Create A Cultivation Technique At The Beginning

1103 The Conspiracy Of The Xiangliu Family

When Jiuyan heard what Wutubcha said, he couldn't help but look at Wutubcha.

Unexpectedly, this Utubuca was not just a showman! Jiuyan silently praised Utubuca in his heart.

Utubcha did not show his leadership ability along the way. For a time, Jiuyan thought that this person was just a idiot with empty ambitions and no ability. Now it seems that this person is quite thoughtful.

He had to be more careful when dealing with people like this. He thought of his and Jiang Chen's original intention of approaching Wutubcha, and immediately made up his mind secretly, no matter what he did in the future, he must remember to be wary of Wutubcha.

Although there are only four people guarding the outside, who knows how many people are hidden inside? If there is no way to kill these four people before the people inside are alerted, and the people inside are recruited, the rest of the Xiangliu family will definitely also Being summoned.

After waiting for about three sticks of incense, my eyes were very keen and I felt that the spiritual energy in the entire Xiangliu family was much less.

"They should have left, it's time for us to take action." Jiuyan looked at Utubcha beside him.

"You lure these four people away, and I'll go in and save them." Jiuyan said proactively.

No one except Jiang Chen and Huaiyuan's gang knew that he was actually a spider. Jiuyan didn't want him to be seen by Wu Tubucha when he was enlarging his moves.

Wu Tubucha didn't know what Jiuyan was thinking. He thought that Jiuyan was afraid of an ambush inside, so he went into danger alone. In an instant, his affection for Jiuyan improved a lot.

"I will come back to you after I kill those people. It will take half a stick of incense at most. No matter what happens inside, you must hold on." Wu Tubucha patted Jiuyan's shoulder.


After the two decided on the action plan, they started taking action.

Utubcha gathered the spiritual power in his hand, and when it was as big as a fist, he gently threw it northwest of where the small warehouse was, which was directly in front of where the two of them were now.

There is a forest at that location. If the four people go to investigate the forest, Utubcha can take the opportunity to eliminate those four people in one fell swoop.

The sudden fluctuation of spiritual power indeed alerted the four guards, who cautiously walked toward the bushes.

Before leaving, the head of the family repeatedly told them to watch the three people inside, and they must be careful.

Since the fluctuations in the spiritual power were not too big or too small, the four of them went out together to be on the safe side.

The strength of two at the beginning of the electric period, and the other two have not even reached the electric period.

Sure enough, the Xiangliu family was seriously injured in the struggle with the Batu family hundreds of years ago! Utubcha hid in the bushes and looked at the four guards of the Xiangliu family who were approaching him.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

Utubuca had already set up a trap. Seeing the four people stepping into the trap one by one, Utubuca muttered words, and the earth-bound spirits stretched out from the ground and directly entangled the feet of the four people. .

Before the four people could cry out for help, Utubcha quickly sealed their mouths.

At the same time, Jiuyan had already entered the dilapidated warehouse.

There are all kinds of calligraphy and painting and oil-paper umbrellas piled up in the warehouse. It really looks like a warehouse where sundries are piled up.

Jiuyan didn't believe that such a warehouse would be guarded, so he began to rummage around, trying to find the secret room.

In this warehouse, everything is messy, except for two medium-sized bookshelves.

Jiuyan searched for it and suddenly realized this.

The abnormality was the biggest problem. Jiuyan gave up looking for the secret passage on the littered oil paper umbrellas and books, and started looking for the two neat bookshelves.

There are only a few scattered books on the bookshelf, and the total number of these books is probably not as many as those thrown on the ground.

When he reached the end of the last row of bookshelves, Jiuyan's eyes were attracted by a bamboo scroll on the bookshelf.

As if by mistake, Jiuyan reached out to the bamboo slip.

Sure enough, I can’t pick it up!

Jiuyan felt a little excited, and he turned the bamboo slip twice in the direction where it could be rotated.

After a while, a gap gradually appeared on the wall facing the bookshelf. The gap was a square shape with a bulge inside.

Jiuyan had to walk to the gap and press the protrusion again.

There was a creaking sound. This time, a stone door slowly opened against the wall in front of Jiang Chen.

There was a lot of movement at the Shimen. Xiangliu Tianye and Xiangliu Ze who were in the secret room both heard the movement at the Shimen.


"Is someone coming?" Xiang Liuze became nervous. They had repeatedly ordered their own people not to come in without permission. Now that the departure time agreed by Xiang Liu Tianba was less than half a stick of incense, Xiang Liuze dared to conclude that he would come in without permission. It must not be their subordinates!

"Don't worry, the few minions under Hu Tianyuan are of no use at all." Xiangliu Tianye waved his hand disdainfully, and at the same time pulled Xiang Liuze to the seat again.

Instead, Xiangliu Amano stood up and prepared to stretch his muscles.

When Hu Song heard Xiangliu Tianye say that his father had sent people to rescue him, he stood up suddenly in excitement and made a whine sound, but because his face was swollen into pig hair, he could not make a complete sound.

Even so, the whining sound still came out, and Jiuyan could finally conclude that Hu Song was inside.

Jiang Chen's mood at this moment could no longer be described as surprise. He patted his bulging storage bag, which was filled with good things.

He kicked the gold leaves under his feet again. These things were relatively useless to him. Besides, the storage bag could no longer hold it, so he could only make some room to hold more valuable things.

Jiang Chen didn't expect that when he came to Batu Mansion, he didn't find Hu Song, but instead found the Batu family's treasure house.

Nowadays, after Jiang Chen's search, there is not much left of this huge treasure accumulated by the Batu family for generations. The ancestors of the Batu family will be angry when they see it.

Jiang Chen looked around the lapis lazuli material. It was impossible to break through forcefully. The only way was to find a way out.

The road above is one-way, and Jiang Chen has yet to find a way to open the window from the inside.

Jiang Chen vaguely felt that there must be other exits to this secret room, but he hadn't found them yet.

He had been searching for a long time just now, but he didn't find anything. The lapis lazuli here is extremely smooth, without any strange protrusions or anything like that.

Even so, Jiang Chen still groped with his own hands without giving up.

In Jiang Chen's view, although it is seen with the naked eye, sometimes the naked eye is not necessarily sharper than the hand.

Things that are often invisible to the eyes and easy to ignore are easier to feel with the hands. .

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