Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 587 Zhang Wei's Purpose? Lord Long's backhand

Because of summoning Chen Xiao, Zhang Wei directly revealed everything that happened 12 years ago.

Of course, he just raised a reasonable doubt now, and did not submit any solid evidence.

But that's enough.

The courts will entertain these reasonable doubts and investigate them.

Even after 12 years, it is really difficult to obtain evidence and cannot be investigated.

These reasonable doubts will also become the possibility of Guan Yuhong's innocence.

I didn't see that when Zhang Wei said his purpose, Chen Xiao's face was distorted with anger.

She also knew that Zhang Wei had almost achieved his goal by doing so.

However, it is not Zhang Wei's style to simply let Chen Xiao go.

"Lawyer Chen, let me confirm with you directly here. Did you collaborate with You Dalei, who was built by Long Xiang, to frame my client Guan Yuhong?"

"And the reason you did this is because my client has repeatedly rejected Longxiang Construction's acquisition plan and refused to move his grocery store out of the supermarket!"

"Because of my client's refusal to move out, Longxiang's development plot, the construction of Longxiang Building, and the business plan of Longxiang Shopping Center have been hindered. This also makes you have to resort to such low-handed means?"

Zhang Wei had a showdown, and directly questioned Chen Xiao about what happened 12 years ago.

"These are all your assumptions, all your groundless guesses, and you have no evidence. Lawyer Zhang, do you think I don't know that this is your way of trying to clear up the grievances of your clients and choose to drag us into the water!"

Chen Xiao denied it again, and firmly believed that this was all Zhang Wei's wishful thinking.

"Really, I believe that the investigation department will help me find evidence. I believe that even if Zhu Gaojian has a conflict of interest with me, as a prosecutor, she will definitely fight for justice!"

As Zhang Wei said, he pointed at Zhu Yuansi, who was on the accusation table, and then looked back at Officer Huo, who was the author on the hearing table.

At this moment, both of them have a strange light in their eyes, which is the desire for knowledge and the desire for the truth.

Chen Xiao naturally noticed this scene, and said badly in his heart.

If this incident really attracted the attention of the Longdu Investigation Section and the Local Procuratorate Headquarters, the risk would increase.

And Lord Long, what he hates the most is risk!

"Ahem!" At this moment, Judge Bao coughed in the trial seat.

"Lawyer Zhang, is that all you want to ask?"

He pointed at Chen Xiao, then glanced at Zhang Wei, what else do you want to ask, hurry up.

"Judge Bao, allow me to ask a few more questions."

"Pay attention to the time, it's getting late today!"

Judge Bao reminded him and pointed to the wall clock.

Hurry up, kid, I have another court to catch up with later!

"Lawyer Chen, I will not mention the matter of you and You Dalei conspiring to frame my client for now!"

Chen Xiao rolled his eyes.

You didn't mention it, why did you say it again, afraid that the jury would not hear it?

"I would like to ask, how did Limbert die?"

"You ask me this question, who am I to ask!"

Chen Xiao sneered, what did Linbert's death have to do with her.

The person who did it was Qing Jiao, and I, Chen Xiao, don't know the details.

"Really, you don't know, I thought you knew the person who silenced you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Chen Xiao still denied it.

"Then, the death of the killer Lin Bote, the death of the Green Snakes in Qingjiao Society, and even the death of your former boss Huang Yunhe have nothing to do with you?"

Zhang Wei looked at Zhu Yuansi again this time, and raised this point loudly.

"You didn't plan to kill people, didn't you plan to wipe out all the insiders 12 years ago, and didn't you instruct a killer to kill these three people?"

"Lawyer Zhang, I really admire your imagination. The guesses you said can almost catch up with a suspense novel!"

Although Chen Xiao denied it, he even tried to divert the jury's attention with a joke.

But she knew that the jury must be thinking about these things now, and there was little point in denying it.

And... the most difficult thing is that Zhang Wei told these things in court.

This will lead the Investigation Section and the Local Procuratorate Headquarters to investigate in this direction!

