelve years ago, I had some misunderstandings with the iron team leader, which led to his dismissal from the law firm. I took over the case as a last resort."

"Oh, some misunderstanding?"

Zhang Wei made an expression of "you have discovered this", and planned to find out the root cause.

"Yes, it was just some misunderstandings. Fortunately, with the help of lawyer Zhang, these misunderstandings were resolved." Naturally, Chen Xiao didn't give Zhang Wei any chance, and directly dealt with it with ambiguous answers.

"Yeah, isn't this misunderstanding planned by you, Lawyer Chen?"

Zhang Wei asked back, and then said with a smile: "There is also lawyer Huang Yunhe, who is also involved. The two of you are partnering to kick out Lao Tie, obviously because of my client's case?"

"Lawyer Zhang, I don't know what you're talking about!" Chen Xiao denied again.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, anyway, the Lawyers Association gave the old man justice!"

Zhang Wei sneered, because of the so-called misunderstanding, the Lawyers Association has already helped to deal with it.

Zhang Wei can make a fuss about this matter.

"Twelve years ago, lawyer Chen Xiao framed Lao Tie with a false accusation and deprived him of his defense qualifications. Later, under the secret instruction of Huang Yunhe, she got the opportunity to defend my client. But she repeatedly refreshed the defense lawyer in the court defense. In the end, my client, Guan Yuhong, lost the trial and was sentenced to life imprisonment!"

"I can say that Lawyer Chen Xiao's purpose is to put Guan Yuhong in jail and make him lose everything, including his own career, which is the grocery store in the supermarket!"

"Objection, false accusation!"

Facing Zhang Wei's accusation, Chen Xiao couldn't sit still, and directly objected in court.

"Judge Bao, can witnesses object?"

"Of course not, only the defenders of the prosecution and the defense can raise objections!"

Judge Bao said, warning Chen Xiao with his eyes: "Lawyer Chen, you are now a witness. If Zhu Gaojian does not object, please bear with me for a while!"

Chen Xiao's face turned cold, obviously not satisfied with the result.

But she had no choice but to endure it.

Zhang Wei, on the other hand, was triumphant, and leaned in front of Chen Xiao, "Lawyer Chen, you and I both know the truth. I'm telling the truth!"

"Lawyer Zhang, I don't understand what you're talking about!"

"It's useless for you to deny it, facts are facts!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, and then came to the jury and said, "I know everyone will be curious, why does Lawyer Chen not hesitate to frame his own team leader, but also obtain the qualification to defend my client, and then see my client go to jail with his own eyes? "

"There is only one answer, that is, Lawyer Chen and You Dalei, the boss of Longxiang Construction who was in charge of acquiring the supermarket land at that time, are actually a cooperative relationship. They conspired to send my client to prison for the purpose of acquiring the entire supermarket, so that Come for real estate development!"

As soon as this explosive news came out, many people in the entire court were surprised.

Chen Xiao's eyes changed slightly, obviously she was also surprised that Zhang Wei actually revealed this matter.

And Zhu Yuansi was also surprised, was there so many things hidden in Guan Yuhong's case?

In the jury and hearing seats, all the people who eat melons have their mouths wide open, with disbelief on their faces.

"By the way, that piece of land is well developed now. The famous Longxiang Building, Longxiang Entertainment City, Longxiang Shopping Center, etc. in Longdu are all located on that piece of land now!"

This time, the jury and the hearing room were astonished.

It turned out that the land where the supermarket was located was the land under the Longxiang Shopping Center, the famous Longxiang Building in Longdu.

That said, the land is indeed very valuable.

So inferring from this, if Chen Xiao and You Dalei really hook up, is it really possible to plot against Guan Yuhong?

By sending him to jail, so that he can't oppose the supermarket's takeover plan?


It should be said that it is very possible!

The jury and the hearing audience all looked at Chen Xiao suspiciously.

If You Dalei appeared in court today, perhaps their eyes would also examine each other.

"These are just your guesses, and there is no proof!"

"Lawyer Chen is right. I have no evidence, because I have only been in Longdu for more than a week. After all, this case happened 12 years ago. Unless you give me more time, maybe I will find evidence!"

Faced with Chen Xiao's doubts, Zhang Wei smiled calmly.

What you said makes sense, but I'm not afraid, I just need time, and I will definitely catch the two of you.

"However, Lawyer Chen, have you forgotten one thing?"

"What's up?"

