Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 595 It's just luck that You Dalei went to court? (third change)

(It was recommended by the editor-in-chief, the author is happy, and two more updates will be added today!)


Will Guan Ping play tricks on the prosecution?

To slander yourself in order to whitewash yourself?

Obviously impossible!

Because of this trick, most people really can't do it.

Besides, he didn't know Qingjiao, so it was impossible for him to command the green snake.

Those who falsified the evidence were all members of the Qingjiao Society.

Which onion are you, Guan Ping, who are you, dare to order us?

Be careful that our Qingjiao will die!

So Xiao Zou's tactic is just to use wireless nesting dolls to interfere with the audiovisual and confuse the line of sight.

So, is anyone being disturbed?

The jury and hearing seats were really fooled by Xiao Zou's wireless doll.

Yes, Guan Ping will invite someone to slander him, and then clean himself up, thereby interfering with the investigation department?

Like, maybe, maybe, maybe...

Is there a possibility...

Well, the 12-member jury is a little unconfident at the moment.

Even the man in science and engineering who has the strongest logical ability and Zhang Wei is most optimistic about is also wringing his fingers at this moment, as if thinking about whether this matter is reasonable.

"Still thinking about it, it's obviously unreasonable!"

Zhang Wei also started complaining in his heart, you Xiao Zou really dare to say anything, you think Guan Ping is me, can use such a coquettish operation?

However, although Zhang Wei complained crazily in his heart, he was actually not panicked at all.

He smiled on the surface and said: "Prosecutor Zou, your imagination is really rich."

"The witness will slander himself, do you think he is me?"

Good guy!

Everyone in the audience was stunned. Did you, Zhang Wei, admit something extraordinary just now?

Xiao Zou smiled, "Lawyer Zhang, you can't deny that this kind of thing is actually possible, right?"

He said, raised his hand again, and pointed to the witness stand in front of him, "Lawyer Zhang, your witness Guan Ping, but in order to save his father, I think it is possible for him to do anything in front of the relationship between father and son." ?”

"Anyway, if my father is seriously ill or dying, and someone tells me that if I can beat someone up, my father will be saved, so I will do it without hesitation!"

"I believe Lawyer Zhang, you can understand... Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you, you were born as an orphan, and there seems to be no concept of parents in your life's growth experience!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes.

Using other people's parents and elders to talk about things is a big taboo in dialogue.

Unexpectedly, as an orphan, he also became the target of being attacked by his opponents.

Xiao Zou, you are really a good guy!

Xiao Zou's speech made Zhang Wei, who was sitting on the defense bench, feel some anger in his heart.

"This guy is really annoying!" Xia Qianyue, who was sitting by the side, muttered in a low voice like a mosquito, her eyebrows slightly frowned.

Zhao Xiaoxiao, Mo Yuzhu and Jessica who were sitting in the back also frowned.

Attacking Zhang Wei with his childhood background in court offended them.

Facing Xiao Zou's question, what will Zhang Wei do?

"Witness, you haven't answered my question yet?"

Xiao Zou once again played the role of "prosecutor" and forced to interrogate the witness Guan Ping.

"Of course I haven't done it. How could I plant myself?"

Guan Ping spread out his hands, with a dazed look on his face.

Prosecutor, you have a rich imagination.

I never thought there would be such a trick.

"You really haven't done it?" Xiao Zou narrowed his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

"Objection, harassment of witnesses!"

But Xiao Zou's words made Zhang Wei stand up and interrupt.

"Judge Bao, I think the prosecution is deaf and needs to be treated by a doctor!"

Zhang Wei looked at Xiao Zou and joked in a cold voice: "Our witness clearly answered 'never done' to the prosecution's question, but the prosecution didn't seem to hear it, and continued to question him repeatedly, trying to pass multiple questions. To confuse the public and interfere with the judgment of witnesses!"

As Zhang Wei said, he looked at Xiao Zou again, "Prosecutor Zou, you suspect that my client slandered me, are you out of your mind?"

"What are you talking about, I have a hole in my head!"

Faced with Zhang Wei's ridicule, Xiao Zou couldn't bear it, and almost lost his temper in court.

"Yeah, you're out of your mind!"

