Create A Cultivation Technique At The Beginning

1103 The Conspiracy Of Two Families

Wutubcha nodded, feeling that what Yeluqi said seemed reasonable.

Jiuyan saw that Utubbucha seemed to be persuaded by Yeluqi, so he quickly said: "If Batumul and the Xiangliu family succeed, then the two families will be busy fighting among themselves, and how will they have time to support you?"

Jiuyan's words woke up the dreamer, and Wutubcha realized that if they wanted to successfully borrow Hucheng's troops, they had to help Hu Tianyuan.

"Let's go, you go and guard the city lord's palace, and he and I will go rescue Hu Song." Utubcha gritted his teeth and made the final decision.

In the territory of the Xiangliu family in the north, there is a forest located on the mountain behind the Xiangliu family. A group of people are hiding in the woods. As soon as the signal is sounded, they rush to various strongholds to cooperate with them. The master captured Hucheng.

In a secret "807" room of the Xiangliu family, Xiangliu Tianye and Xiangliu Sheng were guarding Hu Song.

Hu Song was tied up with a special spirit-binding chain and was staring at the two people in front of him.

Hu Song's face and body were more or less bruised by the people from the Xiangliu family who had 'accidentally' made a handover with the Batu family. He looked extremely embarrassed at the moment. If an acquaintance saw him, I'm afraid I couldn't recognize it for a while.

"Second uncle, do we need to watch him here? Anyway, we are sure to win tonight. If the two of us are here to watch an insignificant person, aren't we giving the credit to those drunken people?" Xiang Liuze was indignant. Ping Di grumbled.

He was very dissatisfied with the arrangement of the family owner and felt that being arranged to watch Hu Song here was simply overqualified.

Xiangliu Tianye looked around cautiously. Although this was the secret room of his Xiangliu family, his eldest brother had always been known as the divine teller. He could not hide any troubles in the family from him.

Xiang Liu Tianye once suspected that his elder brother Xiang Liu Tianba had sent someone to monitor him, so in order to prevent Xiang Liu Tianba from suspecting, he would subconsciously be careful and cautious.

"Don't say that. Even if we have a 90% chance of winning now, we still have to be careful. Hu Song is also an important bargaining chip in our hands. If anything happens, he will be the key to our victory." Xiang Liutian Ba opened his mouth to comfort Xiang Yanagisawa.

It was okay if Xiang Liu Tianba didn't say it, but when he did, it aroused Xiang Liuze's anger.

"If it weren't for that shameless villain's little actions, the head of the family would have just sent a few minions to watch him. If we, the uncle and nephew, are looking at a waste, wouldn't it be that they are overqualified for their use?" Xiang Liuze became angrier as he spoke. Looking at Hu Song on the side, he was even more displeased and couldn't help but kicked Hu Song hard.

Xiang Liu Tianba originally planned to go out in force. This operation was not only aimed at Hu Tianyuan, he also had the intention of attacking the Batu family as well.

The Liu family, who was the enemy of the genocide hundreds of years ago, has always been unforgettable. Now they are pretending to cooperate with the Batu family. On the one hand, they are seeking stability, and on the other hand, they want to take advantage of Hu Tianyuan.

Destroyed the prestige of the Batu family.

Batu Muller was very shrewd and refused to let Hu Song live with them. He also tried to lure Hu Tianyuan's people to him. Fortunately, his son discovered it in advance and successfully lured them to the Batu family.

Now the Batu family is responsible for containing Hu Tianyuan, so they have a great advantage.

Xiang Liu walked out of the meeting hall, and the core figures of the Xiang Liu family filed out behind him, lining up behind him on both sides.

In front of them was a very broad square, which was also the place where the disciples of the Xiangliu family usually practiced.

Nowadays, this square is also densely packed with people. Everyone is holding a long sword, a broadsword, or a bow and arrow in their hands, and they look like they are ready to go.

"My Xiangliu family has endured humiliation and heavy burdens for hundreds of years, all because of the Batu Muller family! Now that the time is right, I will lead the Xiangliu family to regain our status! Become the most noble family in this tiger city in one fell swoop!" Tianba looked around, and the pressure was slowly released from his body, which only made the children of the Xiangliu family present even more excited.

"Kill Batu, capture Tiger City, kill Batu, capture Tiger City!" I don't know who took the lead. It was just a very small voice at first, and then the voice became louder and more orderly.

In the end, the shouts directly resounded throughout the entire Xiangliu family area.

"Interesting, it seems that they really have a big appetite. They are probably about to take action. We must rescue Hu Song before they arrive at the city lord's palace, and then rush back. After Utubcha heard the loud shouts , although his face was solemn, his tone was pretending to be relaxed.

Jiuyan saw it, and he did not expose Wu Tubuxu.

"When I left Batu Mansion, I left a message for Jiang Chen and Hu Tianyuan's people. They should soon know about Batu Xiangliu's family's conspiracy. We must persist until Hu Tianyuan comes back, and then think about it. Way." Jiuyan revealed his plan in full.

Wu Tubucha nodded and had no objection to Jiuyan's plan for the time being. "Rescue Hu Song first."

Most of the people from the Xiangliu family gathered in the square. Only a few of the more important treasure houses and the place where Hu Song was guarded were still guarded. The defenses in other places turned out to be in vain. Jiuyan and Wutubcha easily climbed over the wall and entered. Inside the Xiangliu family.

The Xiangliu family is different from the Batu family. The Batu family is very evenly distributed. The outside is where people with other surnames live. The closer to the center, the purer the rights and blood.

However, the distribution of the Xiangliu family seems very random. Jiuyan and Wutubucha came all the way. They encountered disciples who had reached the peak of the electric stage when they were on the periphery. They also saw them when they were close to the core area. It was almost impossible to tell that they had spirits. A powerful monk.

They had never seen the building distribution map of the Xiangliu family before, and now they could only judge what kind of area this was based on the magnificence of the buildings.

The two of them bumped into each other by mistake, and the journey turned out to be very smooth.

4.5 "We'd better act separately. It's faster this way. After half an hour, regardless of whether we can find Hu Song or not, we will all meet up where we came from." After searching for a long time, the two of them had not found less than a third of it. In this territory, Wu Tubucha had no choice but to take this tactic.

"Why is there someone guarding there? Could it be right there?" Jiuyan was about to agree to Wutubcha's proposal, but his eyes inadvertently aimed at an inconspicuous small room not far away.

The small room looked shabby, like a warehouse, and it didn't look like a place to store any treasures. Naturally, there would be four guards guarding it.

Jiuyan guessed that Hu Song was most likely being imprisoned there.

"Don't worry, let's wait until Prime Minister Liu Tianba and the others leave before we go to find out." Wu Tubucha stopped Jiuyan who wanted to go and find out. .

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