Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 604 Who is the victim? You were fired by me!

Forensics department, a certain laboratory.

"How is it possible!" A voice exclaimed.

An forensic officer took off his goggles and looked at the report data in front of him with a look of astonishment.

"what's the situation?"

His colleagues hurried over with a look of curiosity.

"The fingerprint identification report and DNA identification report on this fruit knife are out!"

"That's fine, I'll send it to the serious crime team!"


"But what?"

The exclaimed forensic officer looked at the parameters on the computer, opened his mouth and shook his head.

"It's nothing, the data is here anyway, but this result may surprise many people, so send it over!"

"Oh, don't be so surprised, the data will not be wrong, we just need to know this!"

The colleague picked up the printed report, put it in an envelope bag without looking at it, and then went to the investigation department to hand over the data.

A few minutes later.

Investigation Section, Office.

"Here's the test report, as well as the DNA and fingerprint test report!"

"It's all here?"

"Yes, it's all here!"

Lei Hu looked at the forensics personnel in front of him, and after waving his hands to let them leave, he directly disassembled the report data.

His eyes lingered for a moment on the DNA identification report.

"The blood components come from... Zhang Wei!"

Seeing the blood report, Lei Hu frowned, but didn't say much.

After all, it was Zhang Wei who did it, and the kid had injuries on his face, so it's possible that the murder weapon was stained with his blood.

The following fingerprint firm report is the key point.

"The fingerprints on the murder weapon came from... Shen Zhengyi, and no one else. it possible?"

Seeing the fingerprint identification report, Lei Hu subconsciously wiped his eyes.

He thought he had read it wrong, so after closing and opening his eyes, he read it again.

On the fingerprint identification report, the name on it clearly stated that it was Shen Zhengyi, not Zhang Wei!

Therefore, the person holding the murder weapon is not Zhang Wei, but Shin Zhengyi who was attacked!


The other party is holding a murder weapon, so can it still be regarded as the party being attacked?

Also, did Zhang Wei carry a weapon? If he didn't carry a weapon, wouldn't it be...

Lei Hu looked at the appraisal report in his hand and fell into deep thought.

He seemed to feel that there was some kind of misunderstanding in this case.

Lei Hu looked at the report, and then at Zhang Wei who was sitting in the interrogation room and chatting calmly with Lin Ruonan. He always felt that this kid seemed to be ready to export again.

What's the matter?

"Captain, Mr. Lin from Jincheng Law Firm brought the reporters downstairs to our investigation department. He also said that he would give their law firm an explanation and let us show our attitude?"


Lei Hu showed a strange look on his face, and then glanced at the appraisal report in his hand.

Although he sometimes acts impulsively, but at this moment, he is surprisingly calm.

"Yes, Mr. Lin wants to explain, I think he wants to explain!"

Dusting the report in his hands, Lei Hu had a plan in mind.

Lin Xiangtian and Leihu couldn't afford to offend him, but someone could.

The one in the interrogation room is not afraid of anything, and Lin Xiangtian can't help him!

Thinking of this, Lei Hu held the report and pushed open the door of the interrogation room.

"Zhang Wei, Xiao Lin, you guys are done talking!"

Seeing Lei Hu coming in, Zhang Wei and Lin Ruonan naturally stopped chatting.

"Captain Lei, why are you here? What you are holding in your hand should be the forensic report, right?"

"Captain, is the report out?"

Lin Ruonan also got up immediately, looking at the report curiously.

"This report..."

Lei Hu didn't press much, but just threw the report on the table in the interrogation room.

Lin Ruonan quickly picked it up and opened it.


After that, her reaction was exactly the same as that of Lei Hu.

His pupils trembled, and his eyes alternated between Zhang Wei and the report.

"How could it be, the fingerprints on that murder weapon, how could it be?"

"Why is it impossible?"

At this moment, Zhang Wei stood up with a smile on his face.

"This time, the truth is that Shin Zhengyi attacked me, and I just acted in self-defense after feeling that my life was in danger, that's all!"

"Justifiable defense?" Lin Ruonan looked surprised, you really dare to say, everyone knows that you hit Shen Zhengyi, right?

I asked the lawyers in the litigation department, and they all said that you, Zhang Wei, had conflicts with Shen Zhengyi a long time ago.

