Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 609 Zhang Wei Divorces, Bai Meiqi Vomits Blood

Civil court routines require only a six-member jury.

Ke Ren Xingzhou made a special request on behalf of the Wu family and Momoji and his son.

A total of 12 jurors will be added, and the extra 6 people must be foreigners.

What kind of weird request is this?

Is this distasteful of the justice of the Dragon Country jury?

In fact, it's possible.

They themselves said that considering the issue of hatred of the rich, the jury of Longguo may not be able to be truly fair and just.

After all, the Wu family is also a big family, and when ordinary people hear the word "big family", their attitude is hard to say.

Momoji's father is even a diplomat, and he himself belongs to the "second generation x" level, and he is also a well-known playboy in Guxiang Country.

Ren Xingzhou predicted that Zhang Wei might use Momoji's status in the ancient elephant country to make a fuss, causing the jury to hate the rich, so in order to prevent this trick, he thought of a countermeasure.

If the jury cannot be fair and impartial, it is tantamount to infringing on the rights and interests of Xiao Mo Moji and Wu Renjie, and the addition of the jury is also based on this consideration.

Because who can guarantee that the six-member jury of Longguo will not be hostile to the "powerful class" in their hearts.

So, in other words...

Adding some foreign friends and adding some people who don't have too much hatred of the rich can better ensure fairness and justice.

Therefore, Ni Qiuping looked at the list of hundreds of people in her hand and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"Lawyer Ren, you are also a veteran prosecutor, are you serious?"

Ni Qiuping had obviously heard about Lao Ren, so she couldn't help asking.

This weird request, not to mention civil courts, has never been encountered in criminal courts, and you, Ren Xingzhou, really set a precedent.

"Judge Ni, I have never defended a foreign friend like Mr. Momoji's son before?"

Ren Xingzhou spread his hands, saying that this is also his first attempt.

In short, he also raised the request, explained the reasons, and even provided the court with a list thoughtfully.

Now, it's time for you to think about it.

However, Ren Xingzhou was confident that the court would agree to this request, because it was related to the fair rights and interests of the party being tried.

"Lawyer Zhang, do you agree with the defense's request?" Ni Qiuping could only look at Zhang Wei and ask for his opinion.

"No problem, since the defense wants a 12-member jury, we have no objection!"

Unexpectedly, facing such an "unconventional" proposal by the defense, Zhang Weifang actually agreed.

"Well, since the defense requested and the prosecution has no objection, this court has approved it."

As Ni Qiuping said, she looked at the name in her hand again, "However, this court has to confirm everyone on the list and do some simple recitations, so there may be a little delay in time."

"Well, I estimate that the interview may take 5-6 hours. It's 8:00 in the morning and around 2:00 in the afternoon. If the interview is over and there are enough foreigners present, we will start the pre-examination. How about it?"

"We have no objection!" Ren Xingzhou was naturally the first to express his opinion.

"So do we!" Zhang Wei nodded in agreement.

Therefore, under Ni Qiuping's signal, the two parties disbanded and left separately.

Ni Qiuping naturally called her clerk, and at the same time contacted the court staff, contacted the background investigator, and started working.

Ren Xingzhou and Zhang Wei also left the civil court office.

"Lawyer Zhang, I didn't expect you to make such a move!"

"Old Ren, I didn't expect that you also came up with a strange move to counter me?"

Both parties left the office at the same time, and then walked together in the courtroom. Ren Xingzhou, representing the lawyer, even greeted Zhang Wei.

"Hahaha, we work together to comply with the requirements, and add a jury of 12 people. I believe it is not difficult for you, lawyer Zhang. Maybe you feel very kind?"

"You want to say that a 12-person jury is more like a criminal court, right?"

Indeed, Zhang Wei prefers the 12-member jury in the criminal court to the 6-member jury in the civil court.

In the records of Jincheng Law Firm, although Zhang Wei is also a good hand in civil litigation and commercial litigation.

But what he is most powerful is in criminal defense, helping people who should have been identified as criminals by the prosecution to obtain a defense of innocence.

Therefore, the 12-member jury should be Zhang Wei's favorite number.

"By the way, old Ren, have you visited Boss Shen?"

"Shin Zhengyi?"

Ren Xingzhou frowned, a little incredulous.

Zhang Wei actually brought up Shen Zhengyi on his own initiative, what happened?

