Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 600 Breaking the Truth, Master Long's Backhand

The process is natural to go.

The ruling will naturally come.

It's just that before the final ruling, there is still a closing statement.

As the prosecution, Zhu Yuansi did not have much to say in his closing statement.

She just gave a short speech and gave up the stage to Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei got up slowly and came to the field.

"The result of this case is already obvious. With the efforts of many witnesses, I believe everyone should know exactly what happened 12 years ago."

As Zhang Wei said, he raised his hand to signal everyone to look at the defense and witness seats.

Guan Yuhong, Guan Ping, Tie Ruyun, and even Qing Jiao, whose whole body was bound with bandages, were all participants in the case 12 years ago.

"Twelve years ago, Longxiang Construction did everything they could to acquire the land of supermarkets. They hired a local society, the Qingjiao Club, to intimidate and threaten the users of the supermarkets, forcing them to end their business in a hurry, and put the land on the ground. The block was given over to Longxiang Construction as a development land."

"My client, Guan Yuhong, did not take over the acquisition of Longxiang Construction, so he was framed by the outsourced killer Lin Bot hired by Longxiang Construction, and inexplicably took the blame for the murder. And Longxiang Construction's competitor, Tianma Real Estate, was aware of Longxiang Construction. After Longxiang Construction came to the real estate, it had no choice but to give up the competition. So far, the two biggest obstacles to Longxiang Construction’s acquisition of supermarket land have been cleared away, and no one can stop them from making money.”

"My client, Guan Yuhong, naturally has to defend himself. His defense lawyer was Tie Ruyun, a lawyer from Longteng International at the time. Tie Ruyun was dedicated and capable. Once they really succeeded in their defense, Sun's murder case would definitely lead to investigation. Therefore, in order to make the acquisition go smoothly, and in order to completely charge Guan Yuhong's murder, Longxiang Construction did not hesitate to cooperate with Longxiang Construction's senior partner Huang Yunhe and the new lawyer Chen Xiao to slander and frame Lao Tie, forcing him to lose The qualifications of a defense lawyer!"

At the defense table, Tie Ruyun was also quite emotional and shook his head helplessly.

He looked back and saw that Chen Xiao and You Dalei were sitting in the same place, but at the moment the expressions of both of them were a bit complicated, obviously they were about to be unable to sit still.

"Twelve years ago, their plan can be said to be very powerful, with a series of plans, one link after another, to clear away all obstacles, and then Longxiang Construction vigorously developed the supermarket land, and this is how Longxiang is now. Building and Longxiang Shopping Center, Longxiang..."

"However, these interests are all based on a human life, and they are all based on my client Guan Yuhong being imprisoned for 12 years without justice."

"Boss You and Lawyer Chen, who are sitting in the hearing booth, are earning a lot of money, and they don't care if the way their money comes from is right or wrong. Anyway, for them, the money they earn is x, and their daily expenses It's y, they don't care where the two lines start, they only care about whether the binary equation formed by the two lines is a rising arc, right?"

Everyone in the audience looked at You Dalei and Chen Xiao, and their expressions became extremely ugly.

This kind of being surrounded by the contemptuous eyes of everyone in the audience has never been experienced by either Chen Xiao or You.

This feeling can only be said to be quite bad.

"Today, 12 years later, this case has finally been settled, but what did they do before the truth came out?"

"In order to prevent things from being exposed, when Lao Tie first arrived in Longdu, they did not hesitate to reproduce the conspiracy 12 years ago, using Chen Xiao, a forged victim, to slander Lao Tie, attempt to revoke his lawyer's license, and let He is not allowed to participate in any case, this move is really cruel!"

"Afterwards, they also sent Mr. Jiang and people from the Qingjiao Society to silence the participant in the incident and the real murderer, Lin Bo Bo, and tried to repeat the same trick, blaming Guan Yuhong for the cause of Lin Bo Bo's death. Guan Ping, my son, I have to say that this trick is really vicious."

"Especially the method of setting the blame. When the prosecution was unable to convict Mr. Guan Ping due to lack of evidence, they used the surveillance of Mr. Guan Ping by the Qingjiao Society to find an imitation murder weapon in his residence, and then forged murder evidence. Attempt to frame again."