"Oh, by the way, I took a photo before Shen Zhengyi did it. I originally planned to warn him not to do it, but he stabbed me with the weapon in his hand..."

While talking, Zhang Wei took out his mobile phone, opened the gallery, and showed a picture in front of Lei Hu and Lin Ruonan.

In the photo, Shin Zhengyi stood up and held a fruit knife.

His face was angry and ferocious, with a trace of fierceness and shock between his brows, it looked like he was ready to commit murder.

"So, Shin Zhengyi is really holding this weapon and preparing to attack you?"

"Captain Lei, haven't you guessed everything, why bother to ask?"

Zhang Wei smiled, stood up calmly, and took the forensic report in Lin Ruonan's hand.

"By the way, I just heard occasionally that some people said that there was a lot of movement down there, and some people said that it was Fatty Lin who came. Is that so?"


"Captain Lei, we are so familiar, how can I not see your little thoughts. Leave the matter of Fatty Lin to me, and your investigation department..."

Zhang Wei's eyes lingered on Lei Hu and Lin Ruonan for a moment, and finally locked on Lin Ruonan.

"Let Team Lin and me go down, and someone from the investigation department will help explain it, so that they and the media don't admit it!"

Lei Hu was helpless, but he could only wink at Lin Ruonan.

This kid is going to go down to output, you have to watch it, don't let him be too presumptuous!

Lin Ruonan responded with a wry smile, if I could do nothing to win Zhang Wei, I wouldn't be so passive just now!

In short, the two heads of Group 1 had a brief exchange at the moment, and both of them had a headache for Zhang Wei.

Moreover, Lin Ruonan even walked into the elevator with Zhang Wei holding his hand, preparing to go downstairs to deal with Lin Xiangtian and the media.


At this moment, the investigation department is downstairs.

Lin Xiangtian, the boss of Jincheng Law Firm, stood in front of the media and was speaking impassionedly.

"For this kind of behavior, this kind of behavior of assaulting and beating others in my law firm, I will never tolerate it!"

"So many lawyers in Jincheng Building trust me and entrust their careers and lives to me. If I can't even handle such a thing, then I am ashamed of their trust!"

"That murderer, the murderer who attacked others, I will never tolerate it, and I will definitely make him pay the legal price!"

Lin Xiangtian was impassioned, waving his arms with a look of indignation.

Speaking of excitement, his plump face was about to turn red, and it seemed that he was really angry.

"Mr. Lin, I heard that the one who hit someone was Zhang Wei, the ace lawyer of your law firm?"

At this moment, a reporter suddenly asked.

Lin Xiangtian smiled slightly, because this reporter was actually arranged by him.

"You are wrong, Zhang Wei is not a lawyer of our law firm anymore!"

Lin Xiangtian's face turned cold, and he said in a stern tone: "I, Lin Xiangtian, have always had zero tolerance for this kind of scum who knows the law and breaks the law!"

"So I am here to announce to you that our Jincheng Law Firm fired Zhang Wei from Jincheng Law Firm as soon as the attack happened. He is no longer our Jincheng Law Firm's lawyer!"

"Not only that, but I will submit an application to the Lawyers Association later. Our Lawyers Association will never condone such lawless people who threaten violence. I, Lin, will never admit that he is a member of our Lawyers Association. member!"

"Boss Lin is righteous!"

"Boss Lin is mighty!"

"Boss Lin's domineering side leaks!"

When the reporters heard these words, they all showed excitement and praised loudly at the same time.

"Look, that's Zhang Wei!"

At this moment, a sharp-eyed reporter suddenly saw the gate of the investigation department, and two people came out, one of whom seemed to be Zhang Wei.

Lin Xiangtian also took advantage of the situation and turned his head back, but he directly said to himself, "Good guy!"

It really is that kid Zhang Wei!

Seeing Zhang Weibu walking like a meteor, he came to Lin Xiangtian's side in a short while.

Seeing this, a group of bodyguards rushed to protect Lin Xiangtian.

"Boss Lin, why are you guarding me so much?"

"Hmph, you, Zhang Wei, are a full-fledged violent person. My subordinates are not on guard against you. What if you hurt me?"

