Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 594 Guan Ping goes to court and confronts each other

Xiao Zou betrayed?

Zhang Wei "never expected it", but he has already reacted since the other party helped You Dalei speak.

After all this help, if you can't see it, you will be a fool.

Therefore, after experiencing a round of "big earthquake", Zhang Wei's expression finally changed from the original astonishment to the current calmness.

However, everyone could see that under the calm, there was a deep and gloomy sea like a vast sea.

"Oh, can't you accept my betrayal?"

As if sensing a strong hatred in Zhang Wei's gaze, Xiao Zou also showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.


So what if you realize it, you Zhang Wei will definitely lose today!

"Judge Bao, please decide!"

After tearing his face apart, Xiao Zou looked at the trial seat again.

"After consideration, this court believes that what lawyer Zhang said is not supported by any evidence, so the prosecution's objection is valid."

After careful consideration, Judge Bao chose to support the prosecution.

Zhang Wei bared his teeth, as if his plan had been interrupted, and he was a little bit annoyed.

"Lawyer Zhang, do you want to continue asking questions?"

After Judge Bao explained, he looked at Zhang Wei again.

Although you were stabbed in the back by Xiao Zou, I can't say anything, who made me a judge.

All I know is that as a judge, I don't take into account the positions of the prosecution and the defense.

Of course, if you go too far, as a fair judge, I will remind you.

Now, if Zhang Wei has any tricks, use them quickly.

"I have one last question for Mr. Guan!"

As Zhang Wei said, he came to Guan Yuhong and asked in a very solemn tone: "Mr. Guan, no matter at any time, you will not kill people, right?"

Facing this question, Guan Yuhong was silent for a moment, then heaved a long sigh: "Actually, I have been thinking about this question for 12 years."

"I will not kill people, let alone do any illegal and criminal acts. I have been studying law in prison, in order to remind myself that people need to respect the law and the rules."

"I know that in the past 12 years, I have not been a good father, I have not fulfilled my responsibilities, and I have not fulfilled my obligations. To my son Guan Ping, I owe him a lot."

"But I can tell everyone loudly here that I, Guan Yuhong, have never thought of killing people, because I am a father and I also have a son, so it is impossible for me to hurt another father!"

As he spoke, Guan Yuhong burst into tears, revealing his true feelings.

Guan Ping in the hearing booth also shed tears of excitement and emotion under his father's affectionate speech.

For this case, the father and son sacrificed too much...

The performance of the father and son also moved many people in the court.

In the hearing booth, many people had red eyes, as if they were really about to cry.

Even in the jury seat, some people subconsciously took a deep breath, obviously trying to adjust their mentality to prevent themselves from crying.

"Judge Bao, I have nothing more to ask about my client!"

Seeing this, Zhang Wei could only end the question, and then walked back to the defense bench step by step.

After seeing this scene, many people felt that Zhang Wei's back was a bit lonely.

"Hmph, there's no move!"

In the middle of the hearing booth, as an excellent lawyer, Chen Xiao naturally saw Zhang Wei's helplessness.

During the trial, if the lawyer asks the client to say something sensational and tries to influence the jury with this trick, it means that the other party has run out of tricks.

If you have strong evidence, how can you still need to use this trick, just show the evidence that can turn the tables.

And sensationalism is a way to do it when there is no other way. Of course, this trick is really effective sometimes.

But only sometimes.

Therefore, Zhang Wei has lost his way, this is Chen Xiao's opinion.

She nodded towards Xiao Zou, and both of them smiled slightly, knowing it well.

"The prosecution, it's your turn."

Under the reminder of Judge Bao, Xiao Zou tidied up his appearance, then walked to the court and came to the witness stand.

"Defendant Guan Yuhong, I want to ask you, the person who killed Sun was you, right?"

As soon as Xiao Zou went to court, he directly charged Guan Yuhong.

"be opposed to!"

Zhang Wei's ass was not hot yet, so he got up and interrupted.

"Xiao Zou, what do you mean?"

Judge Bao on the trial seat frowned slightly, his tone a little unhappy.

