Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 610 Can this be argued? Qiufu heart

"My tactics are surprisingly smooth."

Zhang Wei never expected that he just gave a casual word on his lips and gave him a casual look before, which really divided his opponent.

Seeing Bai Meiqi in the defense team being suspicious of the other four, he found it funny.

At the time of the battle, the enemy's internal discord, isn't this a proper way to give the opponent a chance?

But Zhang Wei also knows that this is not a real battlefield, and Ren Xingzhou and the trio are quite capable.

Even if Bai Meiqi was squeezed out, it was impossible for her to deal with it easily.

Therefore, he still concentrates on preparing for the immediate matter.

This so-called immediate matter is naturally a pre-trial.

As soon as he thought of the pre-trial, Zhang Wei looked at the entrance of the court.

At this moment, apart from some melon-eaters who heard the news, the jury candidates also came.

The jury this time has a very diverse composition.

Half of them are local jurors from the Eastern Capital, and there are people from all walks of life.

The other half are juries from all over the world, from every country.

The audience in the hearing booth and even the local jury were surprised. Why did so many foreigners come to listen in today's case?

Apparently, they were not yet aware of the claims made by the defense.

"Oh, isn't that Tracy?"

The sharp-eyed Zhang Wei found a familiar figure in the jury.

Trish, an assistant in Jessica's clinic office, is actually a candidate for today's juror.

Zhang Wei hurriedly turned his head and began to communicate with Jessica through mouth movements.

"Tracey also became a jury today?"

"Hmm, she sent me a message in the morning, saying that she was summoned today. I thought it was something, but I didn't expect it to be this."

Zhang Wei understood, then turned around and sat down, and at the same time began to think about today's pre-trial countermeasures.

At this moment, time passed quietly.

"Everyone stand up!" The court guard said, which meant that the judge had arrived.

"Honorable Judge Ni, please come in!"

Under the announcement of the court guard, Ni Qiuping walked up to the court with a serious face in a brand-new black robe.

After she sat down solemnly, her sharp eyes scanned the audience.

After confirming that both the plaintiff and the defendant were seated, Ni Qiuping nodded: "Very good, I'm not late!"

"Before the trial, this court needs to clarify that at the reasonable request of the defendant in this case, the court has increased the original six-member jury in the civil court to a 12-member jury, and six of them will be foreign jurors. Everyone in the court knows!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Many media reporters sitting in the back row of the hearing booth were surprised. This kind of case is unprecedented.

In an instant, they began to take out their notes and start writing.

The news material came before the hearing started, which is really a good start.

"Everyone, please rest assured that the foreign jury that was invited to come today has all been reviewed by this court. They not only have no record of any violations of laws and regulations in the country, but also have no direct connection with the plaintiff and the defendant. Their backgrounds are clean. good reputation!"

As Ni Qiuping said, she scanned the audience and saw that no one had any objections, so she continued: "Then, please explain your views to each other!"

Before he finished speaking, Ren Xingzhou stood up first.

He took the lead and said loudly: "I am Ren Xingzhou, the lawyer representing the defendant, from Jincheng Law Firm. This time, I am representing the defendant Wu Renjie, as well as Mr. Mo Moji."

"At the same time, I want to explain that the accusation made by the plaintiff, lawyer Fang Zhang, is completely slander and extortion. Wu Renjie, one of my clients, is also a victim of this case. There is no harm between him and Ms. Lu, who was injured in this case. Although we have a little sympathy for Ms. Lu's injury, the cause of Ms. Lu's injury is the little Mr. Momoji beside me."

Ren Xingzhou said, motioning everyone to look at little Mo Moji.

"Mr. Momoji Jr. has pleaded guilty and apologized for Ms. Lu's injury. Although he is not responsible for Ms. Lu's injury due to diplomatic immunity, he still pays for Ms. Lu's medical treatment in full. costs, and provide certain compensation to the families of the victims!"

Having said that, Ren Xingzhou paused for a moment, then raised his hand and pointed at Zhang Wei: "I believe that if any professional lawyer in this case knows what to do, it will be the best result for the client!"

