Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 602 Provocation, you fight for justice!

Monday afternoon.

Jincheng Law Firm, Office of the Criminal Department.

We all know that the office is always the busiest on Mondays.

After all, most of the backlog of cases last week will be gone through on Monday.

And there are morning meetings, weekly meetings, and even weekly action plan meetings and so on.

Since Tie Ruyun went to Longdu, Li Yueqin was in charge of these tasks.

Throughout the morning, she acted as the head of the department. After a weekly morning meeting, she held a project progress report meeting.

Until noon, before I had time to eat lunch, I was called out for a brief meeting of department leaders.

"Xiao Su, let's arrange the task!"

"Okay, agent in charge!"

"Xiaomeng, can you please stop fishing, the case is coming!"


"What the hell, just be serious when answering questions, and you are forbidden to act cute!"

"Got it, agent in charge!"

"Everyone, hurry up and move. In the last week of this month, everyone should try their best to gather up the cases in their hands. If they can be dealt with, they must be dealt with. Next month will be a new challenge!"

"Understood! x20"

Under the leadership of Li Yueqin, the friends in the criminal department are all busy in an orderly manner, each one is full of energy.

After the task was handed over, the whole department was in full swing.

But there was only one person, who seemed a bit out of place with the busy department.

That person is... Li Yueqin herself.

"Hey, that case, why did it happen..."

She sighed and returned to her seat.

Beside her, he pretended to be busy, but in fact kept peeking at Lin Yumeng next door.

"Agent in charge, is that case really unsolvable?"

"Xiaomeng, how many times have I told you that the morning meeting will be watched by everyone. We don't need to call me the agent in charge in private, you can call me by my name."

"Oh, yes, the acting person in charge." Lin Yumeng nodded cutely, indicating that she understood.

Li Yueqin: emmm...

Then, the topic returned to the case again.

"This case currently has two major difficulties. The first is the law involved. The diplomatic immunity of international law hinders the possibility of prosecution!"

"The second is the attitude of our law firm. The higher-ups have warned us once. I don't want to make your father angry."

As Li Yueqin spoke, she felt lingering fear.

Although in someone's eyes, Lin Yumeng's father, Lin Xiangtian, is just Fatty Lin.

But in the minds of Li Yueqin and others, Lin Xiangtian was a top figure in the legal circle of the Oriental capital.

In front of big shots, they are just little shrimps.

So the only thing Xiao Xiami can do is to avoid provoking big shots as much as possible.

As Li Yueqin said, she couldn't help but sigh again: "To be precise, there should be three difficulties. The biggest difficulty is actually Zhang Wei, he..."

"Hey, I'm back~~~"

At this moment, a greeting sounded from the gate of the office.

The entire criminal department's friends were all stunned.

This one, why did you... come back all of a sudden?

"What's wrong, you guys are not happy to see me?"

Zhang Wei seemed to have noticed something, and asked with a frown.

"No way, no way, we are too happy to see Lawyer Zhang!"

Xiao Su quickly agreed, and then winked wildly around.

"Hello, Lawyer Zhang!"

"Ace is good!"

"Da Zhang, hello!"

Everyone squeezed out a smiling face, nodded to Zhang Wei, and said hello.

"You guys are a bit fake!"

Zhang Wei ignored the group of people, and then drifted to the back step by step, to Li Yueqin's office.

"Xiao Li, during the period when Lao Tie and I were gone, nothing major happened in the office, right?"

", it's nothing serious..."


Zhang Wei vaguely sensed something, his eyes skipped over Li Yueqin, and he turned to his cute little apprentice.

Lin Yumeng seemed to have noticed the master's gaze, she quickly lowered her head, and began to murmur.

"You can't see me, you can't see me, you can't see me..."

"Xiaomeng, come to my office, I need to find you!"


Lin Yumeng's face became extremely frightened as if her throat was blocked by saliva.

"That, you..."

"Xiao Li, don't push me!"

Li Yueqin was about to grab Lin Yumeng, but Zhang Wei suddenly appeared behind the former with a warning face.

