Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 598 Qingjiao testifies, who is that lord?

Xiao Zou didn't expect it.

Even You Dalei and Chen Xiao never expected that Qing Jiao would appear in court.

Tyrannosaurus' mission failed.

Not only did they fail to kill Qing Jiao, they even made the opponent join Zhang Wei.

Well, you Tyrannosaurus, if you pull your hips like this, the failure of this plan is too great!

All in all, Qing Jiao became a witness for the defense.

Under the watchful eyes of Xiao Zou, Chen Xiao and You Dalei, who wanted to stop but couldn't, they began to testify.

"Witness, although everyone knows that you are Qingjiao, please introduce yourself."

Qing Jiao dragged his tired body, opened his mouth and replied: "My surname is Jiang, but everyone on the Tao knows that I am the boss of the Qing Jiao Society. I have been in the Tao for more than 15 years. Everyone calls me Qing Jiao. I The gang is also named after this!"

Although his whole body was wrapped in bandages, it could be heard that his answer was very clear, without any weakness caused by the injury.

"Mr. Jiang, hello."

Zhang Wei nodded to Qing Jiao to show that he understood.

Then, he pointed to the middle of the hearing booth.

"Excuse me, do you know these two?"

"Of course I know each other. Lawyer Chen and Mr. You have always boasted that they are Master Long's right-hand man!"

Qing Jiao spoke in a disdainful tone, but unfortunately his face was also covered with bandages, so he couldn't see any expression.

But just such a sentence is enough to explain the problem.

"Master Long's right-hand man?"

Zhang Wei looked at the two with a sneer on his face.

You also said that you didn't know Master Long, and you all boasted that you are a good subordinate of Master Long.

"Mr. Jiang, do you know why I summoned you to testify in court today?"

"I know, because I was a direct participant in Guan Yuhong's case 12 years ago. Even my attack was related to that case back then."

Qingjiao said, and smiled self-deprecatingly, "It's hateful, I've worked for Master Long for 12 years, but I still couldn't gain his trust. , Keke..."

"Mr. Jiang, don't get excited, let's do it one by one, let's start from 12 years ago."

Zhang Wei began to ask: "Twelve years ago, did your Qingjiao Association get in touch with Longxiang Construction under the introduction of an intelligence broker?"

"Yes, it was the third year since the establishment of the Qingjiao Association. Our entire Qingjiao Association can be regarded as an emerging force in the underground world of Longdu. The people under my hand and I dared to fight, but we lacked the opportunity to contact the big forces."

"I know that if you hang out on the street, you will be just a street boy for the rest of your life. We Qingjiao Club needs to go further, so we have to accept the recruitment of big forces and get in touch with a broader stage outside the street."

"So, when the information broker approached me and told me that he had a good job, I agreed, and met the people from Longxiang Construction, and reached a cooperation with them as the boss of the Qingjiao Society."

Qing Jiao said, looking at You Dalei, his eyes were very calm.

"Is it Mr. You who came into contact with you at that time?"

"No, it's a manager of Longxiang Construction. He is responsible for finding jobs for us. I don't have any objections either. After all, the Qingjiao Society is just a bunch of street gangsters. How could it be possible to meet the rightful owner all at once?"

"You just said you were looking for work, what kind of work are you doing?"

"The work that Longxiang Construction gave us at the beginning was the security work on the construction site. My subordinates can do this kind of work. I will be the supervisor of the construction site and be responsible for patrolling some places. It's no big deal."

Qing Jiao said, and paused for a while, "But after I sent all the younger brothers out, the manager told me that Mr. You is looking for me specifically, and has an important job for me!"

"Is this Mr. You the Mr. Yu Dalei who is sitting at the hearing?"

"Yes, I will never forget that day was 12 years ago in August, when the summer vacation began, and the meeting place was an open-air seat at the crossroads of xx Road. In such a place, I met You Dalei President You!"

