Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 593: Guan Yuhong proves himself, Xiao Zou's betrayal?


"Mr. Guan, did you kill the deceased Mr. Sun 12 years ago?"

This question is naturally the most important and the answer everyone wants to know.

Did Guan Yuhong kill someone 12 years ago?


Guan Yuhong denied it almost without hesitation.

"In fact, I didn't have much contact with the deceased Sun. Although he would come to various stores in the supermarket at a fixed time every month to collect land rent from door to door, but my contact with him is limited to this."

"Let's say I hate him, I really hate him, because each of the merchants in our supermarket earns the hard-earned money from early morning to late night, but the money has to be shared with them, and it doesn't feel good to change it to anyone. "

"But let's talk about killing people. How could I be motivated to kill for a local ruffian? After all, you can imagine that even if there is one less Sun in the society behind Sun, there will be a second Zhang. Li Is someone showing up?"

Guan Yuhong said, looking at the jury, "Besides, the money handed over to Sohn every month, although it makes people uncomfortable and uncomfortable, but at least it's not a nerve-wracking, our merchant chose to pay the money , but also to save unnecessary trouble.”

"Since we have chosen to accept it, we have acquiesced to this rule. If we kill Sun Mou, it will be a bit extreme for us both emotionally and rationally."

Hearing this, Zhang Wei nodded, and tried to conclude: "Mr. Guan, what you mean is that after all of your merchants choose to accept, you are tantamount to acquiescing to Sun and the society behind him, and treat you The exploitation and protection offered?"

"Well, there is exploitation, but I have never seen protection."

Guan Yuhong chuckled. He had also inquired back then, and the association behind Sun did not have any powerful figures, it was just a small association.

But as the saying goes, the king of Hades is easy to hide, but the imp is hard to deal with.

It is this ubiquitous small community that is the most difficult to deal with.

Even if you report the crime, the investigation department arrests a few people, they will release them the next day, and they may even intensify their revenge on you.

Therefore, paying money to ensure safety is the compromise strategy for their merchants.

As for what this association said, they paid money to protect you and the like, they all laughed.

"Yeah, I got it."

Zhang Wei nodded again, "For Mr. Guan back then, paying land rent to Mr. Sun was already the default rule. I believe Mr. Guan will not take the initiative to break him."

"Then let's go back to the beginning, that is, 12 years ago, the prosecution once said that you had a quarrel with Sun?"

"If you want to talk about quarrels, all the merchants of our supermarkets have had quarrels with Sun."

Guan Yuhong chuckled, "Sun's behavior is plainly a bandit. Will you talk to the bandit calmly?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the jury and the hearing booth showed understanding eyes.

If I was pestered by someone like Sun every day, I might not be able to resist beating someone, and even if it was bad, I would report the case and let the investigation department take Sun away!

As for Sun's subsequent revenge...

Humph, who is afraid of who!

Possibly, this is what ordinary people think.

After all, they live in a society ruled by law, and they are not afraid of members of associations like Sun who get something for nothing and try to exploit merchants.

Zhang Wei looked at the jury, then turned to Guan Yuhong and asked, "Mr. Guan, I would like to ask, before Sun died, who else had an argument with him besides you?"

"That's too much."

Guan Yuhong smiled slightly, "Actually, I clearly remember that just a few weeks before Sun's death, he always brought people from the real estate company to talk to us about the acquisition."

"Real estate company?" Zhang Wei frowned slightly, pretending to be surprised.

"Yes, people from the real estate company. In fact, Sun was cooperating with a company called Tianma Real Estate. This company planned to acquire the land of our supermarket and then develop it."

"Tianma Real Estate, why not Longxiang Construction?"

As Zhang Wei said, he turned his gaze to the hearing stand, which was where You Dalei was.

