Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 102 Champion Skin: Dawn


Everyone nodded.

Mo Yu continued: "Let's stop the Shadow Demon thing now. We still have the Jingzhou Cup to hold this year. It's not enough to just launch a new hero. I also have some design drafts for new heroes."

It has been a year since the remake of "Gods and Gods" was launched.

There are currently thirty-four heroes in total.

With such a small number of heroes, the tactical play naturally becomes lackluster.

Just like the Internet Cafe Tournament, it was fine at the beginning and everyone had many ways to play. However, as certain heroes became stronger in the arena and the global style of play was developed, in the end, after fighting back and forth, those few old characters were banned. , the games have become more and more monotonous, and the enjoyment has also been reduced a lot. Although the competitiveness is still full, if the Jingzhou Cup is still like this, it will obviously not work, and this is not what Mo Yu wants.

For a game that can be used as an e-sports competition, in addition to being competitive, it is also indispensable for viewing.

Otherwise, if it's just the same people calling back and forth, what's the point?

But this is also a time when there is no other way. The number of heroes is too small. There are only two ways to solve it: add new heroes and maintain balance.

Once this is done, a hundred flowers will naturally bloom on the field. All heroes can appear on the stage, and all tactics can be developed. Global style of play will no longer dominate the world. Players will also be able to play more new heroes, and skin sales will increase accordingly. The festival skyrocketed.

Therefore, in order to consider the next Jingzhou Cup, one Shadow Demon is not enough. Mo Yu plans to launch at least ten more in the short term, including Shadow Demon, and push it to at least forty before the Jingzhou Cup is held. Four heroes.

Moreover, these forty-four heroes must be evenly distributed.

The current hero positioning in "Gods and Gods" has the most top laners, and there are very few other lanes. There will often be a top lane hero that he knows and wanders to other lanes. Mo Yu feels awkward when he sees it.

"Send the file."

Instructing his assistant to distribute the other hero design plans that had been prepared long ago, Mo Yu said: "These are the other nine heroes I designed. The names and skills of the heroes above have been decided. We have been discussing in the past few days to finalize the details. The background story, modeling, and numerical values ​​will be refined, and then it will be launched together with Shadow Demon."

Shadow Demon is just an introduction, so he does more. The other nine heroes are all transformed from LOL in previous lives, but the specific numerical values, background stories, character relationships, hero modeling, and skins need to be redesigned. He just Throw out a framework and decide on skills and gameplay.

"Shadow Demon, Ice Crystal Phoenix, Evil Little Mage, Abyss Maw, Bounty Hunter, Night Hunter, Widow Maker, Leather Dragon Turtle, Time Guardian, Storm Fury, a total of ten heroes."

"Next, Huang Jiajian will be responsible for coordinating the work, and everyone will work together to launch it all together before the version is updated."

Mo Yu gave the order.

Everyone looked at the documents in their hands, and some people had a look of embarrassment on their faces.

When Mo Yu saw this, he didn't say anything. He also knew that the work this time was really hard.

There is a lot of content that needs to be updated, including the launch of servers, revisions of old heroes, new equipment, and map revisions. Now there are ten new heroes to be launched online. If Moyu Company hadn't recently expanded its recruitment, I might not be able to cope with it.

Even so, such a large workload is simply too much.

Mo Yu encouraged: "I know there is a lot of work, but the Jingzhou Cup is around the corner, so I can only ask everyone to work harder. I will give you a bonus after the version update is completed. Thank you for your hard work."

After hearing this, everyone's expressions finally relaxed a lot.

Mo Yu also quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, money is everything!

If you can't do that, then you haven't given enough.

After arranging the release of new heroes.

Mo Yu raised an issue again.

"Is there a first design plan for the champion skin of the Internet Cafe Competition?" he asked.

The Internet Cafe Competition has been over for almost half a month. In order to maintain the excitement of the competition and considering that the early release of the champion skin will help promote the competition and help players, Mo Yu did not delay for too long. Under his arrangement, the entire Friends team joined forces after the competition. Instead of leaving, he stayed in Jingzhou to communicate with the designer, and now the hero with the championship skin has been decided.

Top laner Crocodile, jungle prince, mid lane card, bottom lane policewoman, and auxiliary bull head.

All of them are heroes that Friends use a lot in competitions, and they are also some of the most popular heroes among players.

Liang Bing, the newly recruited art director responsible for the production of champion skins, stood up and replied: "We have communicated with the Friends players to determine the heroes, and some of the players' needs have also been recorded."

He came from another game company.

I originally worked for a game company behind another large-scale online game. Later I saw the potential of "Gods and Gods" and learned about Mo Yu's thoughts on e-sports through various channels. I was very interested in it and resolutely resigned. From my original job, I switched to a fishing company.

Currently, he is responsible for managing art, original skin painting design, modeling design, and visual effects at Moyu Company.

"According to the players' own ideas, they want the overall design of the entire set of skins to reflect the theme of the team climbing from scratch and eventually winning the championship. This idea happens to be somewhat similar to the theme of our Internet Cafe Competition's 'Break of Dawn'."

“So based on the players’ ideas, I finally came up with two plans.”

“One set is a dawn plan that is golden like the sun, and the hero’s various movements and skill visual effects are all based on gold, flames, and light. The other is a climbing plan that is based on earth elements and mountain peaks. "

“In the end, after many communications, Friends chose the Dawn Plan.”

Liang Bing handed the two documents to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu briefly browsed through the document. The specific design drawings of several sets of championship skins were listed in detail in the document. The designs were all beautiful and made people's eyes shine.

Such as the crocodile.

The crocodile itself is a god-of-war existence in the ancient empire in the background story, so he wears a set of gorgeous battle armor. The overall design of the battle armor is gold and black, which contains many elements of the sun, giving people a sense of sunshine. The image of penetrating the darkness and illuminating the heaven and earth.

"Tell me more about it." Mo Yu became interested.


Liang Bing walked to the stage, connected to the computer, and played the materials he had prepared.

"Everyone, please take a look, this is the current first draft of the design."

"The theme of the entire set of skins is positioned as dawn, and the overall color scheme uses gold and black, with gold as the main color and black as the supplement, showing the theme of dawn emerging and breaking through the darkness."

"At the same time, in order to highlight the theme of dawn, I used flame and light graphics and animation effects for the hero's return to the city, skill release, and visual special effects."

While explaining, Liang Bing played an animation.

Above is an animation showing the card’s champion skin.

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