Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 103 Player Audio

The screen shows the recall, skills, dancing and other actions of Dawn skin cards.

The overall color of the skin is mainly golden, which represents the dawn. The animation of the return to the city is the card master holding the trophy, and the golden artistic font of Friends appears under the body. At the same time, the dawn falls from the sky and covers the top of the card, accompanied by the reading of the return to the city. As the bar decreases, the card holding the trophy is slowly lifted into the sky by the dawn, and finally completes the return action.

The special effect of Level A changes from the original card to a golden card.

The three cards of the Q skill are still in red, blue, and yellow colors, but when the skill flies out, a golden comet-shaped tail flame follows the card.

The three cards thrown out by the W skill are also different. After hitting the enemy, different hit effects will be switched with the three-color cards. If the yellow card hits, a golden ring will explode, while the red card will be in the shape of a flame. The blue card is a blue flame ring, accompanied by particle fragmentation effects of light, fire, and ice.

When the E skill is passively triggered, and when the card moves to level A, a golden light will light up on the hand, indicating that the player has reached the fourth attack with additional damage.

When the ultimate move is released, a golden light that locks on the enemy's head will drop from above the enemy's head, and his eyes will slowly open at the same time.

“Because the theme of the skin is dawn, it is associated with the sun, and the sun gives people the impression of a big fire emitting light, so the entire set of skins uses a lot of visual effects of light and flames. In addition, in order to highlight the champion, a trophy was added to the return action. , elements of the team’s name.”

"The whole set of skin design is divided into nine parts: head, shoulders, upper body, lower body, shoes, cloak, level A special effects, skill special effects, and return to town actions. Among them, cloak, upper body, level A special effects, skill special effects, and return to town action positioning Legend level, other parts are rare levels, players can combine it with other skins of the same hero to DIY their own unique skin."

The skin system of "Gods and Gods" is close to the previous DOTA2. Each set of skins is divided into multiple parts. However, except for some special parts, most skins are launched with an overall sales plan.

The championship skin of the Internet Cafe Competition adopts a holistic sales plan. After players buy it, they can choose to equip this set of skins, or they can choose some of their favorite parts from this set of skins and combine them with parts from other skins to form a new set of unique skins. .

The skin levels are divided into five levels: common, rare, rare, epic, and legendary.

Among them, epic and legendary skins are the rarest and most expensive. They will also have unique visual effects. They will also become limited-time purchases and will be permanently removed from the shelves after a period of time.

This level setting is currently useless, but in the future Moyu plans to open an in-game trading system. Players can sell or buy epic and legendary skins through this trading system, and the official will charge a certain handling fee.

Mo Yu believes that an open trading system can enhance players’ sense of freshness about the game, increase players’ pursuit of hero skins, and enhance players’ stickiness to the game.

Although it may affect official skin sales, the impact is actually not significant, and transaction commissions can also make up for this part of the income.

However, there are few heroes in the cash game, and there are few skins above epic level, so this trading system is not open.

Liang Bing continued to explain: "In addition to appearance and special effects, this skin also has a special voice effect."

He clicked on an audio to play.

Ruofeng's voice instantly sounded in the conference room.

"It exploded instantly and spiraled into the sky."

Liang Bing said: "This is a voice recorded by a player. Players can control it independently after purchasing the voice. When using the equipment in the game, they can quickly play the voice in the chat channel through the set shortcut keys, and let the other party All players in the game heard it.”

"In this Dawn set, each hero has audio recorded by such a player."

After speaking, he played several more audios.

Crocodile: "Die!"

Prince: "What a show, what a show!"

Policewoman: "I'll shoot you to death!"

Niutou: "Dong dong dong dong dong, the Niutou is here!"

Listening to the players' voices in the conference room, Mo Yu almost couldn't hold his breath.

Compared with professional voice actors, the audio recorded by the contestants may not be as professional, but it is so funny.

Mo Yu originally heard that Liang Bing and the others were planning to let the contestants record a more serious tone, but Big Nose took the lead and exploded instantly, directly arousing the bad taste of several contestants, so he simply let go and started recording funny audio.

For example, the policewoman on the bottom lane actually speaks in dialect, and the audio of Niutou also adds a sound of ringing a bell~

I really want to be in the game, after the player uses this skin to kill the opponent, the player's voice will be played backhand. The picture is too beautiful, I can't imagine it.

But now that the recording has been completed and the contestants themselves are very satisfied, it’s impossible to cancel it, right?

After all, the battle is in full swing, and when you say this when you are showing off, the serious game is instantly filled with a joyful atmosphere and a sense of ridicule. Thinking about it, Mo Yu also finds it quite interesting.

"It's pretty good. How do you feel, players?"

Liang Bing smiled and said: "After watching the animation, I am quite satisfied."

"That's good. Since it's a championship skin, just follow the player's own ideas." Mo Yu asked: "How long will it take to complete this set of skins?"

Liang Bing thought for a while: "If we only make champion skins alone, plus modeling, art, original paintings, special effects, etc., with the company's current manpower, it can be launched in about a month. However, there are also skins for ten new heroes. If we want to make it together, it may be a little later.”

"one month"

Mo Yu thought to himself.

He originally wanted to release the champion skin together with the version update, but then he thought about it. This way, there would be a lot of new content released. There are new heroes and new equipment. By then, players may all experience the new heroes, and they will be interested in the old heroes. His interest was not that great and it might affect skin sales, so he decided to prioritize the launch of champion skins.

"Let's go all out to make champion skins, give priority to launching the game, and other new heroes will follow later, and the two will split their time."


Liang Bing nodded and sat down immediately.

Seeing this, Mo Yu continued to the next topic.

He looked at Huang Jiajian: "What happened to the built-in voice and live broadcast software that you were asked to develop before?"

This is a feature he has long wanted to launch.

The current "Gods and Gods" players can only type and chat in the game, and the teammates they are matched with cannot use the existing voice chat software. It is necessary to develop a built-in voice in the game.

Players can communicate with teammates during the game to enhance the fun of the game.

In addition, the development of e-sports events is also inseparable from the assistance of live broadcast software, which not only helps players gain benefits, but also provides a more convenient channel to watch the games.

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