Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 603 Expelling Zhang Wei? I cooperate with the investigation

30 minutes later.

Jincheng Law Firm, Litigation Department Office.

The office where Zhang Wei and Shin Zhengyi were fighting, and even the aisle at the door, have been completely blocked.

Several field operators have set up isolation zones here to keep people around from approaching.

In the office, professionals from the forensic team were investigating and collecting evidence, picking up some blood-stained furniture fragments from the floor and putting them in plastic bags for preservation.

At the door, Lei Hu, the leader of Serious Crime Unit 1, and Lin Ruonan, the deputy leader, are leading the officers to collect evidence.

Originally, it was impossible for ordinary fights to alert the serious crime team.

But this time, the person who reported the crime did not report a fight, but an attempted murder!

"Captain Lei, Vice Captain Lin, I was standing outside the office at the time. When I heard the movement inside, I rushed in immediately, only to see that Zhang Wei was beating our Boss Shen!"

At this moment, Li Qingshou started his own drama performance, dancing and explaining to the two in front of him.

"But we asked other people, after you brought Zhang Wei to the office, someone eavesdropped at the door for a while, and then ran away?"

Lin Ruonan flipped through the records in his hand, with a little doubt on his face.


Seeing that his lie was exposed, Li Qingshou felt slightly embarrassed.

Because at that time, he was afraid that Zhang Wei would rush out and run into him.

Anyway, Zhang Wei will definitely be sanctioned. He doesn't want to be the opponent's punching bag, so naturally he can run as far as he can.

"Actually, in the real situation, after we heard that Zhang Wei beat up Boss Shen, I rushed into the scene with my men first, just in time to block that kid!"

"But from what other people in your department said, it was Zhang Wei who opened the door of the office and walked out. None of you stopped him, did you?"

Lin Ruonan turned over his handwriting again, and once again refuted Li Qingshou's testimony.

"Ah, this..."

Li Qingshou's face was slightly embarrassed, and he shouted inwardly.

Deputy Captain Lin, what do you mean, I am testifying.

But neither Lin Ruonan nor Lei Hu looked down on such testimony.

What's the use of your perjury? Believe it or not, we will take you away and give you a crime of obstructing official business!


Lin Ruonan had no choice but to dismiss Li Qingshou with a wave of his hand, before starting to interrogate the next lawyer.

"Where are people, what about that kid!"

At this moment, anxious footsteps came from the gate of the litigation department.

Surrounded by a group of bodyguards in black, a fat man rushed into the office of the litigation department like a shooting star.

"Boss Lin!"

"Hello big boss!"

"Boss Lin, you are here!"

The lawyers in the Litigation Department all nodded respectfully when they saw the person coming, and gave up their seats at the same time.

The person who came was Lin Xiangtian, the boss of Jincheng Law Firm.

Seeing Lin Xiangtian coming, Li Qingshou seemed to have seized the opportunity to perform, and immediately joined him.

"Mr. Lin, you have to make the decision for Boss Shen. That Zhang Wei, he dared to hit Boss Shen in public. That kid is so bold, he is a scum, a scum, that kid..."


Lin Xiangtian pushed Li Qingshou away, obviously not planning to talk to this little partner.

"Captain Lei, Vice Captain Lin, are you two handling this case?"

"Yes, Mr. Lin!"

Facing Lin Xiangtian, even Lei Hu had to be polite.

"It was Zhang Wei who hit Shin Zhengyi, right?"

"From the current situation, it should be correct. After all, the injured in your company have been sent to the hospital. However, there is no monitoring in that office, so it is hard to say the specific situation."

"Hmph, don't care about the specific situation. If Zhang Wei makes such a incident, our Jincheng Law Firm can't keep him. Also, I hope this matter can be resolved as soon as possible, and I can use that dare on my land as soon as possible." The violent brat should be arrested and brought to justice as soon as possible!"

Lin Xiangtian looked at Lei Hu and Lin Ruonan, and said, "Since the serious crime team has been dispatched, I don't think my subordinates reported the case to be an ordinary fight, right?"

"Yes, that Director Li reported an attempted murder case!"

"Attempted murder, it's okay!"

