Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 606 Zhang Wei's plan, give me an explanation!

Monday night.

Sifangmen Street, Pedestrian Street.

"Excuse me, have you seen the car accident that happened last Saturday?"

"No no!"


"Excuse me, is the surveillance video at your door running all the time?"

"No, no, our monitoring was replaced over the weekend!"

"Then there is always a backup of the monitoring records?"

"No, no, the monitoring backup was also deleted by the replaced staff, saying it was to clear the inventory!"

"That's it..."


"Excuse me, was your convenience store last Saturday night?"

"I wasn't on duty last Saturday night. The person on duty has resigned and returned to his hometown. I don't know anything!"

"So exaggerated?"


"Excuse me……"

"No, I don't know anything, and I haven't seen any car accidents. Don't hinder my business! Go, go..."


Zhang Wei stood at the intersection of Sifangmen Street, frowning.

Zhao Xiaoxiao beside her was holding the laptop and typing on the keyboard.

"Second girl, have you found the monitoring?"

"No, it's just like what they said, all the monitoring has been deleted, and the memory disk and street server are cleaner than your face."

Hearing this, Zhang Wei frowned even tighter.

"It seems that the Wu family should have sent someone to clear this place. Whether it's the vendors along the street or the surveillance video, it's impossible to leave any clues!"

Zhang Wei looked at the originally lively pedestrian street, which was once full of fireworks, but now in his eyes, all he saw was indifference.

Obviously, the Wu family has wiped Wu Renjie's ass.

"Let's go, second girl, we can't find any clues here!"

Zhang Wei can be sure that even if someone saw the scene of the car accident that day, it is impossible for someone to stand up.

After all, the Wu family is one of the five major families in the Eastern Capital, and the energy behind it is strong enough.

Don't look at the fact that the Wu family was often manipulated by Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue before, it was because they happened to meet their nemesis in the martial arts.

If you don't count martial arts, just relying on the energies of both sides, Zhang Wei can be said to be a mighty fly against the five major families of Dongfang Capital.

But for the sake of justice and fairness, Zhang Wei will try today to see if he can really shake a tree with a fly.

At this time, Zhang Wei received a message from Jessica that she and Zhang Xinwu were rushing to the martial arts hall.

"Let's go, let's meet them too!"

1 hour later.

Zhang's martial arts gym, in the lobby.

Here, Zhang Wei once again turned it into a combat laboratory.

Various materials were posted on the two blackboards, and the words "Wu Renjie" were written on them.

At this moment, Mo Yuzhu and Xia Qianyue also returned from the forensics department and the investigation department respectively.

All the materials and reports were gathered in Zhang Wei's hands.

"Last Saturday at 9 o'clock in the evening, the Oriental Metropolis International Hotel held a youth elite exchange meeting. Wu Renjie and the diplomatic son of the Guxiang Kingdom who surrendered himself "Mo Moji" were both guests of the party! "

Zhang Wei posted a photo on the blackboard. In the photo is a young man with black and yellow skin. He has a long face with a pointed chin and slender ears. He looks very distinctive. At the same time, his eye bags are swollen and slightly dark, and his lips are dry and white. It looked like his body had been hollowed out by wine and sex.

"This person is Momoji who surrendered himself. Has he pleaded guilty?"

Zhang Wei pointed at the young man in the photo with his finger, with a sneer on his face.

"No, he's not the one driving the car. I saw Wu Renjie driving the car. After getting out of the car, he changed places with the person in the passenger seat, and then they drove away!"

Zhang Xinwu looked indignant, recalling the scene on Saturday night in her mind.

It was late at night, close to the early morning, when she heard movement from Lu Ma's room next door, and Lu Ma went out at night.

Zhang Xinwu hesitated for a moment, and followed out, but unexpectedly, she just saw Lu Ma walking on the street, and a sports car rushed towards her.

Then there was a "bang", Lu Ma was knocked down by the sports car and passed out, and the person who got off the driver's seat at that time was none other than Wu Renjie.

He only hesitated for a moment, then exchanged places with the person in the passenger seat, and then the two drove away directly.

When Zhang Xinwu sprinted to Lu Ma's side, she only saw two people fleeing in a car, but she couldn't chase because Lu Ma was seriously injured right in front of her.

