Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 597 Is there nothing you can do? Qing Jiao testifies in court

In response to Zhang Wei's question, You Dalei completely vetoed it.

He is confident that it is impossible for Zhang Wei to find evidence, so there is no psychological burden in denying it.

Even if you are capable, can you still summon Master Long?

And even if Master Long really appeared, he could deny it completely.

The big deal is that 12 years ago, we went to the hotel to play chess together.

I, You Dalei, have no other hobbies. Chess also has ranks. It happened that Master Long also wanted to learn at that time, so we played chess together.

Although this explanation is nonsense at first glance, who of you can refute it and show evidence!

Obviously, no one can come up with evidence.

Under Zhang Wei's gaze, You Dalei walked back to the hearing stand and sat back beside Chen Xiao.

He even made eye contact with Chen Xiao, asking if there was anything wrong with Chen Xiao's answer just now.

Chen Xiao naturally didn't notice anything wrong, and the eyes of the two suddenly became confident.

At the trial seat, Judge Bao didn't look at You Dalei again, but looked at Zhang Wei.

"Lawyer Zhang, do you have any other witnesses to call?"

"Of course, I want to summon the intelligence broker who was mentioned many times in my question just now!"

When Zhang Wei mentioned this person, both You Dalei and Chen Xiao showed a hint of surprise on their faces.

"Does that person know about you?"

"have no idea."

"you sure?"

"Don't worry, I asked my subordinates to contact me at the beginning, I never participated in it myself, and in order to deal with Zhang Wei, I have already prepared a backup, that broker can't come today!"

"That's good!"

After Chen Xiao and You Dalei looked at each other, a hint of sinister flashed in their eyes.

Just after Zhang Wei gave the information of the summoned person, a court guard opened the door, entered the court, and then came to the trial seat.

After whispering a few words in Judge Bao's ear, he quickly left and walked out of the courtroom.

Judge Bao glanced at Zhang Wei, showing helplessness.

"Cough cough, this court has just received news that the witness in this case, who is an intelligence broker, accidentally injured his head while going to bed last night, so he fell into a coma and was unable to testify in court!"

As soon as this remark came out, Guan Yuhong on the defense table was stunned, and then turned to look at Chen Xiao and You Dalei.

Seeing the sinister smiles on the faces of the two, his expression finally couldn't hold back.

"How dare these people do it!"

In order to deal with him, this group of people actually started their hands in the prison.

Guan Yuhong naturally knew that to buy prisoners in the prison, the means did not need to be too high. There are a lot of people who are willing to become some people's lackeys for a little money.

After all, the prisoners in the prison are all desperadoes.

It's just that he didn't expect that although he came out temporarily, his friend was still in prison and became the target of the other party's fire.

As for the so-called kowtow to the head while sleeping, this excuse is too bad. It is obvious that he was attacked by his inmates and the scene of the attack was faked.

But under such circumstances, the intelligence broker has no way to testify in court.

"Lawyer Zhang, I'm very sorry. The prison is not good at guarding me and blames itself very much. They decided to change the witness to a better environment, but today is really..."

Judge Bao was also a little helpless. After all, this was a case he was in charge of, and it turned out that witnesses could not appear in court.

"Judge Bao, please don't worry about it. In order to prevent such a thing from happening, we have prepared a witness statement in advance, but I didn't expect that the opponent would not give the opportunity so much and planned to silence all the witnesses!"

As Zhang Wei said, he looked back at You Dalei and Chen Xiao, and then looked at Xiao Zou with a smile.

You thought you had prepared a countermeasure, and I predicted it in advance, so I asked the intelligence broker to provide a statement to prove the authenticity of those issues.

As Zhang Wei said, he walked back to the defense bench and obtained a testimony from Tie Ruyun's hand.

"What I have in my hands is the testimony provided by the witness who is an intelligence broker!"

"This testimony can prove that Longxiang Construction found him 12 years ago and asked him to contact gangs that could cooperate. He provided Longxiang Construction with the contact information of the Qingjiao Club, which led to the first meeting between the two parties. cooperation."