Lin Xiangtian recalled the report of his subordinates, saying that Shen Zhengyi was covered in blood, with injuries on his face and body, and he almost died.

If Shen Zhengyi lost his life, then Zhang Wei would have killed impulsively.

"Okay, I understand. If the two of you need my cooperation, please contact my secretary!"

Next to Lin Xiangtian, a young and beautiful female secretary immediately stepped forward and handed out her business card.

"How is the preparation for the press conference going?"

"Boss Lin, everything is ready, just wait for you to go down and talk!"


Lin Xiangtian turned his head and glanced at Lei Hu and Lin Ruonan, "Then I will trouble you both, now that Zhang Wei has caused such a thing, I, Lin Xiangtian, must show him some color, you two can do whatever you want! "

With that said, Lin Xiangtian led a large group of people and left the litigation department quickly.

And in the downstairs hall of Jincheng Law Firm, countless reporters are flocking here, apparently at the behest of Lin Xiangtian.

Watching Lin Xiangtian leave for the press conference, Lei Hu and Lin Ruonan looked at each other.

"Report, found the murder weapon!"

At this moment, the staff of the forensic department came to the two of them with a plastic bag in their hands.

"fruit knife?"

Seeing the bloody "weapon" in the plastic bag, Lei Hu and Lin Ruonan looked at each other again.

How could a small fruit knife be the murder weapon in this case?

Isn't it too difficult for such a knife to be used to kill people?

"Forget it, anyway, this knife is stained with blood, take it back and test for fingerprints!"

Lei Hu didn't think for long, and waved his hand to let the forensic personnel leave with the fruit knife.

After the forensic personnel left, Lei Hu looked at his competent subordinate again.

"Zhang Wei, it's really noisy. He just came back from Longdu, and he..."

"I heard that he is in Longdu, and the commotion is even bigger!"

Lin Ruonan rolled his eyes, do you think he didn't make trouble in Longdu?

I heard that in Longdu, people directly pierced the sky, leaving a big hole.

"Then it looks like that brat from the Wu family is going to suffer!"

"Captain Lei, do you also think that the murderer is that kid from the Wu family?"

"It's... hard to say..."

Lei Hu didn't speak to death, but shook his head, not intending to explore such a topic anymore.

"The two of us are investigators. What we look at is evidence and testimony. Other speculations should not be ignored, do you understand?"

In the end, after saying something that might be related to the case, Lei Hu left with his people.

"Alas..." Lin Ruonan let out a long sigh, and could only shake his head helplessly.

Jincheng Law Firm, reception hall on the 2nd floor.

Lin Xiangtian walked in front of the reporters, his face tensed.

"I am very angry today. In my law firm, such a bad incident happened!"

"Zhang Wei, this kid has been a thorn in his side since he first joined the law firm, but I didn't expect this kid to dare to do such a thing!"

"It's just...he is lawless. I, Lin Xiangtian, hereby tell you clearly that I, Lin, will never condone any crimes in my law firm!"

Seeing this, countless reporters began to record frantically, and they were already writing small essays in their minds.

But they were also a little curious about where the person who was the instigator was.


Dongfangdu Martial Arts Association headquarters, detention room.

At this moment, Zhang Wei is here.

He was outside the detention room, while Zhang Xinwu was inside, and iron fences were erected one after another, blocking the two of them.

"Zhang Wei, why are you here!"

"Sister Xiaowu, such a big incident happened, how could I not come?"

Facing the controlled Zhang Xinwu, Zhang Wei was surprisingly calm.

"Zhang Wei, Mama Lu..."

"I haven't gone to the hospital yet, so I don't know about Mama Lu's situation, but don't worry, I have arranged for someone to go there, and I will give Mama Lu the best medical assistance!"

"Thank you, Zhang Wei!"

"You're welcome, this is what I should do!"

Zhang Xinwu lowered her head, as if she was thinking about something.

"By the way, my brother Xiaoyan..."

"Oh, you said your stinky brother, he has been arrested for picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and is now locked in the detention room in Midtown!"

Hearing that Zhang Xinyan had been arrested, Zhang Xinwu breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as she was caught, she was relieved now.

"Then my brother?"