"In order to complete this plan, the traitor Prosecutor Zou from the local prosecutor's headquarters cooperated with the pawns behind the scenes and put this so-called 'weapon' on the desk of the prosecution representative in an attempt to deceive the world."

"It's a pity that Skynet is full of details, and what is false is always false. I saw through the plan and let me follow the vine to find the suspect, Mr. Jiang."

"Who would have thought that the mastermind behind the scenes would actually try to kill people to silence them. Even Mr. Jiang, a loyal subordinate who was loyal to him 12 years ago, became the target of erasure."

"I can only say that many unrighteous deeds will lead to self-death. Mr. Jiang survived the last wave of silence, and he saw clearly the ugly face of the people behind the scenes. He chose to abandon the dark and turn to the light, and came to our side. And in court, the numerous crimes of the people behind the scenes, Mr. You and Lawyer Chen were all exposed."

"At this point, we finally understand how many illegal and criminal things Longxiang Construction did in order to acquire supermarket land for development 12 years ago!"

"Mr. You, Lawyer Chen, what you have done, and Master Long behind your scenes, his crimes have all been made public!"

Zhang Wei looked at the two of them with mockery and sneer on his face.

Chen Xiao and You Dalei, seeing this situation, knew that this court could not wait.

After all, Zhang Wei was in court, and if he caught them, it would be a blow to them, but they couldn't retaliate. What could be more embarrassing than this?

They got up quickly, and under the cover of a group of bodyguards, they hurried away.

The two of them slipped away, but there were still people in the court who couldn't slip away.

Zhang Wei's gaze was fixed on Xiao Zou, who was controlled by the Internal Affairs Investigation Section in the corner of the court.

"Prosecutor Zou, do you know where you lost?"

Xiao Zou was stunned, but at the same time he was puzzled, where did he lose?

"Actually, after the first day of the hearing, when I revealed the conspiracy 12 years ago and gained an advantage in the trial, I knew that the people behind the scenes would definitely do something."

"So, when I learned that Zhu Gaojian was investigated by the internal affairs, I knew that the people behind the scenes must have used methods, and you Xiao Zou was qualified to prosecute. I can be 100% sure that you, Xiao Zou, are the people behind the scenes. Chess pieces arranged by people!"

Zhang Wei looked at Xiao Zou, and calmly stated his speculation.

"How come, then you still found me, could it be that at that time, you already..."

"Yes, I already knew at that time that you belonged to Master Long, and everything I did was acting to drive a wedge between you!"

Zhang Wei said with a slight smile: "It's just that I didn't expect that you, Xiao Zou, really cooperated. You believed what I said, and you really obediently acted as my microphone and told everything I said to the people behind me." Lord Long, so much so that he had no choice but to make a plan to silence him!"


"You, you, there is a good saying, winners and losers, you think you can play tricks, but you don't know that you are the stupidest person in the audience!"

Zhang Wei caught Xiao Zou, and gave him a slap in the face, which made the latter's face crooked with anger.

"But speaking of it, it's all thanks to you that I won this case. Without your indirect help, Mr. Jiang really wouldn't be able to see Master Long's face clearly, and he wouldn't be able to know that he was in the hearts of the people behind the scenes. It turned out to be a pawn that could be erased at any time."

"So, thank you, Xiao Zou. My client was able to clear up the grievances of this case, and we were able to turn the tables. It's all thanks to you!"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Zou finally couldn't bear it anymore, and his heart was broken by the shock of the truth.

He never expected that he thought he was smart, but was played around by Zhang Wei, and was even used by the opponent, falling into the opponent's fist without knowing it.

"I, you, Zhang Wei, you..."

Xiao Zou's chest heaved, and he couldn't catch his breath after all. Then his throat sweetened, and his suppressed emotions broke out completely.

"Zhang Wei, I fuck your whole family, I fuck your ancestors for eighteen generations, I..."


Break the defense, completely break the defense!

Xiao Zou yelled angrily after breaking his defense, and then spewed blood. His whole body was instantly sluggish, and his body became limp.

If it weren't for the internal affairs investigator who had quick eyes and hands to support him, he might just lie down.