Qing Jiao said, looking at You Dalei, full of sarcasm: "He told me that there is an important job for me, and I hope I can handle it!"

"Oh, what a job!"

Zhang Wei suddenly showed a look of interest, and many people in the jury and hearing seats looked over.

The atmosphere is here, and everyone wants to know the answer.

"Mr. You told me that the most important project of Longxiang Construction has recently encountered a problem, and I need to help to deal with it. I know that this so-called solution cannot be solved through formal channels, otherwise he would not find me specifically. .”

"I knew this was an opportunity for me to perform, so I agreed without any hesitation. Mr. You was also very happy and told me the details of the matter. It turned out that when Longxiang Construction was acquiring a supermarket plot, it encountered Some hindrances."

The acquisition of the supermarket plot encountered obstacles!

This crucial information made everyone hold their breath.

"There are two so-called obstacles. The first point comes from the competitor Tianma Real Estate. At that time, they also took a fancy to the appreciation potential of this land, so they planned to compete with Longxiang Construction."

"Second, the merchants from within the supermarket, apart from some people who can be settled with money, there are still a few hard bones, which cannot be settled with money alone, and I need to come forward to negotiate."

"Naturally, I agreed wholeheartedly, and took the people from the Qingjiao Club to the supermarket. For some merchants who were not willing to cooperate, we naturally had a 'candid' chat with them. After many people saw us, The attitude has obviously changed, but there is still a hard bone, not only did not cooperate at all, but even kicked us out."

As Qingjiao said, he looked at the defense seats and at Guan Yuhong.

Obviously, this tough bone is him.

"Then how did you solve this tough problem, and the people from Tianma Real Estate?"

"I know it's not easy to settle these two pieces. The first is that Tianma Real Estate also hired gang escorts. Although we Qingjiao will not be afraid, if the two gangs really want to rub off, the impact will not be very good, and it will easily cause the above and Mr. You did not want the acquisition project to attract too many people’s attention, he said that this matter must be done in a more secretive way so as not to cause too much disturbance.”

"The second is the tough shop owner. He opened a grocery store. I can see that he is very important to the grocery store. He is definitely not someone who can change his mind overnight. I even thought about kidnapping his son. Threatening him, but if the other party reports the crime, it will not conform to Mr. You's policy of keeping things secret."

"That's why I told Mr. You that ordinary people can't do this!"

"Can't ordinary people do it?" Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes, vaguely aware that there was something in his words.

Most people can't handle it, so who can handle it?

If it can be done, isn't it an ordinary person?

"Yes, ordinary people can't do it, but if I don't say it, there must be no solution."

Qingjiao recalled: "When I was on the road, I heard about a person who specialized in the work of a scavenger, and was a master at forging the scene. Few people who were disposed of by him could suspect that he was murdered, and his actions almost left no traces. Never been caught before!"

"So, I think Mr. You recommended this person, and told Mr. You his past achievements. After hearing this, Mr. You was surprised that there are still such people on the road, and then asked me if I could contact him."

"I told him that the intelligence broker was able to contact the other party, and he told me that I understood. He will find a professional to deal with this matter, and let me keep quiet."

"Oh, Mr. You actually said that?" Zhang Wei looked astonished, then pointed at You Dalei and said, "You mean, Mr. You told you that he would find someone to handle the matter of Chaoshang and Guan Yuhong, right? "

"Yes." Qing Jiao replied with certainty.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei quickly took out the declaration testimony of the intelligence broker.

"Everyone, you also saw just now that one point was clearly mentioned in the declaration testimony of our witnesses."

"Longxiang Construction sent a representative to entrust me to help connect with Limbert and provide them with an opportunity to meet. In other words, for Mr. You, the so-called dealing with the supermarket and Guan Yuhong is to find Limbert Here comes the professional scavenger."

"Then everyone knows the rest of the matter. Limbert must have collected the money, then went to work, killed the gang member Sun who worked for Tianma Real Estate, and then blamed my client Guan Yuhong, making him He was blamed, suffered from prison, lost the grocery store, and lost the possibility of resisting Longxiang Construction's acquisition plan!"