"Longxiang Construction also sent people here, and they paid more money than Tianma Real Estate, but Tianma Real Estate has reached a cooperation with the association behind Mr. Sun. When Mr. Sun meets with our merchants, most of the time he will utter threats. That is, during that time, once someone chooses Longxiang Construction instead of Tianma Real Estate behind them, then Sun will definitely come to make trouble, such as insulting or scuffling with merchants, that is a common occurrence."

"You mean to say that before Sun's death, he cooperated with people from Tianma Real Estate Company and planned to acquire the land of Chaoshang for development. Longxiang Construction also took a fancy to this land at the time, so it means that there are two families who are interested in Chaoshang. to compete with the users of the merchant?"


"Because Tianma is backed by Mrs. Sun and the club behind him, he chooses to intimidate. And Longxiang Construction has a lot of money, so he chooses to use more money to lure?"


Guan Yuhong nodded, and explained by the way: "Because everyone has complaints about Sun and the association behind him, many people have chosen to cooperate with Longxiang in the face of interests."

"After all, Mr. Sun has come to exploit us every month, and this time he is trying to get us to sell the store to Tianma Real Estate, which pays less. How could we be happy?"

Zhang Wei nodded, "It's understandable, compared to trying to buy your Tianma real estate by coercion and other means because you can't afford it, it's also understandable for you to choose the richer Longxiang Construction. "

"Because of this, Mr. Sun almost always speaks bad words to the merchants who chose Longxiang Construction instead of Tianma Real Estate, and friction occurs every day."

"Then I want to ask a question, Mr. Guan, which one did you choose?"


Guan Yuhong pointed to himself, then shook his head with a smile, "I had no choice at the beginning, because I didn't want to lose my grocery store, so I didn't agree to any one's acquisition."

"Oh, you didn't choose Tianma Real Estate, let alone Longxiang Construction, right?"


"Then it doesn't make sense. For Sun and Tianma Real Estate, since you didn't choose the store built by Longxiang, shouldn't it be that you need to win over?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, expressing some incomprehension.

Twelve years ago, Tianma and Longxiang competed for the merchants in the supermarket. To put it bluntly, they competed for the development of that piece of land.

For those who have already stood in line, or those who choose Longxiang, Tianma must hate them.

But for someone like Guan Yuhong, who didn't stand in line with Tianma, but also didn't stand in line with Longxiang, he must be wooed.

Even if Sun wants to do evil, Tianma Real Estate behind him will not allow it, right?

Otherwise, if Guan Yuhong is forced to turn against him, he might turn around and join Long Xiangjian's embrace.

That's the reason.

Many people in the jury and hearing seats can figure it out.

"Mr. Guan, so during that time, you didn't express your support for Tianma and Longxiang. Has Sun's attitude towards you changed?"

"If you say that, it's true. Sun didn't even come to collect our land rent during that time, and his attitude towards me was much better than usual."

"Yeah, because the Tianma Real Estate behind him obviously wants to buy your grocery store. How could he make a decision that runs counter to the father of the sponsor?"

Zhang Wei said, and concluded to the jury: "So, in summary, it is impossible for my client to kill Sun because he has no conflict of interest with Sun. If my client had already sided with Long Xiang, they could If my client does not stand in line for a day, then Sun and the Tianma Real Estate behind him will come to win him over every day instead of offending him."

"Let me summarize here. There is no possibility of conflict between the two parties. Even Tianma Real Estate and Sun have to win over my client."

Many members of the jury were pensive, obviously feeling that what Zhang Wei said made sense.

"Then why did Sun die in the end, and the murder weapon that killed Sun had the defendant's fingerprints?"

At this moment, Xiao Zou, who was sitting on the prosecution seat, suddenly got up and said something.

No one thought that Xiao Zou, as the prosecutor, would interrupt Zhang Wei.

"Sorry, I was talking to myself, but as a prosecutor, I am also a little curious. Why does it seem that Sun's death has a lot to do with the defendant?"

As soon as Xiao Zou opened his mouth, he aimed directly at Guan Yuhong.

If you want to say that he has no personal purpose, it is obviously impossible.