"However, this time the plaintiff's lawyer is lawyer Zhang Wei. We have reason to believe that the purpose of lawyer Zhang's appearance in court is not for the benefit of the client, but for himself!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar again.

"Oh, it turned out to be this trick!"

Seeing Ren Xingzhou's excited expression, and thinking of the other party's voice and content, Zhang Wei instantly understood the other party's intentions.

The other party is planning to pour dirty water on himself.

Zhang Wei looked at Ren Xingzhou in the courtroom. At this moment, the latter had clenched his fists and his expression became angry.

"We have reason to believe that Lawyer Zhang initiated this case to retaliate against our Jincheng Law Firm, and at the same time to enhance his own reputation and provide assistance for his future career!"

"So, even if we provide the plaintiff's family with a settlement amount and a good amount of assistance, they probably won't accept it. After all, Attorney Zhang intends to defeat us in court, and he will never agree to this. The parties to the case settled privately, did they not?"

After finishing speaking, Ren Xingzhou smiled maliciously at Zhang Wei. He had been thinking about this move for a long time.

Similarly, this move was a move Zhang Wei had used before. He used this move to divide the relationship between Xu Zhifeng and the client, and successfully achieved his goal.

Unexpectedly, it was his turn to be used by someone today.

"Plaintiff, it's your turn!"

Now that the defendant's claims were finished, it was the plaintiff's turn, and Ni Qiuping issued a timely reminder.

Ren Xingzhou returned to the defense bench, while Zhang Wei got up from the prosecution bench.

He straightened his collar, came to the court, and then shook his head with emotion: "I didn't expect, I didn't expect that I, Zhang, would be attacked one day. I can only say the few people on the opposite side, you... ..."

"It's so accurate!"

When he said the last four words, Zhang Wei suddenly smiled.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience went into an uproar again.


Even Ren Xingzhou himself was not calm anymore.

What the hell, Zhang Wei, what do you mean, that we judge people accurately?


I've seen one that blew itself up, but I've never seen one that blew itself up like you. Do you think the difficulty of the case is too small, so you plan to increase the difficulty?

Although we all know that your boy's purpose is to take revenge on Jincheng Law Firm and gain popularity for himself by the way, but can this kind of thing be admitted in court?

It was the first time that Ren Xingzhou had seen such a straightforward lawyer like Zhang Wei at such a young age.

He even stared at the trio beside him for a long time, both of them were in shock, unable to recover for a long time.

"This kid, is he gone?"

"Yes, Boss Ren, based on my many years of trial experience, this kid should be gone."

Lawyer Shen pushed his eyes and said calmly.

Lawyer Han and Lawyer Yang on the side did not interrupt, because they felt that what Lawyer Shen said was true.

Zhang Wei is gone!

"Do you all think that I'm going to disappear, that this case can be settled?"

At this moment, Zhang Wei seemed to have guessed what everyone was thinking, and asked with a smile?

Yeah, we all think so!

Not to mention Ren Xingzhou and the others, even the hearing seats and the candidate jury are thinking this way at the moment.

"NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO..." Zhang Wei shook his finger, and said with a smile, "Everyone, you've lost your mind!"


Everyone is not calm anymore, didn't you admit it, why are we thinking about it?

"Everyone, I would like to ask you to take a look at the identity of the defendant, the son of a diplomat from the Guxiang Kingdom. He relied on his diplomatic immunity to commit crimes in our Dragon Country, and even almost killed someone, but because of his diplomatic immunity , we can’t hold him accountable, isn’t that too much?”

As soon as this remark came out, many people nodded.

"As for my participation in this case, unless I uphold justice for my client, Ms. Zhang, and justice for the victim, Ms. Lu, I also admit that I have selfish intentions. I also want to think for myself and to enhance my reputation! "

Zhang Wei did not deny it, and directly and generously admitted it in court, acknowledging Ren Xingzhou's "slander" against him!

"But I did this to help more people, to help more victims like Ms. Zhang Xinwu and Ms. Lu!"