"Why does Mama Lu go out for a walk in the early morning?"

"Mom Lu has been suffering from insomnia recently. She couldn't sleep for several days in a row, so..."

Hearing what Zhang Xinwu said, Zhang nodded to express his understanding.

Lu's mother can't sleep at night, so it's okay to go out for a stroll.

The problem is that Zhang Xinwu is a witness. She saw that the person in the sports car was Wu Renjie, not Momoji in the passenger seat.

"Did the investigation department accept your testimony?"

"The two field officers who were in charge of the investigation at that time asked me for some details and asked me to wait for the news. I took Lu Ma to the hospital, and then stayed in the hospital all night, and waited until the next morning. Come and tell me the news that Momoji surrendered himself!"

"So, they didn't accept your testimony, and they didn't raise the case to a criminal case, otherwise the person who came to talk to you would be someone from the serious crime team?"

Zhang Wei grasped some key points from the details described by Zhang Xinwu.

However, these points are not enough to break the current disadvantage.

Miss Xiaowu, although you are an eyewitness, the investigation department did not believe you. This shows that they must have taken into account that you, as a relative of Lu's mother, have certain misleading and emotional factors in your statement! "

"But I just saw Wu Renjie driving a car!" Zhang Xinwu said with a little sullen expression on her face.

Because not only did the investigation department not believe her testimony, but now even Zhang Wei behaved like this, which is really infuriating.

"Miss Wu, I understand your feelings, but you can substitute it in. If there is a trial, the prosecution will call witnesses, and you are the only one in court. How do you think the defense will attack you?"


Zhang Xinwu was stopped by this question.

"I know, I know!" At this moment, Zhao Xiaoxiao raised her hand.

"Well, the defense will definitely attack you in court, such as taking the matter of your feud with Wu Renjie, and attacking your testimony, bringing up your relationship with Lu's mother, and then insisting that what you did is a personal grievance !"

"Well, yes, children can be taught!"

Zhang Wei couldn't help but nodded. The second daughter had been with him for so long, and she really won her true inheritance.

At least these points are indeed the means by which the defense will attack witnesses.


"Miss Wu, do you know why the prosecutor didn't accept your case?"

"Because someone turned himself in, and that person is a relative of a diplomat?"

"No, no, the prosecutor's first consideration is how to restore the truth of the case, so they will also consider various possibilities, such as the possibility that Wu Renjie let the diplomat's son take the blame and get rid of the charges for himself."

Zhang Wei analyzed and shook his head again: "The only problem at present is only one thing, and that is the real witness, and you are the only one!"

If the prosecution prosecutes Wu Renjie, the only witness who can testify in court is Zhang Xinwu.

Although Zhang Xinwu did see Wu Renjie hit someone with his car, the jury didn't see it.

As long as the defense lawyers use some means to attack Zhang Xinwu, they can convince the jury that Zhang Xinwu's testimony is misleading.

Therefore, Zhang Xinwu alone cannot make the prosecution make up its mind.

If there are surveillance videos or other key witnesses in this case, the prosecution may choose to prosecute Wu Renjie after a little hesitation.

But the problem is that the Wu family did it very cleanly, removing almost all traces, so there is naturally no evidence.

If the prosecutor agreed to prosecute Wu Renjie relying on Zhang Xinwu alone, then the prosecution must have been kicked in the head by a donkey.

"By the way, Miss Xiaowu, which prosecutor did you call at that time?"

"I asked Prosecutor Xiao Baihe, but unfortunately she didn't agree."

"Old Xiao, I understand!"

Zhang Wei nodded, Xiao Baihe would be a ghost if he could agree.

First of all, she and Zhang Xinwu are considered acquaintances, and the local prosecutor's headquarters will not let acquaintances take charge of the case.

Secondly, Xiao Baihe is not an idiot. She knows that it is useless to sue a case that is doomed to fail.

Therefore, the local prosecutor's office is destined not to prosecute Wu Renjie.

"Look at the evidence first!"

Zhang Wei took the materials from Mo Yuzhu and Xia Qianyue again, opened them and began to sort them out one by one.