Is the relationship between Shin Zhengyi and you Zhang Wei so good?

How did the other party enter the hospital, don't you have any clues in your mind?

How did the other party lose his partner position, how did he lose everything? You don't really think you are the victim, do you?

You, Zhang Wei, were able to take the initiative to bring up Shen Zhengyi. This is really a weasel crying for you-it can't be more fake!

"Lawyer Zhang, why do you mention him?"

"It's nothing, but when I went to see Boss Shen that day, he told me something, but it has nothing to do with you."

Zhang Wei said, waved his hands, and smiled at Bai Meiqi who was behind Shen Zhengyi: "Lawyer Bai, Boss Shen told me a lot about you!"

"Me?" Bai Meiqi was stunned. What did Shen Zhengyi say about me?

"I didn't expect to be able to fight Lawyer Bai this time. It was a surprise. Come on, Lawyer Bai, I am very optimistic about you. I hope you will not disappoint Boss Shen's expectations!"

Zhang Wei said, waved to Bai Meiqi, then pulled Zhang Xinwu, and ran out of the city court at a fast pace.

Ren Xingzhou and his party, to be precise, were the five members of the Jincheng Defense Team, looking at each other in blank dismay.

"Lawyer Bai, do you still have contact with Shen Zhengyi?" Among the three members of the defense team, the newly appointed head of the litigation department, Lawyer Shen, showed a trace of doubt at this moment.

Beside him, the elite lawyer Han of the project department vaguely sensed something was wrong.

Similarly, Lawyer Yang stared at Bai Meiqi motionlessly, as if he wanted to see something from the latter.

An atmosphere of suspicion permeated among the five people.

"Boss Ren, what are you doing looking at me like this, that Zhang Wei just said it casually, obviously intending to interfere with the five of us, you..."

"Lawyer Bai, I know, that kid said that just now, he definitely didn't have any good intentions!"

Ren Xingzhou waved his hand, signaling to Bai Meiqi that there is no need to explain, as he can clearly see Zhang Wei's tricks.

But although I can see it, there is a saying that is good, and I understand the truth, but I just don't accept it!

Similarly, anyone can tell whether Zhang Wei is really talking casually in an attempt to divide the five of them.

But what if, what if?

Among the five of them, is there really a traitor, or is there really a chess piece that the opponent has ambushed?

For example, Bai Meiqi, when the big boss found her and asked her to join the five-person team against Zhang Wei, her initial attitude seemed a little uncooperative.

It's hard to say whether this lack of cooperation is because I'm really busy, or because of other reasons...

Therefore, Lawyer Shen, Lawyer Han and Lawyer Yang did not relax their suspicion of Bai Meiqi.

Even Ren Xingzhou himself, although he said it was Zhang Wei's scheme, looked at Bai Meiqi with suspicion.

After all, I just took office, and it is normal for employees in the new department to be dissatisfied.

Moreover, Shen Zhengyi was in charge of the litigation department before, so there were no guarantees that there were not many of Shen Zhengyi's cronies in the department.

These people, if there is enough time, Ren Xingzhou promises to subdue them. After all, Shen Zhengyi is already a discarded pawn and has no value in itself.

But now, maybe there are still people who miss old love, like Bai Meiqi...

Is Bai Meiqi on the side of Shen Zhengyi, dissatisfied with his new leader, and even colluding with Shen Zhengyi and Zhang Wei?

Speaking of which, Zhang Wei seemed to be a member of the Litigation Department before the establishment of the Criminal Department. I heard that he also helped Bai Meiqi's cousin Bai Ruoyun.

Calculated in this way, doesn't Bai Meiqi owe Zhang Wei a favor?

Ren Xingzhou's eyes became cloudy and uncertain.

"These four guys, what are they thinking about? Don't they think that I'm a traitor?"

At this moment, Bai Meiqi was also depressed.

If she knew what Ren Xingzhou and the others were thinking, she would definitely say to herself: I'm so speechless!

Zhang Wei just said something casually and gave him a vague look, did it make you suspicious to this extent?


I, Bai Meiqi, am also an ace lawyer, how can I not know the rules of the law firm, can I not abide by the professional ethics of lawyers?

Why do you look at me with an expression like, "I, Bai Meiqi, may be a traitor, and I may tip off Zhang Wei, or even help Zhang Wei during the trial"?

