And after drinking too much, I just don’t care about anything.

They were so frightened that they all greeted Tadasuo with their dead hands, so Tadasuo was quickly beaten to the ground by this drunk man and struggled to escape. He was no match for him.

At this moment, what Jiang Chen saw after squeezing in was this drunken man sitting on Tadasuo's body.

One hand pinched Tadasuo's hands to prevent Tadasuo's hands from struggling there, while the other hand used his fist to hit Tadaso's head.

If this punch had gone down, Tadasuo would not have been seriously injured, but his head would have been slightly concussed.

So when Jiang Chen happened to see this, he rushed up and kicked the drunk man regardless.

As Jiang Chen quickly kicked the drunken man.

This drunken man felt his body fly out just when his fist was about to fall.

This drunken man had no idea what was going on. He was now blinded by alcohol.

Knowing that someone was fighting with him, he had the upper hand. He now felt that if this punch landed, the person who was teasing him would be unable to fight back.

But suddenly he felt his body being kicked out. He felt dizzy and wanted to see clearly who kicked him out.

So the drunk man shook his head hard to wake himself up, and looked at Jiang Chen in front of him.

At this time, when Jiang Chen squeezed into the innermost position, he saw the drunken man's fist about to hit Tadasuo's head.

How could Jiang Chen let this drunken man drop his fist? If it had been dropped, Tadaso's cerebral palsy would have been severely damaged.

That's why Jiang Chen didn't think anything and just kicked the drunk man.

When Jiang Chen had done all this, he quickly walked to Tadasuo and watched as Tadasuo pulled Tadasuo up.

At this time, Tadasuo had closed his eyes just now, waiting for the drunken man's fist to fall on his head.

He knew that he was unable to resist, and he was praying in his heart for Jiang Chentu's arrival, hoping that Jiang Chen's arrival would save him.

But he knew that Jiang Chen hadn't come yet, and something might have delayed him, so Tadasuo could only accept his fate and close his eyes.

But when Tadaso closed his eyes for a while, he didn't feel any pain, but he felt a lightness on his body.

It seemed like the drunken man riding on him was no longer on his body. So Ta Zhusuo quickly opened his eyes.

He saw Jiang Chen reaching out to him to pull him up. Tadasuo was particularly happy when he saw this.

He quickly ignored the pain in his body and handed his hand to Jiang Chen, taking the opportunity to let Jiang Chen pull him to stand up.

Just like that, Jiang Chen pulled Tadasuo to stand up. After standing up, Tadasuo felt the pain all over his body.

I felt like my whole body was falling apart. This was the result of fighting with the drunk man. .

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