Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 605 After the attack, the battle begins!

Dongfangdu, City Hospital.

In a mild ward, on a hospital bed.

Shin Zhengyi woke up slowly from the coma, and then a person appeared in front of him, which made his eyes widen.

"Morning, Boss Shen!"

Zhang Wei, and Zhang Wei with a smirk on his face.

Shen Zhengyi couldn't control his hands and feet, and almost turned over.

"Boss Shen, don't get excited, don't get excited, just lie down!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly made a move and supported Boss Shen.

Shen Zhengyi was shocked and angry, and couldn't help but reply: "Don't touch me, you dare to show up, the investigation department will not let you go!"

"Boss Shen, I remember that although I slapped you in the face, I didn't slap you on the head. Why are you so unresponsive?"

Zhang Wei smiled all over his face and looked at Shen Zhengyi strangely.

In Shen Zhengyi's eyes, this smile was a little scary.

His heart began to tremble, why did Zhang Wei appear in his ward.

In other words, why was he injured, why was he lying in the hospital?

Memories flowed in like a tide.

One picture after another began to flash through my mind like a revolving lantern, and Shin Zhengyi finally remembered it.

"Ah, it's you!"

He raised his hand tremblingly and pointed at Zhang Wei with a look of horror on his face.


He remembered.

It was Zhang Wei who attacked him suddenly and beat him unconscious.

Not only that, this kid was ruthless, he only hit the vital points, and he fell into a coma within a few strokes.


Being beaten unconscious by Zhang Wei in the law firm is terrifying just thinking about it!

And now, Zhang Wei, who knocked him unconscious, appeared again!

"Zhang Wei, you hit me, you... Where is the knife, the fruit knife, the fruit knife you threw to me!"

"Boss Shen, you finally remembered!"

Zhang Wei's mouth was filled with a "brilliant" smile.

"Yes, I beat you, but you are 'holding a murder weapon'! Oh, yes, I even took a picture of you!"

As he spoke, he took out the picture of Shen Zhengyi holding a fruit knife with a ferocious and angry face on his phone, and showed it in front of Shen Zhengyi.

"Look, this is you, Boss Shen, holding a murder weapon and intending to commit murder. I'm just an ordinary person. I can only defend myself when facing armed gangsters!"

"justifiable defense!"

Shen Zhengyi's pupils shrank slightly, but then he immediately retorted: "Do you think that others will believe your such a bad excuse?"

"Sorry, it's enough for the investigation department to trust me!"

Zhang Wei looked calm, and swiped across the screen of the phone, and the photo turned into a forensic report.

"This is the fingerprint and DNA identification report made by the forensics department, take a closer look!"

Shen Zhengyi took a closer look and found that the fingerprints on the fruit knife, the murder weapon, were his own, while the blood belonged to Zhang Wei.


"So, the result of the investigation department for this attack is that you are the perpetrator and I am the victim!"

"You little bastard, you spout blood, you are talking nonsense, you are talking nonsense, and you are talking nonsense!"

"As expected of Boss Shen, you can utter so many idioms with just a sip of your mouth. It's a pity that facts are facts, and the result can no longer be changed!"

Zhang Wei swiped the phone screen again, and the web news appeared on the phone.

"Look, Boss Shen, the investigation department has issued an announcement. The details of the attack at Jincheng Law Firm this time. You are the attacker, and I, Zhang Wei, are the victim."

As Zhang Wei said, he glanced at the simple ward, then lowered his head and asked with a smile, "Boss Shen, do you feel anything strange?"

"What's the difference?"

Shen Zhengyi couldn't believe that he had become the perpetrator, but at the same time, he was also a little puzzled, what on earth were you going to say, kid.

"After all, you are a senior partner of the law firm. You were obviously injured and hospitalized. Why didn't anyone come to see you?"


This question made Shen Zhengyi startled for a moment, and then suddenly realized.


I was injured and hospitalized, how come no one came to see me?

"Let me tell you the answer, because Fatty Lin treats you like this!"

As Zhang Wei said, he operated the phone again, and Lin Xiangtian's interview began to play on the screen.

