Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 601 Unexpected result, return to the Oriental Capital

Weekend, morning.

Zhang Wei was sitting in the living room of the hotel, refreshing the morning news.


Suddenly, he swiped out the news he was following.

"Shock! A well-known barrister committed suicide by jumping off a building, and his suicide note exposed the truth! "

"A suicide case occurred in the city center, and the deceased turned out to be a star barrister! "

"The well-known female lawyer was unwilling to be humiliated and made the most extreme choice. The truth turned out to be..."

Zhang Wei didn't need to look through it, he knew what happened.

Chen laughed to death!

Or, to be killed!

Anyway, from his point of view, there is definitely something wrong with Chen Xiao's death.

This woman's career is going well, even if the incident 12 years ago is revealed, she is only an accomplice.

If Long Teng International, or the master Long behind him, is willing to make a move, Chen Xiao can still keep his qualifications.

But obviously, Qin Lu wouldn't protect a woman who was spoiled.

As for Master Long, he also lost patience with Chen Xiao, and directly chose to make her an abandoned son!

Therefore, Chen Xiao's death was also expected by Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei refreshed the webpage again, and soon several other news appeared.

"Shock! A well-known real estate tycoon committed suicide by jumping off a building, leaving a suicide note on the spot! "

"What made him jump off the top floor of Longxiang Building, what made him choose this path? "

"The well-known real estate boss fell into the hands of a young lawyer. The curse of the murderous lawyer has spread across Longdu. Think carefully and fear!" "

When Zhang Wei saw the news headline, the corner of his mouth twitched subconsciously.

Unexpectedly, my nickname in Dongfangdu has been spread to Longdu.

This group of media is really ignorant and fabricated.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the deaths of Chen Xiao and You Dalei had nothing to do with Zhang Weina.

But after this group of media learned of their nickname of "Murder Lawyer", they began to frantically make up short essays like a chicken blood.

Zhang Wei thought about it, and planned to refresh a few more messages.

"Dingling!" But soon, the phone rang.


"Zhang Wei, it's me, Zhu Yuansi!"

"Oh, Zhu Gaojian, what can I do for you?"

"I'm here to tell you that Xiao Zou committed suicide!"

Hearing this kid, Zhang Wei froze for a moment.

The master Long behind the scenes, he did not expect to do such a terrific job, even Xiao Zou was not spared.

"I remember that Xiao Zou was taken away by the Internal Affairs Investigation Division, so it means that he should be under heavy guard by the Internal Affairs Investigation Division. How could it be that he committed suicide?"

"I know what you're worried about, but don't worry, Mr. Jiang will be safe under the strict protection of the investigation department and the serious crime team. Moreover, the evidence collection has ended last night. We will definitely protect Mr. Jiang's safety!"

Hearing what Zhu Yuansi said, Zhang Wei felt worried.

You, Zhu Gaojian, don't set up any flags. Originally, Qingjiao might still be alive. Didn't you want him to die?

"By the way, Mr. Jiang has been transferred to the safe house by us now, I believe..."

"Okay, okay, Zhu Gaojian, I understand, don't say any more, it will be Flag!"

Zhang Wei complained, and after exchanging pleasantries with Zhu Gaojian for a while, he hung up the phone.

But in his heart he was complaining crazily.

Don't tell me about tight security, witness protection programs, and safe houses.

In those movies and TV shows, these three things are all death flags!

People under strict protection are the most likely to die, but those who are hunted down every day and attacked by bullets are the least likely to die.

The witness protection program, which overturns every time, is almost tantamount to a death list.

And that safe house is always the most vulnerable and unsafe place to be attacked.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Wei came to the restaurant and sat down.

He greeted the kitchen: "Old Tie, you said that you want to treat us to breakfast, what do you want to eat?"

"I'm coming!"

Afterwards, Tie Ruyun was seen hurrying out wearing an apron, holding a bowl of noodles in each hand.

"Good guy, how about some noodles?"

"I can't help it, I'm from the north, and this is an old craft handed down from my ancestors!"

As Tie Ruyun said, he brought 10,000 hot noodles to Zhang Wei.

"Well, it smells good, old iron, you can do it well!"

"That's right, we're ashamed and we can't lose the face of our ancestors!"