"And after that, Longxiang Construction cooperated with the intelligence broker for the second time. The former commissioned the latter to find outsourced killers to deal with the affairs of the competitor Tianma Real Estate and the grocery store owner Guan Yuhong!"

"This outsourced killer, I believe everyone is familiar with it, is Lin Bo, and he also completed the task brilliantly. Not only did he use his own tools to kill Sun, but he also gave my client Guan Yuhong, let him Charged with murder."

"In this way, Tianma Real Estate felt threatened and withdrew from a part of the market. My client was even imprisoned, unable to continue to maintain the grocery store. Longxiang Construction has no competitors, and there is no obstacle to the acquisition of supermarkets, but It’s really killing two birds with one stone!”

Zhang Wei said, and handed the copies of the testimony to the trial seat and the prosecution seat respectively, and then spread out a copy in his hand, and laid them out on the projection screen page by page.

The jury and the hearing stand all saw the sworn testimony and the confession of the intelligence broker.

He testified to himself that he was a bridge between Long Xiang Construction and Qingjiao Society, and he also proved that he was a bridge between Lin Bo and Long Xiang Construction, which made Guan Yuhong go to jail.

This testimony also revealed a lot of details at that time, and even the information of the interlocutor was released.

It can be said that the effect of testimony is still there.

The jury and the hearing seats, at this moment, many people are staring at the projection screen attentively, carefully checking every detail in the testimony.

Especially for the 12-member jury, except for Zhang Wei's optimistic man in science and engineering, nearly half of the remaining members were lost in thought.

Obviously, they were all shaken by this testimony.

Realizing this scene, the expressions of You Dalei and Chen Xiao changed slightly, and then they looked at Xiao Zou at the same time.

Don't stand still, you kid, act quickly and interrupt Zhang Weixian!

"be opposed to!"

Sure enough, Xiao Zou was not idle and got up to interrupt.

"The prosecution considers this statement testimony to be unreliable!"

"Prosecution, are you sure?"

However, Judge Bao was a little surprised when he held the testimony in his hand.

He felt that the testimony in his hand was quite detailed, so it shouldn't be fake, right?

"Your Honor, please allow me to question you!"

As Xiao Zou said, he also got up and came to Zhang Wei.

"Since the witness cannot appear in court, Lawyer Zhang, your evidence is the affidavit in your hand, right?"


Zhang Wei naturally would not deny it.

"Well, since the witness is not here, and I have no way to cross-examine, please allow me, as the prosecution, to question the origin of this testimony!"

As Xiao Zou said, holding the testimony in his hand, he pointed at Guan Yuhong on the defense bench.

"Lawyer Zhang, please answer me, what is the relationship between the person who gave the testimony and Mr. Guan Yuhong, and do they live in the same prison?"

"Yes, they are cellmates."

Of course, Zhang Wei would not deny the facts.

"I heard that the witness is in prison and has frequent contact with your client?"

"The prison is so big, and everyone is inmates. Don't we all stay together during the release, maybe we will get acquainted after chatting?"

Zhang Wei also spread his hands, speechless.

Although Longdu Prison is big, the witnesses and Guan Yuhong have been inmates for several years. Everyone will see each other if they look up or down.

After meeting each other, you may get acquainted after a few words, and then get together to chat, which is very common in prisons.

"Then what if the witness has been favored by your client?"

"Prosecutor Zou, what do you mean, you suspect that the witness gave false testimony because of some favor?"


Xiao Zou was not ambiguous, and directly followed Zhang Wei's words to express his purpose.

"The prosecution believes that the witness has been favored by the defendant Guan Yuhong in prison, so the testimony presented is subjectively biased and naturally cannot be trusted!"

As he spoke, he walked back to the prosecution's seat and took out a document from the briefcase.

"Lawyer Zhang, I know you like to do background checks, so please tell me, did your witness have a serious job besides being an intelligence broker before going to prison?"

"Yes, he works as the development manager of overseas business projects in a foreign trade company."

"Then, please tell me why your witness is in jail!"