"The Investigation Section defines this case as a traffic accident. The evidence is only some photos taken at the scene. Didn't they call surveillance and look for witnesses?"

Looking at the information from the investigation department, Zhang Wei obviously knew it well.

After the martial artist had done something, he must have contacted Wu Yuanzong or a professional, and these people immediately took action and started to wipe the former's ass.

Then, Zhang Wei saw the report of the forensics department.

This report is even worse than the report of the investigation department, and there are almost no clues that can be used.

The report only mentions that traces of the car accident remained at the scene, that the injured were bleeding profusely, and that they needed to be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, etc.

After reading the two reports, Zhang Wei frowned.

"Zhang Wei, what should we do next? Should we confront Wu Renjie face to face and ask him why he did this!"

Xia Qianyue couldn't bear it anymore, her face was eager to try.

"Hanhan, do you think Wu Renjie will directly admit to the crime?"

"Then I'll..."

Xia Qianyue was about to say it, so I forced him to admit it, but Zhang Wei waved his hand.

"The method of coercing Wu Renjie or Wu Yuanzong with martial arts can be used once, and people will not accept this method when used the second time."

Zhang Wei knows what Xia Qianyue's plans are, but as long as the Wu family is a little shameless, what can you do with the Wu family?

We are going through formal channels, and people are shameless, or simply shameless, can you really beat them up?

Maybe you are being quick on your side for a while, and they will go to the local prosecutor's office to sue you the next day, and then the investigation department will come and arrest you and put you in the detention center.

Zhang Xinwu and Zhang Xinyan suffered such a loss.

Fortunately, Zhang Xinwu was fine, at least she went there with the purpose of arguing with the other party at first, and she was quite restrained in her shots.

This kid Zhang Xinyan became impulsive. He not only splashed paint on the gate of Wujia Manor, but also made obscene language. The other party's lawyer accused him of picking quarrels and provoking trouble. If it was more serious, he would be an attempted murder.

"So, you still have to go through the right channel, go the right way, the actions of that brat, the stinky brother, are totally unacceptable!"

Zhang Wei thought for a while, then looked at the almost pitifully scarce evidence on the blackboard, and temporarily had a plan in mind.

"Well, everyone go to bed early today, there is still work tomorrow morning!"

As Zhang Wei said, he waved his hand and sent everyone to rest.

"Finally I can go back to rest, I'm so sleepy!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao yawned and was about to go back to sleep next door.

"Sister Xiaowu, I'm staying in the martial arts gym today!"

Xia Qianyue pointed to the dormitory in the martial arts hall, she lived there often, and she knew the way by all means.

"Sister Xiaoxia, if you want to live here, there is no problem, but I have to take care of Lu's mother at night, so I won't live here."

Zhang Xinwu agreed to stay with Xia Qianyue, but it was a pity that she had to go to the city hospital by herself.

"Zhang, can I sleep at your place today?"

Jessica spoke surprisingly, and gave Zhang Wei a glance.

But what she said made Xia Qianyue, Zhao Xiaoxiao and Mo Yuzhu all stand in place.

Even Zhang Wei was a little surprised, why are you so bold, you didn't see everyone else was there.

If it's just the two of us, I can't wait for you and me to spend a good night together.

But now, even Hanhan is watching him, Zhang Wei feels a lot of pressure.

"Yes, yes, but I plan to accompany Sister Xiao Wu to the hospital!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly moved out the rescuers, that is to say, Zhang Xinwu.

"Okay..." Jessica was a little disappointed, but there was nothing she could do.

After all, everyone is under a lot of pressure now, and it's not good for her to drag Zhang Wei there without shame.

A group of people prepare to rest.


Monday night.

Zhang Wei took Zhang Xinwu and took a taxi directly to the city hospital to visit Lu's mother.

In the intensive care unit, Lu's mother was still in a coma, and Zhang Xinwu sat by the bed with a sad face.

"Miss Wu, don't worry, I won't let Wu Renjie off, and I will definitely make him pay the price he deserves!"

Zhang Wei looked at Mama Lu and quickly comforted her.

"But the prosecution is not going to sue, what are you going to do?"

"Criminal lawsuits don't work, then civil lawsuits, and it's not the first time I've killed an enemy in a civil lawsuit!"