Bai Meiqi complained inwardly, and shouted that she was wronged.

Please don't think like this, okay? If there is any problem, let's bring it to the stage and talk about it?

Unfortunately, neither Ren Xingzhou nor the trio of Shen, Han, and Yang planned to have a heart-to-heart talk with Bai Meiqi.

The four of them had a tacit understanding and didn't say much, but came to the customer.

"Lawyer Ren, then I'll leave the rest to you, don't put too much pressure on my son."

"Mr. Momoji, don't worry, we understand our responsibilities!"

"Lawyer Ren, then our family Jie also entrusts you. In short, you understand that Ren Jie is also a victim. Please do your best!"

"Mr. Wu, don't worry, Mr. Lin has ordered us to do our best!"

Wu Yuanzong and Mo Moji looked at each other, and they smiled knowingly.

Ren Xingzhou is here to tell the truth, and there are four elite ace lawyers, this case should be settled!

However, Bai Meiqi in the team felt a little uncomfortable.

Because she felt the suspicion of her companions, this was not a good start.

Similarly, she also developed a bit of fear towards Zhang Wei.

Just such a simple sentence, what they said casually, directly divided their entire team.

This is really, amazing!

Similarly, at the gate of the court, Zhang Wei took Zhang Xinwu and left directly, preparing to return to Lin's residence to wait for news.

"Zhang Wei, why did you say those things in the end? You and the former leader of the law firm seem to have a bad relationship!"

"Yes, I have a particularly bad relationship with Shen Zhengyi. Almost everyone in the litigation department knows about it, but so what?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, and then sneered: "I guess these five people are not in the same mind. They think that they can fight me with the strength of five people, but they don't know the truth of 1+1\u003c2. I think they are five people. Adding up individuals, it is hard to say that they can have twice the fighting power!"

Thinking of the appearance of Ren Xingzhou and Bai Meiqi, Zhang Wei felt it was funny.

I just said something casually, and it made you suspicious of your companions, so it can still be regarded as a team?

Anyway, among Ren Xingzhou's side, Bai Meiqi is the one he fears the most, after all, the latter is also an ace lawyer.

Although Zhang Wei is not afraid, he is also happy to suppress the opponent's trump card by using a little trick.

Unexpectedly, the effect of this trick was not bad, and it really shook the opponent's trump card.

Then, the next trial will be interesting...


2 p.m.

Civil court, court scene.

In order to deal with the upcoming lawsuit, the municipal court granted a large court to the civil division.

After all, this case received a lot of attention, and it also involved diplomats from the Guxiang Kingdom, which naturally aroused even greater public attention.

So when it was 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Wei brought the plaintiff Zhang Xinwu, Xia Qianyue, Zhao Xiaoxiao, Jessica, Mo Yuzhu and other small partners to the scene, and saw reporters surrounded the door.

"Lawyer Zhang, I heard that you were expelled from Jincheng Law Firm. In this lawsuit, the defendant happens to be represented by Jincheng Law Firm. Is this your first step in revenge against your old employer?"

"Lawyer Zhang, Jincheng Law Firm fired you and took away your clients. Do you hold a grudge against your old firm, so you used this Miss Zhang by your side in an attempt to use this case to retaliate against your old firm?"

"Lawyer Zhang Wei, everyone thinks that you are the initiator of this case, and at the same time, you initiated the lawsuit against the two defendants for your own purposes. What do you think?"

"The famous murder lawyer actually has a day to stand up for us little people. This is really a weasel giving a New Year greeting to a chicken. He must have no good intentions..."

Zhang Wei's footsteps paused, and then his eyes locked on the last reporter in the crowd who was eccentric.

The crowd subconsciously dispersed, and the reporter looked around in a panic, and became even more panicked when he saw that everyone was avoiding him.

Hey, hey, what do you mean, help!

Although Zhang Wei is no longer in Jincheng Law Firm, Yu Wei is still there. His title of murder lawyer is still resounding in the circle of lawyers in Dongfang Capital.

At this moment, a reporter actually dared to challenge him face to face. I have to say that this kid is very brave!

"Look at your job card, Dongfang Metropolis Media Newspaper, guess what the headline of your newspaper will be tomorrow?"

"Here, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet, how can I guess..."

"It's okay, I've already thought it out for you, "Shocked, the unscrupulous media can only exploit and squeeze, and actually caused an employee to commit suicide by jumping off a building!", what do you think of the title?"