Zhang Wei asked in a positive tone: "If the witness Guan Ping framed himself, and the investigation department directly arrested him based on the 'evidence he sent', wouldn't this be a very stupid behavior?"

"He expects that the investigation department will conduct an investigation, and you are here, Lawyer Zhang!"

"Prosecutor Zou, the witness had just come into contact with me at that time, how did he know that I could hold?"

Zhang Wei also spread his hands, and teased: "What if the people in the investigation department are all idiots, they only authenticate the evidence but not the people? If I'm a rookie, then didn't he put himself in it?"

"Please, who would take the risk of sending himself to jail, such a risk, it's intentional murder, a proper life sentence."

Hearing Zhang Wei's words, many members of the jury nodded subconsciously.

Gambling with the rest of your life is too risky, and most people don't have the courage.

Moreover, at the time when Guan Ping was investigated, he and Zhang Wei had just met. How could he take a huge risk and trust someone he had known for less than a day?

Don't be funny, no one has such a big heart.

So, the objection turned out to be...

"The objection is valid. Prosecutor Zou, please don't dwell on these unfounded issues. Is that okay? As a prosecutor, don't you know the rules?"

Judge Bao looked at Xiao Zou, and warned in a cold voice, "Stop bringing up arguments without evidence, things based on imagination alone, in front of me!"

"Sorry, Your Honor, I was wrong!" Xiao Zou hurriedly apologized, and at the same time looked at Zhang Wei with a trace of naked displeasure.

But he won't just let Guan Ping go, after all, he is Guan Yuhong's own son.

"Witness, the prosecution continues to ask questions. From just now, you have always believed that Limbert died of murder, right? Besides you, who can kill such a professional innocence according to you and Zhang? What about Dove's characters?"

"It's them, the people they arranged!"

As Guan Ping said, he pointed to Chen Xiao and You Dalei in the middle of the hearing booth.

"Oh, do you think it was arranged by Lawyer Chen?" Xiao Zou sneered, "Then I will ask you the same question as the judge asked me. Do you have any evidence?"


As Guan Ping spoke, he looked at Zhang Wei with a questioning look in his eyes.

But Zhang Wei shook his head slightly, this question is really hard to answer.

Because Zhang Weike hadn't even been to Dongfang Capital when Lin Bote was killed.

"Oh, no evidence?"

Xiao Zou looked at Guan Ping, seeing that the other party was unable to answer for a long time, and he couldn't produce substantive evidence, so he was immediately happy.

"You said that the person who murdered Limbert was Lawyer Chen and Mr. You, but you have no evidence at all. Isn't this just plain slander?"

"Is that because someone in Longdu died? I can say that lawyer Zhang Wei did it, because although I have no evidence, I can slander him like you. Just because I have a bad relationship with him, I can do it." Said he was a murderer?"

"Even if there is no evidence, I can still say that Lawyer Zhang didn't do it himself, but he hired someone to do it. Anyway, he hired a murderer to kill someone, right?"

This ridicule caused the jury to shake their heads subconsciously, and so did many people in the hearing booth.

You, Guan Ping, as a witness, can't slander other "innocent people" casually, especially since you don't have any evidence yet, isn't this just spitting blood?

Although Xiao Zou's teasing did not seem like what the prosecution did, it had an effect. The jury and the hearing audience looked at Guan Ping with distrust.

"We have nothing more to ask about this witness!"

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Xiao Zou also knew that there were only so many black spots on Guan Ping's body, so he ended the cross-examination with a sneer.

He sat back on the prosecution seat, and then looked at Zhang Wei with a sly smile.

Boy, I know you're out of luck. You can't get anything out of this trial.

"Lawyer Zhang, do you have any witnesses?"

At this moment, Judge Bao sounded a reminder.

You kid has been cornered now, if there are any heavyweight witnesses, just call them out, don't keep hiding them.

"Judge Bao, the only way to prove the truth of this case is to ask the culprit to come out in person!"

"Isn't the culprit your client Guan Yuhong?" Seeing this, Xiao Zou sneered again.

Anyway, I'm convinced that the murderer is Guan Yuhong, don't play tricks on me!

As for who is playing tricks, only God knows.