Zhang Wei was stopped by such a question for a while.

"So, Lawyer Zhang, you won't tell me you don't know?"

"of course not!"

Faced with Xiao Zou's aggressiveness, Zhang Wei suddenly smiled and looked at the jury.

"Our witness was imprisoned because of the duty crime of leaking company secrets for his own benefit. At the same time, when he stole the secrets, he injured the company's security personnel and was also involved in a criminal offense. In addition, because of the huge amount of money involved, even Involved in crimes such as leaking trade order data at the national level, so he was sentenced to life imprisonment!"

Seeing Zhang Wei being so honest, Xiao Zou finally couldn't help laughing.

"Since Lawyer Zhang has confessed, I would like to ask, is such a liar who can even betray the secrets of his work for the company, how credible is his statement?"

Xiao Zou used the usual routine of dealing with the opponent, attacking the opponent's character.

This trick is old-fashioned, but it works.

Especially Zhang Wei's witness, who had betrayed company secrets before and even had a criminal record.

The jury and the hearing audience shook their heads subconsciously after hearing these "existing convictions".

Zhang Wei could see that among the 12 jurors, except for the engineering man, the remaining 11 people did not pay attention to the projection screen.

They all subconsciously looked away, as if they no longer cared about the usefulness of the witness's declarative testimony, as if they thought the witness must be lying.

Xiao Zou also saw it, and there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "Lawyer Zhang, I have to say, you are really honest, your witness has so many criminal records, and you still don't help to hide it?"

"Yeah, at least I will tell the truth, instead of asking three questions like some people do."

Zhang Wei also took advantage of Xiao Zou's words to blackmail You Dalei and Chen Xiao.

This scene made Xiao Zou slightly taken aback, and then his face darkened.

You Dalei and Chen Xiao in the hearing booth also looked slightly unhappy.

But it doesn't matter, the unhappiness in their eyes quickly disappeared.

Because of the intelligence broker's testimony, the effectiveness began to be greatly reduced. In other words, Zhang Wei's most critical witness did not have any effect.

"Now, you're out of luck!"

Chen Xiao glanced across half of the courtroom, and locked on Zhang Wei.

She sneered in her heart, the intelligence broker's testimony was not very effective, and coupled with the other party's many previous convictions, it would be a ghost if the jury could listen to it!

Next, unless Zhang Wei summons new witnesses, they will definitely win.

Moreover, the prosecution's Xiao Zou was also one of them, so it could be said that his advantage was infinite.

Chen Xiao said, I really don't know how to lose!

on the bench.

Judge Bao was also a little speechless. He naturally felt the change in the atmosphere of the courtroom, and there were even two people in the hearing booth who were a little too arrogant.

In the end, though, he set his sights on someone in court.

"Lawyer Zhang, do you have any witnesses to call?"

"I still need to call a new witness!"

As Zhang Wei said, the door of the court opened again, and then a man in plain clothes walked into the court.

Chen Xiao, You Dalei, and even Xiao Zou were surprised. Who is this person?

A look of doubt flashed in Xiao Zou's eyes. He seemed to have seen this person before, and the other person seemed to be from the investigation department.

When the witness sat on the witness stand, Zhang Wei immediately came to the other party.

"Hello, witness, please explain your identity."

"I am an investigator from the Serious Crime Team of the North Mountain Investigation Section of Longdu. My surname is Lu."

"Hello, Officer Lu."

"Hello, lawyer."

After Greeting Officer Lu, he also looked at the court in a daze, then at Xiao Zou, and then at the jury.

"Operator Lu, are you a little confused now?"

"Yes, I received a court summons early in the morning to testify in court. I am very strange and very depressed."

Officer Lu spread his hands, expressing that he was also in a daze.

Besides, Guan Yuhong's case is in charge of the Longdu headquarters, he is only from the Beishan branch, and has nothing to do with this case.

"Then Officer Lu, have you been busy recently?"

