After much deliberation, there was still no good way to stop Demon Race's people. After some discussion, Jiang Chen and the others finally decided to wait until Demon Race's people entered first before finding a way to get in.

The crack grew larger and larger, until it was large enough to accommodate two people entering at the same time. The white light suddenly rushed out uncontrollably, like the shock wave of an explosion.

All Demon Race soldiers were caught off guard and fell to the ground after being hit by those white lights. They vomited blood and looked like they were seriously injured.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen and the others were further away, so they were not affected by those white lights.

Wherever the white light went, all the space cracks were dissolved by the white light. For a time, a lot of the space cracks around Jiang Chen and the others disappeared, which relieved a lot of pressure on the golden light shield.

"It's finally opened!" Gui Lao shouted in surprise.

Bobidong stood up abruptly, looking at the entrance of the secret realm, his tense face finally relaxed.

"Let's go in quickly! The young master is still waiting for us outside. This time we have wasted too much time. If we can't bring the things back to the young master, neither of us will be able to eat and walk around." Bobidong geared up. , looking at the entrance to the secret realm, his eyes were full of greed.

In this kind of treasure-hunting errand, as long as the young master can find what he needs, the rest of the treasure usually goes into his pocket.

This time, although there was a ghost old man present, it didn't bother him.

There are so many treasures that have been found in the Fallen Demon Valley alone, not to mention this secret realm since the ancient war.

It is said that the Fallen Demon Valley still has the inheritance of the ancient demon god. If he is lucky enough to find the inheritance of the demon god, then when he goes out, he may become the first person in the Demon Race.

"Don't worry..." The old ghost waved his hand casually, and the talismans shining with white light floated in the air. Under the command of the old ghost, these talismans kept changing, and finally formed a very exquisite And complex formation.

The formation just happened to surround all of them, together with the door to the secret realm.

"You are still thoughtful!" Bo Bidong clapped his hands, with a smile on his face. At the same time, he used voice transmission to discuss with Mr. Gui, "When we go in, there will definitely be a lot of treasures in here. You are interested in them." I won’t compete with you, and you can’t compete with me if you like me, do you understand what I mean?”

The old ghost nodded and said nothing.

After setting up a sophisticated formation and sending dozens of people to guard the entrance of the secret realm, the old ghost waved his hand and let Demon Race's soldiers enter the secret realm first.

No one knew what dangers there would be in the secret realm. After all, no one had ever entered it in so many years. To be on the safe side, Gui Lao gave up the idea of ​​taking risks.

In his opinion, these soldiers of Demon Race are just cannon fodder, and their lives are of no importance at all. They are very suitable tools for exploring paths when necessary.

"Ah!" screams rang out one after another. As soon as those Demon Race soldiers stepped into the secret realm, they screamed. They didn't know what they encountered. Gui Lao and the others couldn't see what was going on inside.

Having learned from the past, no one behind will dare to lose it.

No matter how much Bobidong urged and scolded, those Demon Race soldiers seemed frightened by the screams of their previous companions, hesitating and not daring to step forward.

Seeing this, the old ghost couldn't bear it anymore, so he directly picked up a Demon Race soldier and threw it towards the entrance of the secret realm.

This time there was no scream, and the Demon Race soldier who was thrown in shakily got up, looked around and found nothing unusual, then turned back and reported his current situation to Bobidong.

After confirming that there was no danger, Demon Race's talents entered the secret realm one after another.

Worried that his subordinates would enrich themselves, Bobidong entered the secret realm first after dozens of soldiers entered.

Gui Lao was the last one to enter the secret realm. He looked at Bobidong's back thoughtfully.

Regarding Bobidong's proposal, although Gui Lao didn't say anything, he strongly disagreed with it in his heart.

In his opinion, he brought them to this place, so he should receive more treasures. But according to Bobidong, he wanted the two of them to share the treasures here equally.

How could the always domineering Gui Lao allow such a distribution method?

So Gui Lao silently decided in his heart that he would find a way to kill all these Demon Race people when he found the treasure and went out.

As for the treasure that Young Master Demon Race wants, just bring it back to him. I believe that as long as he can bring that treasure back to Young Master Demon Race, Young Master Demon Race will not say anything.

After all, the secret realm is extremely dangerous and dangerous. What will happen inside? How do people outside know?

Gui Lao and Bobidong entered the secret realm with their own thoughts. There are also people with different thoughts among the soldiers of Demon Race. No matter what, everyone wants to make a fortune here, but there are often secret guards. There will be ferocious beasts guarding every place, so this trip to the secret realm is destined to not go smoothly.

Gui Lao and the others didn't know that after they entered, Jiang Chen and the others also began to prepare to enter the secret realm.

"How's it going? Can you crack this formation?" Jiang Chen turned around and asked Tian.

Wentian nodded confidently, raised his head, and patted his chest vigorously, looking confident.

"I'm not good at fighting, just leave it to me to break the formation. I stopped playing with such a simple protective formation when I was 15 years old." Wentian looked very disdainful of the formation in front of him.

"Very good, then I'll leave this formation to you, and leave the dozen or so Demon Race people to the two of us. Let's fight quickly, otherwise it will be too late if they find the treasure.

"Jiang Chen doesn't know if Demon Race's people have any special way to find the treasure. If so, they must act quickly.

Wentian rummaged through the storage bag for a long time, and finally found a small red flag with complicated patterns engraved on it. Some belonged to the Buddhist Gate, and some belonged to ghost cultivators. Jiang Chen had never seen such a flag containing so many sects. Formation.

Jiang Chen and Huaiyuan stared closely at the formation exuding black energy in front of them. As soon as the formation was broken, the two of them rushed in and drove away those Demon Race people.

The small flag slowly flew into the sky, but Demon Race's soldiers did not notice the movement.

Along with the incantations muttered in Wentian's mouth, the flag gradually glowed with golden light, and the black energy around the formations suddenly shrank when it encountered the golden light, as if it had encountered something terrible.

Although the black energy kept trying to avoid it, the golden light still pursued it relentlessly.

The black energy retreated very quickly, but the golden light pursued it even faster, so fast that Demon Race's people didn't react at all. The formation that the ghost boss thought was foolproof was swallowed up by the golden light. .

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