"I want to invite Mr. You to testify in court!" Zhang Wei looked at You Dalei in the middle of the hearing booth, and directly stated his purpose.

"No, Mr. You is not on the defense's witness list, and Mr. You is not the culprit!"

"But you are always the direct beneficiary after my client was imprisoned 12 years ago. Because of my client's imprisonment, he was able to acquire supermarkets without any effort and vigorously develop them. This is how Longxiang is now. Building, Longxiang Shopping Center, Longxiang..."

"No, these two things are not directly related!"

But Xiao Zou did not intend to give Zhang Wei a chance, and retorted coldly: "Your client was imprisoned, obviously because he killed someone, and then Mr. You bought a supermarket and developed it. There is no direct causal relationship between these two things!"

"Since Prosecutor Zou said so, it's okay for Mr. You to testify against himself, isn't it?"

But Zhang Wei followed Xiao Zou's words and asked back: "You keep saying that Mr. You has nothing to do with this case, so if Mr. You has a clear conscience, he shouldn't refuse to go to court to prove his innocence, right?"

"Zhang Wei, don't try to change the concept here. Mr. You is not obliged to testify in court. He..."

Xiao Zou's attitude towards Zhang Wei has changed, he directly shouted at Zhang Wei, and planned to argue hard.

"I can go to court and prove my innocence!"

But You Dalei communicated with Chen Xiao and stood up directly.

"Mr. You, since you have an excuse to appear in court, it would be the best."

Seeing this, Judge Bao didn't have any opinion, but directly announced with a hammer: "This court approves!"

Xiao Zou had no choice but to acquiesce in the matter, but a bad premonition flashed in his eyes.

He always felt that it was not a good thing for You Dalei to be summoned by Zhang Wei.

You Dalei didn't think that, he was sure that Zhang Wei had no evidence to prove everything, so he calmly went to court and sat on the witness stand.

"Hello, Mr. You!"

"Hello, Lawyer Zhang."

You Dalei was still in a good mood, with a smile on his face, and even the greetings were quite polite, showing his demeanor as a successful person.

"Mr. You, I have always wanted to ask you a lot of questions. It is rare to see you on the witness stand today. I believe you will answer my doubts, right?"


You Dalei smiled, not caring at all about Zhang Wei's plan to question him.

"Well, I would like to ask, do you know Master Long?"

The first question Zhang Wei asked made the smile on You Dalei's face slightly stiff.

Lord Dragon!

Of course he knew it, and he was too familiar with it!

"be opposed to!"

Hearing the word Long Ye, Xiao Zou couldn't help it anymore, and stood up to object directly.

"Judge Bao, what is the prosecution objecting to? I asked Mr. You if he knew Master Long, and which rule did he violate?"

"Yeah, I'm weird too?"

Judge Bao was also puzzled, and looked at Xiao Zou, "Prosecution, what are you objecting to? Is Long Ye some prohibited vocabulary? Why doesn't this court know?"

"Here, he..."

Xiao Zou looked at Zhang Wei, wanted to explain but found no basis.

He objected only because the word "Dragon Lord" carried too much weight.

"But having said that, Lawyer Zhang, who is this Dragon Lord, and does it have anything to do with this case?"

"Judge Bao, who is Master Long, I believe You will always give me the answer!"

Zhang Wei pointed to the witness stand, and signaled Judge Bao to wait for the next sentence.

"That's fine, the objection is invalid, please witness to answer this question."

Judge Bao nodded, not doubting him, and acquiesced to ask questions.

"Mr. You, who is Master Long, please answer."

"This Dragon Master..."

After hesitating for a moment, Mr. You asked, "Lawyer Zhang, I think that many friends surnamed Long have very different identities and backgrounds, no matter at home or abroad. I don't know which one you mentioned?"

"Mr. You really has a lot of friends. He actually knows so many Dragon Masters?"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and after making a joke, his face suddenly became serious; "The Dragon Master I'm talking about is called Long Kun!"

As soon as this remark came out, You Dalei's face became serious.

Master Long's name is exactly Long Kun.

And among all the people surnamed Long he knew, there was only one named Long Kun.

"Oh, you are talking about this Dragon Lord, I know him, of course I do."