"This court trial is not here to judge you, but to fight for the innocence of my client, Mr. Guan Yuhong. In other words, as long as I raise reasonable doubts, the court will have to consider the possibility of these doubts. The verdict of not guilty, get innocent!"

Zhang Wei's words made Chen Xiao's face change slightly.


She had forgotten what the purpose of this trial was.

It is to judge whether Guan Yuhong is guilty and whether he needs to be responsible for the murder that year.

If Zhang Wei raises reasonable doubts and can prove that there is something else hidden in this case, Guan Yuhong will indeed be found not guilty.

Then at that time, Guan Yuhong is not guilty, and the investigation department must re-investigate and collect evidence.

One of the reasonable doubts raised by Zhang Wei in court, the fact that You Dalei conspired with him to frame Guan Yuhong, will also enter the investigation stage.

Although Chen Xiao is confident, with the guarantee of Master Long, there shouldn't be any trouble.

But both You Dalei and himself have been investigated, after all, it is not a good thing, and they have done a lot of bad things over the years, if something is found out, their careers or their weight in the eyes of Master Long will definitely be affected.

Their careers are good, they have already reached the front of countless people, and there is nothing to lose.

The key is the weight in Master Long's eyes, which absolutely cannot be lost.

"Lawyer Zhang, what you said is just your slander. Do you think you can deceive the investigation department by making such an excuse for the client? Do you think..."

"Actually, there's no such thing as cheating or not. If Lawyer Chen insists on denying it, why don't you summon Mr. You and let him confront us in court?"

Chen Xiao wanted to deny it, but Zhang Wei's next sentence completely silenced her.

You still want to summon Yu Dalei!

Chen Xiao never expected that Zhang Wei would be so bold that even the boss of Longxiang Construction would summon him if he said so.

Do you think you really have this much energy?

"It's a joke, if Mr. You has to cooperate with you in court because of your nonsense, then wouldn't it be..."

"Who said I made it up?"

As Zhang Wei said, he snapped his fingers backwards.

On the projection screen, the photo with the highest attendance rate in the hearing of the Lawyers Association suddenly appeared.

12 years ago, Chen Xiao snuggled up with a man, and the two of them got into an imported car together.

Both Chen Xiao and Zhang Weike are very familiar with this photo.

"Lawyer Chen, you should still remember, in the internal investigation of the Lawyers Association, what does this photo represent, how many times have you met the man in the photo, and what is the identity of the man?"

Chen Xiao looked at the photo, but kept quiet again.

"Lawyer Chen, please tell me, who is this man?"

The corners of Chen Xiao's mouth twitched, and the muscles on her face trembled slightly. She was suppressing her anger.

"This is President You!"

Although she didn't want to answer, facts are facts, and the man in the photo is You Dalei.

"Well, Lawyer Chen, how dare you say that you and Mr. You have nothing to do. You've both got into someone's imported car. Judging by your looks, you should be a couple. Did you hook up or have an affair?"

"Lawyer Zhang, I have already answered your question at the association's internal hearing. I have nothing to do with Mr. You. We are just communicating on business!"

Hearing what Chen Xiao said, Zhang Wei laughed, and the jury and hearing seats also laughed.

For business communication, do you need to get into someone's car at night?

I have never heard of a lawyer and a client needing to go to someone's home to communicate with each other at night, and they need to snuggle together and behave so intimately.

Isn't your excuse too perfunctory?

"Lawyer Chen, do you want to say that you did not conspire with Mr. You, framed Lao Tie, plotted against my client, and did not intend to frame him in jail, so as to help Longxiang Construction clear the acquisition obstacles?"


Chen Xiao's face was gloomy, and he stared at Zhang Wei, but he still denied it.

However, as a defense lawyer, she also knew that Zhang Wei had said so. If she simply denied it, it would be difficult to convince the public.

Unfortunately, in this case, she is only a witness, not a defense lawyer.

The only person who can refute and defend himself is Zhu Yuansi who is sitting on the prosecution table.

But will Zhu Yuansi help Chen Xiao? The answer is obviously no.

At this moment, Zhu Yuansi is still eating melons!

She didn't expect that these things would be involved in this case, including You Dalei of Longxiang Construction.

Thinking that these things might not be conjectures, but might be true, Zhu Yuansi wanted to end the hearing quickly and let the investigation department collect evidence.

Because this feeling of being led by the defense is very annoying.

Especially if the defense lawyer is someone like Zhang Wei, it makes her even more upset.

I really don't know, do the prosecutors in Dongfangdu have to endure this kind of thing every time they confront Zhang Wei?

If so, they really worked hard...

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