Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 590 Forced against Qingjiao, all are in the calculation

It was already an hour later when Zhang Wei came out of the local prosecutor's headquarters again.

He chatted with Xiao Zou for an entire hour, and it can be said that he had a heart-to-heart conversation with the other party for a long time.

The two hated seeing each other even more, wishing they could form an irreversible friend on the spot and talk about their ideals together.

"So, in this case, only you and I will cooperate and work together to find out the person behind the scenes. This is the way!"

In the end, Zhang Wei shook his head while saying the plan very solemnly.

Xiao Zou also had a serious face, and nodded heavily, as a promise

In this way, the two parted.

However, after walking out of the local prosecutor's headquarters, the expression on Zhang Wei's face changed instantly. The original solemnity disappeared, replaced by a calm expression.

"Aren't you too nasty, holding someone's hand and talking?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao and Xia Qianyue had been guarding the door just now. Although they didn't see what was going on inside, they heard a lot.

That's why she felt that Zhang Wei's performance was disgusting.

But apart from being nasty, Zhang Wei's performance is really good enough.

It can only be said that Zhang Wei's acting talent is very good. He discovered a shocking secret, but suffered from no countermeasures. In the end, he had nowhere to go. He could only choose to believe that the identity of an ordinary lawyer at the local prosecutor's headquarters was vivid.

Especially the scene of holding Xiao Zou's hand at the end, and holding the other's hands tightly with the upper hand, so that the other party can't shake them off, can be said to be a stroke of genius.

These hands can't let go, just like Zhang Wei can't let go, because once let go, it will be a dead end!

This acting is worthy of a statuette!

Xia Qianyue at the side naturally didn't know how to act. Seeing Zhang Wei coming out, she hurriedly asked, "Zhang Wei, let's do this next, wait?"

"Yes, just wait!"

Zhang Wei looked back at the gate of the prefectural prosecutor's headquarters, then smiled coldly.

"Second girl, it's up to you next, you understand the importance of this mission, right?"

"Don't worry, it's on me. Just as you were telling that guy to speak, I had already hacked his phone and installed a worm virus. Next, as long as he calls out, I can follow the clues and lock the behind-the-scenes The location of the mastermind. When I find the location of the mastermind behind the scenes, I will immediately hack his network. When the time comes, what calls he wants to answer and what calls he wants to make, I will have the final say, hehehe..."

"very good!"

The sneer on Zhang Wei's face was even worse, and the corner of his mouth raised a strange arc.

This is the key step in his plan.

As for chatting with Xiao Zou, it was just a way to deceive others.

Next, just wait for the fish to take the bait!

at the same time.

The local prosecutor's headquarters, Zhu Yuansi's office.

Not long after Zhang Wei left, Xiao Zou came back here again, opened the door and looked around.

After confirming that no one around would disturb him, he quickly closed the office door and locked it.

Carefully took out the phone, and then carefully dialed the number.


After a few rings, the phone connected.

"What's going on, I didn't give you an order, you just need to execute it."

On the other end of the phone, Master Long's impatient voice came.

Obviously, he was very upset that Xiao Zou, a pawn of this level, contacted him on his own initiative.

"Master Long, I have something important to report!"

Xiao Zou also knew his identity, but the news he heard today was so explosive that he had to report it.

"Oh, what is it?"

"Master Long, it's like this, Zhang Wei came to see me today, and he told me like this..."

Xiao Zou pulled Zhang Wei by himself, and relayed all the earnest words.

After finishing speaking, the other end of the phone fell into silence.

"Impossible, that kid is lying to you!"

Master Long immediately denied it with a look of disdain, "Why can't you see such a simple routine?"

"But, Master Long, Zhang Wei doesn't know that I belong to you!"

Xiao Zou's words instantly made the disdain on Master Long's face disappear.


No one knew that Xiao Zou belonged to him.

In fact, after Xiao Zou was assigned to the local prosecutor's headquarters a year and a half ago, Master Long never took the initiative to contact him.

Even, if it wasn't for his sudden whim, he would have forgotten that there is such a pawn as Xiao Zou.

