How to rescue Tadaso's friend Stephens Bonward and the neighbor's eldest brother Bond Waldorf's nephew Little Milton?

When Claire was thinking about what Jiang Chen would do next, she saw and heard Jiang Chen.

He said to himself: "Claire, what the two of us should do now is to divide our forces into two groups and stop inquiring about other information."

"As long as the three "130" people are specially asked to see if there are any other heatstroke protection around them, and where they usually keep people.

"Whether there is anyone watching, we have to inquire about these new things. When it comes to the rest, we will leave it to Taloma and Tadasuo."

When Jiang Chen saw Claire from Team Claire say these words, Claire knew that she wanted to inquire about these things.

So Claire saw what Jiang Chen said to Jiang Chen: "Okay, then the two of us will split into two groups and start our own actions. We will contact you by phone when the time comes.

Claire watched Jiang Chen say this to Jiang Chen and waited for Jiang Chen to choose a route. He had to choose the opposite route to Jiang Chen's, so that he could find out the news.

Moreover, as soon as Jiang Chen heard what Claire said, he walked out of the alley and looked around.

Looking in the direction to the left, Claire said to Claire: "Then I will choose the left one, and you can go to the right. Let's see who can find out more useful information."

After Jiang Chen said this to Claire, he walked towards the left direction, and Claire saw that Jiang Chen had already chosen a direction.

Walking in that direction, Claire left, came out and walked to the right.

So Jiang Chen and Claire separated again to investigate for useful information.

Just like that, Jiang Chen and Claire began to act separately.

At this time, Tadasuo had just separated from Jiang Chen and Claire, trying to find the code left by the vampire in the Wall Hotel.

When Tadasuo first came to the main road, he saw something not far ahead, as if something had happened, because what Tadasuo saw had surrounded many people.

I didn't know what was going on over there, so Tadasuo walked quickly towards the front, wanting to see what was going on...

Tadasuo knew in his heart that he should look for clues now, but Tadaso thought in his heart that maybe there would be clues about what happened before.

So Tadasuo walked forward. When Tadasuo came forward, he saw many people surrounding him in a circle.

But they didn't seem to dare to get too close. When Tadasuo saw this, he was confused and didn't know what was going on with these onlookers.

Tadasuo thought of going inside to see what was going on. So Tadasuo squeezed inside.

When Tadasuo wanted to squeeze in to take a look, the people he pushed aside were very angry and cursed Tadasuo, 3.9, but did not dare to speak too loudly, as if they were afraid of something.

Tadasuo didn't care about this and squeezed in quickly.

When Tadaso finally squeezed in, he saw a very vicious-looking man bullying an old man inside.

Tadasuo was stunned when he saw this. He did not expect to see this scene when he came in. .

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