Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 589 Layout planning, come to find Xiao Zou?

Wednesday night.

When Zhang Wei returned to the homestay with Xia Qianyue, Zhao Xiaoxiao, Mo Yuzhu and Jessica, it was almost 10 o'clock in the evening.

Tie Ruyun really wanted to fall asleep, so he couldn't see it.

But he couldn't sleep, after all, who made Zhang Wei and the others come back so loudly.

You boy, take 4 girls out to play, and don't let me be a light bulb, it's a bully!

Now, Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao are still chattering on the first floor of the famous hotel.

So Lao Tie is now, tossing and turning and unable to fall asleep, he is almost cursing.

"Hold it, hold it back, this kid has helped me so much after all, I can't take revenge..."

In the end, Tie Ruyun hypnotized himself like this.

With such resentful thoughts, he finally fell asleep.

But in the lobby on the first floor, Zhang Wei had no plans to fall asleep yet.

"I'm going to bed first, I'm a little sleepy..."

"Don't stay up too late today, remember to go to bed early, bye..."

The second daughter, Mo Yuzhu and Jessica, may have been tired from playing today, so they went upstairs to rest early.

In the living room on the first floor, only Zhang Wei, Zhao Xiaoxiao, and Xia Qianyue were left.

At this moment, Zhang Wei is thinking.

"The whole day today, I'm half a living target, but Qingjiao hasn't made a move for a long time, which means that the person behind the scenes has no plans to kill me. He obviously thinks he has won!"

During the day today, why did Zhang Wei put aside the light bulb of Lao Tie and accompany Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others to go shopping and have fun in Longdu? Naturally, there was a purpose.

But I didn't expect that the person behind the scenes would not be recruited.

It's because you got the prosecution card, so you feel like you're sure to win, right?

"That's really boring. I was thinking that someone would teach you a lesson."

Zhao Xiaoxiao on the side also looked bored, hugged the notebook on the sofa, and then stretched again.

"Look, sister Xiaoxia has a dull face, that killer named Qingjiao is really ignorant~"

Xia Qianyue shook her head, obviously not what she meant.

She naturally hoped that the killer would show up, but she didn't want Zhang Wei to be attacked.

"Hanhan, don't worry, I decided not to take any risks this time!" Zhang Wei hurriedly made a promise.

Since taking risks can't attract killers, taking risks is meaningless.

Next, what they have to do is to force Qing Jiao out in a non-risky way.

Fortunately, I, Zhang Wei, still have a hole card!

With this in mind, Zhang Wei urged Zhao Xiaoxiao and Xia Qianyue to go to bed early, as there are more important tasks to do tomorrow.

"Hey, it's only 10 o'clock, how can you sleep at this hour?"

"Then how about I give you a bedtime story?"

"Go away, you really treat me like a child, you're angry!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao's face was full of anger, her cheeks puffed up, like an angry cute little hamster.

Zhang Wei, on the other hand, laughed. He was doting on the scene where the second girl was angry and flirtatious.

Afterwards, the three of Zhang Wei also washed and fell asleep, and Wednesday passed like this.


Thursday morning.

"Old iron, old iron, get up, I have to go out to work today!"

While Tie Ruyun was still sound asleep, a knock on the door woke him up.

"You boy, can't you let me sleep well?"

Looking at the time, it was only 5 o'clock in the morning.

I, Tie Ruyun, even on weekdays, wake up at 7 o'clock and arrive at the law firm at 9 o'clock.

Is your kid looking for trouble?

Because he was woken up by Zhang Wei in the morning, Tie Ruyun was always depressed when he was having breakfast, with resentful eyes.

"Old Tie, I just don't let you sleep late, why are you so angry?"

Zhang Wei sat opposite Lao Tie with a smile on his face, completely unaware of what he did wrong.

"By the way, old iron, you have another task to do today, do you understand?"


Tie Ruyun was stupefied, you kid still arrange tasks for yourself?

"Yes, this time we are divided into two groups, and your mission is more important!"

Zhang Wei said, his face became serious.

"Old Tie, this is your mission today, you need to go..."

Hearing the task that Zhang Wei had given him, Tie Ruyun's face was quite solemn.

"You mean, let me get in touch with those people, and then..."