I just supported you on my side, but you turned on me in the end, right?

As a prosecutor, in the first sentence of the cross-examination, you directly convict the defendant?

What exactly do you mean by that, I want to ask someone.

"I'm sorry, Judge Bao, as a newcomer, it's my first cross-examination in court, and I'm a little too excited!"

Xiao Zou hurriedly apologized, with a sincere attitude.

"That's it?"

Judge Bao said inwardly, your first move was to stab a knife, and you ended up giving me such a perfunctory explanation.

As a newcomer to the court, I suddenly said this when I was in court, was it because I was too excited?

Who are you kidding?

When newcomers go to court, aren't they all frightened and trembling when they speak?

Your opening sentence just now is full of confidence!

"Prosecutor, pay attention next time... No, I should say it's not an example!"

However, Judge Bao had no choice but to warn him.

Xiao Zou nodded to express his gratitude, and then asked Guan Yuhong again: "Defendant, you just said that you are innocent, but whether it is the evidence on the murder weapon or the testimony of those witnesses 12 years ago, it is very unfavorable to you!"

Facing Xiao Zou, Guan Yuhong replied calmly: "The murder weapon is the umbrella. The internal parts of the umbrella were bought by the killer in my store. It's normal to have my fingerprints on them."

"As for the testimonies of eyewitnesses, they all received money from Longxiang Construction 12 years ago. Is it normal to speak for them?"

Seeing this, Xiao Zou interrupted with a sneer: "You are trying to say that the normal business transactions between Longxiang Construction and several merchants in the supermarket will cause witnesses to say something against their will. You are questioning other people product?"

"Objection, the prosecution is over-interpreting and meaninglessly extending my client's words!"

Zhang Wei got up immediately, interrupted Xiao Zou, and looked at the trial seat.

"Well, what Lawyer Zhang said is reasonable, and the objection is valid!"

As Judge Bao said, he glanced at Xiao Zou with some warning in his eyes.

Xiao Zou frowned. He obviously forgot that even if Zhang Wei fell into a disadvantage, the other party was also an excellent lawyer.

One of Zhang Wei's most famous abilities is his on-the-spot adaptability. This is the confidence that he will not fall into a huge disadvantage in the face of any opponent in court.

Xiao Zou's move obviously couldn't kill Zhang Wei with one blow, and even allowed Zhang Wei to find various possibilities to counterattack.

Xiao Zou was not annoyed if he failed in one blow.

Anyway, I have the advantage, and you Zhang Wei can't afford to make any troubles.

"Defendant, the fingerprints on the murder weapon you mentioned are the killer's statement that you bought parts in your store. I think it is too perfunctory."

"Even if there is such a killer, who buys parts from your shop and assembles a murder weapon, and then kills Sun, then the problem comes..."

Xiao Zou spread his hands and questioned, "Where's the killer?"

"The killer is Limbert!"

"You mean a dead man?"

Xiao Zou sneered when he heard Guan Yuhong's answer.

He came to the jury and explained in a cold voice: "Limbert is dead. I think the defense's way of putting all the blame on a dead person is really too despicable."

"Oh, no, this is not the first time the defense has done this. They also described the deceased, Mr. Sun, as a gang member who committed all kinds of crimes, a treacherous person, and now they are discrediting a dead person in an attempt to place the blame for the murder. It doesn’t seem like a big deal for someone who can’t speak, right?”

After the jury listened, several people did look pensive.

Although I have heard that the identity of the deceased Sun is not very good, is it possible that this is also the defamation of the defense?

Anyway, Sun is dead, and they don't know what Sun did during his lifetime.

And in the same way, Limbert is also a dead person, and he will not be resurrected to defend himself.

Then there are many ways for the defense to slander Limbert.

Therefore, whether Sun and Linbert became the targets of the defense's fire after they died, there is also a certain reason.

"Objection, subjective conjecture!"

Xiao Zou's words naturally aroused Zhang Wei's objection.

If there is no objection, the jury and the hearing stand will be misled by Xiao Zou.

"Sorry, Judge Bao, I take back my last words and end the cross-examination."