You Dalei nodded, then spread his hands and asked, "Then, is there any problem with Master Long?"

"Mr. You, although I know that you are very capable, I have always believed that your ability is not enough to build Longxiang in just 12 years. From a small company that could only take over some maintenance and reinforcement projects, it has developed into a As a large listed real estate company with a market value of more than 50 billion, I guess you must have someone to help you, right?"

"Hahaha, Lawyer Zhang, you are joking again. Do you think I am such a person in your eyes?"

You Dalei seemed unable to hear the sarcasm in Zhang Wei's words, he laughed and said: "Twelve years ago, Longxiang Construction's asset scale was 100 million, but now the company is listed, with a scale of assets exceeding 50 billion, but I think this It is my achievement through hard work step by step, so in the eyes of Lawyer Zhang, can I not have such a good luck all of a sudden?"

"Of course it was possible last time, but since the acquisition of supermarkets by Longxiang Construction 12 years ago, the development of Longxiang Building and Longxiang Shopping Center has been smooth and smooth, and its performance has been rising steadily, with almost no development failures In this case, it is understandable that the luck was good last time, but is it too coincidental to maintain good luck for 12 years?"

"Sorry, Lawyer Zhang, did I misunderstand?"

You Dalei looked at Zhang Wei with a look of incomprehension: "Attorney Zhang wants to attribute my success to the help of someone in the dark and the participation of external forces, so you have to deny my hard work and hard work in the past 12 years. tried?"

"I don't deny Mr. You's hard work in the past 12 years. After all, it is indeed a very labor-intensive thing to dress up a big man and be his dog's leg."

Hearing this, You Dalei frowned slightly.

You, Zhang Wei, really like to struggle with one thing. How many times have I explained that I got all of this "by myself", why don't you believe it.

He hurriedly looked at Xiao Zou, you should treat this kid quickly.

"No, Lawyer Zhang is harassing the witness. Mr. You, the witness, has clearly told Lawyer Zhang that all of this is achieved through his own efforts, but Lawyer Zhang seems not to have heard it, and repeatedly harassed the witness with the same question!"

Xiao Zou used Zhang Wei's excuse to check and balance Zhang Wei.

"This... objection is effective!"

Judge Bao had no choice but to support.

After all, you Zhang Wei used this trick before, there is no reason why you can use it, but Xiao Zou can't, right?

"Since that's the case, then I'll change the question and not worry about it."

Zhang Wei was about to continue asking questions, but You Dalei raised his hand, "Before Lawyer Zhang asks questions, I have to make a statement for myself."

"Lawyer Zhang believes that I, You Dalei, can't grow Longxiang Construction to its current scale relying on my own efforts, but I want to say that his vision is too superficial. He didn't see what I did How much effort did you put in?"

"Of course, apart from my hard work, luck is also necessary for Longxiang Construction to grow. Here I also have to admit that I, You Dalei, have always been favored by the goddess of luck, which is why I am where I am today. "

"Everyone knows, 12 years ago, the house price of Longdu?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and many locals nodded subconsciously, even showing remorse.

"Twelve years ago, the housing prices in Longdu were around 10,000 to 20,000 square meters, close to 25,000 in areas close to the city center, and even lower than 10,000 in remote and undeveloped areas."

"Now, the house price in the center of Dragon City is more than 200,000 square meters. The original 20,000 square meters now cost more than 120,000 to 150,000 yuan. The undeveloped areas that used to be less than 10,000 yuan are now It’s 30,000-50,000 as a base.”

"It can be said that the real estate industry has ushered in a period of huge explosive growth in the past 12 years, and I, Longxiang Construction, can be said to rely on this shareholder wind to ride the wind for nine days and develop to the current scale."

"I think that Longxiang Construction can develop not only because of my hard work, but also because of the vigorous development of the real estate business, which has allowed us to take advantage of the wind. That's why I keep saying that I, You Dalei, can have today because of Fortunately, I caught up with the best-developed industry at that time, that is, the real estate industry!"

Having said that, You Dalei looked at Zhang Wei with a smile on his face.

Really, I was able to develop to such a large scale, it was all due to luck, and it had nothing to do with Lord Long or anything!

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