He almost forgot, so how could others know?

Xiao Zou is a dispensable person in the local prosecutor's headquarters. Who would have thought that behind him is my Long Ye?

No one can think of it, and Zhang Wei is naturally impossible!

What's more, Zhang Wei is from Dongfangdu, and his knowledge of the Longdu District Prosecutor's Headquarters is probably only in the past few weeks.

Therefore, in Zhang Wei's eyes, Xiao Zou was just an ordinary prosecutor who took over Zhu Yuansi's work.

Is it necessary for Zhang Wei to lie to a prosecutor?

Obviously impossible!

"That kid, what did you tell you in the end?"

Master Long also thought of this, but he was still worried, so he asked again.

"Zhang Wei said that he wanted to cooperate with me to crack down on the people behind the scenes. He also asked me to find an opportunity to inform Zhu Gaojian, and he had to keep it secret and not let others know, otherwise it would be easy to leak the news. His tone of speech was very solemn, It shouldn't be fake!"

Xiao Zou carefully recalled all the details of the conversation with Zhang Wei in the past hour.

As a "professional actor", he used his acting skills to deceive all the elites in the local prosecutor's headquarters, including Zhu Yuansi, for nearly a year and a half. Naturally, it can be seen that Zhang Wei is "expressing his true feelings"!

Therefore, it is impossible for the other party to lie!

If that Zhang Wei really lied, then the other party's acting skills are really against the sky, and he can fool Xiao Zou around.

is it possible?

Is this reasonable?

Of course it's impossible, of course it's unreasonable.

"It can be seen that his original intention was to contact Zhu Yuansi through you, which shows that he didn't regard you as the No. 1 person, but just regarded you as a microphone!"

On the other end of the phone, Master Long also laughed, but it was just a sneer.

"Master Long, I understand. After all, I am a small person!" Xiao Zou also laughed, but he was expressing disdain and sarcasm for Zhang Wei's behavior.

Who would have thought that the little person you thought of had dual identities.

"Hahaha, what a joke!" Master Long laughed loudly.

"It seems that both the prosecution and the defense in this case fell into the hands of a small person!"

Obviously, Zhu Yuansi fell because of Xiao Zou.

And now, Zhang Wei will also fall into Xiao Zou's hands.

"Then, Master Long, next..."

"You don't have to worry about it, just do your job with peace of mind!"

Seeing that Xiao Zou wanted to show off, Master Long interrupted him directly. And after a word of advice, he hung up the phone.

Xiao Zou looked at the phone that had been hung up, and the sneer on his face was even worse.

"Zhang Wei, you didn't expect that, I'm from Master Long!"

He couldn't wait to see how surprised Zhang Wei would be when he showed his true identity on Friday.

That scene must be wonderful...


the other side.

A high-end club in Longdu.

"Is Qing Jiao going to betray me?"

After Master Long hung up the phone with Xiao Zou, his expression became a little complicated.

The news brought by Xiao Zou still made him a little shaken.

Qing Jiao wants to betray herself!

He picked up his phone again and made a call.

"Qingjiao's family, are they still in the nursing center?"

"Master Long, Qingjiao's family, I have been watching them all the time, they..."

The person on the other end of the phone was about to answer, but suddenly paused.

Master Long frowned, "What happened to them?"

"Master Long, Qingjiao's family members seem to have been transferred out just now!"


After hearing this, Lord Long's tone was a little displeased.

"Hey, what about the patients in this room, what's going on, where are they?"

"It seemed that the patient needed first aid just now, so he was sent to the ICU!"

"ICU, there is no one in the ICU to rescue, what about the patient?"

"Well, we don't know. After sending it out, didn't the ICU send it back?"

"Fuck, how could such a big living person disappear!!"

On the other end of the phone, the last roar of his subordinates made Master Long's face even uglier.

"Master Long, Qingjiao's family, she..."

"I see, you immediately dispatch your people to look for it, if you want to see people, if you want to see people, if you want to see dead bodies!"

As the last instruction, Master Long's tone was already a little angry.