As Zhang Wei stated this fact sonorously, the atmosphere in the entire courtroom became extremely intense.

Everyone in the jury and the hearing booth looked at You Dalei and Chen Xiao with suspicion in their eyes.

They hadn't read the intelligence broker's statement carefully before, but at this moment, they finally realized that the witness might be telling the truth.

"No, this is all your guesswork, subjective conjecture, and non-existent things!" Xiao Zou jumped up again, pointing at Zhang Wei to refute.

"Prosecutor Zou, don't worry, my witness hasn't finished yet!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly and looked at Xiao Zou with a sneer on his face.

"Judge Bao, please allow our witnesses to continue to testify. Next, we will prove that all of this is based on evidence, and it is not my unilateral subjective imagination."

"All right." Judge Bao nodded and looked at Xiao Zou, "The objection is invalid, and the witness can continue to speak!"

Xiao Zou sat down resentfully, his face naturally extremely ugly.

"Mr. Jiang, please continue. You just said that Mr. You has hired someone to do this. Then?"

"Then, the defendant went to jail, and Tianma Real Estate quit because of the death. Long Xiang Construction got the land. Mr. You was very happy, and told me that the higher-ups were very satisfied, and the person I recommended was very good!"

"So, Mr. You made it clear that he hired Limbert, and that Longxiang Construction is the biggest beneficiary of this murder case?"

"Obviously yes! Not only that, but this is the first time I know that there are people above Mr. You, and he also obeys orders!"

The conversation this time triggered the thinking of many people in the jury and hearing.

It is indeed what Zhang Wei said, Sun died, Guan Yuhong was imprisoned, and Tianma Real Estate retreated despite difficulties.

So who is most beneficial is naturally Longxiang Construction.

Moreover, although this murder case attracted a lot of attention at the time, because the "murderer" had been caught, the disturbance quickly subsided.

At least it didn't have any impact on Longxiang Construction. The acquisition plan continued, and after getting the land, it began to vigorously develop it, earning a lot of money.

This whole incident ended with everyone else suffering, only Longxiang Construction made a fortune.

In this case, everyone can see that Long Xiang Construction or Mr. You and the Long Master behind him are the culprits.

After trying to understand this point, everyone looked at You Dalei completely changed.

This also made You Dalei and Chen Xiao unable to sit still.

You Dalei thought, can I go?

No, I just said harsh words to Zhang Wei, saying that I should keep watching, now that I am gone, where will I save the face of You Dalei?

But if he doesn't leave, there will be more and more revelations about this Qingjiao, and it seems that he won't be able to leave later!

But now, can they leave?

"Mr. Jiang, please continue. I know you have done a lot for Mr. You and the others in the past 12 years, right?"

"Yes, after the acquisition of the supermarket land, Mr. You officially invited us to the Qingjiao Club, asking us to work for the adult behind him!"

"Oh, it's that adult~"

Suddenly, Zhang Wei looked at You Dalei with a strange expression on his face.

"After that, I did a lot of things for that lord, and I did a lot of bad things, including but not limited to..."

Next, Qing Jiao revealed all the things and illegal activities he had done in these years under Zhang Wei's intentional guidance.

And the entire jury and hearing seats were shocked when they heard Qing Jiao's revelation.

Unexpectedly, Longxiang Construction actually did such things in the development process of some projects.

In this way, talking and talking, the time has come to the present.

"For 12 years, I have worked for that lord for 12 full years. It is only in recent years that I have been able to see the true face of that lord. It was also at his suggestion that I changed my name to Mr. You and Lawyer Chen. Lord Dragon's!"

"But this year, there is a good saying that nothing can be hidden. I didn't expect that there were still people who did not give up on the investigation of the case 12 years ago!"

As Qing Jiao spoke, she glanced at Tie Ruyun and Guan Yuhong who were on the defense bench.