Xiao Zou directly ended the question and sneered at Zhang Wei at the same time.

He had to question Guan Yuhong. In fact, reducing the number of times Guan Yuhong spoke was beneficial to himself.

Guan Yuhong's performance in prison is good, and he has made almost no mistakes in the past 12 years, so there is nothing to be said about Guan Yuhong's prison performance.

And Xiao Zou knew that Guan Yuhong had endured for 12 years just to testify for himself in court, so let the other party go directly at this time, lest the other party play the emotional card again and affect the jury.

Guan Yuhong glanced at Xiao Zou, then back at Zhang Wei, as if he still had a lot to say in his heart.

But Xiao Zou didn't give him a chance.

Guan Yuhong could only get up under the signal of Judge Bao's eyes, and returned to the defense bench to sit down.

Judge Bao looked at Zhang Wei again.

"We summoned the witness Guan Ping to testify in court!"

This time, Zhang Wei directly summoned Guan Yuhong's son, Guan Ping, to testify in court.

Guan Ping nodded to Guan Yuhong Zheng, and sat on the witness stand under Zhang Wei's signal.

"Xiaoguan, hello."

"Hello, Lawyer Zhang!"

After the two briefly greeted each other, Zhang Wei began to ask questions.

"Xiao Guan, do you know Limbert?"

"He is my neighbor. In fact, I know him a little bit, and it seems that his background is not simple."

"Oh, why not simple?"

"It is said that he seems to be involved in some gray industries, even black industries. Anyway, it is a bad thing. I also heard that he is a professional scavenger. As long as others pay for it, he can do anything!"

"Do you have any proof for what you say?"

"I saw him once in a bar. He cut a guy's throat with a dagger and almost killed him. And after Limbert slit the guy's throat, he leaned over and said to the guy, 'This is all. You asked for it'."

"You mean, you witnessed Limbert 'working,' didn't you?"


Guan Ping nodded solemnly, and then looked at the jury and the hearing booth. Unfortunately, although these people were all looking at him, they didn't care much about the testimony.

"So, do you know that Limbert is dead?"

"of course I know!"

As Guan Ping said, he closed his eyes and recalled: "In fact, I knew better than the people in the investigation department, because he and I are neighbors, and the house I live in with him is on the fourth floor. If there is any movement in his rented house, I could see it the first time, and I happened to see it that day."

"That day, a visitor seemed to come to Limbert's house. The two of them seemed to know each other. They sat down and talked for a while. The moment Limbert turned around, that person suddenly attacked Linbert."

Zhang Wei hurriedly raised his hand to interrupt: "According to the forensic report of the investigation department, Lin Bote died from the injection of cyanide. You saw that person..."

"Yes, after I saw Limbert unconscious, that person took out the syringe!"

"So, someone silenced Limbert?"

"Yes, it must be so, because Limbert was the real culprit who killed Sun. He must have been killed by the people from Longxiang Construction!"

As Guan Ping spoke, he looked angrily at the middle of the hearing booth and at You Dalei.

"Thank you Xiaoguan for your answer, my question is over."

Zhang Wei and Judge Bao nodded their heads and ended their questioning.

Xiao Zou sneered and got up calmly.

"Guan Ping, did you know that our prosecution has investigated the cause of Limbert's death from the very beginning, and found that you are the most suspected criminal!"

"be opposed to!"

Zhang Wei couldn't bear Xiao Zou's first words.

"Judge Bao, the prosecution has withdrawn the murder charge against Guan Ping, and Zhu Gaojian has also promised not to file a murder lawsuit against Guan Ping again. Why is the prosecution backing out now?"

"Judge Bao, the promise made by prosecutor Zhu Yuansi has nothing to do with my little Zou, right?"

Xiao Zou was also straightforward, directly refuting Zhang Wei.

I am the current person in charge of this case. What Zhu Yuansi said has nothing to do with me, Xiao Zou?

Zhang Wei never expected that this little Zou was really shameless.

Fortunately, you are still Zhu Yuansi's follower, but if you ignore what the boss says, just ignore it.

