Create A Cultivation Technique At The Beginning

Chapter 44 Don’T Mess With This Person

When Tadasuo saw this, he wanted to step forward to help the old man, but when he was about to move, he was held back by a person next to him.

As soon as Tadasuo saw that he was being pulled, he turned around and looked at the person who seemed to be pulling him. He didn't know why he was pulling him.

Just when Tadasuo was confused, he heard this man say to Tadasuo: "Young man, don't be impulsive, you are not a local, you can't control this matter."

Tadasuo was very angry after being pulled. He did not expect that so many people were watching and saw such an old man being bullied.

But no one stepped forward to help the old man. When he tried to step forward, he was pulled back by others. He refused to help and was not allowed to help. Why do so many people have no humanity at all? Why didn't they resist at all? 19 What about evil forces?

Thinking of this Tadasuo, I felt even more angry, and wanted to get rid of the person who was holding me back, but I didn't know why.

But he did not get rid of the person who was holding him. It can be seen that this person really wanted to hold Tadasuo and prevent Tadasuo from participating in it.

So Tadasuo turned his head very angrily and took a fancy to the person who suddenly grabbed him. Who was it? When Tadasuo turned around and took a look.

What he saw was a middle-aged man. This middle-aged man looked at him very sternly and pulled himself not to move forward.

When Tadasuo saw this, he loudly questioned the middle-aged man and said, "What's wrong with you? If you don't help me, why can't I help you? Why do you have to pull me and let me go quickly."

Tadasuo asked the middle-aged man very angrily and loudly, and the middle-aged man looked at Tadasuo's angry look.

He shook his head at Tadasuo and said in a low voice: "Young man, don't be impulsive. You don't even know what's going on here."

"If you act on your own initiative like this, you will be the only one who suffers the consequences if you listen to me. You don't have to worry about this matter."

"Don't you see that there are so many of us, but no one comes forward? Because this vicious person is not easily offended."

"And look at this old man, he may be being bullied now, but he will be fine in a while."

"But if you go to help this old man on impulse, it will bring disaster to this old man. y

"You don't know what's going on here. You are a stranger, so you better not get involved here. You can only watch from here."

When this strange middle-aged man pulled Tadasuo and said these words to Tadasuo, Tadasuo heard what this middle-aged man said.

He couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't expect that this middle-aged 650-year-old man would actually say these words. If he went to help, he might also bring disaster to this old man. What kind of logic is this.

But the words of this middle-aged strange man also successfully made Tadasuo no longer have the impulse just now.

Because Tadasuo knew that he came here without understanding anything, if it was really like what this strange middle-aged man said.

If he would bring disaster to this old man, Tadasuo would definitely regret it, so Tadasuo has calmed down now.

He no longer looked as excited as before. .

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