"If picking quarrels and provoking troubles did not cause major property damage, and if there is still a personal safety hazard, it is fine to lock him up for a few months and let him calm down!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand, he was too lazy to worry about Zhang Xinyan.

"That's good, it's better to lock him up for a while, lest he be impulsive!"

Zhang Xinwu also nodded, as if she didn't have any psychological burden on her brother being locked up.

"Speaking of impulsiveness, Miss Wu, you are also impulsive!"

Zhang Wei looked at Zhang Xinwu again, with a helpless smile on his face.

"But you are more sensible than your brother. After you found Wu Renjie, you wanted to argue with him, and it was because they pushed you first that you chose to fight back. Therefore, both in terms of reason and law, they actually support you. You It's just passive behavior after being provoked."

"Moreover, in order to take care of the emotions of the victim's family members, it can also explain your behavior. Even if the Wu family reports the crime, the investigation department will detain you for up to 24 hours. Let me check the time..."

Zhang Wei looked at the time on the phone and said with a smile, "There are still a few hours, you can come out!"

"But come out, so what?"

Zhang Xinwu looked worried, because Lu's mother was hospitalized, Zhang Xinyan was locked up, and she was the only one in the whole martial arts gym.

"When you come out, we can fight back!"

When Zhang Wei said this, he paused, with a sharp expression on his face: "Wu Renjie is the target this time, we can't let this kid go, he must pay the price for this incident!"

"Zhang Wei, do you want to take revenge on him?"

"No, I want justice, of course by legal means, not impulsive like you!"

"But, both the investigation department and the prosecution said that the case will not be filed, because the real murderer has already pleaded guilty, and the identity of the other party..."

"Don't worry, I have a solution. The criminal lawsuit won't work. We can take the civil lawsuit for compensation, and I will reveal the truth of the whole matter in the civil court!"

As Zhang Wei said, he already had a plan in his mind.

But at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the detention room.

Then a group of plainclothes officers came to Zhang Wei and took out an arrest warrant.

"Zhang Wei, we are in the Serious Case 1 Team. Now I would like to invite you to come with us and accept the investigation on the assault case inside Jincheng Law Firm!"

"You guys are a bit slow to come, I thought you could come 10 minutes earlier!"

Zhang Wei looked at the time with a calm expression on his face.

"Zhang Wei, did you hit someone?"

"Sister Wu, do you think I will make such a mistake at such a critical moment?"

Facing Zhang Wei's confident smile, Zhang Xinwu obviously felt at ease in her heart, but there was still some worry on her face.

"Don't worry, I just want to take revenge on the first target. I didn't expect them to be fooled. Then I will collect some interest from Fatty Lin first!"

"I guess, after today, I should be removed from Jincheng Law Firm, but it doesn't matter, Jincheng Law Firm doesn't have any effect on me!"

"Wait for me, Miss Wu, you tend to be impulsive when you do things alone. If you are with me, you can have a long-term plan. Let's find a way together!"

After Zhang Wei nodded to Zhang Xinwu, he came to the serious crime team.

"Several, I am willing to cooperate with the investigation, please!"

The serious crime team officers looked at each other, and someone took out the handcuffs.

"Why, you still want to handcuff me?"

In the face of these people, Zhang Wei directly refused to give face, and said with a sneer: "Under normal circumstances, only in very serious criminal cases where criminals may escape, commit murder, commit suicide, self-injure or have other dangerous behaviors, you can use Handcuffs, ankle shackles, restraint ropes and other restrictive devices, do you look at me, do you seem to have these behaviors or intentions?"

As soon as this remark came out, the officers of the investigation department were all helpless.

The person in front of him is a "criminal expert" who knows more about the law than them.

In the end, Zhang Wei was taken away by the serious crime team 1.


30 minutes later.

Familiar interrogation room, familiar interrogator, even familiar hot coffee.

"Zhang Wei, why did you attack Shen Zhengyi? Do you have any grudge against him?"

The questioner was Lin Ruonan.

Zhang Wei was also very surprised. Every time he came in by himself, the interrogator of the Serious Case 1 Team was the Deputy Team Lin.

Group 1 of serious cases, it is reasonable to say that there are a large number of people, and the soldiers are strong, so there should be many people in charge of criminal investigation and interrogation.