"Take it away!"

Seeing this, the person in charge of internal affairs also knew that Zhang Wei had finished exporting, and with a wave of his hand, they took Xiao Zou out of the court directly.

The last person in the opponent, Xiao Zou, also left. Although he was helped away while lying down, it also explained the situation.

After the output was finished, Zhang Wei finally let out a sigh.

"Unfortunately, we all know that this time I can only reveal the truth of this case and make my client innocent, but I can't punish the people behind the scenes, let alone those culprits 12 years ago!"

"But I know that justice will never be late. I believe that everyone has a steelyard in their hearts and understands one thing, that is, these bad guys, the people behind the scenes who think they are sitting on the clouds overlooking everything, will definitely pay the price. !"

"My closing statement is over, thank you all."

So far, the closing arguments of both parties have come to an end.

After 5 minutes, the discussion was over.

"First juror, please announce the result!"

Under everyone's watchful eyes, Zhang Wei's favorite engineering man stood up, held the verdict in his hand, and announced in public:

"After the jury ruled, the result of the retrial of Sun's murder case 12 years ago, the defendant Mr. Guan Yuhong was not guilty!"

As soon as the result was announced, the entire court breathed a sigh of relief.

After Guan Yuhong heard the word "not guilty", he finally couldn't control his inner excitement, and wept in court.

This result was something he had been looking forward to for so many days, something he had longed for.

And now, he was finally able to stand in court and listen to the jury declare himself innocent.

"Father, we won!"

Guan Ping on the side couldn't control it anymore and jumped up directly.

For this moment, their father and son had been waiting for 12 years!

That was 12 years. God knows how they have spent these 12 years.

The father and son hugged each other tightly, weeping uncontrollably. These were tears of excitement and tears of relief.

"12 years, finally over!"

Tie Ruyun also heaved a sigh of relief. Although he didn't participate much in this case, the stone in his heart was finally let go.

And all of this is thanks to one person.

"Zhang Wei, you're so amazing, you've managed to do things that we can hardly do!"

"Old iron, what are you talking about, this is everyone's credit!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, but he wasn't greedy for credit.

"Lawyer Zhang, congratulations!"

After the verdict was announced, Zhu Yuansi and Judge Bao came to Zhang Wei together.

"As expected of someone praised by Qin Gaojian. I, Bao, have seen what a real master is. You really are..."

Judge Bao patted Zhang Wei on the shoulder, then nodded to Tie Ruyun, Guan Yuhong and others, and walked out of the courtroom with a smile.

After all, the truth of the case has been revealed, and he has a clear conscience.

"Lawyer Zhang, Judge Bao agrees with you, and I agree with you. You are a truly powerful person!"

Zhu Yuansi also congratulated Zhang Wei, which made Zhang Wei a little embarrassed.

"Actually, all of this is due to everyone..."

"Lawyer Zhang, don't be modest, I know who is the real main force in this case!"

As Zhu Yuansi said, he came to Qingjiao.

"Then Lawyer Zhang, I'm going to take Mr. Jiang to complete the evidence collection first, so let's go first!"

The so-called evidence collection is naturally a sanction against the real culprit.

Although Guan Yuhong was free, someone must be responsible for Sun's death.

The culprit 12 years ago has yet to plead guilty to the law, so Zhu Yuansi is obviously preparing to prosecute You Dalei, Chen Xiao and others again.

"Zhu Gaojian, I didn't say that if a traitor appears in the local prosecutor's headquarters once, there is no guarantee that there will not be a second time. You have to be careful!"

"Lawyer Zhang, don't worry, I, Zhu Yuansi, have a clear conscience!"

Zhu Yuansi said, and under the escort of the court guards, he pushed Qingjiao and left the court.

"Let's go, let's go out too!"

As Zhang Wei said, he waved his hand and led Xia Qianyue and his party away from the courtroom.

This case is not really over until now.

However, the turmoil after the end will obviously not subside.


Friday night.

In the living room of a high-end villa in Longdu.

"After investigation, it was found that the truth about the murder of Mr. Sun 12 years ago was actually complicated and confusing. Fortunately, with the help of an enthusiastic citizen, lawyer Zhang, the prosecution finally discovered the truth. It turned out that 12 years ago, Longxiang Construction..."