It's you, the case 12 years ago has not been given up until now.

"Master Long told me that what happened 12 years ago must be dealt with cleanly without leaving any traces. So I found Lin Bote and killed him. I believe that as long as Lin Bote dies, no one will know what happened back then. Who killed Sun and put the blame on Guan Yuhong!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

"Mr. Jiang, are you saying that Lord Long personally gave you an order to kill Limbert in order to cover up the truth of the murder case 12 years ago?"

"Yes, Master Long personally gave me the order!" Qing Jiao admitted, and directly admitted the matter in court.

This also caused many people in the jury and hearing seats to show stunned expressions.

"So, next question, about the attack on the sanatorium!"

"It was the tyrannosaurus under Lord Long who attacked me. I had a reason to go to the sanatorium, and the tyrannosaurus led his men to ambush me here, in order to kill me too."

Qingjiao said, with a hint of helplessness in his tone, "After all, I am just a pawn of Master Long, just like Mr. You and Lawyer Chen. Although I have met Master Long and gained his trust, a chess piece is still a pawn and should be discarded. when you have to give up.”

"Although I killed Lin Bote and buried the truth 12 years ago, I am also an insider and one of the direct participants in this case, so I guessed that Lord Long might kill me, but I didn't Thinking that he really moved his hand...cough cough..."

In the last sentence, Qing Jiao was obviously a little angry, so that when he said this, he touched the wound and caused a cough.

"I also understand this point. After all, this Lord Long has a high position and authority, and his status is not low. If something happened to Dong Chuang, and I was involved because of a small matter in his eyes, wouldn't it be a waste of time?"

"Sending men to clean up the traces is just a normal thing in my opinion, but it seems that he didn't clean up, let you escape, and got the asylum of our defense."

Hearing what Zhang Wei said, Qing Jiao smiled wryly.

You really think that I am willing to cooperate, not because you threatened me.

"Lawyer Zhang said that even though I had been lucky, I have seen it clearly. I am just a pawn in the eyes of Master Long. Once he has no use value, he will immediately abandon me without hesitation. He even shot me to death, so I will go all out, and tell everyone this information!"

Qing Jiao said with a wry smile on his face, "Lawyer Zhang, I know that if I do this, I will offend Master Long, so I would like to ask you a favor."

"Is that the 'patient'?"

"Yes, I hope you can protect her safety and keep her away from these right and wrong!"

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry, I will protect her thoroughly!"

After receiving Zhang Wei's promise, Qing Jiao took a deep breath.

"All of this is Master Long's plan and his instruction. I don't know the details of the case of blaming Guan Yuhong 12 years ago, but I know that such a big project must have Master Long's handwriting."

"The subsequent attack on the sanatorium was the result of Master Long trying to kill me, and Tyrannosaurus was the one who ambushed me. Fortunately, God favored me and allowed me to meet Lawyer Zhang."

"With the help of Lawyer Zhang, I decided to expose Master Long's crimes, and at the same time tell everyone that although I, Qing Jiao, have done many wrong things, I know I was wrong, and I am willing to use my life to atone for my sins!"

When Qing Jiao said this, there was a hint of death in his eyes.

"Mr. Jiang, don't get excited. I've finished my question. I believe Officer Lu is aware of the attack on the sanatorium, right?"

"Officer Lu has indeed counted, you have all testified so, our investigation department may not have counted so."

In fact, they really knew the opponent of the Tyrannosaurus rex. The opponent was found at the sanatorium, but the opponent is still lying in the ICU. It is hard to imagine what happened to the killer sent by the person behind the scenes, so that the wounded into this.

"Then, Judge Bao, our questioning of the witness, Mr. Jiang, is temporarily over."

Zhang Wei has asked Qing Jiao to explain a lot of things and answered a lot of doubts.

Next, what he has to face may be the cross-examination by Xiao Zou, the prosecuting party.

But this is not a big problem for Zhang Wei, because he has already prepared countermeasures.

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