"In fact, in view of the discrepancy between Guan Ping's statement just now and the testimony at the hearing at that time, the prosecution decided to open another investigation on Guan Ping's murder suspicion!"

Xiao Zou ignored Zhang Wei, and said directly to the jury: "At the previous hearing, Guan Ping said that he was ignorant of Linbert's death, but now he told the court that he saw the scene of Linbert's death. , Obviously there are contradictions in the testimony, so the prosecution will use this point to restart the investigation of Limbert's death, and list Guan Ping as the first suspect!"

These words caused the jury and the hearing stand to look at each other, and then looked at Xiao Zou in surprise, and then at Guan Ping on the witness stand.

Here, there is such a thing.

"Oh, by the way, we'll talk about the investigation later, let's get back to the case again."

As Xiao Zou said, he walked up to Guan Ping, "Witness, did you lie at the previous hearing?"

"No, the question has nothing to do with this case!"

"Judge Bao, whether you are lying or not can prove the character of the witness!"

Xiao Zou sneered and looked towards the trial seat.

"The defense has again objected that witnesses have the right to refuse to answer any questions about the investigation that has been withdrawn."

But Zhang Wei was not to be outdone. Anyway, the investigation was over and the prosecution was dismissed by Zhu Yuansi. So what if we refused to answer.


Seeing the two people fighting against each other, Judge Bao felt a little difficult.

"Judge Bao, the defense wants to explain that the previous investigation has been dismissed by the prosecutor in charge of the investigation, and Guan Ping has been cleared of suspicion. As for today's testimony, there are actually no contradictions."

Zhang Wei said, recalling for everyone: "The witness Guan Ping said that he saw Limbert talking with someone, and he didn't know who this person was. He took out the syringe, whether this is the cause of Limbert's death is not yet known."

"Similarly, Guan Ping didn't see whether Limbert was really dead, and he didn't know whether Limbert's heart stopped beating. The testimonies during the investigation did not contradict each other!"

Under Zhang Wei's explanation, the jury and the hearing audience looked at each other. Is this also an explanation?

"That's right, I didn't know that Limbert was dead, so I thought about going over to have a look. It should be said that I just happened to drop by the way to have a look, and then the people from the investigation department came, and you all know what happened after that .”

Guan Ping was also very cooperative. He agreed with what Zhang Wei said.

This made Xiao Zou frown, and you are talking nonsense again.

God TM didn't see Linbert's death, and didn't know that Linbert's heart stopped.

This thing keeps stopping, who can see it?

"So that means that the witness only saw someone who seemed to attack Limbert, but didn't see the scene of the latter's death?"

"You can say that!"

Seeing Xiao Zou's question, Zhang Wei answered directly.

Xiao Zou frowned, but he couldn't refute Zhang Wei's words.

He could only look at Guan Ping again, and questioned: "If according to what you said, there is indeed a possibility that Limbert will be killed and silenced!"

"But there is another point, I hope everyone will also consider it, that is, all of this is a drama directed and acted by you, Guan Ping!"

As Xiao Zou said, he raised his hand and pointed to the defense bench.

"The defendant Guan Yuhong is your father. As his son, you forged evidence and blamed the murder case 12 years ago on the deceased Limbert. Is there such a possibility?"

"And the murder weapon that killed Limbert, the black umbrella stained with cyanide, clearly has your fingerprints on it, and you still say you are not the murderer?"

"be opposed to!"

Faced with Xiao Zou's questioning, Zhang Wei objected again.

"That case has been dismissed, and the evidence is clearly unknown. Someone framed the witness!"

"Then why can't it be the witness who planted the blame on himself so as to set the prosecution a trap and exonerate himself?"

Faced with Zhang Wei's doubts, Xiao Zou directly used the wireless matryoshka tactic.

This is what made Zhang Wei call him a good guy.

This trick is usually used by me against others, you are stealing from me, right?

You are still blaming yourself and setting the prosecution up, right?

Zhang Wei also has to admire Xiao Zou's brain hole, you are really a servant of Zhu Yuansi, you are really inferior.

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