"The above is Zhu Gaojian's speech at the local prosecutor's headquarters. As you can see, this retrial case involves a very large... Kah!"

The TV screen on the wall was interrupted instantly under someone's operation.

Then, the person holding the remote control looked at the two people sitting opposite.

"Master Long, we..."

"You two don't need to explain, I don't want to hear it!"

Master Long waved his hand, preventing the two people in front of him from defending.

In his view, winning is winning and losing is losing.

After losing, all the explanations are just cover-ups and excuses, and he doesn't want to hear them.

"This Zhang Wei is really amazing. It makes me a little curious. This kid can cause me such a big trouble by himself!"

In front of him, You Dalei and Chen Xiao didn't dare to breathe, they could only lower their heads and put on an attitude of admitting their mistakes.

"But don't worry, this time, although it's a traumatic event, it's not a trouble for me. As long as I use a little hole card, it can still be settled!"

Master Long said and snapped his fingers.

Immediately, there were subordinates, who came forward with high-end whiskey and 3 wine glasses.

Master Long picked up the whiskey and filled all three wine glasses.

He picked up his own cup, and his men naturally brought the other two cups to You Dalei and Chen Xiao.

"This time's failure can only be regarded as our underestimation of the enemy, but next time...forget it, let's not talk about it, you two will punish me here!"

"Thank you, Master Long, thank you, Master Long!"

You Dalei and Chen Xiao were overjoyed and punished themselves with a cup, which meant that Master Long had forgiven them and was willing to give them a chance to correct their mistakes!

The two drank the wine in their cups in one gulp, but then they found that Lord Long's own cup hadn't moved.

"Master Long, you are..."

But Master Long sneered, turned his wrist, and the wine in the glass spilled directly on the ground.

"Mr. You, I'm a little dizzy..."

Chen Xiao, who was at the side, suddenly felt his legs go limp, and he sat slumped on the ground, covering his head with pain on his face.

"Master Long, I..."

You Dalei also noticed something strange in his body, obviously there was something wrong with the drink.

"Don't worry, it's not poison, it's just for you to sleep. Don't worry, after you fall asleep, you won't feel the pain!"

"I really envy you guys. If you can take the last step of your life without any pain, then I wish you good dreams, oh no, I should wish you a good night's sleep..."



Chen Xiao and You Dalei lost consciousness one after another and fell to the ground.

"Come on, send the two of them where they should go, and remember to clean them up. I don't want the next thing to involve me again!"

"Master Long, we understand!"

A group of bodyguards in black walked into the living room and moved You Dalei and Chen Xiao out.

Master Long watched the two men leave with a sneer on his face.

"Next, there is one more person to be dealt with. If the internal affairs investigation department is in charge, it seems that they have to use their hole cards again!"

"Oh, this case really makes me unhappy. A mere bastard actually made me use so many hole cards to wipe my ass. No wonder Zhang Tianlong also finds this kid difficult to deal with!"

Master Long looked into the distance, towards the east, as if he understood someone's difficulty.

at the same time.

Internal Affairs Investigation Section, in the office.

Xiao Zou was interrogated for several hours by the officers of the Internal Affairs Investigation Section, which can be said to be physically and mentally exhausted.

Now he was lying alone in the detention room, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

"Xiao Zou, there is a message from Master Long!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded outside the detention room.

"Master Long, what's the matter with Master Long? If he wants to come, let me go out!" Xiao Zou was ecstatic when he heard these two words.

Because of Master Long's strength, he can definitely fish himself out.

But the premise is that he has the value for Master Long to use his hole cards to get himself out.

Xiao Zou felt that he had this value.

After all, I am a rookie prosecutor, as long as I survive this time, I still have a bright future!

Therefore, Xiao Zou looked at the people outside the door excitedly.

"What did Master Long say?"

"Master Long said, let you wash and sleep!"

But the people outside the door suddenly turned cold.

Hearing this answer, Xiao Zou felt cold all over his body, and his face was full of despair!

Unexpectedly, he also became an abandoned child!

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