As Tie Ruyun said, he brought out several bowls of noodles and placed them on the table.

"Second daughter, eldest daughter, and classmate Mo, Jessica, come down to eat noodles!"

Following Zhang Wei's shout, footsteps came from the stairs, and Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others also came down.

Afterwards, it was naturally a happy breakfast time.

"Old Tie, Chen laughed to death!"

But Zhang Wei opened his mouth inappropriately.

Tie Ruyun was eating noodles, but when he heard the news, he paused slightly with his chopsticks hand.

But soon, he continued to pick up the noodles, put them into his mouth, and slurped them down.

Obviously, Chen Xiao's death was also within his expectation, so he only took a moment to accept this fact.

"Three people died in total last night, Chen Xiao, You Dalei and Xiao Zou. It can only be said that this Lord Long really acted ruthlessly and decisively in order to clear the blame!"

"So ruthless?" Zhao Xiaoxiao was surprised while scratching the noodles.

"Aren't people like this afraid of legal sanctions?" Xia Qianyue clenched her fists tightly, with an expression of indignation.

"Hanhan, you have to know that these things were not done by the Dragon Lord himself, but by his subordinates. Unless all his subordinates testify against him, he will not accept any sanctions."

Zhang Wei sighed, sometimes the law may not be able to sanction such people.

Moreover, who saw that Master Long did it?

No one, not a single witness!

What evidence collection and investigation are you going to talk about?

Xia Qianyue had no choice but to lower her head and continue eating noodles.

"By the way, are we going back?"

Mo Yuzhu on the side sighed, then looked at Zhang Wei.

As soon as these words were uttered, the atmosphere in the restaurant became silent.

The second girl blinked her eyes and looked at Zhang Wei with great interest, as if "I want to play for a few more days" was written on her face

"How about we play for two more days and go back on Monday?"

Naturally, Zhang Wei couldn't resist the eyes of the second girl, so he immediately compromised.

"Okay!" Zhao Xiaoxiao immediately became excited.

It's really a joy to be able to play in Longdu for two more days, and it's two days without any burden.

"Yeah!" Mo Yuzhu also clapped hands with Jessica, as if they had reached a consensus.

Even Xia Qianyue felt happy when she heard that she could stay with Zhang Wei in Longdu for a few more days.

In the presence, maybe there is only Tie Ruyun's mood, a little uncomfortable.

After all, he's here, and it feels like a light bulb.

Doesn't it seem redundant?

"Well, since I'm going back next Monday, I'll visit a few friends in the next two days. Remember to have fun!"

Lao Tie had no choice but to find an excuse, planning to act separately from Zhang Wei and others for two days this weekend.

There is no way, he doesn't want to follow Zhang Wei and eat a mouthful of dog food, it feels too bitter.

"Hey, old iron, when you get back to Dongfangdu, you have to remember to take the initiative, otherwise Team Leader Lin..."

"You boy, go to you!"

Zhang Wei joked a few more words with Lao Tie, and after breakfast, he took Xia Qianyue and his four daughters out of the hotel.

As a result, as soon as he walked out of the famous place and before he got into the car, he suddenly frowned.

There is hostility!

"Zhang Wei!"

Xia Qianyue pulled the corner of Zhang Wei's clothes, then pointed to the front.

Zhang Wei followed the trend and looked over, only to see someone who surprised him.

"Master Long, what are you doing this early in the morning, which one are you preparing for?"

The familiar golden suit, big gold chain, and golden finger rings, at first glance, look like a local tyrant nouveau riche, but they are too familiar.

Zhang Wei never expected that this Lord Long would wait for him at the door of the celebrity early in the morning.

And behind Master Long, stood more than a dozen bodyguards in black. It seemed that the other party was not kind to the visitor.

"Lawyer Zhang, don't worry, I, Long, won't do some illegal and criminal activities in public!"

Master Long said, walking in front of Zhang Wei with a step that his relatives did not recognize.

As soon as he raised his hand, the bodyguard immediately handed him a high-end cigar, and then helped him light the lighter.


As he swallowed and exhaled, the smoke swirled in front of him.

"That's why Lord Long is doing it secretly, but on the surface he's aboveboard, right?"

Facing Lord Long, Zhang Wei naturally had no fear, or in other words, he couldn't lose in momentum, so he faced him directly.

