Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 608 Undercurrent? All the best!

The office of the Consulate General of Guxiang Kingdom in Long Kingdom.

At this moment, Zhang Wei is confronting the person in charge of the consulate.

"My son has already pleaded guilty, and the investigation department has also summoned my son, and his testimony has been accepted!"

"But there are still some doubts about this case. I wonder if we can meet your son Momoji and let him explain it to us?"

Momoji narrowed his eyes, vaguely aware that Zhang Wei's arrival was not kind.

"Are you really from the Prosecutor's Headquarters and the Investigation Section?"

"Of course, our identities are completely fake!"

Although Zhang Wei is not himself, he still responded very forcefully relying on the identities of the two people around him.

But Momoji, as the person in charge of the consulate, is not a vegetarian either.

"Regarding the car accident on Saturday night, I have already communicated with the person in charge of Longguo. If there is another investigation against my son, please come back with a search warrant signed by the court!"

As he said that, Momoji didn't give Zhang Wei and the others a chance to speak, and directly pressed the pager on the desk.

"Security personnel, come to my office, the three guests are leaving!"

With this attitude, it is obvious that he intends to see off the guests.

"Mr. Momoji, let me ask you a question, did your son really hit the injured man? He won't be someone else's scapegoat and help others take the blame, right?"

"Three, you should go. As the person in charge, I am very busy with my work every day. As for the case, I think my son has fulfilled his obligations!"

Momoji's attitude is obviously refusing to cooperate with Zhang Wei.

In fact, if Xia Qianyue and Xiao Baihe were not from the investigation department and the local prosecutor's headquarters, the three of them would not even be able to meet Mo Moji.

Soon, security walked into the office and invited Zhang Wei and the others out.

But watching Zhang Wei and the others leave, Momoji's expression was a little cloudy.

He quickly made a call.

"Mr. Hawkins, my son and I should have cooperated with you in handling this case. Why do people from the serious crime team and the prosecutor come to me?"

"What's the matter, it shouldn't be, we have already said hello, the case should be closed over there?"

"This is strange. Did you guys not handle it well, or did you have a communication problem?"

"Momoji, don't worry, we are old friends too, this time the Wu family owes you a favor, we will handle it properly!"

"I hope so!"

After hanging up the phone, Momoji's face still didn't relax.

He always felt that what happened this time didn't seem to be so easy to pass.

"It shouldn't be. Hawkins represents the city council of Dongfang Capital. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be anyone they can't deal with, right?"

"My son is taking care of someone from the Wu family. As one of the oldest families in the Eastern Capital, the Wu family should handle the finishing work properly, but why would an investigator come to the door today?"

"Hope, I'm overthinking it. The entire Eastern Capital, how could there be people who can't be dealt with by the city council? Impossible, impossible..."


The gate of the consulate.

The faces of Zhang Wei and the others were also very ugly.

"It seems that this diplomat has communicated with some people!"

Zhang Wei recalled the scene of talking with Momoji just now, and obviously guessed something.

"Hey, can you please stop conspiracy theories, maybe the truth is like this, and they also surrendered themselves?"

When Xiao Baihe said this, it was not so much to comfort Zhang Wei, but rather to comfort herself.

"Old Xiao, you can go back, anyway, whether you are here or not has no effect on us!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand, indicating that Xiao Baihe could go back to the headquarters of the local prosecutor.

"Damn you!"

Xiao Baihe was so angry when he heard this.

Obviously you guys called me out, now that I'm worthless, why don't you just send me away?

Don't think about it!

"Zhang Wei, let me tell you, I have settled this case, now I want to see what you have to do next!"

Xiao Baihe put his hands on his hips, as if I'm entangled with you today!

"What else can I do? Anyway, your local prosecutor's headquarters can't believe it, so I can only do it myself~"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, because the criminal lawsuit could not go through, so he could only go through the civil lawsuit.

This is what he had planned.

Zhang Wei immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, Miss Xiao Wu, Dongfang Metropolitan Court, Civil Court, yes, we will be there soon, and you can go too!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Wei looked back at the Guxiang Country Consulate. This branch office in the Eastern Capital was still so solemn.