Li Yueqin had no choice, she didn't dare to say anything, she could only watch Lin Yumeng turn around every step, and was led into the office by Zhang Wei with a face full of fear.

Seeing this scene, only two words flashed in Li Yueqin's mind.

It's over!

A few minutes later.


The office door opened, and Lin Yumeng ran out with pear blossoms on her face, as if she had been wronged.

But at this moment, everyone has no time to care about her, but all look in the office.

Not long after, Zhang Wei came out with a "calm face", his eyes were neither happy nor sad, only unusually indifferent.

"Do you all know about this case?"

Zhang Wei glanced around, and everyone lowered their heads subconsciously, not daring to look at him.

"It looks like it is, then you should also know about my relationship with Sister Xiaowu, right?"

Everyone buried their heads deeper.

"Forget it, I know that you are all coerced, and I don't bother to pursue this matter. But I want to ask you, why do you have the illusion that you can hide it from me?"

As soon as this remark came out, all the friends in the criminal department felt extremely ashamed.

Yes, when did we have the idea of ​​being able to hide it from Zhang Wei?

is it possible?


They only have one look and one expression, and they hold us tight.

How could it be possible to hide this one?

"Now, just do what you should do, I will definitely handle this matter myself!"

In the end, Zhang Wei almost suppressed his voice, and said these words word by word.

But just as he was about to leave, a figure appeared again at the gate of the criminal department.

"Zhang Wei, Boss Shen wants to see you!"

"Director Li, you should know that I am an ace lawyer and have the most freedom in the law firm. If Zheng Zhengyi wants to see me, he has to make an appointment, right?"

The person who came was none other than Li Qingshou.

Ever since Wang Jianren was ruined by Zhang Wei, Shen Zhengyi was the only one left.

Also because of Wang Jianren's matter, Li Qingshou's attitude towards Zhang Wei was naturally startled and frightened, and he kept a low profile on weekdays, not daring to trouble the criminal department anymore.

But today, Li Qingshou seemed to be a bad visitor. At least from the confident eyes of the other party, it can be seen that this guy has his own cards.

"Zhang Wei, recognize your identity. Although you are an ace lawyer, Boss Shen is a senior partner. You..."

"Okay, since he took the initiative to seek death, then I'll go and see him!"

Zhang Wei sneered, and he did not refuse Shen Zhengyi's invitation to meet.

But before leaving, Zhang Wei still has one small thing to do.

He walked to a corner workstation in the office of the criminal department, and immediately grabbed a boy.

"You are fired, get out of the criminal department!"

This move of his puzzled the entire criminal department.

"Lawyer Zhang, I..."

"Do you think I didn't see it? From the first step I stepped into the office of the criminal department, you subconsciously took out your mobile phone. You must have sent a message upstairs, right?"

Facing the boy who was trying to struggle, Zhang Wei said in a cold voice: "I came back within 10 minutes, how could the upstairs know the news of my return so quickly, someone must have tipped the news!"

"Zhang Wei, what are you talking about? The front desk told me that you are back!" Seeing this, Li Qingshou quickly explained.

"In order to surprise the friends in the criminal department, I deliberately walked through the logistics elevator at the back door, and then walked up the fire stairs. How will the two girls at the front desk see me?"

"Ah, this..."

Well, Li Qingshou never expected that Zhang Wei would be so extreme.

In order to surprise the colleagues in the department, they didn't go through the main entrance, but climbed the stairs instead.

Now, it's gone.

Seeing that the matter was exposed, the boy knew that his defense was useless, so he cried bitterly: "Lawyer Zhang, can you give me a chance, I too..."


Zhang Wei didn't give the boy time to defend himself, so he shook his head away and left.

Seeing this, Li Qingshou finally felt frightened.

Zhang Wei found out the ghost he planted in the criminal department in just a moment, which is really terrifying.

Ding dong!

Jincheng Building, 26th floor.

This time, Shin Zhengyi met Zhang Wei in the office of the litigation department, not in the office on the 30th floor upstairs.

After seeing Zhang Wei, Shen Zhengyi naturally did not change his previous attitude, and looked condescending.