"If it's before the weekend, I'd say it's not busy, because the law and order in Longdu has always been very good. We basically deal with small cases such as catching cats and dogs or petty theft. Big cases are usually handled by the headquarters. But this weekend, a major criminal case occurred in our jurisdiction, and someone attacked a sanatorium in our jurisdiction insanely!"

Officer Lu said with anger on his face.

That sanatorium was attacked badly, especially the ground at the gate was almost cracked. What kind of thing had to be deployed to have such destructive power?

In the middle of the night, is someone driving a road roller at the gate of the sanatorium?

"It turned out that this person was responsible for the attack in the sanatorium."

Following Officer Lu's explanation, Xiao Zou reacted instantly.

The sanatorium, isn't it just that the tyrannosaur wants to deal with Qingjiao? Anyone who is a dragon master knows this.

You Dalei and Chen Xiao also looked at each other, and they both understood the identity of the witness.

The other party turned out to be the investigator of the attack on the sanatorium.

But what does Zhang Wei mean by summoning the other party? There should be no connection between the two cases on the surface, right?

"Officer Lu, have you found the murderer?"

"I can't disclose the progress of the investigation of the case, but I can tell everyone, please trust the investigation department, we will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation!"

Officer Lu's answer was somewhat formulaic.

In fact, the attack that night destroyed the entire sanatorium, the monitoring equipment, etc., were all destroyed, and there was absolutely no clue to investigate.

And they are still thinking about what kind of attack can cause such huge damage. Is it really a steamroller?

"Oh, that's it, Officer Lu, if I can tell you directly about the case of the attack that night, would you like to hear it?"


Officer Lu looked confused again, and looked at Zhang Wei, a little speechless.

How do you know something we don't know?

Zhang Wei smiled and snapped his fingers again.

The door of the court was pushed open again, and then a lady dressed as a nurse pushed a patient wrapped in bandages into the court.

"Commissioner Lu, this person was the direct participant in the attack at that time, Mr. Jiang, of course he also has a nickname, Qingjiao!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.


Could this be the boss of the Qingjiao Society and a direct participant in the Guan Yuhong case?

Zhang Wei has mentioned the Qingjiao Club many times, and the Qingjiao Club was also a partner in the construction of Longxiang 12 years ago.

As the boss, Qing Jiao obviously knew a lot of inside information.

"Qing Jiao!"

Just when Qingjiao appeared, Xiao Zou was startled.

"How come, the Tyrannosaurus didn't kill him?"

Similarly, You Dalei and Chen Xiao almost stood up in the same surprise when they saw the person coming.

Qing Jiao is not dead!

This is not good news for them, for Xiao Zou, and even for Master Long!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone in the audience, Qing Jiao entered the court.

Zhang Wei took over the responsibility of pushing the cart from the nurse, and pushed Qing Jiao to the witness stand.

"Commissioner Lu, please come down, next is Mr. Jiang's speech."


Officer Lu was also confused, but he still obeyed Zhang Wei's words and vacated the witness stand.

"I believe that Mr. Jiang can answer his doubts about the attack on the sanatorium mentioned by Officer Lu, so we summoned Mr. Jiang to testify in court!"

"be opposed to!"

Just when Zhang Wei finished speaking, Xiao Zou was the first to jump out.

Nonsense, this is Qing Jiao, he is so likely to let the other party speak.

"The witness is not on the public list, and the witness's health is in doubt. We don't even know whether the other party can insist on testifying in court, so we ask the judge to dismiss this witness!"

"Prosecutor Zou, don't worry. Although Mr. Jiang's body is injured, he is very conscious. And although he is not on the list, as a key witness in this case, his testimony is very important to the case!"

Zhang Wei said, looking towards the trial seat, "Judge Bao, I don't think I need to say more about the importance of this witness!"

"Yes, this court has approved it. If Mr. Jiang can testify consciously, then he is allowed to appear in court!"

Judge Bao didn't give Xiao Zou face, but agreed directly.

After all, this person may have been a direct participant in the case back then, and it would be a problem if the other party was not allowed to appear in court.

So far, Qing Jiao has obtained the qualification to testify!

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