"Hahaha, Lawyer Zhang deserves to be Lawyer Zhang, with four little girlfriends, how can he still face me like this!"

Master Long frowned, looking at Zhang Wei and the four girls beside him, also with a touch of surprise.

You boy, you are really lucky, all the girls around you are top-notch, many of them are even more beautiful and have temperament than the female stars I have prostituted.

"Master Long, you came here just to speak harshly to me, right?"

"Hahaha, yes, that's my purpose!"

Master Long took another sip of the cigar, puffed out the smoke and said, "I lost 5 chess pieces for no reason, how could I not come to help you, Lawyer Zhang!"

"Five chess pieces, Chen Xiao, You Zong, Qing Jiao and Xiao Zou, there are only four people?"

Zhang Wei muttered, then finally came to his senses and looked at the person in front of him.

"That Tyrannosaurus also counts?"

"Why doesn't it count?"

Master Long snorted coldly and frowned slightly.

The first four are okay, they are nothing. To him, they are just four small chess pieces lost.

But Tyrannosaurus is not, but he is a loyal subordinate who has been with him for a long time, and has helped him deal with many things, his confidant subordinate.

But just a few days ago, the tyrannosaurus was seeded, and now it is completely disabled.

The doctor said that if it is cured, it will be a waste of medical expenses.

So, with the addition of Tyrannosaurus, Master Long lost 5 men this time.

Zhang Wei also understood that the co-author of Master Long was here to find a place.

"Then, according to what you mean, Master Long?"

"Hmph, I wanted to have fun with Lawyer Zhang, but I know that you came to Longdu only for a case. Now that the case is resolved, you have to go back, right?"

"That's right, Master Long, I'm also very sorry, I can't communicate with you more!"

Zhang Wei said with regret on his face.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter, Lawyer Zhang, anyway, when you return to Dongfang Capital, there are more exciting things waiting for you!"

Master Long said with a sly smile on his face: "You know, the high-level leaders of our Longdu and Dongfangdu have a lot of cooperation. You should have checked our Longshi Capital, right?"

"Yes, I did check Long's Capital, but the person in charge is your Lord Long, what's the matter with Guan Dongfang?"

"I can only tell you that in this incident 12 years ago, someone in the Eastern Metropolis also took a share from me. As for who it is..."

"Hey, I won't tell, let you guess!"

Master Long said, sneered, turned and left.

Zhang Wei didn't try to force the other party to stay, after all, this is a local snake in Longdu, he is about to leave, there is no need to make trouble for himself.

However, if it is true as Master Long said, in the case 12 years ago, the forces of Dongfang Capital were also involved, then there are many things involved in this case.

But so what?

Zhang Wei believes that as long as he doesn't hinder himself, he won't bother to be a messenger of justice.

He only cares about the truth, and he has already found the truth for the client and returned the client's innocence, that's enough.

Master Long came to talk to him harshly, probably because he felt uncomfortable in his heart, and wanted to find some sense of existence, and disgust himself by the way.

Telling these inside stories to himself, but hiding the key information, is obviously intended to disgust people.

But Zhang Wei could take it easy, so he didn't bother to worry about it.

As long as I don't worry about it, I won't be disgusted by you.

"Let's go, for two days this weekend, we're going to visit Longdu. As for the gold chain, don't worry about it and add to your troubles!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand, then put his left arm around Xia Qianyue, his right arm around Jessica, took Mo Yuzhu and Zhao Xiaoxiao, and set off directly.

During the two days of the weekend, the group of them had a rare relaxation and pastime, leaving footprints in the major Internet celebrity attractions in Longdu.

After heavy work, enjoying this moment of tranquility is indeed a rare experience for Zhang Wei.

Anyway, he felt relaxed.

As for Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others, it was rare for them to be happy for a while, and the second daughter even went crazy, as happy as a child.


Monday morning.

Dragging their tired bodies, Zhang Wei and his party dragged their suitcases and boarded the plane one by one.

And just where he didn't notice, Lord Long was sitting in the VIP room of the airport, holding binoculars, watching Zhang Wei and his party board the plane.

"Very good, this kid is finally gone, let Zhang Tianlong and the others go to have a headache!"