"Zhang Wei, let's leave it at that this time. The big boss's intention is already obvious. We are not prosecuting, we are just ordinary lawyers. If the prosecution decides not to prosecute, then we will not intervene in this case. You understand No!"

"I know what happened to that girl, and I also know that you and the injured may be neighbors, but you have to understand that we are just ordinary people, not law enforcement officers, and we can't change this so-called result!"

"Zhang Wei, now I'm telling you as a senior partner of the law firm, the big boss's attitude towards this matter is just to be on guard, so please take it easy and let it go, you listen Do you understand?"

Shin Zhengyi's words were like orders.

Zhang Wei didn't respond, and even after entering the office, he lowered his head the whole time, turning himself into a log.


After a long time, Zhang Wei finally raised his head, his face was terrifyingly calm.

"Zhang Wei, I told you just now, but Mr. Lin meant it. This is not a request, but an order!"

"Shin Zhengyi, you probably don't know, in fact, Fatty Lin can't help me, right?"

"You are so brave, you dare to call Mr. Lin like that!"

Shen Zhengyi is going crazy, you call the big boss Fatty Lin, you want to rebel.

In the whole law firm, who dares to call Lin Xiangtian like that, you, Zhang Wei, have eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard!

But Zhang Wei smiled dismissively, "I figured it out, why Fatty Lin didn't dare to come by himself, but sent you to die, so it turned out that he didn't dare to see me!"

"Zhang Wei, what are you talking about, aren't you afraid that the law firm will remove you!"

Shen Zhengyi looked shocked, but then said in a harsh tone: "Boss Lin said, if you insist on meddling in that case, then you should stop messing around in Jincheng, there is no place for you here!"

"The law firm wants to fire me?"

"Hmph, what, you know you're afraid?"

Seeing Zhang Wei asking back, Shen Zhengyi thought that someone was afraid, and suddenly shrieked.

"Coincidentally, I also feel that Jincheng can't stay any longer. I don't care if this kind of company is tolerant and unable to uphold justice in the face of injustice!"

Zhang Wei snorted coldly, with a look of arrogance and disdain.

Since this Jincheng law firm treats him like this, there is no point in staying any longer.

Today, Zhang Wei is going to part ways with Jincheng Law Firm!

"You want to leave Jincheng Law Firm, Zhang Wei, you..."

When Shen Zhengyi heard Zhang Wei's arrogant words, he felt a little joy in his heart.

Because he couldn't get used to the kid in front of him from the very beginning, the key was that he couldn't help him.

Now that the other party wants to leave Jincheng, isn't it just as he wants.

No, it should be said that it was great, you Zhang Wei went well, you really made a good choice.

"Zhang Wei, you have to think clearly, if you leave Jincheng, you will..."

"Hmph, Jincheng Law Firm, that's all!"

Zhang Wei snorted coldly and was about to turn around and leave.

But his footsteps suddenly paused slightly, and then he looked at Shen Zhengyi with a strange expression on his face.

"Boss Shen, in fact, from the very beginning, I have always wanted to do one thing!"

"What's the matter?" Shen Zhengyi clearly felt that Zhang Wei's fingers seemed to move.

"From the very beginning, you didn't like me and Lao Tie, so before I leave, if I don't beat you up, it won't be enough to get rid of my hatred?"

"Zhang Wei, what are you going to do? This is the litigation department. There are so many people watching outside. If you do something, be careful of the lawsuit!"

Although Shen Zhengyi was a little scared in his heart, he also knew that Zhang Wei didn't dare to do anything.

After all, this is the office of the Litigation Department, and there are hundreds of lawyers outside. With so many eyes watching, as long as Zhang Wei dares to do something, he will definitely go in because of criminal offenses.

"Hahaha, Boss Shen, are you kidding? You think I, Zhang Wei, have no preparations, and I'm more familiar with criminal cases than you!"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out a tissue from his pocket, opened it casually, and found a fruit knife inside.

"Zhang Wei, what are you going to do!"

Seeing the fruit knife, Shin Zhengyi panicked.

You kid, you don't want to hit people, but to kill people.


Why did I volunteer to take over this task from Boss Lin, and even had a showdown with this kid.