But in Zhang Wei's eyes, the house is magnificent, and whether the people in it are as grand as the house is a question mark.

30 minutes later.

Eastern Metropolitan Court, Civil Division.

Ni Qiuping's office.

As a judge of the civil court, Ni Qiuping is still in a good mood these days.

As for the reason, it is naturally because the recent work is relatively easy, and there are no difficult cases encountered.

At most, there are some seven aunts and eight aunts, and the conflicts between neighbors and villagers. Anyway, it is the parents who are short-sighted, and a few mediators can be settled by the court.

Even if they really want to go to court, most of them follow the procedure and the case will be closed soon.

But there is a saying that goes well, the good days will eventually come to an end.

Therefore, when Ni Qiuping saw the complaint submitted by Zhang Wei, her mood can be imagined.

"What, prosecute Wu Renjie and list the diplomat's son as a witness?"

After Ni Qiuping read Zhang Wei's complaint word by word, she secretly said, "Good guy."

In terms of courage, you, Zhang Wei, are really courageous. You dared to list the son of a diplomat as a witness and asked him to appear in court forcibly.

"There's no way, Old Ni. His diplomats and family members enjoy immunity and cannot be prosecuted. Otherwise, I will sue him directly."

Zhang Wei is also helpless, he has immunity and does not give him a chance to sue, so he can only summon him.

Accepting subpoenas to testify in court according to law is a law and regulations that diplomatic personnel need to abide by in the country where they are stationed. This point must be followed by both the old Momoji and the young Momoji.

"I remember this case, isn't it already closed?"

Ni Qiuping felt that she could still struggle, so she continued to comfort Zhang Wei.

Do you understand what my old lady means? Hurry up and withdraw, don't mess around, I don't want to go crazy with you!

Moreover, the investigation department has already closed the case, what use can our civil court be?

"Yes, the case is closed criminally, but not civilly!"

Zhang Wei didn't seem to see Ni Qiuping's eyes, and went straight to the showdown: "At present, the family members of my client are still in a coma in the intensive care unit, and Wu Renjie and Xiao Mo Moji, who are the instigators, have not even offered a sincere apology. Is it too much?"

Ni Qiuping looked at Zhang Xinwu beside Zhang Wei and let out a long sigh.

Indeed, bumping into someone and not even apologizing as a result sounds like too much.

"Then you two little girls plan to..."

Then, she looked at Xia Qianyue and Xiao Baihe again.

Civil litigation should have nothing to do with the investigation department and the local prosecutor's headquarters, right?

"Judge Ni, I'm here to observe!" Xiao Baihe waved his hand, indicating that he was just here to watch the fun.

"Me too!" Xia Qianyue naturally nodded in agreement.

Good guy, this is bringing someone to force the palace with me!

Although Ni Qiuping resisted in her heart and secretly scolded Zhang Wei for being a little bastard countless times, she knew that she would not be able to escape after all.

She couldn't accept Zhang Wei's complaint.

"Okay, this court understands, I accept this complaint, but you have to think clearly, the ultimate goal of civil litigation is always civil compensation. In other words, even if you win the lawsuit, at most you can get compensation from them It's just gold."

"Judge Ni, what we want is justice. Of course, it would be the best to get some family members' medical expenses for my client!"

"Okay, okay, I know about this case, let me check the time, today is Tuesday, how about the pre-trial tomorrow, how about giving you an expedited processing?"

"Old Ni, thank you so much!"

"Just be happy, you little bastard!"

Amidst Ni Qiuping's cursing, the case was finally accepted by the other party.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Zhang Wei naturally took Zhang Xinwu and his party to leave.

Subsequently, Ni Qiuping, as the accepting judge, immediately notified the relevant parties of the case.


Dongfangdu, a certain golf club.

"What, that kid really dares to..."

"Okay, I see, I'm going to inform Renjie right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Wu Yuanzong's expression turned ugly.

"Fatty Lin, that kid really initiated a civil lawsuit!"

"Really, it's not obvious."

On the grass in front, Lin Xiangtian sneered while getting ready.

"Criminal lawsuits are impossible, so the only thing he can initiate is civil lawsuits."