He did it on purpose!

Chen Xiao could see it.

Zhang Wei did it on purpose. These things are not so much a question to me, but a tip-off to the investigation department and the local inspection headquarters to guide their next investigation direction.


Chen Xiao cursed secretly in his heart, Zhang Wei tried to lead the investigation department and the local prosecutor's headquarters by the nose, the key was that they were still planning to go in.

On Zhang Wei's side, seeing that Chen Xiao kept denying it, it was really wrong.

"Lawyer Chen, why do you keep denying it?"

"Lawyer Zhang, are you kidding? How could I let you slander me?"

Chen Xiao said, and glanced at Zhu Yuansi.

As long as you are still at the high court, seeing the defense lawyer asking such a question, you have no reaction at all?

Zhu Yuansi just ignored Chen Xiao's disdain, as if he didn't see it.

Chen Xiao was anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

"I'm surprised. If you didn't do such a thing, why, as a new lawyer, won the favor of a big client like Longxiang Construction from the hands of a senior partner?"

"And after that, you were responsible for assisting in the completion of the Longxiang Construction Group's acquisition plan, and completed the development plan of Longxiang Building, Longxiang Shopping Center and other commercial sectors?"

"I believe that you have made a lot of money from these acquisitions and development projects. Maybe you have also received a lot of dividends, which is enough for you to pay for your housing in the center of Dragon City?"

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes, felt the gaze of the jury, and sneered in his heart.

Zhang Wei is playing tricks again, trying to arouse the hatred of Fu from the jury and the hearing seats.

"Lawyer Zhang, I serve Longxiang Construction. It's because Lawyer Huang knows that he can't provide better services to clients because of his age, so he decided to entrust Mr. You to me."

"As for the follow-up assistance to complete the development plan, it is only because of Mr. You's trust and my own ability improvement that I completed the client's commission."

"As for the purchase of a house in the city center, that's all the money I earned through my own ability. There shouldn't be anything wrong with me buying a house with the lawyer's fees I earned, right?"

Chen Xiao responded to Zhang Wei's doubts one by one.

Not only that, but she also stared at Zhang Wei with a sneer on her face: "Speaking of which, Lawyer Zhang, you are amazing!"

"You are young, but you have also served many clients whose assets are approaching tens of billions. You even helped a big director with a net worth of more than 1 billion to win a lawsuit a few days ago. I think you have paid for the legal fees alone." It must have earned tens of millions, and this is just a case."

"I heard that you have a luxury car worth 5 million yuan under your name, and a top-of-the-line house with a river view along the Dongjiang River in Dongfang Capital. It is estimated that there must be hundreds of millions?"

"Compared to you, I am still worrying about the monthly apartment rent at your age, and you have already achieved financial freedom!"

Well, Zhang Wei didn't expect that Chen Xiao did a background check on himself.

"No way, no way, Lawyer Chen, you are joking, I am just lucky, and the house and car are all given by the client..."

Zhang Weina waved his hands, trying to get away with it.

"That's great, I also want to have a customer who can give away a 5 million luxury car and a house worth 200 million!"

Chen Xiao sneered again, and his tone became teasing.

"Cough cough cough!"

At this moment, Judge Bao on the trial bench couldn't bear it anymore.

You two are enough, bragging about business in my court?

But to be honest, the business bragging between the two of you is really good enough. I never thought that the two of you as lawyers could be so rich.

Chen Xiao didn't want to talk about it, the advertisement hit the center of Dragon City.

You, Zhang Wei, can really drive a car worth 5 million yuan, and a house worth 200 million yuan, and you have hundreds of millions of legal fees every year?

I'm so envious...

No, no, I missed it!

Judge Bao rubbed his face, then looked at Zhang Wei, and said sternly, "Lawyer Zhang, let's end the chat. The court is a serious place, and you two lawyers are not here to brag about business in front of us!"

"Sorry, Judge Bao, I'm fine now!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly apologized, then ended the cross-examination, and hurried back to his place.