"When they are coerced by the powerful and treated unfairly, but they have nowhere to go, what can they do? They can come to me. The purpose of my fame is to help more people, to help people like Miss Zhang. Such vulnerable groups, so that they can think of me in the first place, and ask me Zhang Wei to help them get justice and help them win more rights!"

"So, I took this case out of selfishness, but my selfishness is to better serve everyone, to serve more disadvantaged groups like Ms. Zhang Xinwu. For them, I am willing to bear this misunderstanding!"

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, the entire court fell into silence.

Suddenly, understanding, even apology, such thoughts flashed in the eyes of countless people.

They finally understood that Zhang Wei actually had such "good intentions", and their misunderstanding of him just now, in front of the other party's "noble" sentiment, seemed even more villainous.

Lawyer Zhang Wei, we were wrong...

Seeing this scene, the defense chief suddenly became restless.




Ren Xingzhou yelled three crazy words in his heart!

He never expected that Zhang Wei not only took over his own move, but also used his strength to make a more ruthless move.

If it wasn't for his good qualities, he would even jump up and ask Zhang Wei: Do you dare to be more fake, kid?

Zhang Wei's answer really changed Ren Xingzhou's three views. He had never seen such a shameless person like Zhang Wei.

Attorney Shen, Attorney Han and Attorney Yang beside him also widened their eyes, showing a surprised expression of "I've never seen this trick before."

Only Bai Meiqi crossed her arms, assuming an attitude of watching a play.

Anyway, she knew that Ren Xingzhou didn't trust her, so she didn't bother to worry about this case. Wouldn't it be nice to just watch a movie?

"Judge Ni, the plaintiff is affirming his claim. This is clearly an advertisement!"

Seeing that his moves were countered, Ren Xingzhou had no choice but to ask Ni Qiuping to uphold justice.

"Ahem, that's true!"

Ni Qiuping was also very cooperative, looking at Zhang Wei: "Lawyer Zhang, do you regard the court as a place for you to advertise?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Judge Ni, I was too excited just now, but it's because of the cooperation of Lawyer Ren and me, I'm sorry!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly apologized, and at the same time slapped Ren Xingzhou, which made the latter's face twitch.

Little bastard, even if you apologize, you will blackmail me, right?

On Zhang Wei's side, after a moment of silence, he said calmly: "The plaintiff claims that Wu Renjie was responsible for the car accident, and Mr. Mo Moji used his diplomatic immunity to facilitate Mr. Wu Renjie's crime. The accomplice needs to make reasonable compensation to us!"

"Then, is there a specific defined amount for this compensation?" Ni Qiuping hurriedly asked.

"Yes, I would like to ask both parties to compensate my client, the family member of the victim, Ms. Zhang, for a total of about 5 million yuan, as well as all subsequent treatment and rehabilitation expenses for Ms. Lu!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's compensation amount, Mo Moji and Wu Yuanzong, who were sitting in the front row of the hearing, were only surprised for a while.

Although 5 million is not a small number, to them, it is nothing more than a series of numbers with 6 "0".

When Zhang Wei defended himself, he spoke very excitedly, but when he stated his claims, he passed them hastily.

Now, the respective claims of both parties have been explained.

"Ting Wei, please enter the jury!"

Under Ni Qiuping's signal, a lot of candidates for the jury entered the scene this time.

A total of 40, with 20 local and foreign jurors each.

At the defense table, Ren Xingzhou and the trio got together and began to discuss the countermeasures for questioning.

Bai Meiqi was naturally excluded, but she didn't bother to do so, she just put on an attitude of watching a show and looked at Ren Xingzhou and the others.

"This time our purpose is also very clear, that is to eliminate as many people as possible who have a hatred of the rich. This is why we chose the foreign jury, so our next questioning strategy is..."

After the discussion, Ren Xingzhou got up and came to the court.

"Excuse me, jury members, have you ever traveled abroad? If you have experience abroad, please raise your hand?"

Under Ren Xingzhou's question, more than half of the local jury raised their hands, while the foreign jury looked at each other.