"Although I don't want to admit it, this kid's trial prowess is definitely not covered. In court, ordinary people are really no match for him."

As Lin Xiangtian said, he swung the club with both hands suddenly, and the golf ball was knocked into the air by his stroke.


There was a splash of water on the surface of the water 20 meters away from the hole. It was obvious that the golf ball had fallen into the lake.

Lin Xiangtian: "..."

"Wu Yuanzong, it's all your fault. What Zhang Wei are you mentioning? I don't know that this kid is my heart disease. You are messing with my Dao heart!"

"Fatty Lin, what are you talking about? Don't you have any tricks in your mind about your own game skills? Do you want to shirk responsibility?"

"I don't care. If you hadn't mentioned Zhang Wei, I wouldn't have played so badly!"

At this moment, Lin Xiangtian was fighting with reason.

He won't admit that his golf skills are bad!

"Okay, okay, it's my responsibility, it's my responsibility, I shouldn't mention that little bastard!"

This time, Wu Yuanzong had something to ask for, and he had no choice but to agree with the other party.

"But having said that, since that kid initiated a civil lawsuit, how should we deal with it here? I'm looking for you, Fatty Lin, and you have to prepare countermeasures for me!"

"Wu Yuanzong, don't worry, I've already prepared for you!"

Lin Xiangtian put on an expression of "you can rest assured that I will take care of things", then raised his hands and clapped.

Clap clap!

Under the crisp sound, several figures walked over from not far away.

"Boss Lin, are you looking for us?"

"Come, come, Wu Yuanzong, let me introduce to you, who I found for you this time!"

Lin Xiangtian pointed to the visitors and introduced them one by one.

There were five people in total, four men and one woman.

"These are the elites of my law firm. Look at them, and they highlight a specialty. This is Lawyer Shen, the new head of the litigation department, a junior partner of the law firm, and has more than ten years of experience in civil litigation. This The first is Attorney Han, an elite in the project department, and his court defense ability is also at the top level in our law firm. There is also this Attorney Yang, who specializes in claims and negotiation cases before joining us in Jincheng. He will definitely help you solve that Zhang Wei .”

"Of course, although the three of them are all elites, I know that your Wu Yuanzong status is here, so I specially prepared two finale trump cards for you."

"You should have heard of this, lawyer Bai Meiqi, the ace of the litigation department, one of the future partners of our law firm, you can rest assured that she is with you."

"As for the person in charge of this case, I arranged for you the new head of our litigation department, Ren Xingzhou, a senior partner of our law firm. The old Ren and I have also been friends for decades. Let me tell you, he He came from the local prosecutor's headquarters before, and he was at the same time as the current chief prosecutor, Laohou!"

Following Lin Xiangtian's introduction, the identities of the five people who came were already clear.

This time, in order to deal with Zhang Wei, Lin Xiangtian did his best!

Not only Ren Xingzhou, the newly appointed head of the litigation department, but also Bai Meiqi, the ace of the litigation department, and three elite law firms were dispatched.

Lin Xiangtian didn't know how to lose such an elite soldier!

"Then, you guys, have a good talk with him, I'll go swing a few more shots!"

After Lin Xiangtian finished pulling people, he hugged the golf club again and ran over excitedly.

Seeing this, Wu Yuanzong didn't intend to continue complaining.

At least Lin Xiangtian is very moral despite his bad golf skills.

You see, 5 elites were arranged directly, and all of them are good players.

"Second Master Wu, hello, I'm Ren Xingzhou, and I'm the person in charge of the lawyer's side for this case!"

Ren Xingzhou was also polite, holding Wu Yuanzong's hand with a serious expression on his face.

"Second Master, don't worry, besides me, we have lawyers Bai, Shen, Han and Yang on our side this time. I really can't think of any reason for us to lose!"

"Then, I'll leave everything to you!"

The unease in Wu Yuanzong's heart was also let go because of Ren Xingzhou's speech.

"By the way, Zhang Wei's prosecution, I received news that the preliminary trial will be held tomorrow, this..."

"Second Master, don't worry, we have already prepared countermeasures, and we are sure to give him a big surprise tomorrow!"