Otherwise, the normal prosecutors would definitely raise objections when they spoke, instead of throwing cold arrows like him.

"Prosecutor Zou, you..."

Zhang Wei made a look of "incomprehensible", with a look of astonishment on his face.

It was as if he had been stabbed in the back by a friend, and he was "dumbfounded", his eyes were wide open, his mouth was slightly opened, and he hesitated to speak.

Zhao Xiaoxiao, Xia Qianyue, Mo Yuzhu and Jessica who were sitting on the defense bench all noticed this gesture, and then the four girls looked at each other several times, and they all laughed.

Zhang Wei actually has time to perform in court, how calm and confident he is.

"Fuck, this kid's acting skills are amazing!"

The old iron on the side was stunned.

Xiao Zou interrupted, do you need to be so exaggerated, every movement and every look is in the air!

"Lawyer Zhang, please don't make a surprised expression. I just raised a reasonable question as a prosecution." Xiao Zou waved his hand, and then explained something to himself.

After asking the question, he sat down.

However, this question was also thrown to Guan Yuhong and Zhang Wei.

Why do you two keep saying that Sun's death should have nothing to do with Guan Yuhong, because at that time there was no need for the two sides to fight each other, but in the end, Sun's death seemed to have a lot to do with Guan Yuhong?

Zhang Wei couldn't believe it, and looked at Xiao Zou in astonishment.

But soon, he lowered his head and took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

"Actually, I have an explanation!"

After adjusting for a while, he finally recovered from "Xiao Zou's backstab".

"Oh, what's the explanation?" Xiao Zou hurriedly asked.

Zhang Wei raised his hand and pointed to the middle of the hearing booth, and then speculated word by word: "That's Long Xiang Construction, who intends to frame my client as a victim!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked at You Dalei.

The latter was also surprised. After noticing the eyes of the audience, he frowned and looked at Zhang Wei in the court.

Mr. You's eyes seemed to be questioning, you boy can't explain well, so you have to drag me into it?

"Everyone, please recall how my client explained that he didn't side with Tianma or Longxiang. So in theory, both Tianma and Longxiang should come to win him over, right?"

Many people in the jury and hearing booth nodded.

"However, if my client clearly informs both parties that his grocery store will not be moved, what will happen?"

This question made many people in the jury and the hearing stand look at each other in blank dismay.

Yes, if you explicitly refuse, what will happen?

"Tianma Real Estate chose to continue to win over my client, because they fell into a disadvantage in the competition with Longxiang Construction. If there were not many shops to be acquired, Longxiang Construction would take the initiative in the subsequent development of the land, so they had to Continue to win over merchants, and dare not do too much."

"But Longxiang Construction, they have an obvious advantage, and even Tianma Real Estate is not a threat at all in their eyes, because real estate development is straightforward, whoever pays can get more territory, that’s all.”

"For Longxiang Construction, the acquisition of supermarkets is a sure thing. For those merchants who are vacillating, they can complete the acquisition as long as they pay more. Therefore, companies like Tianma Real Estate that cannot afford money are completely Not an opponent."

"Then what is the biggest obstacle to the acquisition plan? Is it the kind of person who clearly will not move away and refuses the acquisition?"

Zhang Wei said, turning his gaze to Guan Yuhong.

"My client is the most difficult person to deal with, because he clearly rejected Longxiang Construction and Tianma Real Estate, and made it clear that he would not move away, so he became the biggest obstacle for Longxiang Construction to acquire the land. It can even be said that As long as my client is still opening a store in the grocery store, then Longxiang Construction will not be able to complete the development of the land and start making money in a day!"

"So, in the face of huge benefits, I think it's not impossible for Longxiang Construction to do some desperate things, right?"

"Lawyer Zhang, what do you mean by that?"

Xiao Zou immediately got up and asked a question.

"It's very simple. Longxiang Construction hired a killer named Lin Bot, let the killer kill Sun, and put the blame on my client, Mr. Guan, so as to achieve the plan of killing two birds with one stone!"