"Yes, for this plan, you have to get words out of their mouths!"

This time, Zhang Wei's eyes were particularly serious, which made Tie Ruyun feel a little pressure.

"To prevent you from being short-staffed, Jessica and classmate Mo will act with you today!"

"Really, you arranged for the two of them to assist me?"

Lao Tie is depressed. In fact, I can handle it by myself. You arrange two girls to follow me. Are you sure you don't want to get rid of the two burdens?

"Old man, come on, we are waiting for your news!"

Zhang Wei said, cheering up Tie Ruyun, and after exhorting Jessica and Mo Yuzhu a few words, the two sides began to separate.

Tie Ruyun drove away with Jessica and Mo Yuzhu.

Afterwards, Zhang Wei also took Xia Qianyue and Zhao Xiaoxiao straight to the garage.

"Well, I seem to have miscalculated..."

Looking at the remaining vehicle in the garage, Zhang Wei frowned, realizing his biggest mistake today.

Among them, the only ones who have a driver's license and know how to drive are Lao Tie and Jessica.

The only person left who has a driver's license and can drive is Xia Qianyue...

"How about we take the subway?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao also came over, with a frightened expression on her face.

After all, as long as you have been in Xia Qianyue's car, you will have psychological shadows.

"No, second girl, I have to take a car for today's action, and I may not have enough time to take the subway!"

But Zhang Wei can't help it, because today's action is all about efficiency.

"What are you two doing, why don't you get in the car soon?"

And here, Xia Qianyue had already sat in the driver's seat and started the vehicle.

"Emmm... can I be home today?"

"Second girl, don't be afraid, I believe that people will grow, and Hanhan's driving skills must also be improving!"

As Zhang Wei said, he pulled Zhao Xiaoxiao past him and got into the vehicle.

Afterwards, Xia Qianyue stepped on the accelerator and started the car directly.

Under the exclamation of the second girl all the way, the three of them started to act in a rickety car.


Longdu, a detention center.

"What a surprise, someone will visit those scumbags?"

A guard at the detention center looked at the three people in front of him with a strange expression on his face.

But the other party's procedures are formal, and he can't stop others from visiting the prison.

Not long after, he led Tie Ruyun, Jessica and Mo Yuzhu to the meeting room of the detention center.

The meeting room is divided into two sides, the inside and the outside, and the middle is separated by a glass plate, so the prisoners in the detention center and visitors are not in contact, which can ensure safety.

The two sides communicate face-to-face on the phone, and there is no communication barrier.

Under the guidance of the guards, several people who looked like green-skinned rogues came to the meeting room.

"Pay attention to the time!" After the guard warned, he led the people to retreat outside the meeting room to guard.

"Several, you are members of the Qingjiao Society, please sit down!"

Tie Ruyun was already sitting here waiting, signaling for everyone to sit down.

The person he came to see today was none other than the Qingjiao Society who had planned to teach Zhang Wei a lesson.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here to see us?"

Among the gang, a leader asked with a grim expression.

"I'm here to chat with you about your boss, Qingjiao!"

Tie Ruyun immediately expressed his intention.

"Hmph, why do you think that we will betray the boss's information to you?"

The leader snorted coldly, with a look of disdain on his face.

"That's right, that's right!"

"We are all daoists, and we know the word loyalty!"

"Let us betray the boss, you are thinking too much, we have worshiped the second master Guan!"

A group of younger brothers followed suit, with ridicule and sarcasm on their faces.

Let's betray the boss, dream you!

Seeing this, Tie Ruyun was not surprised.

"But do you know how the green snake died?" he asked with a sigh.

"Hmph, we all saw the death of the Green Snake, it must be someone from the investigation department who sniped him!"

"That's right, the damn investigation department, the damn note!"

"When we go out, we must avenge the Green Snake's family!"

When a group of younger brothers saw Lao Tie mentioning the green snake, they immediately became angry.

Hearing this answer, Tie Ruyun knew that this group of people were all kept in the dark.

"If I told you that the person who sniped the green snake was your boss, Qing Jiao, would you be surprised?"

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere in the meeting room was a little dignified, and at the same time, it was quiet for a while.

"Hmph, do you think we'll believe you?"