"This time, my law firm partner Shen Zhengyi's attack has caused our law firm to suffer a huge loss of reputation, so I, Lin Xiangtian, tell the public here that Shen Zhengyi has been expelled from the law firm by me, and he will no longer As a partner of Jincheng Law Firm!"

"Not only that, but his assault is a criminal offense, so the Lawyers Association will remove him later. I, Lin Xiangtian, will never tolerate such a person who violates the crime and threatens the safety of others!"

Although Lin Xiangtian gritted his teeth to express his opinion, it has to be said that his acting skills are still very good.

"How can it be!"

And seeing the scene where Lin Xiangtian expressed his opinion, Shen Zhengyi finally couldn't hold back anymore.

"Why is it impossible, Boss Shen, you don't even look at it. There are no visitors in your ward, not even fruit deliverers. Why do you think so?"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, then leaned in front of Shen Zhengyi, and broke the news in a low voice: "I heard that your position was replaced by Ren Xingzhou from the project department, and now the litigation department is in charge of the boss?"

"Ren Xingzhou, isn't he in charge of the project department?"

"You forgot, there is Lin Yufeng in the project department. Although this kid is the second generation, who will let him have a good father? Lin Yufeng has been promoted and became the boss of the project department, so the boss has to change departments. It's not just a coincidence that something like this happened to you, it's justifiable for him to take over the litigation department!"

"Ah, this..."

Shin Zhengyi never imagined that one day he would bear such a blow.

Not only did he lose his position as a partner in the law firm, but he also lost his position as the head of the litigation department, and he was even expelled from the bar association.

And all of this is because of the people in front of me!

"Zhang Wei, you..."

"By the way, Boss Shen, why don't you contact Li Qingshou and see what your loyal subordinate has to say?"

As Zhang Wei said, he picked up the phone for Shen Zhengyi, found Li Qingshou's number in the address book, and dialed it in front of the other party.

This time, Shin Zhengyi didn't stop him. Obviously, he also wanted to see what attitude his loyal subordinates had.

beep - beep - beep -

The call rang for a long time, and Shen Zhengyi's face began to turn ugly.

Because in the past, every time he called Li Qingshou, this kid answered almost instantly.

But this time, the call lasted for a full 30 seconds, and the other party still didn't connect.

Finally, almost at the end of the call, the call got through.

"Hey, Boss Shen, is that you?"

"Li Qingshou, you kid..."

"Boss Shen, it's not that I don't want to go to the hospital to see you, it's just that I'm busy with work this Monday, and I can't get away. Oh, by the way, the big boss has made it clear about your attack on Zhang Wei, and you will also You are no longer a senior partner of the law firm, and the litigation department has a new boss, so don't worry about these things!"


Although Shen Zhengyi was still lucky in his heart, he felt that Zhang Wei had lied to him just now.

But at this moment when he heard Li Qingshou's speech on the phone, he finally understood that all of this was true, and that he really lost everything.

"Oh, yes, Boss Shen, no, you are not the boss now, and even the Bar Association will remove you, and you are not a lawyer anymore."

"Shin Zhengyi, what I want to tell you, from now on, you and I, Li Qingshou, will never have anything to do again. You understand, don't call me again, I'm afraid Boss Ren will misunderstand!"


Having said that, the phone hangs up directly.

Shen Zhengyi listened to the blind tone of "beep" on the phone, his eyes widened.

Li Qingshou actually hung up his phone and warned himself not to call him again.

This kid, how dare he...

"Boss Shen, did you hear that, even your most loyal subordinate has treated you like this, you should give up!"

Zhang Wei looked at Shen Zhengyi in front of him, and to be honest, he didn't sympathize with him at all.

The wall fell and everyone pushed, and once he lost power, he lost everything.

Shin Zhengyi is miserable, but not worthy of sympathy.

"Boss Shen, I think this is the last time someone calls you boss, so please cherish it."

"I know you will hate me, but you forced me to do this. I have already warned you, and you still come to me to fight. Then I, Zhang Wei, am not a fool. Anyone who annoys me is not good. The end. Compared to my other enemies, you are lucky, at least you didn't lose your life."

"Okay, that's all I have to say. By the way, I didn't come to see you specifically. The patient I want to see is also in this hospital, but in the intensive care unit, I just dropped in to see you."