"As long as Sun dies, the associations behind him, as well as Tianma Real Estate, will understand that if they block our Longxiang Construction's acquisition plan, this Sun will be punished. And blaming Mr. Guan for Sun's death can also directly eliminate the Getting rid of the thorn in the flesh that hinders their real estate development plan can be said to kill two birds with one stone!"

Threats, warnings, and the removal of a clear obstacle, this is the benefit that Sun's death and the guy brought to Guan Yuhong.

Sun died, and Tianma Real Estate retreated despite the difficulties.

Guan Yuhong was found guilty, and the grocery store naturally couldn't continue to operate, so he couldn't be an obstacle, and couldn't stop Longxiang Construction's acquisition plan.

This is the real kill two birds with one stone, kill two birds with one stone!

Sun's death is of great benefit to Longxiang Construction!

After understanding the benefits brought by this plan, many people in the jury and hearing room couldn't help but nodded.

This plan is really a good plan!

It is definitely a smart person who can come up with this plan.

It's just that the other party's attitude of treating human life like nothing is quite unpleasant.

Sun's death became a tool to warn his opponents, and Guan Yuhong was also wronged and imprisoned, tantamount to sacrificing two families for profit.

The eyes of the audience once again focused on You Dalei.

Twelve years ago, the only people who were able to implement this plan and were motivated were you, Longxiang Construction.

For the development of that land, you really do everything you can, even murdering and framing things!

Feeling the suspicious eyes of everyone around him, You Dalei's face was very ugly.

Similarly, Chen Xiao's expression was quite ugly.

So she turned her eyes to the prosecutor's seat, and to Xiao Zou.

Hurry up, you are prosecuting, hurry up and make plans, think of a way!

"No, these are just the defense's speculations, subjective conjectures, and not supported by any evidence!"

As the prosecutor, Xiao Zou "conscientiously" got up and interrupted, and questioned.

As he said that, he also looked at Zhang Wei and Guan Yuhong, "Both of you, although your harmony is wonderful, but I want to say that these are just the inferences of the two of you, and the truth is definitely not the case!"

Judge Bao thought for a while, and asked the same question: "Lawyer Zhang, although what you said sounds like a good story, do you have relevant evidence?"

"There are only two people who can prove this. The first is the killer Linbert, but he is already dead. The second is Mr. You himself. After all, he is the direct beneficiary!"

Zhang Wei raised his finger and pointed to the middle of the hearing booth. You Dalei must be an insider.

"Lawyer Zhang, you want to say that Mr. You may have hired a killer, right?"

"Yes, Prosecutor Zou!"

"Joke, do you think you can slander good people by just telling a story!"

Faced with Zhang Wei's affirmation, Xiao Zou raised a question in a very strong tone.

"Prosecutor Zou, why do you..."

"My duty as a prosecutor is to not let any bad guy go, but at the same time not to wrong any good guy!"

Xiao Zou didn't seem to see Zhang Wei's "perplexed" gaze, and said in a righteous tone: "Obviously, you are willing to drag an outstanding entrepreneur into the water in order to help the client get rid of the crime. Lawyer Zhang, you really let me down." ..."

As Xiao Zou said, he shook his head, as if he was very disappointed with Zhang Wei's performance.

And his behavior also made many people in the jury and the hearing stand look at each other in blank dismay, wondering why the monitor supported You Dalei so much.

Could it be that these are all slanders by the defense?

But the story just now makes sense no matter how you listen to it?

Because of the support of the prosecution, many people in the jury and hearing have slightly changed their attitudes.

You Dalei was prosecuted and supported. Could it be said that the other party is really innocent?

This is hard to confirm.

And Zhang Wei also knew that at this moment, he finally "aware" of Xiao Zou's betrayal.

The astonishment on his face also turned into incomprehension, into doubts about Xiao Zou, a "good comrade".

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