"Really, how do you do it?"

"It's very simple, we are so and so, so and so..."

Ren Xingzhou leaned close to Wu Yuanzong's ear and whispered something in his ear.

Not long after, a sneer appeared on the faces of the two of them.

If this is the case, then Zhang Wei really has no possibility of a comeback.


At this moment, Lin Xiangtian who was not far away suddenly let out an exclamation.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, it's in the hole, it's in the hole, I'm a hole in one!"

Lin Xiangtian seemed to be going crazy, waving the golf club in his hand, and rushed towards the hole in front of him like a gallop.

"What's the situation, Fatty Lin made a hole in one, how is this possible?"

Seeing this scene, Wu Yuanzong always felt something was wrong.

Does Fatty Lin score a goal, does it indicate that something bad will happen?

No, no, he was thinking too much.

Ren Xingzhou and the others are in charge of this case, there is absolutely no way they will lose!

Wu Yuanzong said that Fatty Lin just got lucky suddenly, there is nothing abnormal, he must have thought too much


Wednesday, a working day.

Early in the morning, Zhang Wei received a call from the court.

"What, a pretrial motion?"

"Oh, I see, I'll bring someone here!"

Zhang Wei was helpless, but he had no choice but to go to the next door early in the morning to call Zhang Xinwu, and then the two went straight to the city court.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the civil court, Ni Qiuping's office was stopped by two bodyguards in black.

"You two, what's the situation, this is a court, why are you stopping me?"

Looking at the two people in front of him, Zhang Wei always felt that they looked familiar.

"It's Zhang Wei, let him come in, or you two groups will have to wait!" Ni Qiuping's voice came from inside.

"Let him in!" followed by a familiar voice.

Zhang Wei walked into the office with Zhang Xinwu.

"Good guy, there are so many people here!"

As a result, he found that the civil court office, which should not be small, was full of people at the moment.

All he saw were acquaintances.

Ren Xingzhou, Bai Meiqi, and three others who looked like lawyers at first sight.

Wu Yuanzong brought Wu Renjie, Momoji took his son Xiao Momoji, and two groups of bodyguards on both sides.

There are more than a dozen people in a small office.

"Old Ni, what are they, bringing so many people here to put pressure on you to withdraw the case?"

"You let them talk!"

Ni Qiuping covered her forehead and waved her hand speechlessly.

Zhang Weilian looked at Wu Yuanzong and Mo Moji, these two should be able to talk.

"Hello, Lawyer Zhang, I am Mr. Wu and the entrusted lawyer. I only represent my client, Mr. Wu Renjie, and Mr. Mo Moji to make a request for this trial!"

But it was not the two of them who spoke, but Ren Xingzhou.

"Considering that one of the parties involved in this case is the son of a respected diplomat from Gu Xiangguo, and the parties involved in this case are also direct descendants of a prominent family in Dongfangdu. We request the court to increase the number of jurors by six when selecting the jury, and These six jurors need to be selected from among foreigners."


Hearing Ren Xingzhou's request, Zhang Wei was stunned.

What's your situation? There are usually 6 jurors in civil courts, but you want to increase it to 12?

Not only that, but you also require that there be at least 6 foreigners in the jury?

Rao Zhang Wei had never heard of such a weird request.

"Reason?" So, he asked directly.

"Of course it's because of common people's hatred of the rich and Mr. Momoji's request. He doesn't want his son to be tried only by jurors from Dongfang Capital in court. He hopes that the jury members can be more diverse! "

"Old Ni, do you agree to such a weird request?"

Zhang Wei looked at Ni Qiuping again.

You are the presiding judge, you have the final say.

To be honest, Ni Qiuping has never seen such a reason and requirement after decades of working as a judge.

"Since it is Mr. Momoji's request, this court has no objection, but it is a bit rushed to find a candidate jury composed of foreigners today."

"Judge Ni, don't worry, we have considered this point, so we prepared a list of jury candidates in advance, please rest assured, the jurors on this list have absolutely clean backgrounds!"

On Ren Xingzhou's side, he directly took out the list he had prepared a long time ago and handed it to Ni Qiuping.

It seems that their preparations are indeed very thorough!

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