"That's right, that's right, you're trying to drive a wedge between us and the boss!"

"Tell you, even if the sky falls and the earth falls, we will not betray the boss, you should give up your heart!"

But after the silence, this group of Qingjiao Society helped the crowd, and once again let out a sarcastic smile.

Obviously, they didn't believe it.

"Let me tell you the truth, Qing Jiao sniped Green Snake because he might know Qing Jiao's true identity."

"You should have been interrogated before. I know you don't know Qing Jiao's true identity. This is why you are still alive."

"But I know better, even if you don't know Qing Jiao, you must know some clues, such as whether Qing Jiao has relatives, mistresses, or even children and descendants, or whether Qing Jiao or Green Snake has told you any news ?”

Tie Ruyun spoke earnestly again, and comforted a group of helpers.

Unfortunately, the reply he got was...

"Today is really tm unlucky, why did I meet a Shabby like you!"

"Looking at your suit and leather shoes, I thought you could understand human speech. If you don't understand, then don't speak!"

"I really thought we would believe your nonsense, just dream, you want to pry our mouths open, there is no way!"

Obviously, these guys don't eat oil and salt!


"Lawyer Tie, let me come!"

Seeing that Tie Ruyun couldn't get the information for a long time, Jessica behind her finally couldn't help it.

She said, replacing Lao Tie and sitting in front of the members of Qingjiao Society.

"Hello, I'm Jessica, a psychiatrist!"

As she spoke, she unbuttoned the first button on the collar of her clothes, and then fiddled with her soft blond hair a little, exuding a charming hormonal aura from her whole body.

Under this movement, the younger brothers of the Qingjiao Society, who have never seen such a battle, all eyes widened.

They never expected that after staying in the detention center for so many days, they could actually see such a superb beauty today.

If it wasn't for the glass plate blocking them, they would have instantly turned into hungry wolves and pounced on them.

"Several big brothers, can you please help me, I need to know some information."

"Please, please help me~"

As Jessica spoke, she made provocative movements, combined with the words that softened a man's soul, the lethality was simply enormous.

Zhang Wei once said that 9 out of 10 men will lose their souls when they see her.

And Zhang Wei was the first to lose his soul.

At this moment, under Jessica's charm offensive, the gang members of the Qingjiao Society fell one by one.

"Beauty, what do you want to know, we must know everything!"

"Yes, even betraying the boss is fine, just ask the beauty to give me a contact information!"

"Beauty, what do you want to know, do you want me to show you my heart? As long as you want to see it, I will take it out right away!"

A group of elders are panting heavily at this moment, their eyes are red.

This scene made Tie Ruyun on the side look dumbfounded, and he cried out in his heart!

Don't you people worship the statue of Guan Erye?

Aren't you the most loyal?

If you want to betray the boss, don't you just dismiss it?

what happened?

Tie Ruyun's three views were greatly impacted at this moment.

It never occurred to him that things that he couldn't handle would be settled by the girl's casual movements and eyes?

Really Nima saw the devil!

1 hour later.

The gate of the detention center.

Tie Ruyun glanced at Jessica beside him, feeling a little fear in his heart.

I thought this woman was just a vase brought by Zhang Wei, but I didn't expect that the other party would make the gang of Qingjiao Club want to take out their hearts and livers with just a little trick.

Under this "terrorist ability", the gang members confessed everything, including all the crimes they committed.

Zhang Wei, what kind of girls do you know, why are they all so scary?

Tie Ruyun even carefully kept a distance from Jessica, for fear that he would be affected too.

After confirming that he had left the detention center, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Zhang Wei, we got a clue."

"But I want to explain to you that those gangsters really don't know about Qing Jiao."

"However, they revealed a piece of news that Green Snake has to go to a high-end nursing home every month, and will call and report to someone after going there."

"According to those gangsters, Green Snake's parents died a long time ago, and he has no brothers or sisters. It can be said that he has nothing to worry about. So obviously there will be no Green Snake's family in that place, so the only possibility is..."

"Qing Jiao's family!"


the other side.

"I see, old man, so be it."

"You guys go to the sanatorium to stand by, don't startle the snake, just watch over there, and I'll join you when I'm done with the matter here!"

