Tadaso's body is now covered in bruises, and there are many spots on his face that are bruised and purple, which shows how ruthless the drunken man is.

At this time, Jiang Chen was also watching Tadasuo's body to see if there were any particularly serious injuries.

When Jiang Chen looked at Tadasuo for a while, he found that Tadasuo had wounds on his flesh and skin, which looked particularly serious on the surface.

But in fact, there were no serious injuries on his arms, legs or body, so Jiang Chen felt relieved.

When Jiang Chen carefully examined Tadasuo and found that there were no serious injuries at all, he felt relieved and saw Tadasuo looking at him.

Jiang Chen said to Tadasuo, "What's going on? Tadasuo, why are you still fighting with this drunk man?"

"Didn't you tell me what happened to you waiting for me here? Tell me which of the two of you is the reason...

When Jiang Chen looked at Tadasuo and asked, when he arrived at Tadasuo, Tadasuo was looking at Jiang Chen and wanted to follow Jiang Chen's aggrieved talk about what happened, when he heard Jiang Chen ask. Own.

So Tadasuo looked at Jiang Chen and said to Jiang Chen: "Mr. Jiang Chen, I am standing here waiting for you."

"But this drunk man suddenly knocked me to the ground and opened his mouth to curse me.

"I retorted to him and he hit me. I couldn't let him hit me, so the two of us started fighting."

Tadasuo looked at Jiang Chen and briefly told Jiang Chen why he and this drunk man fought together.

When Tadaso saw Jiang Chen telling Jiang Chen all this, Jiang Chen realized that the cause of the matter was that simple.

It was this drunk man who didn't see Tadasuo who was waiting for him when he walked over and knocked Tadasuo down.

He also scolded Tadasuo. Tadasuo was young and energetic and would not allow others to scold him like that. So the conflict arose.

When Jiang Chen learned all this, he thought that the matter should just go away like this, and had no intention of getting into the details of this drunken man.

Because it was unreasonable to follow a drunk person, Jiang Chen wanted to take over the matter like this, and pulled Tadasuo to go out.

But Jiang Chen and Tadasuo wanted to go out like this, but the drunk man was very angry and didn't want to let Jiang Chen and Tadasuo go.

The two of them only saw this drunken man, who was now slightly awake and felt the pain in his body.

Angrily, he rushed towards Jiang Chen and Tadasuo, wanting to take action against Jiang Chen and Tadasuo. He felt that it was completely easy for him to deal with Tadasuo just now. (Nuohao Zhao)

So even if Jiang Chen comes now, he is no match for him. Just now, he had no idea that Jiang Chen was so powerful when he kicked him to the ground.

He was just thinking that it was just a sneak attack by Jiang Chen, and the unprepared Jiang Chen was kicked to the ground by Jiang Chen.

So this drunken man was very unconvinced and wanted to hit Jiang Chen and Tadasuo, thinking that he could vent his bad anger. .

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