So Jiang Chen answered the phone and only saw Jiang Chen just answering the phone.

Tadasuo on the phone said to Jiang Chen: "Mr. Jiang Chen, where are you now? I found the secret code left by the vampire in the Wall Hotel."

"And I have deciphered the content of the code. Now I know what the signal they left here means."

When Tadasuo heard that Jiang Chen answered the phone, he said a lot of things like this to Jiang Chen.

He simply told Jiang Chen that he had completed the task and was waiting for Jiang Chen's next instructions.

As soon as Jiang Chen answered Tadasuo's call, he heard Tadasuo telling him that he had cracked the code left by the vampire in the Wall Hotel.

Knowing what was left in the content, Jiang Chen was particularly happy when he heard this. Finally, there was something that he felt was useful information.

I've wasted a lot of time wandering around in this slum for so long, so it's good to get this useful information.

Jiang Chen wanted to go to Tadasuo's side now to see what the situation was like there.

So Jiang Chen said to Tadasuo on the phone: "Very good, Tadasuo, you did a very good job" || "

"Where are you finding that code? Where are you now? I'll go over and take a look."

When Jiang Chen asked Tadasuo on the phone where he was now, Tadasuo told Jiang Chen on the phone an address.

Then he sent another message to Jiang Chen and hung up the phone after sending the location information, waiting for his Jiang Chen to arrive.

After Jiang Chen heard the address Tadasuo said, he saw the location information sent by Tadasuo.

Jiang Chen knew that this place was not too far from his current location, so Jiang Chen decided to go find Tadasuo now.

Jiang Chen put the phone back in his pocket and planned to walk in the direction of Tadasuo. But at this time, Tazhusuo stayed where he was after calling Jiang.

Waiting for Jiang Chen's arrival, he looked at the secret code left by the vampire at the Wall Hotel.

After observing again for four weeks and confirming that there was no one around, Tadasuo was waiting for Jiang Chen's arrival.

And while Tadasuo was waiting for Jiang Chen's arrival, a drunken man walked towards Tadasuo's direction. Tadasuo didn't notice this person at all.

Because Tadasuo had his back to this person, when the drunken man walked up to Tadaso.

He didn't look at Tadasuo at all, but directly bumped into Tadasuo.

This drunk man didn't even care about what was in front of him and bumped into it. Tadasuo was looking at the direction in which Jiang Chen was coming.

Suddenly, he felt that his body was knocked out by a particularly strong (good) thing, and he fell to the ground all of a sudden. Tadasuo was at a loss for the sudden situation.

He was lying on the ground and didn't know what was going on. He only saw Tadasuo quickly raising his head on the ground and looking back to see what it was when it hit him.

But he saw a drunk man standing where he was just now, cursing and muttering about something blocking his way. .

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