"Mr. Lin, look around me. Captain Lin of the Serious Crime Squad is here. How dare I do anything to you. The gun on Captain Lin's waist is not a decoration!"

"That's right!"

Lin Xiangtian looked at this, and waved his hands directly, telling his subordinates not to cover up.

Your cover is useless, Lin Ruonan has a guy with him, this is the real cover, understand?

"Zhang Wei, the investigation department's evidence collection is over, and you came out?"


Zhang Wei nodded, and then looked at the reporters ahead.

"Boss Lin, you invited these here?"

"Hmph, I, Lin Xiangtian, still need to invite, they only came after hearing the news!"

"Oh, let's do it!"

Zhang Wei nodded, and walked in front of the media in two steps.

"Ahem, is Fatty Lin finished?"

As soon as this remark came out, all the reporters looked at each other in blank dismay.

Good guy!

Who are you, calling Mr. Lin Fatty Lin in front of so many people?

Even Lin Xiangtian himself almost couldn't hold it back, it's fine for you to call me that in the law firm, but if you call me like that in front of so many outsiders, I, Lin, don't want to lose face!

"What did Fatty Lin say just now, why don't you tell me?"

Zhang Wei waved at a reporter, who looked around and pointed at himself.

"Yes, it's you. I see that you are close and you have the device in your hand. Why don't you play it for me again?"

"Come on..."

The reporter shook his head wildly, but he didn't dare to go forward.

"Okay, let me guess. Fatty Lin said he wanted to fire me, and that he wanted justice for those who were beaten, and then he raised the flag, right?"

All the reporters nodded subconsciously, your guess is really accurate!

"Zhang Wei, since you're here, I'm going to ask you why you attacked Shen Zhengyi!"

Lin Xiangtian saw that he had an opportunity to perform, and immediately came to Zhang Wei under the cover of a group of bodyguards and questioned him loudly.

"Fatty Lin, are you really here?"

"It's about justice, there's no such thing as true or false!"

Lin Xiangtian said righteously: "Besides, I, Mr. Lin, have never done anything to apologize to you, but you have acted like this, which really disappoints me!"

"Really, Fatty Lin, you want to face me in front of so many media reporters?"

"Zhang Wei, you are wrong. It's not that I want to line up with you, but that you want to give an explanation to the public and all of us!"

After Lin Xiangtian finished speaking, the media reporters on the scene burst into warm applause.

There were even many people calling for Zhang Wei to explain quickly, but most of them praised Lin Xiangtian for his righteous actions.

This made Lin Ruonan, who was standing behind Zhang Wei, speechless for a while.

You are dying, do you know it?

"Okay, since that's the case, then I, Zhang Wei, won't hide it anymore. You want to match up, right? I'll take it!"

Zhang Wei also imitated Lin Xiangtian's tone and began to shout.

"Fatty Lin, let me ask you, do you never tolerate attackers?"

"Of course, how can we tolerate such criminals, even if I, Lin Xiangtian, want to forgive me, the law does not allow it, and neither does morality!"

"Okay, remember what you said!"

As Zhang Wei said, he handed over the test report in his hand to Lin Ruonan.

"Captain Lin, you are the vice-captain of the Serious Case Team 1 of the Investigation Section, are you here to tell everyone the results of the inspection report and investigation?"

Lin Ruonan was forced to report by Zhang Wei and pushed out, and was speechless for a while.

But seeing a group of reporters looking at her, she could only bite the bullet and walk forward.

"According to the report submitted by colleagues from the forensics department, the fingerprint collection results of the murder weapon in this attack show that the blood on the murder weapon came from Zhang Wei, but the fingerprints came from Shen Zhengyi!"


Hearing this result, Lin Xiangtian frowned slightly, as if he sensed something was wrong.

Shouldn't the fingerprints on the murder weapon come from Zhang Wei?

Here, Lin Ruonan continued to announce: "According to the fingerprint comparison report and my past experience, it should be Shen Zhengyi who attacked Zhang Wei with a murder weapon. Zhang Wei was the victim. He overthrew the assailant out of self-defense. Those who seek justice!"


This time, Lin Xiangtian's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it.

He tapped his ears with his fingers, suspecting that he had heard wrong.

"Captain Lin, it seems that someone here didn't hear clearly, please say it again!"