"Zhang Wei, you have to calm down, you are still young, so don't take the path of crime!"

"Pull you down, go on!"

Zhang Wei, uncharacteristically, threw the fruit knife wrapped in a tissue in his hand and threw it at Shen Zhengyi.

The weapon flew towards him, and Shen Zhengyi naturally raised his hand subconsciously to resist, and unconsciously grabbed the handle of the flying fruit knife with his right hand.


Now, Shin Zhengyi was confused.

You want to do it, why did you throw the weapon to me?


But the next moment, Shin Zhengyi heard the sound of a shutter, which was a photo taken by the phone's camera.

Zhang Wei took out his mobile phone and gave Shen Zhengyi one.

"Boss Shen, I'm going to do it next!"

Afterwards, he put the phone away, clenched his five fingers into fists, and walked step by step towards Shin Zhengyi who was still in a daze.

"Damn it, you... how dare you!"

Seeing Zhang Wei approaching, Shen Zhengyi looked at the fruit knife in his hand, and thought about Zhang Wei's behavior of taking pictures just now, and finally realized in his mind what the other party was going to do.

justifiable defense!

Now the one holding the murder weapon is himself, but Zhang Wei has no weapon in his hand!

There is no camera in the office, because Shin Zhengyi doesn't use this office at all, so the camera here has never been installed.

Zhang Wei knew about this.

Therefore, this place belongs to a sealed space, and there are only Shen Zhengyi and Zhang Wei in it.

In a sealed space, once a fight occurs between a person with a weapon and a person without a weapon, then who is the offender and who is the weaker party has to be judged from the weapons in the hands of both parties.

Obviously, Zhang Wei belongs to the weak side, and Shen Zhengyi has a guy in his hand, so he belongs to the strong side!

"You kid, you actually plot against me, how dare you..."

Seeing Zhang Wei approaching step by step, Shen Zhengyi secretly thought that you are cruel enough.

"Don't dare to dare, I beat you for justice!"

But Zhang Wei didn't give the other party a chance, he just threw his fist when talking about it.


Amidst the sound of chickens flying and dogs jumping, all the lawyers in the litigation department looked at Shin Zhengyi's office curiously.

What's going on here, is there a fight?

Don't be ridiculous, this is Jincheng Law Firm, how could anyone dare to fight in it?

They must have misheard.

But the sound of movement grew louder and louder, and even excited Li Qingshou and other lawyers outside.

"Quick, go in!"

Li Qingshou had a premonition that something bad was going to happen, so he rushed in with a man.

But the door of the office opened first, and then Zhang Wei, whose face was cut and slightly torn, walked out step by step.

The wound on his face was slightly bloodstained, making his whole body a bit hideous.

Zhang Wei looked at everyone in the litigation department outside the door, whether they were acquaintances or newcomers, their eyes were full of calm.

"Zhang Wei!" Not far away, Bai Meiqi came out and called out to Zhang Wei.

"Lawyer Bai, from now on you and I can only be opponents!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, walked straight through the crowd, and left the litigation department under everyone's gaze.

"Boss Shen!"

Li Qingshou rushed into the office, and then found Shin Zhengyi who was almost out of shape from the beating, and even passed out.

Because of the "fight" between the two, the entire office has already been demolished, so there is no such thing as an office.

"Report the case quickly, report the case, don't let that kid go!"

Seeing this, Li Qingshou hurriedly shouted, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Well, you Zhang Wei, you dared to hit Boss Shen before you left. I really don't know how to write the dead word.

This time, we will definitely not make it easier for you. You must bear the charge of assaulting and beating Boss Shen!

Li Qingshou has already begun to imagine the scene of Zhang Wei being imprisoned for this attack.

That picture must be very wonderful!

It's a pity, if Shin Zhengyi was awake, he would definitely stop Li Qingshou.

Because this case was not as simple as he saw on the surface.

It's a pity that he has already passed out, and the fruit knife that was in his hand just now fell into an unknown corner of the office.

It can only be said that if Zhang Weineng did something to attack Shen Zhengyi, he must have prepared a backhand.

I just don't know if someone will be fooled into it.

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