Seeing this, Judge Bao nodded, and then announced:

"Due to the rush of today's schedule, this court has announced that the court will be temporarily adjourned today. As for the next court session..."

As he said, he opened the schedule and looked at it carefully.

"...I checked. I have arrangements for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. If you don't mind, how about the court session on Friday?"

"We have no objection!" Zhang Wei was the first to stand up and support.

In fact, he doesn't care about the time of the court, and of course it would be better if it can be held this week.

"I...have no objection..."

On the contrary, Zhu Yuansi, who is the prosecution, is more concerned about the trial time.

Because Zhang Wei talked about too many possibilities and too many suspicious points in court, she thinks that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be too late for investigation.

"Well, since neither of you has any objections, the court will start this Friday, and the court is now dissolved!"


The gavel has fallen, and the court is adjourned today!


At 6:00 p.m., Longdu Court.

During the day, the criminal court presided over by Judge Bao was completely empty.

But at this moment, the door of the court was quietly pushed open, and then two figures walked in.

"You two are finally here!"

I saw that on the trial seat, where the judge was originally sitting, there was only one person sitting at this moment.

Golden clothes, golden pants, a big gold chain hanging around his neck, and a cigar in his mouth, isn't it the Dragon Lord.

"Master Long, are you looking for us?"

Among the two visitors, You Dalei spoke first.

"Master Long, why did you choose to meet us in the court?"

Beside You Dalei, Chen Xiao also looked around in surprise.

"Hahaha, it's very simple, because no one wants to come to court after the adjournment!"

Master Long smiled, then slowly got up from the judgment seat, and walked down step by step.

"Ah Xiao, I am very dissatisfied with your performance today!"

When Chen Xiao heard this, his expression suddenly became tense.

"I've heard that, you asked that kid named Zhang Wei to make up things in court, right?"

When Chen Xiao heard this, sweat oozed from his forehead.

This is her temporary play in court, Master Long actually knows about it.

This shows that in today's trial, Master Long arranged for someone to watch the whole process.

"Master Long, that kid is really troublesome. Although there is no evidence for what he said, as he said, these are reasonable doubts. Once the investigation department and the local prosecutor's headquarters intervene..."

"Master Long, do you want to send Qing Jiao to come forward and become that kid!"

You Dalei, who was on the side, took the conversation directly, his face turned hard, and he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"No, if you kill that kid, wouldn't you tell the whole world that there are ghosts in this case?"

Master Long waved his hands, thinking that this plan would not work.

He is not someone who can cover the sky with one hand. Although he has a lot of energy here in Longdu, it is limited to this.

It's too exciting to really play tricks on such a well-known case, and kill the defense lawyer.

Lord Long said that it can be done, but it is not necessary!

"Master Long, if you can't kill that kid, how about killing that Guan Yuhong?"

"No way, if you kill Guan Yuhong, that kid might make a fuss about it!"

Seeing You Dalei's proposal, Chen Xiao quickly shook his head with a look of scruples on his face.

Once Guan Yuhong dies, then Zhang Wei may bribe the media to report wantonly that you, Longxiang Construction, have murdered you for money and murdered you.

Although we can also hold a media conference to refute rumors, Zhang Weineng has many means to use. Is Longxiang Construction going to fight a protracted war with him?

Moreover, as Master Long said, it would be inappropriate to do such a thing at such a critical moment.

"Looks like you two are out of ideas?"

Master Long stared at the two of them, just to make the two of them feel scared.

"Fortunately, I still have a backup here!"

Fortunately, Master Long did not pin his hopes on the two of them, but waved behind him.

He held the cigar between two fingers, leaning slightly behind him.

Immediately, someone took out a lighter and lit the cigar for him.

There is actually a fourth person in the courtroom!

Under the light of the lighter, Chen Xiao and You Dalei naturally saw the face of the visitor.

"how come?"

"Who are you……"

You Dalei and Chen Xiao were all stunned when they saw the face of the visitor.

Unexpectedly, the other party is also a member of Master Long!