Zhang Wei smiled and said the title while looking at the other party, and the latter's face turned pale instantly.

Although he said these words in a joking tone, in the ears of all the reporters around, these words were a proper threat.

"Zhang...Lawyer Zhang, I, I, I..."

"It's okay, you don't need to explain, I won't listen anyway, I just remind you, be careful when you go back today, and remember to keep your eyes open at night, otherwise... hum!"

Zhang Wei sneered at the end, walked up to the other party, and patted the latter on the shoulder.

The reporter was frightened stupid on the spot, only felt his crotch cool, and then a warm current rushed straight to his lower body.

He freaked out!

Click click click!

Countless shining points gathered on the two of them, especially many of them gave the reporter a close-up of their crotch.

They all secretly shouted, you, Zhang Wei, are really terrifying!

You are the only one in the entire East who can say such terrifying and threatening words in a hippie-smiling tone!

"Come on, we're going to court!"

Zhang Wei was too lazy to waste time with a group of reporters at the door, and led Zhang Xinwu and his party directly into the court.

In the civil court.

Ren Xingzhou's party was already ready.

In the front row of the hearing seat, Wu Yuanzong and Mo Moji had already taken their seats.

In the dock, Wu Renjie and Mo Moji were all ready, Ren Xingzhou sat next to them, while Bai Meiqi and the trio sat in the row behind Ren Xingzhou.

On Zhang Wei's side, Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others were seated in their old positions, on the prosecution's witness stand.

And he took Zhang Xinwu and sat on the plaintiff's seat.

There are 2 people on their side and 7 opponents. It seems that the opponent has a lot of people.

But Zhang Wei knew that among the seven members, Mo Moji and Wu Renjie did not pose a threat, and among the remaining five members of the defense team, Bai Meiqi should be the most threatening to him.

But now...

Zhang Wei and Ren Xingzhou waved their hands with a smile, while Ren Xingzhou sneered back at him.

Zhang Wei pretended not to see it, smiled and nodded to Bai Meiqi, then opened his mouth a few times, as if communicating with Bai Meiqi across the air.

Bai Meiqi: Confused face.JPG (old man, subway, mobile phone)

After "communicating" with Bai Meiqi, Zhang Wei quickly lowered his head and started communicating with Zhang Xinwu.

And the four people on Ren Xingzhou's party all saw the scene of Zhang Wei talking to Bai Meiqi via voice transmission.

"Lawyer Bai, do you mind if I look at your mobile phone chat records or text messages and call records?"

"Boss Ren, I mind!"

Faced with Ren Xingzhou's sudden "excessive" request, Bai Meiqi naturally refused.

Please, please think about it carefully, how could Zhang Wei and I contact secretly!

This is all that guy's trick, why are you...

At this moment, Lawyer Yang, who was among the trio, frowned: "Lawyer Bai, it's not that I think too much, it's just that I've learned a little bit of lip language. Just now Zhang Wei seemed to be saying to you, 'This time's I leave the case to you, this time we will work together and have a happy cooperation', do you have any explanation?"

Explain, explain what a fart!

You just believe what Zhang Wei says, right?

Bai Meiqi rolled her eyes directly, she didn't bother to talk nonsense with these four guys.

Anyway, in your eyes, I just colluded with Zhang Wei, right?

"Work together and have a happy cooperation. What does this mean?" Ren Xingzhou fell into deep thought after hearing Lawyer Yang.

But soon, a clear idea flashed in his mind.

Bai Meiqi is dissatisfied with being the head of the litigation department, and she also wants to infect the leadership!

Because after Shin Zhengyi left, she was likely to become the head of the litigation department, but she was preempted by herself.

Therefore, in this case, Bai Meiqi is planning to wait for an opportunity to take revenge on herself!

After all, the case led by Ren Xingzhou was personally ordered by the big boss. If I fail, my dignity in the litigation department will be discredited, and I will even make a note with the big boss!

After all, I, Ren Xingzhou, was the person in charge, so if the case failed, wouldn't it be me who was responsible?

Thinking about it this way, Ren Xingzhou instantly understood!

Well, you Bai Meiqi, you actually dare to eat inside and outside, that's true!

If Bai Meiqi knew that in such a short moment, Ren Xingzhou had made up so many things in his brain, she would definitely vomit blood with anger!

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