Zhou Shen looked at Jiang Chen with some surprise, and after being pointed out by the severed finger, Jiang Chen told Zhou Shen to try to communicate with the soul-locking ring.

Zhou Shen closed his eyes, and a vague shadow appeared in the sea of ​​​​consciousness. After trying again and again, the image of the shadow became clearer and clearer. It was a small golden ring.

With a thought, Zhou Shen saw a golden ring appear in his hand. Zhou Shen looked at the golden ring with some excitement. It was much better than his previous Law Treasure in terms of material and hardness.

Jiang Chen looked at Zhou Shen with a smile, looking like a master from this world. Zhou Shen held the golden ring and shook it gently. He saw that the golden rings that were originally locked on his ribs fell off one by one.

Zhou Shen's aura surged, and he reached electric perfection in an instant. He was only one step away from the Huadan stage. Now he only needed to continuously absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Zhou Shen was a little excited, but after a moment he put his excitement away and cupped his hands towards Jiang Chen: "Young Master Jiang, my life, Zhou Mo's, is yours!"

Jiang Chen's performance all shows that there is a huge power behind Jiang Chen. There is no way for Independent Cultivator to survive in the land of the West. It is better to find a backer now.

Jiang Chen was noncommittal and didn't say much. He was now in the middle stage of electric power, and his combat power was comparable to that of Huadan. In addition, there was a stage of Huadan that could be broken through at any time. In this Western world, he had no way to protect himself. force.

"You can just call me Mr. Jiang from now on. There should be many aristocratic and secluded families in this Western Buddhist country. A Huadan-level guard is not a sensation!" Jiang Chen looked at Zhou Shen.

"Sir, it's true. The aristocratic and reclusive families are either on good terms with the Buddhist Gate, or they are offshoots of the Buddhist Gate. Only we Independent Cultivators have a more miserable life!" Zhou Shen quickly integrated into his role.

"If you follow me, it won't be safe for your brothers to stay here. The dark night may come at any time..."

Zhou Shen understood what Jiang Chen said and raised his hand: "Sir, give me half a day!"

After half a day, the entire cottage was deserted. Except for Zhou Shen and Zhao Wuji who was standing next to Zhou Shen, no one could be seen in the cottage!

"Wuji, have you thought about it? Do you really want to follow the young master?" Zhou Shen glanced at Zhao Wuji.

"My life was given to me by my eldest brother, so naturally I have to follow him!" Zhao Wuji patted his chest.

Zhou Shen was still a little moved in his heart, but he frowned: "Wuji, I told you, you are following the young master, not me. If you don't want to, just follow them!"

Zhao Wuji shook his head and cupped his hands towards Jiang Chen, initially accepting that Jiang Chen was the master. The two of them pretended to be Jiang Chen's bodyguards and rushed towards Bodhi City.

The gate of Bodhi City is already full of guards, welcoming the envoys from the West. This time of year is the busiest time of the entire Bodhi City, and the West will send envoys to every city to preach.

The highest official of Bodhi City, City Lord Nalan Tuo, had already arranged for the team to meet at the city gate. Before dawn, honor guards were already standing on both sides. Those who could enter the honor guard were the children of every big family in the city.

They were so pampered that they got up very early on this day and stood here waiting for the messenger from the west. If they could be favored by the messenger and go to the Great Thunderclap Monastery later, their family would follow suit and ascend to heaven.

You must know that the western region is vast, with hundreds of thousands of cities alone, and Bodhi City is far away from the border, too far away from the center of Buddha Gate. If every city does not have a teleportation array, even a trip to Buddha Gate would be difficult. It takes decades.

At the gate of the city, there were already crowds of spectators and guards from the city lord's palace. Among them was a Huadan monk. If they were in Middle-earth, such a lineup would be a third-rate family at most, let alone a city lord. As a result, This land in the west can actually be in charge of a city.

Standing on the roadside where the loess was flying, Jiang Chen felt pity. Except for those people standing at the door, the rest of the people were wearing coarse clothes, and some people's clothes had become tattered.

As the sun rose, a golden light flashed across the west. A monk came stepping on auspicious clouds, and a huge halo appeared behind him, as if two suns appeared in the sky at the same time.

The monk slowly floated over from a distance, and faint Sanskrit sounds could be heard. Jiang Chen felt relaxed and happy, and he couldn't help but want to kneel down, but in the end, reason defeated his emotions and stood straight there.

Behind them, Zhou Shen and the other two people had already knelt down, their faces full of intoxication. Jiang Chen gave a soft drink, and the two of them were startled and stood up quickly.

Some people around him slowly stood up. After a while, the monk floated to the city gate on golden auspicious clouds. He looked at the people waiting at the city gate and said in a deep voice.

"Nalan Tuo, are you ready for this trial?"

The city lord slowly straightened up and looked at the monk sitting in the sky: "Back to the Holy Envoy, everything has been prepared and is waiting for you to start the ceremony!"

The monk in the sky nodded and shouted: "All living beings are equal!"

Everyone stood up involuntarily. The monk held a huge bamboo leaf in his hand and shook it gently. A burst of clear rain fell from the sky on the civilians of Puti City.

The civilians instantly felt refreshed, cheers came from the crowd, and people shouted loudly: "Holy Envoy, Holy Envoy..."

Jiang Chen saw streams of gas of different colors peeling off parts of people's bodies and slowly drifting towards the holy envoy.

All the gas condensed together and slowly turned into a golden color. It was sucked in by the monk, and what I saw was that the golden halo behind him became more solid.

The severed finger appeared at this time: "You see, this is the people in the Buddha Gate extracting the power of merit from all living beings to increase their own cultivation. The more pious they are to the Buddha Gate, the more the power of merit will be extracted. .”

Only then did Jiang Chen realize that this scene was what Broken Finger wanted him to see. Jiang Chen was noncommittal, and Broken Finger continued to explain: "For ordinary people, this power of merit is their luck, and luck is drawn. If we leave, these people will become poorer [and everything will go wrong.”

"Monks are immune to such extraction, so the Buddhist Gate will clear out the monks who do not submit, and the monks who submit will also have their merit power extracted!" Duanzhi said sadly.

"Why can't I tell what kind of cultivation this monk has?" Jiang Chen asked secretly.

"The cultivation level of Buddhist Gate is different from that of ordinary monks. Buddhist Gate cultivates the power of merit. This monk is now considered to be a great monk. It is similar to the Huadan stage among monks, but it is a Huadan that can mobilize the power of merit. Brother Nascent Soul, you can beat up Brother Nascent Soul in this city!" There was some resentment in the voice of the severed finger. .

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