After hanging up the communication with his subordinates, he hesitated again, and dialed a number again to go out.

beep beep...

The phone rang for a long time.

Every time he beeps, Master Long's heart becomes darker.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later..."

After a long time, Master Long understood.


He let out a long sigh, and recalled the previous conversation with Qing Jiao in his mind.

"Qing Jiao, let me ask, how long have you been with me?"

"I have been working for you for 12 years since you contacted us, Lord Long!"

"I took you in 12 years ago. I thought you were a talent, so I gave you the chance to work by my side. I also gave your family the best treatment. You can't betray me!"

"Master Long, don't worry, I, Qing Jiao, will go through fire and water for you, and I will do whatever I can!"

Thinking of these conversations, Master Long wanted to laugh.

He will go through fire and water, and he will do whatever he wants!

In the end, if you said you betrayed, you betrayed, and you used my place as a public toilet!

Come when you want, leave when you want?

"Qingjiao, if you let this go, where will my Long Lord's face go?"

Thinking of this, the anger on Master Long's face finally couldn't stop.

What he hated most in his life was a traitor!

And Qing Jiao has been with him for 12 years, how many things he has done behind the scenes, how many people have been killed, if all these cases are exposed...

Qingjiao is definitely a ticking time bomb, so it cannot be kept!

Master Long took out his mobile phone again and dialed a number.

It's just that it took a long time to dial today's number, which also made Master Long feel more irritable.

"Dragon Blood, are you looking for me?"

A rough voice sounded.

"Qingjiao can't stay, deal with it quickly!"



at the same time.

A high-rise building in Longdu, the location on the roof.

A man in a black jacket is observing the target with the scope of a sniper rifle.

On the street below, in a corner coffee shop, a man in a suit didn't know that he had become the target of snipers.

"After finishing this vote, I don't know if my daughter's condition can be completely stabilized?"

Silently counting the tasks he has completed from 12 years ago to the present, Qing Jiao feels that he is finally going to reach that step.

After this task is completed, the daughter's surgery fee should be enough.

After all, he has worked for Master Long for 12 years. With the original promise of the other party, how could the surgery fee be insufficient.

The only difficulty might be that...

Qing Jiao thought so, but suddenly frowned.

It's the killer's sixth sense, as if something bad is about to happen.

This slight hesitation also made the man drinking coffee below suddenly get up and walk into the distance.

Qing Jiao frowned and quickly locked on.

It's a pity that the street where the man lived was too crowded, and he disappeared into the crowd in a short while.

"Damn it!"

Losing the target and failing to snipe successfully, Qing Jiao was very upset.

In the past, he would never make such a mistake.


Just then, his cell phone rang.

"Master Long must be asking about the status of my mission, why haven't I sent him a message yet?"

Qing Jiao turned on the phone and checked the text message.

[Qing Jiao, how long have you been with me? 】

Seeing this text message, Qing Jiao frowned.

How could Lord Long use his cell phone to send him such a text message?

In the past, didn't this number only send target information, and I only recovered information about the completion of the task.

But Qing Jiao edited the text message honestly and sent it back.

[12 years. 】

Soon, Master Long's text messages came back.

[In 2012, Qingjiao, you have done a good job, now I want to give you the last task. 】

[What task? 】

Qing Jiao was a little puzzled, his mission was still in progress, why did Master Long want to add missions to him temporarily?

With such doubts, his eyes fixed on the phone screen, waiting for the final task.

But out of the killer's intuition, Qing Jiao always feels that this last mission seems to be very dangerous.

[Qing Jiao, can you please shut up forever? 】

Finally, a text message came, but when Qing Jiao saw this text message, she was very flustered.

Please shut up forever!

What the hell does this mean, is it asking me to go abroad, or is it asking me to...

【Long Ye, what do you mean? 】

Although sending this text message is a bit beyond the status, but Qingjiao can't care so much now.

He wanted to ask clearly what Master Long wanted to do by himself.

Unfortunately, there was no response for a long time, and there was no text message reply.

Qing Jiao resisted the urge to call directly, because Master Long had repeatedly warned that he must not take the initiative to contact, and he could only passively accept orders.


