Almost at the same time, Jiang Chen and Huaiyuan rushed forward at the same time.

When Jiang Chen's weapon No. 1 was flying up and down, several Demon Race soldiers had no time to react and fell to the ground.

Huaiyuan did not show any weakness. He raised the magic wand, and Demon Race's soldiers were trapped in place, unable to move. Under the golden light emitted from the magic wand, those Demon Race soldiers soon fell to the ground one by one. , there was no sound.

Dozens of Demon Race's Huadan-stage soldiers were instantly killed by Jiang Chen and the others. Although the effect was somewhat unexpected, it must be said that the fruits they ate also greatly increased their strength.

After this battle, Jiang Chen is now more confident to compete with Gui Lao and the others for the treasure in the secret realm.

Looking at the entrance to the secret realm that was still shining with white light, Jiang Chen smiled. He was finally able to enter the secret realm. Entering the secret realm meant that he was one step closer to the treasure.

Jiang Chen did not greet the other two companions, who had fought side by side many times. The three of them had already had a tacit understanding and entered the secret realm one after another. There was no problem of who was in front and who was behind, and there was no need to worry about who would monopolize what treasure.

At the entrance of the secret realm, the corpses of several Demon Race soldiers were lying strewn about. They should be the first few people who entered the secret realm.

There are some scattered bones around them, which look like they are old.

But hasn’t this secret realm been opened for many years? Why are there these human bones at the entrance to the secret realm?

Jiang Chen couldn't understand that this was not the most important thing at the moment. The most important thing at the moment was to find the treasure.

Demon Race has a lot of people coming in. They are afraid of the dangers they will encounter in the secret realm, so they all move together. Therefore, it is not difficult to tell from the footprints on the ground that they are heading east.

In the Fallen Demon Valley, all creatures are pitch black, including the trees on the ground in the Fallen Demon Valley. This is because they are infected by the devil's energy.

But in this secret realm, there is a whole other world.

Seeing the birds singing and the fragrance of flowers in front of them, Jiang Chen and the others thought that they had strayed into some peach blossom land. If it weren't for the corpses at their feet, Jiang Chen and the others would have forgotten the purpose of coming here this time.

However, the more harmless a place seems to be, the more dangerous it is. Jiang Chen didn't dare to relax at all when looking at the seemingly safe woods in front of him.

Jiang Chen was about to follow the route chosen by Gui Lao and the others. After taking a step or two, he suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Wentian came up and looked at Jiang Chen nervously.

Jiang Chen couldn't tell. Ever since he entered the secret realm, he had always had a strange feeling in his heart, as if something was calling him.

Could it be that this is what the system said? He will know what that thing is when he enters the secret realm.

Jiang Chen shook his head, trying to get rid of the distracting thoughts in his heart, trying to grasp the feeling. He closed his eyes and listened carefully to the voice in his heart.

Different from the route chosen by Gui Lao and the others, Jiang Chen felt that the call came from the opposite direction, that is, the west.

"There is always a voice in my heart telling me which direction to go." Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and pointed to the west.

He was not sure whether that direction was the right one. If they chose wrongly, they would lose a great opportunity and probably miss what they were looking for.

Since entering the secret realm, no matter how Jiang Chen called the system, the system never made a sound. He had to give up the idea of ​​relying on the system.

Should he believe the voice in his heart or follow the direction of Gui Lao and the others?

Jiang Chen was very conflicted in his heart.

"We believe in you. No matter which path you choose, we will go with you." Huaiyuan reached out and patted Jiang Chen on the shoulder, signaling him not to let too much pressure affect his judgment.

Wentian also nodded in agreement, "Yes, no matter what decision you make, Huaiyuan and I will support you. You just need to listen to the strongest voice in your heart."

Looking at the determined expressions of his two companions, Jiang Chen finally made up his mind to follow the voice in his heart and go to the West.

Since the system has said that as soon as he comes in, he will know what he is looking for, so he must be right to follow his inner voice. Maybe what they are looking for is different from what Gui Lao is looking for, or maybe Gui Lao and the others are just They looked in a random direction because they had no idea where exactly what they were looking for was.

After thinking about this clearly, Jiang Chen's face finally showed a smile again.

…Please give me flowers…

"Then let's go to the west." Jiang Chen pointed to the west, his face full of determination.

There are forests all over the secret realm. It can be seen at a glance whether it is a forest or a forest. Paths are scattered in the forest, blocked by the tall trees, making it difficult to see where they lead.

The amazing thing is that this place has been covered in dust for so many years, and there are only scattered grasses on the paths that have not been stepped on for a long time.

Such a neat path looks like someone is carefully organizing it.

He didn't bother to think about this. Since he had already entered, Jiang Chen decided that no matter whether it was a dragon pool or a tiger's den ahead, he had to break through.

And Jiang Chen has not forgotten the screams of those Demon Race soldiers at the beginning, and how their bodies were so complete after they came in that it was impossible to tell what injuries they had suffered.


"This secret realm is very weird. You must be careful." I wonder if Wentian and Huaiyuan noticed anything unusual here. Before leaving, "Jiang Ya reminded them of Ri He."

There were space cracks outside Fallen Demon Valley, which caused them to move very slowly when they were on the road before. But in this secret realm, they didn't have so many worries and they could move forward with all their strength.

The scenery along the way was very good. Soon they walked out of the woods and came to a small river. To their surprise, there was a bridge on the small river.

Thinking that this secret realm was probably left by a powerful senior, Jiang Chen felt relieved. It is not difficult for people with strong spiritual power to preserve something.

Following the guidance of the voice in their hearts, Jiang Chen and the others walked across the river without any hesitation, and then continued walking forward.

There was no danger along the way, and a few rabbits jumped by them from time to time.

After a long journey, when he arrived at an extremely hidden cave, Jiang Chen felt that the calling voice in his heart became extremely strong.

"It should be right here." Jiang Chen pointed at the seemingly very small hole in front of him.

The hole in front of him was covered by weeds and looked like an ordinary bush. If Jiang Chen hadn't had sharp eyes, he wouldn't have been able to spot this small hole. .

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