Zhang Wei said with a stern look on his face.

He is going to ruin Wu Renjie's reputation in the civil lawsuit.

No, this kid doesn't have a good reputation, because he deserves what he deserves!

"Civil lawsuit?" Zhang Xinwu was a little stunned, she had no idea what Zhang Wei was going to do.


Just when the two of them had different thoughts, Lu's mother on the hospital bed seemed to speak.

"Miss, Master Ren, the Zhang family, the Zhang family..."

Mama Lu murmured and let out a faint cry.

"Mom Lu, Mom Lu, are you awake?"

Zhang Xinwu held Lu Ma's hands tightly, trying to wake her up.

It's a pity that Mama Lu didn't really wake up, but whispered in her mouth, making some faint nasal sounds and humming.

"Who is this young master Ren?"

"It seems to be my father, his name is Zhang Ren, but my father passed away when I was very young, and Xiao Yan was just born at that time!" Zhang Xinwu lowered her head and recalled with a slightly crying voice.


Zhang Wei looked at Mama Lu with curiosity.

Zhang Xinwu's father, the Zhang family is Zhang Xinwu's family, what happened to this family?

Unfortunately, Mama Lu never said anything clear afterwards.

Zhang Wei cooperated with Zhang Xinwu to watch for the whole night, until the sky was getting brighter, Zhang Xinwu fell asleep lying on the bedside.

Zhang Wei picked up Zhang Xinwu, placed her on the accompanying bed, and left.

Because he still has things to do today, the adjustment made him understand the order of things.

After walking out of the hospital, Zhang Wei took out his mobile phone and sent Xia Qianyue a message.

Afterwards, he called a taxi and took a taxi directly to the suburbs of Dongfang Capital.


Wu Family Manor.

In the living room.

The martial arts family is a family of martial arts, so there will be morning exercises in the morning.

Wu Yuanzong stood on a gazebo in the manor, facing the rising sun and exhaling, mouthfuls of foul air followed his breath.

"Second Master, there are guests outside the door asking to see you!"

A guard hurriedly came under the gazebo and bowed to report.


"Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue!"


Wu Yuanzong lost his balance and almost fell off the gazebo due to unsteady steps.

He hastened to control his figure, then turned over and landed in front of the guards.

"Are you sure it's those two guys?"

"Second Master, I've seen both of them before, so I can't admit my mistake!"

"Fuck, this kid really came!"

Wu Yuanzong's eyes were cloudy, and he finally decided to go see Zhang Wei.

Otherwise, their martial arts family is here, and the monks can't escape the temple if they run away!

"You arrange them to the living room, and I'll be there soon!"


The guard took a step ahead, while Wu Yuanzong looked back at the manor, his eyes were cloudy, but then he sighed heavily.

It seems that he has to come forward to settle this matter.

After all, who made him the talker of the Wu family? Even trivial matters have to be handled by the talker.

Wu family living room.

When Wu Yuanzong arrived, he saw that Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue were already sitting in the guest seat.

Zhang Wei sat calmly, even drinking tea.

But Xia Qianyue was different, when she saw Wu Yuanzong appearing, she glared at her viciously.

Wu Yuanzong instantly felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, his shoulders seemed to be pressed against two mountains, and even his walking pace was more than a little slower.

"Damn it, what's the matter with this little girl, one look puts so much pressure on me!"

Wu Yuanzong thought to himself, this girl is really scary, no wonder even his own father is afraid of her.

"Hanhan, don't be so rude, save some face for Master Wu!"

Fortunately, after Zhang Wei said something, the pressure lingering around Wu Yuanzong finally disappeared.

While Wu Yuanzong breathed a sigh of relief, he could only glance at the two with lingering fear.

Zhang Wei is not a problem, but this Xia Qianyue has a big problem.

"Second Master Wu, you should know the purpose of our coming here, right?"

"have no idea!"

Wu Yuanzong was cheeky enough to play dumb in front of Zhang Wei.

"Hahaha, Second Master Wu is really... pretending to be a fool here?"

Zhang Wei sneered, and then his face became sharp in an instant.

"Today, I, Zhang, came here to ask the Wu family to give us an explanation!"

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