But at this moment, a piercing sound sounded.


There was a sudden cracking sound at Qing Jiao's side.


Seeing the cracked ground around him, he was startled, and then quickly rushed towards the entrance of the rooftop.




When Qing Jiao sprinted, the ground beside his feet exploded again, as if there were at least three or four snipers in all directions, aiming at him and shooting.

It's a pity that these snipers' accuracy was poor, and they didn't hit Qingjiao.

With a touch of luck, Qing Jiao rushed into the entrance of the rooftop, then took off his coat, put away his equipment, and then his eyes wavered between the elevator and the stairs.

He didn't know, apart from snipers, what other opponents the enemy had.

In case there was an ambush downstairs, wouldn't I have to confess today.

But what he didn't know was that the person who ambushed him had no way to arrange a follow-up.

Because they are limited in number.

On the rooftop of another high-rise building about 1 km away from the rooftop where Qingjiao is.

"That Qingjiao escaped!"

Zhang Wei, who has been observing the situation on the opposite rooftop, has put down the telescope in his hand at this moment.

Beside him, Xia Qianyue was holding a few stones in her hands, and after hearing Zhang Wei's words, she threw the stones on the ground at will.

"Actually, according to my original idea, it would be better to hit Qing Jiao once and hurt him a little, so the effect will be better!"

"The surface of these stones is irregular. I am lucky to be able to throw them out and hit him. It is a bit difficult to hit a moving target."

Xia Qianyue glanced at the stones on the ground with a helpless expression.

"It's okay, Hanhan, if you can shoot stones like sniper bullets, it's already terrifying."

Zhang Wei quickly comforted him, and at the same time looked at Xia Qianyue's hands with lingering fear in his heart.

Martial arts masters can pick leaves and fly flowers, and use stones on the side of the road as hidden weapons for murder.

Zhang Wei saw it today.

These small stones became stronger than sniper bullets in Xia Qianyue's hands, Qing Jiao had no doubts at all.

At this moment, Qing Jiao must be very flustered.

"Girl, how are you doing over there?"

"Don't worry, I've got it all done."

Just behind the two of them, Zhao Xiaoxiao sat cross-legged on the steps, crackling the keyboard of the laptop in her hand.

And on the screen of the notebook, what appeared was the text message conversation record between Qing Jiao and "Master Long".

It's a pity that the dragon master here is not the deity, but Zhao Xiaoxiao sent a message to Qingjiao by simulating the IP and number.

"Second girl has worked hard, let's follow this Qingjiao and wait until he is cornered!"

Zhang Wei said, looking at the building in front of him, with a sly smile showing a successful plot.

At this moment, Qingjiao must still be kept in the dark, what exactly did he do wrong to make Master Long want to kill him.

But what he didn't know was that all of this was in Zhang Wei's calculations.

Through Xiao Zou, Zhang Wei has locked Master Long.

And through Master Long, Zhang Wei locked on Qingjiao again.

Although Master Long didn't talk to Qing Jiao, the undialed number could also help Zhao Xiaoxiao lock Qing Jiao's number.

As long as she knows the number, Zhao Xiaoxiao can lock Qingjiao's location.

Moreover, Master Long's mobile phone and the network where he is located have been tampered with by Zhao Xiaoxiao, so blocking Qing Jiao's calls and text messages, and then copying a number that he wants to use to "contact" Qing Jiao unilaterally, is very easy.

At this moment, the rest of the killers arranged by Lord Long began to move upon hearing the news.

And they have only one goal, and that is to kill the "traitor" Qing Jiao.

And all these actions are also controlled by Zhao Xiaoxiao.

Master Long's last phone call allowed Zhao Xiaoxiao to locate the killer.

The killer contacted other killers, and the virus also spread among the killers' electronic devices.

It can be said that relying on the help of the second daughter, Zhang Wei knows the location of the next killer like the palm of his hand.

Tonight is destined to be a restless night.

What happened at night can't be hidden from Zhang Wei's eyes.

Someone is going to suffer tonight.

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