Master Long ignored the astonishment of the two subordinates, but put the lit cigar to his lips, and between inhales and exhales, his face showed a relaxed expression.

Everything is within his grasp!

Who told him to prepare enough backhands!


Longdu District Procuratorate Headquarters.

Inside Zhu Yuansi's office.

After a day of pre-trial and trial, Zhu Yuansi was originally planning to rest.

However, as a prosecutor, she often worked overtime and stayed up late when she was a newcomer. Now that more than ten years have passed, she is used to working overtime and staying up late.

Perhaps, this is the duty of a prosecutor.

"Honey, I have to work overtime today, so I won't come back for dinner!"

"Well, I may not come back tomorrow, mainly because there are too many things to investigate, and I'm not sure if I can finish it before Friday."

"Yes, it's because of the case. I thought it was an ordinary case 12 years ago. I didn't expect so many things to be involved here. Let's not talk about it. I'm going to contact the investigation department."

"Yeah, apologize for me and my daughter, just say that mom must spend the weekend with her well, goodbye."

After talking on the phone with her husband, Zhu Yuansi rubbed his forehead, picked up the coffee on the table, and drank it down.

She then started to work and made a few calls to the investigation department to communicate some things.

Afterwards, he began to operate on the computer, logged into the prosecutor's internal system, and began to browse through materials and documents.

"If Longxiang Construction was involved in the case 12 years ago, it means that Longxiang Construction may have colluded with Chen Xiao and plotted against Guan Yuhong secretly?"

"Longxiang Construction acquired that piece of land and carried out vigorous development. Longxiang Building, Longxiang Shopping Center, and Longxiang Entertainment City. The value of this land has increased by more than 20 times, right?"

"Such benefits are enough for a businessman to do anything. An ordinary person who runs a grocery store is not a risky thing for them..."

Zhu Yuansi felt that Zhang Wei's speculation was very reasonable, and he had to follow this line to investigate.

"If you can get the internal information of Longxiang Construction, you should have enough time to investigate. If you can get their development plan 12 years ago, if you can get their financial report, maybe you can catch the flaw..."

Regarding this point, Zhu Yuansi had a headache again, because it was naturally impossible for Longxiang Construction to hand over the documents obediently.

Unless there is a search warrant.

But even if there is a search warrant, is that all the documents that Longxiang Construction handed over?

Some large companies have two ledgers, one clear and one dark, and there are professional accountants in charge of the operations. The clear ledgers make it almost impossible for you to catch any flaws.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuansi felt that it was necessary for him to contact a professional.

Instead of using the office landline, she dialed a number on her mobile phone.

"Help me get a document, the information about You Dalei and Longxiang Construction 12 years ago, the company's internal financial statements, and all the information about the development plan of Longxiang Building and Longxiang Shopping Center."

"If you can, help me search for this information, Lin Bote, Qingjiaohui and Huang Yunhe, the key point is their connection with Longxiang Construction."

After confirming that he had explained clearly, Zhu Yuansi immediately hung up the phone.

"The next step is to wait?"

She glanced at the dark sky outside. In order to get the information as soon as possible, it seemed that she had to make do with the night in the office again today.

nothing happened overnight...

Wednesday morning.

Boom boom boom!

A loud knock on the door woke Zhu Yuansi up from the office.

She got up from the sofa, tidied up her appearance a little, and opened the door to the office.

As soon as he opened the door, he found a few men in suits and leather shoes with stern faces standing at the door.

"We are from the Internal Affairs Investigation Division. Now we have received a report. Prosecutor Zhu Yuansi, you are involved in two computer crimes and civil torts. Please come with us!"


Zhu Yuansi's pupils trembled slightly, obviously he didn't expect that the Internal Affairs Investigation Division would actually be following him.

Moreover, she only contacted "over there" last night, but she was discovered by the internal affairs early this morning.

Is the efficiency of internal affairs so high now?

This is impossible!

It's a pity that it's impossible for Zhu Yuansi to argue now, because the internal affairs don't give her a chance.

Their investigations are notoriously unreasonable!

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