Zhang Wei was very understanding and smiled at Lin Ruonan.

The latter had no choice but to take out the report, and said again: "According to the investigation report, the person responsible for the armed attack is Shin Zhengyi, and the fingerprints on the murder weapon have already explained the problem."

"The blood DNA on the tip of the knife comes from Zhang Wei, which shows that Zhang Wei most likely acted in self-defense after being attacked and injured by Shin Zhengyi, so from my experience, the attacker was Shin Zhengyi, The person being attacked is Zhang Wei!"

After speaking, Lin Ruonan threw the forensic report directly to Zhang Wei, and then returned to the investigation department without looking back.

The entire scene was silent, and a needle could be heard falling.

Everyone couldn't believe that the attacker was Shen Zhengyi, and Zhang Wei was the one who was attacked.

But the forensic report is still in the hands of Zhang Wei, and Lin Ruonan from the serious crime team of the investigation department has said so, how can it be false.

"Mr. Lin, did you just say no tolerance, did you also say zero tolerance?"

This time, it was Zhang Wei's turn to fire on Lin Xiangtian.

"Ah, this..." Lin Xiangtian felt his face getting hot at this moment.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Lin, you have a very classic sentence, let me repeat it..."

"How can this kind of criminal be tolerated, even if I, Lin Xiangtian, want to forgive me, the law does not allow it, and neither does morality!"

Zhang Wei imitated Lin Xiangtian's tone, even raised his hand and waved it a few times, and shouted out with increased momentum.


Lin Xiangtian wanted to ask, is it me who is speaking? Why do I have no memory?

But everyone around looked at him and nodded.

You did say it, and we all heard it, and heard it clearly.

"Boss Lin, it's about justice, right?"

"For justice, for rules, and for the law, right?"

Zhang Wei sneered as he walked towards Lin Xiangtian.

Under Zhang Wei's ruthless ridicule, Lin Xiangtian could only back away, surrounded by bodyguards.

This time, he lost in momentum and righteousness, so he couldn't fight back.

"Fatty Lin, I, Zhang Wei, have never done anything to apologize to you, but you have acted like this, which really disappoints me!"


Lin Xiangtian was speechless, you really just used my words directly, didn't you?

If I hadn't been unreasonable, I would have scolded you to death!

"Fatty Lin, now is the time for you to express your opinion. You just said that you will never tolerate the attackers. Then I, Zhang Wei, would like to ask you here. What do you want to express about Shen Zhengyi who attacked me with a murder weapon?" of?"


Zhang Wei took out his mobile phone, raised his hand, and showed the photos in it.

"Everyone can see clearly who is the murderer and who is the one who committed the attempted murder!"

The reporters took out their equipment one after another, adjusted the focus, and zoomed in on the photos on their phones, only to see Shin Zhengyi holding a weapon with a hideous expression on his face.

Now, everyone knew that in the office, Shen Zhengyi took out a weapon to attack Zhang Wei, and Zhang Wei was really forced to fight back.

"Fatty Lin, don't stand still. We are waiting for you to express your opinion. You have already said that you will not let the attacker go. Now please fulfill your promise in front of so many people!"


Lin Xiangtian really wanted to leave immediately, but if he ran away in a desperate way in front of so many reporters, where would he lose Lin Xiangtian's face?

"I, Lin, declare here that I will never tolerate such a mad scum like Shen Zhengyi...I...I will definitely expel him from the Lawyers Association and Jincheng Law Firm, I..."

In the end, under Zhang Wei's intimidation, Lin Xiangtian could only swallow the bitter fruit he planted in front of all the reporters.

Who made him say too deadly just now, there is no room for reservation.

"As expected of Mr. Lin, he has courage!"

Zhang Wei also clapped his hands here, as if he was satisfied with Lin Xiangtian's attitude.

"However, even so, I am still very disappointed with Jincheng Law Firm. Before you have investigated the matter clearly, you slandered me indiscriminately and indiscriminately. So I would like to say something to you, Mr. Lin, in front of all the media. ..."

Zhang Wei was brewing emotions, and then broke out in an instant:

"You were fired by me!"

As soon as this statement came out, all media reporters were shocked!

Zhang Wei actually fired Lin Xiangtian!

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