We came to Dongfang Capital from our hometown, so we are going abroad, right?

The hometown we have lived in since we were young is also regarded as a foreign country for you in the East, right?

Naturally, Ren Xingzhou would not screen the foreign jury, and even in his mind, he wished that the 12-member jury were all foreigners.

After seeing the person who raised his hand, Ren Xingzhou knew it.

"Judge Ni, we accept jurors No. 1, No. 5 and Juror No. 13!"

Afterwards, he glanced over those who did not raise their hands, and continued to ask questions.

"May I ask everyone, what are your views on overseas travel and domestic travel?"

"Sir, what do you think of the two kinds of travel?"

"There are so many good places to visit in China, why go abroad, do you think it's too much money?"

Ren Xingzhou knew it well, and even looked back at the trio, who were all shaking their heads.

"Judge Ni, we request that this juror be removed!"

Ni Qiuping nodded, and the man who was questioned could only stand up and leave angrily.

"Ma'am, what do you think, which kind of travel is better?"

"Of course it is domestic. I have been to many places, such as Jingui City, Jinying City and Jinnan City, but I have never gone abroad."

"Ma'am, the three places you mentioned are all neighboring cities of Dongfang Capital. Have you ever been to a place farther away?"

"Further away, I don't have any friends there, what are you going to do, will you pay for it?"

Ren Xingzhou smacked his lips and instantly understood why this woman went to these three places.

Rushing with friends, even if she is traveling, she still has to consider saving money for herself. This is really...

"Judge Ni, we request that this lady be removed!"

Ni Qiuping waved her hand, and the woman got up angrily and left the table.

"Jury members please watch the big screen!"

At this moment, Ren Xingzhou raised his finger and pointed at the projection screen.

A photo appeared on the screen, a beautiful and fashionable blonde beauty, posing in a pose, with a dozen shopping bags of different brands placed under her feet, all of which were luxury goods at a glance.

"Everyone sees this photo, do you have a lot of thoughts, then I would like to ask, if you think the beauty in the photo is just sharing her own lifestyle, please raise your hand."

Under Ren Xingzhou's question, many members of the foreign jury raised their hands, while the local jury looked at the photos with unfriendly eyes.

Show off your wealth!

The woman in this photo is showing off her wealth!

"It seems that many people have different ideas!"

Ren Xingzhou saw the problem just by taking a look.

"What do you think, little brother!"

This time, in order to prevent himself from going too far, he chose a dark-skinned foreign juror to ask questions.

"Hey, brother, I think this bitch is showing off her wealth!" The younger brother pointed at the photo with a look of disdain.

"Thank you for your answer." Ren Xingzhou said thanks on the surface, but when he turned his head, his eyes turned slightly cold.

The trio shook their heads at the same time, obviously dissatisfied with the younger brother's answer.

"Judge Ni, we dismiss this juror!"

The dark-skinned brother was eliminated in this way.

"Ma'am, why didn't you raise your hand?"

"It's too ostentatious. It's on the street. There are so many luxury shopping bags around. The value of those things must be hundreds of thousands. This girl has a big heart!"

"Thank you for your answer!"

Ren Xingzhou glanced at the woman, turned around and communicated with the trio for a while, and came to a conclusion.

"Judge Ni, we request that this juror be removed!"

Ni Qiuping nodded and recorded it.

Soon, Ren Xingzhou's questioning ended, and it was Zhang Wei's turn.

Everyone looked at Zhang Wei, watched him get up, and watched him walk to the court.

"Excuse me, who is Tracy?"

Among the foreign jury, Tracy raised her hand in astonishment.

I've seen people asking questions, but I've never seen people calling out their names directly.

"This morning, I asked a fortune teller for a fortune telling, and he said that a person with this name will bring me good luck!"

Zhang Wei muttered, then looked at Ni Qiuping, "Judge Ni, we accept this juror!"

"Damn it!" Ni Qiuping's eyes widened, and she couldn't help cursing in her heart.

Do you dare to fake a little more?

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