"Then, farewell, Boss Shen!"

As Zhang Wei waved goodbye, anger and unwillingness appeared alternately on Shen Zhengyi's face, but in the end they were replaced by deep regret.

If he hadn't made trouble for Zhang Wei, maybe it wouldn't have happened like this.

If he hadn't been framed by Zhang Wei, he wouldn't have lost his position as the head of the litigation department, and he wouldn't have lost his position as a partner in Jincheng Law Firm, so those subordinates wouldn't have betrayed him.

Everything seems to be because I provoked Zhang Wei, and I did it myself!

In Shen Zhengyi's heart, he regretted it very much at this moment.

Did he regret it back then...

Damn Zhang Wei, damn Li Qingshou, damn Lin Xiangtian...


at the same time.

Jincheng Law Firm, Litigation Department.

"Director Li, Boss Ren invites you in!"


With a complicated and nervous mood, Li Qingshou walked into the temporary office of the head of the litigation department.

In the original office, people from the investigation department were collecting evidence, so they couldn't be used.

In order to take over the affairs of the litigation department as soon as possible, Ren Xingzhou specially set up another office in the litigation department to facilitate communication with the department's lawyers.

And the first person he met was none other than Li Qingshou.

"Boss Ren, I, Li Qingshou, have actually been relying on you all along. Your great achievements in the project department, but I..."

When Li Qingshou saw Ren Xingzhou, he immediately began to show his loyalty, and Rainbow Fart followed suit.

"Okay!" Ren Xingzhou waved his hand and hurriedly interrupted.

"Boss Ren, if you have anything to order, I, Li Qingshou, will definitely go through fire and water, and I will do my best!"

"Li Qingshou, I don't have anything to tell you, but Boss Lin has something to tell you!"

"The big boss has a mission!"

Hearing this, Li Qingshou's expression became serious and solemn.

Is Li Qingshou finally going to make it through the big boss's mission?

When he thought that he had entered Lin Xiangtian's field of vision, his heart was about to fly.

When the time comes, I will perfectly complete the task, win the favor of the big boss, and then become the CEO to marry Bai Fumei, the day is just around the corner!

"Li Qingshou, the big boss has only one task for you, and that is to ask you to leave Jincheng Law Firm!"

But Ren Xingzhou's next words froze the smile on Li Qingshou's face.

What the hell?

Get out of Jincheng Law Firm?

"Boss Ren, I seem to have overheard what you just said, what did I hear..."

"No, you heard it right, the big boss means to let you go!"

Ren Xingzhou's expression also changed at this moment, his expression was indifferent.

"You know, if you weren't messing around there, interfering with the investigation department and Mr. Lin, why would Mr. Lin be so angry during the interview?"

"You know he was slapped in the face by Zhang Wei just now, right? Mr. Lin was fired by Zhang Wei in front of so many reporters. This is a humiliation he has never experienced before!"

"The reason for all this is because of you, Li Qingshou!"

Having said that, Ren Xingzhou was too lazy to talk nonsense with Li Qingshou.

"Come here, take Supervisor Li, oh no, he is no longer the supervisor, anyway, throw him out!"

The door of the office was wide open, and several bodyguards in black came in, lifted Li Qingshou's body, and dragged him out.

"Boss Ren, big boss, you can't do this, I'm throwing my head and blood for the law firm, I've paid so much for the law firm, you can't do this..."

Outside the door, Li Qingshou's screams could be heard, but Ren Xingzhou pretended not to hear them.

"Let Boss Lin lose face in front of so many people, you Li Qingshou is stupid, don't drag us to be stupid with Boss Lin!"

Ren Xingzhou snorted coldly, and he didn't have any psychological burden to expel Li Qingshou.

After all, this was Mr. Lin's order.

Thinking of this, Ren Xingzhou quickly put on a smiling face again, and shouted outside in a very kind tone:

"Come here, tell Lawyer Bai that I want to see her. By the way, pay attention to your attitude!"


the other side.

Dongfang Metropolitan Hospital, ICU.

The intensive care unit, which has little space, seems a bit crowded at the moment, because it is full of people.

Xia Qianyue, Jessica, Zhao Xiaoxiao and Mo Yuzhu, they were waiting in front of the hospital bed, looking at the unconscious person on the bed with complex expressions.

