Such an innocent and lovely child shouldn't have to feel guilty for so long.

So Jiang Chen started walking forward again, planning to follow this road to see if he could find out any useful information.

Jiang Chen thought that he would teach those three hateful bullies a lesson today, even though he could not eliminate them.

But we must also rescue Stephens Bonward and Little Milton and their family, as well as Little Milton, the nephew of the neighbor's eldest brother Bond Waldorf.

Thinking like this, Lao Bai walked along this road, but he didn't see anyone along the way. 19 Jiang Chen didn't give up, but continued walking.

Finally, Jiang Chen saw the person in front of him again, but as soon as this person saw Jiang Chen, a stranger, he ran away quickly and ignored Jiang Chen.

And Jiang Chen stopped chasing that person and talking to him. Jiang Chen never found anyone to ask for any information.

When Jiang Chen thought about this, he thought he should call Claire and ask if there was any news from Claire. If there was any news from Claire, he wouldn't have to go any further here.

So Jiang Chen picked up the phone and started dialing Claire's number. When the phone rang twice, he heard the sound of the phone being picked up.

Then I heard Claire's voice coming out on the phone, and I heard Claire say to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, what's wrong with calling me?"

As soon as Jiang Chen heard the call was answered, Claire's voice came out from inside.

So Jiang Chen said to Claire on the phone: "Have you found any useful information over there? Where are you now?"

"I didn't find any information here. I just met a child and his mother took him away. I didn't find any useful information."

"But I found out why Stephens Bonwar's family was captured by those three hateful people.

When Jiang Chen said this to Claire on the phone, Claire heard that Jiang Chen had found out why Stephens and Banghua's family were taken away.

So I asked Jiang Chen on the phone. Jiang Chen was afraid of encountering little Jack Xun'er. In addition, he had learned everything from Claire ten times.

Then Claire knew what the original reason was, and after hearing what Jiang Chen said, Claire turned to Claire.

Said: "I don't have any clues here now, and I can't talk about it at all. Now I just hope that Taloma and Tadasuo will see if they can find any useful clues.

When Claire finished saying this to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen knew that it turned out that Claire had no useful clues for 017.

It seems that it is really too laborious to find out the clues.

Now we can only place our hopes on Tadaso and Taloma.

Since Claire didn't have any clues, Jiang Chen hung up the phone.

So Jiang Chen started walking aimlessly on this road again to see if he could meet anyone seeking information.

Just when Jiang Chen was walking like this, he suddenly heard the phone ringing. Jiang Chen's phone was ringing all day. He picked up the phone and saw that it was Tadasuo calling him.

The ultimate evolution of the devil is 2355-2360+6000.

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