After hanging up the communication with Lao Tie, Zhang Wei put away the phone, and then looked at the building in front of him.

Longdu District Procuratorate Headquarters.

This is where he came from, and he waited a long time at the door for this call.

"Very good, Qing Jiao's handle has been caught!"

I thought that I might not be able to catch Qing Jiao's flaws, but I didn't expect to get important information from the members of the Qing Jiao Society.

Now, Zhang Wei felt that his plan could be implemented more smoothly.

But to implement this plan, there is still a crucial step!

That is to create a little smoke bomb for the people behind the scenes!

And if you want to trip up the people behind the scenes, you need a microphone.

And very coincidentally, Zhang Wei knows who can be the microphone!

Zhu Yuansi's successor in this case - Xiao Zou.

"Let's go!"

Zhang Wei led Xia Qianyue and Zhao Xiaoxiao into the local prosecutor's headquarters.

at the same time.

Xiao Zou is also busy.

He was in Zhu Yuansi's office, looking through the case files from a drawer.

"Zhu Gaojian, you are too. I thought that you should have prepared a lot of things because you are so concerned about this case. I didn't expect it to be..."

Xiao Zou muttered in a disdainful tone while flipping through the materials.

"Jingle Bell!"

But at this moment, the landline in Zhu Yuansi's office suddenly rang.


Xiao Zou quickly put down the materials and picked up the phone.

"What, he actually came, looking for me?"

Hearing the content on the phone, Xiao Zou's expression suddenly became extremely strange.

"Okay, I'm in Zhu Gaojian's office now, let them come over!"

After putting down the phone, Xiao Zou still had a strange expression on his face. He really didn't understand why the other party came over.

After all, the court will be held tomorrow.

Tuk Tuk!

Soon, someone knocked on the door outside the office.

"Come in!"

Under Xiao Zou's signal, someone pushed open the door of the office and walked in.

"Hello, Prosecutor Zou!"

"Lawyer Zhang, what are you coming to see me for? The court will be held tomorrow. Is there anything you can't say in court?"

Facing Xiao Zou, Zhang Wei showed enough respect.

"Prosecutor Zou, there are some things that I wanted to explain to Zhu Gaojian, but I didn't expect her to make such a mistake. I really didn't expect..."

After saying a word of emotion, Zhang Wei looked at the person in front of him, "Prosecutor Zou, since Zhu Gaojian can't get away for the time being, I can only talk to you about this matter!"

"What's the matter?" Xiao Zou frowned, his expression seemed unchanged, but he was very concerned in his heart.

Zhang Wei was able to find himself before the trial, obviously because he discovered something important.

"Is such that……"

Zhang Wei looked left and right to make sure that there were no other people nearby, and then moved closer to Xiao Zou.

"Actually, I've already found the killer, the one who killed Lawyer Huang and even Linbert!"

"Oh, you have a clue about the killer?"

Xiao Zou was stunned, and at the same time his heart tightened.

"Yes, but it's strange to say that I didn't find the killer, but he contacted me on his own initiative."

Zhang Wei immediately laughed, "Aren't you surprised? This killer said that he is the boss of the Qingjiao Society. He actually contacted me and said that he wants to get out as soon as possible with his family!"

"Really, that Qingjiao actually contacted you?" Xiao Zou looked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I'm also surprised, but he took the initiative to find me and told me some information about the person behind him, which made me very concerned."

Zhang Wei seemed to be intentional or unintentional, and mentioned the person behind him.

This made Xiao Zou's heart tense, and at the same time he was very concerned about whether Qing Jiao really contacted Zhang Wei.

"So, after I got the information from the killer, I rushed to the prosecutor's headquarters without stopping. I wanted to explain it to Zhu Gaojian, but she..."

Zhang Wei then looked helpless and could only look at Xiao Zou.

"Prosecutor Zou, if what that person said is true, then the power of the person behind the scenes is definitely beyond our imagination. I wonder if the local prosecutor's headquarters has the determination to find out the person behind the scenes!"

At this moment, Zhang Wei directly threw the question to Xiao Zou.

As for Xiao Zou, his eyes became serious.

Because he couldn't figure out whether what Zhang Wei said was true.

Since he couldn't figure it out, it was impossible for him to make a decision!

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