"I am coming!"

Soon, Zhang Wei also came to the intensive care unit.

His eyes stayed on Xia Qianyue's fourth daughter for a moment, and after nodding, he looked at the person on the hospital bed.

Mother Lu!

At this moment, Mama Lu is still in a coma, but according to the doctor, she has passed the most dangerous time at the beginning.

As for when the patient will regain consciousness, it is difficult to say.

And after regaining consciousness, it is also difficult to guarantee whether the physical condition before the injury can be restored.

In short, Lu's mother was seriously injured, and she might never wake up for the rest of her life. Even if she woke up, she might not be able to return to her normal life.

And the instigator of all this is Wu Renjie.

"According to intelligence, Wu Renjie and the son of a diplomat from "Ancient Elephant Kingdom" drove away from the party that day, and then drove all the way speeding, bumping into Lu's mother who was out for a walk at night on Sifangmen Street! "

"It is reported that Wu Renjie escaped in an accident, but the son of the diplomat from Guxiang Kingdom turned himself in the next day and activated his diplomatic immunity, making it impossible for the investigation department and the local prosecutor's headquarters to arrest him or prosecute him!"

"So far, the investigation of the case has ended. The investigation department determined that the hit-and-run is the son of a diplomat from the Guxiang Kingdom. The truth has been made public, and the perpetrator has diplomatic immunity, so he was released after the investigation ended that day!"

Based on the available information, Zhang Wei began to recount the course of the case.

"If this is the case, Miss Xiaowu has no reason to go to Wu Renjie for revenge? So she knows that the person who hurt Lu Ma was Wu Renjie, the son of the diplomat, who was just helping him take the blame!"

Looking at Lu's mother who was unconscious on the hospital bed, Zhang Wei already had a guess in his mind.

I didn't expect such a big thing to happen during the time I was away.

"Zhang Wei, what should we do next? Should we go directly to Wu Renjie and confront him face to face?"

"Confrontation is naturally necessary. I also want to see what this kid has to say, but before confronting him, I still need to understand what happened."

Zhang Wei looked at Xia Qianyue's four daughters, and after careful consideration, he began to plan.

"Jessica, you will go to the detention room later and bring Miss Xiaowu out. She may come to the hospital to visit Mama Lu. After her visit is over, can you bring her to the martial arts hall?"

Jessica nodded, expressing her understanding.

"Mr. Mo, go to the forensic department and see if you can get the on-site forensic report before and after the car accident. If you have photos and other information, you'd better make a copy and bring it to me when the time comes."

"Okay!" Mo Yuzhu also nodded in agreement.

"Hanhan, go to the investigation department and ask who the investigator who took over the case was, who was on the scene at the time, and who was on the scene. If there is an investigation report, please bring me a copy!"

"Understood!" Xia Qianyue said that there is no problem, she is from the investigation department after all, so it is not difficult to get a report.

"Xiaoxiao, you and I will act together. Let's ask the passers-by in Sifangmen Street at that time to see if they have any clues, or..."

In the end, Zhang Wei didn't say anything to death, but he knew that it was unlikely that he could find clues.

"So, let's all take action. For the sake of Miss Wu and Mama Lu, for justice and fairness, we must win this battle!"


Xia Qianyue and Jessica's four daughters all replied in unison.

Afterwards, Zhang Wei took Zhao Xiaoxiao and left together.

Jessica, Mo Yuzhu, and Xia Qianyue acted separately, and each started to collect evidence according to Zhang Wei's instructions.

On Monday afternoon, as the evening approached, everyone was busy.

Zhang Xinwu finally left the detention room after waiting for several hours.

She was led by Jessica to visit Lu's mother, and then followed Zhang Wei's instructions and hurried to Zhang's martial arts gym.

Compared to before, Zhang Xinwu's eyes this time had a certain kind of radiance.

She knew that this time she was not fighting alone, Zhang Wei, Xia Qianyue and others were helping.

She was not fighting alone, but with the help of her partners, she was fighting with Zhang Wei, Xia Qianyue and the others.

Zhang Xinwu seemed to have seen the scene where justice was done.

This time, she felt that she could win!

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