Why does it always happen to Lin Ruonan every time something happens to me?

"Team Lin, I want to answer this question for you, but I have to ask, did you find the murder weapon at the scene?"

Lin Ruonan didn't answer directly, but narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked, "Murder weapon, what do you think is a murder weapon?"

"Team Lin, we are so familiar, you are still on guard against me, are you trying to trick me?"

Zhang Wei said, pointing to his blood-stained face, "Is there such a cut? It was cut with a sharp weapon. What kind of thing do you think could cause such a wound?"

Lin Ruonan hardly thought about it, and a bloody fruit knife flashed in his mind.

This was the murder weapon, and it left such a slender gash on Zhang Wei's face.

"Team Lin, my suggestion is to go and have a look at the 'weapon', maybe the test report will surprise you!"

As Zhang Wei said, he put on a casual pose, then picked up the coffee in front of him, and sniffed it to the tip of his nose.

"Where did you buy your instant coffee? I know it even before I drink it. It must be as bad as shit. If your serious crimes team is short of funds, I can sponsor some and equip each of your offices with an imported coffee machine. how?"

"Zhang Wei, please be serious, you are under investigation now!"

"Really, why don't I know?"

Zhang Wei chuckled, then adjusted his sitting posture, and said to the showdown: "Excuse me, you said that I beat someone else, are there any witnesses?"

"So many lawyers in the Litigation Department of Jincheng Law Firm have seen you..."

"They only saw that I opened the door of the office and left, but they didn't see whether there was a fight between Shin Zhengyi and me. Maybe he fell in the office?"


Lin Ruonan really wanted to complain about how he had to fall to get into such a miserable state.

"One more thing, Shin Zhengyi hasn't woken up yet, right?"

"Yes, the victim is temporarily unconscious."

"Then since he was unconscious and did not submit the most critical witness testimony, on what grounds are you sure to arrest him as a suspect?"

"Of course it is... yes..."

Lin Ruonan was about to answer, but found that he seemed unable to answer.

Because the arrest of Zhang Wei relied on the testimony of other lawyers in the litigation department.

And among these testimonies, none of them can clearly tell the investigation department what Zhang Wei did in the office.

"So, Team Lin, you should be clear, as long as Shen Zhengyi doesn't wake up, then your investigation department will lack the most crucial testimony, and you won't even be able to convict me!"

As Zhang Wei said, he got up straight away, walked to the mirror in the interrogation room, and sneered at the next door: "Captain Lei, I know you are watching, but I can tell you clearly that I came to the investigation department only as an obligation to cooperate with you. Investigate. If I want to leave, none of you can stop me, because you lack the most conclusive evidence!"

Zhang Weineng could clearly feel that someone next door was breathing a little harder.

"Also, don't think that you can be complacent when you find the murder weapon. I believe that you will be stunned very soon by what the murder weapon can prove!"

Zhang Wei grinned, and then sat in front of Lin Ruonan again.

"Exactly, Team Lin, I have a case I want to consult with you. It's rare for you and I to meet each other. Let's talk more. Anyway, sitting here and waiting is waiting. I know you are waiting for the test results, right? "

Lin Ruonan was a little embarrassed, because Zhang Wei seemed to be holding them back in the Serious Case 1 Group.

Not only that, she felt that Zhang Wei was so confident now, as if he came to the serious crime team on purpose and was interrogated by himself and others on purpose.

As for the other party's purpose, it was obviously the case!

"Team Lin, I would like to ask, about Wu Renjie causing a traffic accident and absconding in fear of crime, why didn't you arrest him?"

"The perpetrator has surrendered himself, and the other party has a special identity, so we cannot arrest him!"

"Is that so, the children of diplomatic officials also enjoy diplomatic immunity, right?"


Zhang Wei frowned slightly, but then relaxed it quickly, "If the murderer is Wu Renjie, the son of the diplomat, he took the blame for him?"

"But everyone has already pleaded guilty. According to the normal process, the prosecution cannot sue!"

"The privileged class with immunity is indeed a big problem!"

As Zhang Wei said, neither sadness nor joy appeared on his face, he just narrated the matter in a cold voice.

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