There was a sneer on the corner of Master Long's mouth, because he seemed to be able to see what would happen after Zhang Wei returned to Dongfang Capital.

"Master Long, this kid offended you, so let him go back like this?"

A subordinate came forward and pointed to the plane with a stern look on his face.

"But pull it down, this kid is very tough, he is not fully prepared, it is better not to provoke him!"

However, Master Long still had lingering fears, and he looked worried: "Because of a case 12 years ago, I lost my army, even the tyrannosaurus!"

"This is a case he intervened temporarily, not his main responsibility. If this offends him completely, this kid will never give up until he exposes me!"

"Since this kind of person is leaving now, and may never set foot in Longdu again in this life, let's avoid it, and let the group of people in Dongfangdu worry about headaches!"

Master Long said, sending Zhang Wei away as if sending away the plague god.

hours later.

Oriental Capital, the airport.

"I'm home!"

Zhang Wei and his group got off the plane, and after breathing the familiar air, the tiredness on their faces disappeared.

There is nothing better than the feeling of coming home.

Zhang Wei walked in the airport and bought a newspaper.

"Hawkins was elected as a city councilor, compared to the stale faction, Hawkins' ten advantages! "

"Unfortunately lost, the old prosecutor lost the youth market, young people are the future!" "

"Hawkins promises that after being elected, he will change many people's livelihood problems in the Eastern Capital. His first move is..."

On the headlines of the newspaper, it was clearly marked what Zhang Wei cared about.

As the result of the election of the Eastern Metropolitan Council, Ding Tiantian, as the old attorney general, regrettably lost to Hawkins.

However, media reports have already explained the problem.

Compared with the elderly in their sixties and seventies, young people prefer Hawkins, who is in his prime.

This is also the advantage of Hawkins that Zhang Wei identified from the very beginning. He is more likely to get the support of young people.

So Zhang Wei joked that even if Tan Yingying came to run for the election, she would have an advantage over Lao Ding.

If Lao Ding is not a candidate, but Tan Yingying is, and Lao Ding gives his approval rating to the latter, maybe there will be an extra Councilor Tan in the Eastern Metropolis.

Of course, he was just joking.

After putting down the newspaper, Zhang Wei bid farewell to Lao Tie and others, and it was considered as the end of the pleasant trip to Longdu.

"Zhang Wei, bye~"

“This trip is really enjoyable~”

"Goodbye, Zhang Wei, see you tomorrow~"

"Boy, let's go!"

After bidding farewell to Lao Tie and the others, Zhang Wei took his second daughter back to Lin's mansion by subway.

Back at the familiar gate of the Lin Mansion, Zhang Wei was naturally filled with emotion.

This trip to Longdu finally came to an end.

It can only be said that there are quite a lot of things involved in Lao Tie's case. If you make a wrong step, you may be overturned.

Fortunately, he made no mistakes in the end. Fortunately, he rescued Lao Tie and helped the client's family without humiliating his life.

"Hey, where's Miss Wu next door and the others!"

Just about to open the door, Zhang Wei discovered that the door of Zhang's Martial Arts Hall next door was closed.

He checked the time, it was almost noon now.

As for Miss Xiaowu's family, they all opened early in the morning.

"Open the door first, I want to sleep~"

Zhao Xiaoxiao couldn't wait any longer, she was a guy who got up early in order to catch the plane, and now Miss Ben wants to catch up on sleep.

Zhang Wei had no choice but to open the door for this girl first.

As for why Zhang's Martial Arts closed its doors, he could only think that Miss Xiao Wu's family had gone out.

After all, there were not many students in the martial arts school. Miss Xiao Wu and Brother Smelly had been helping Zhang Wei all the time, and they were his most trusted assistants.

After returning to the Lin Mansion, Zhang Wei naturally packed his luggage, and the second daughter even dragged the suitcase and went directly to the second floor, and then there was no movement in the room.

"This girl really has a big heart, she will fall asleep as soon as she comes back!"

Zhang Wei was a little helpless, but his eyes were full of pampering.

Who would let her be her second daughter? It's okay not to spoil her.

This girl takes a nap and probably won't wake up until night, so I'll be fine in the afternoon, why don't you go to the law firm to have a look! "

Zhang Wei thought about it, or he could just go to Jincheng Law Firm to see the situation.

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