Jiang Chen didn't want to know about the broken finger, that is, the grievances and grievances between Master Qi Chan and Buddha Gate. Without speaking, Master Qi Zen said it himself: "After I entered Buddha Gate, I was very disgusted with this method and wanted to After breaking this bondage, he was beaten to the point of being beaten to pieces, suppressed under the Great Thunderclap Monastery, and tortured by the fire of karma every day!"

"Qiu Fengchen rescued you in the end?" Jiang Chen remembered the scene when Qiu Fengchen was besieged in Nanzhong City.

"It's true. The person who guarded me was the Arhat of Buddha Gate. Because he neglected his duties, he chose to be reincarnated and wanted to get me back! Do you know who that kid is now?" Qi Chan was a little proud. After all, he had five hundred years of karma. Even if you have not been able to refine yourself, no one is qualified to be arrogant.

"If I guessed correctly, it should be Huaiyuan, right?"

After listening to Jiang Chen's words, Master Qi Chan was a little surprised. He didn't expect Jiang Chen to guess it. Even he didn't know that Huaiyuan was the Buddhist Gate Arhat who originally guarded him until Huaiyuan took action.

Arhat is already a high-level existence in the Buddhist Gate. You must know that the Dharma monk is above the monk, and the Arhat is after the Dharma monk. The Arhat is the Bodhisattva. There are not many Bodhisattvas in the West now, especially the Buddha. A legendary figure.

"Boy, if you are willing to help me with one thing, I will teach you the Buddhist Gate Celestial Eye!" Master Qi Chan first drew a cake for Jiang Chen.

"What's the matter, tell me!" Jiang Chen didn't refuse in a hurry. The skill of Buddhist Gate is quite abnormal, but if his life is in danger, Jiang Chen will definitely refuse it immediately.

"After you enter the Buddhist Gate, I hope you can talk to Huaiyuan, and it is best to ask about the secret behind this incident!" Master Qi Chan stated his conditions.

"Talk to Huaiyuan. Do you think there is another secret behind what happened back then?" Jiang Chen asked tentatively.

Master Qi Chan did not hide anything: "Yes, what happened back then was too big. I just escaped with a severed finger. If Qiu Fengchen hadn't kept me warm and nourished for a hundred years, it's unknown whether I would have woken up."

Jiang Chen understood the truth. If Qiu Fengchen wanted to nourish Master Qi Chan, he would definitely have trouble making progress in his cultivation. This was not good news for a traitor. According to Qiu Fengchen's cultivation, he was at least a Dharma monk at that time. .

Dharma monks already have a certain status in the Buddhist Gate, but Qiu Fengchen's skills include more demonic skills. Thinking of this, Jiang Chen asked.

"Qiu Fengchen clearly uses demonic techniques, so why is he still a disciple of Buddhist Gate!"

"This is what I find strange. The Buddhist Gate and the Demonic Way are world enemies. There is no reason for them to accept a Demonic Way disciple into the Gate. I only found out accidentally that Qiu Fengchen was a disciple of Huaiyuan!"

Master Qi Chan's words caused an uproar in Jiang Chen's heart. The hidden truth behind this matter is unknown. Of the three parties involved, one has a severed finger, one has been reincarnated and re-cultivated, and one has not improved in cultivation for a hundred years, and has been Caught it back.

"The level involved in this matter is too high. I will not go to Huaiyuan until I reach the Nascent Soul stage!" Jiang Chen did not reject Master Qi Chan outright.

Master Qi Zen thought for a long time before saying: "Okay, I believe you can do it. In this case, I will help you to enter the Buddhist Gate as soon as possible!"

As soon as Master Qi Chan finished speaking, Jiang Chen felt dizzy, and a new skill suddenly appeared in his head - clairvoyance!

Before Jiang Chen checked it, the system directly prompted——————I found a skill, do you want to learn it immediately?

Before Jiang Chen made a choice, the system directly prompted - if he does not learn it immediately, the system will directly destroy this technique to avoid the system from falling into chaos.

"Study, study, study!" Jiang Chen yelled in his heart. It would be treason to refuse to come to the door. If he didn't learn clairvoyance today, he would definitely regret it in the future.

After all, the clairvoyance can reach such a high level that one can clearly see the enemy's weaknesses at a glance, which is really the only way to attack and kill auxiliaries.

Three seconds later, the system automatically prompted - Congratulations to the host, you have completed the Apex Level skill of clairvoyance. If you need to advance, you just need to keep using it.

Jiang Chen was a little confused. This was the only technique that could destroy and transform the system. Could it mean that this technique had reached the top level in this world, or that people in this world could never reach the perfect state of this technique.

The system instantly learned Jiang Chen's thoughts - I have already transformed it for you, and what you are learning is the advanced version [otherwise, how could you still need the master second!

Jiang Chen was speechless for a while. The system's recently active advantages were abnormal. Could it be that the system had a sense of crisis after the arrival of Master Qi Zen?

Before Jiang Chen had time to ask, he felt someone tap him lightly on his shoulder. He raised his head and saw that the monk had entered the city and walked straight towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen calmly looked at the monk who was slowly walking over. The monk frowned and thought to himself, he had clearly discovered the aura of the magic method just now, but how could the skill become so pure in an instant?

The monk didn't think much about it, thinking that it was just his eagerness to achieve success that created the illusion. In the Western region, there really is no Demon Race who dares to appear so arrogantly.

The monk smiled dignifiedly and gently, looking a little arrogant, and walked slowly from Jiang Chen. The people around him were infected by this emotion and followed the monk towards the square in the center of Putuo City.

Jiang Chen followed with the two of them, wanting to see what the Buddha Gate's methods were like, and also to see if he had a chance to sneak into the Buddha Gate directly. As long as he sneaked in, he would only have to watch the Buddha Gate exercises once. , there is a system in place, you can remember it by yourself after reading it once.

The monk walked at the front of the crowd and led the crowd into the square. When he walked to the middle of the square, he raised his right hand and saw a huge bluestone emerging directly from the bottom of the square.

".||This is the bluestone where the first generation (Zhao Zhao) Buddha sat. Now any donor assassin who wants to enter my Buddhist Gate can come and test his or her Buddha nature!" The great monk's voice was like a bell.

After hearing this, the people watching the excitement quickly parted a road, and saw a group of brightly dressed people walking out of the crowd. It had obviously been discussed long ago. The big families in the city wanted to let their Young people have priority to enter the Buddhist Gate.

A group of more than a dozen people placed their palms on the huge handprint one after another. As a result, the dozen people in front walked over, and Qingshi didn't even react at all.

It wasn't until the last person put his palm against it that the bluestone emitted a weak green light. The monk's face looked a little ugly. You must know that this bluestone is a test of Buddha nature. The most basic thing is green light. There are more than ten people in this group, but only one can Entry level.

"Lord Lantuo, what do you think about this matter?" The smile on the monk's face disappeared, replaced by King Kong's angry expression. .

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