Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 178 Insidious move

On the field, NG's morale had dropped significantly at this time, and the entire team was full of fear of the Emperor Star.

On the other hand, Emperor Star is in great momentum. With two consecutive victories, it has gathered an invincible momentum!

In this situation, no matter how hard you try on the third NG, it will be useless.

Although there was no explosion of kills like in the previous two games, it was not much better. There was no aggressiveness in the line. The whole team was trying to protect the KDA. They did not dare to fight or pick up the team. In the end, they naturally waited for death.

As the crystal exploded, everyone in NG slumped down on their chairs. It wasn't until everyone from Emperor Star came over to shake hands that they came back to their senses.

At the same time, the two sides fought to a score of 3-0, and the Emperor Star team successfully advanced to the finals!

After stepping down.

Everyone came to meet us.

"Bullshit, that's awesome! He actually practiced a men's sword and came out. I'll ban you when the time comes!" Qi Jiang smiled at Lu Zibo and said, "By the way, when are you going to change your ID? The name LLLLLL, I was just listening to the commentary below. You can even hear tongue flicking!"

Lu Zibo scratched his head: "I planned to change, but I didn't know what to change. I didn't expect to be able to play professionally at that time!"

"Change your name to something more domineering. It will definitely be open to the whole world in the future. How about I give you an English ID?"

"A Midsummer Night's Dream?"

"Fuck! That bitch is looking for death!"

The atmosphere instantly became joyful!

A few people briefly exchanged a few words, and the host's voice came from the front, and the WE people were ready to appear.

On the eve of his debut, Lu Zibo turned around and shouted: "Come on! Don't hold back, wait for you to meet in the final!"

"rest assured!"

No one looked back, and all that was left to everyone in the Emperor Star was the confidence that they would surely win!

on the stage.

Both teams took their seats.

The atmosphere within the WE team is very harmonious, and the boos from the audience did not affect their mood, because they do not take the Korean team seriously at all, and have not suffered the horrific experience of resisting South Korea for many years in their previous life. Now they are facing the Korean team. , a few people are not afraid at all, but are full of psychological advantages!

Everyone was chatting and laughing, and debugging the equipment.

On the commentary desk, the Korean commentator was shouting again.

After experiencing the last game of Emperor Star beating NG, they still didn't learn from their mistakes and were still crazy about KTA winning the championship!

"NG is so disappointing, but KTA won't!"

"KTA is the real favorite to win the championship. We must defeat WE. We cannot lose the championship!"

"WE is a newly formed professional team. They can't do it. As long as you play KTA well and perform at a normal level, you can win!

Accompanying the commentary was the sound of the audience crazily cheering for the last single seedling!

In this terrifying home atmosphere, the two sides started the game.

I have to say that the KTA team still has something in it. They played very well in the opening game. WE's several waves of attacks were easily resolved without any obvious advantage.

Seeing this situation, Korean fans shouted happily, as if the championship was close at hand.

The commentator was extremely happy, saying bluntly that KTA has the appearance of a champion and WE should not be afraid!

But the situation did not last as they expected.

In nine minutes, WE passed a wave of dragons and successfully opened up the situation.

During the team battle, Smile Aircraft went crazy with output and got a double kill, and KTA gave up Xiaolong.

Qijiang then invaded the jungle area and chased KTA's jungler to slash. The opponent's support was timely and they wanted to counterattack. WE was not slow. The two sides had another small-scale team battle. All members of WE survived, and KTA lost the jungler's life.

The balance of victory began to pour towards WE.

In 21 minutes, WE Economy was already 4,000 yuan ahead!

Then KTA went to the wild to catch Strawberry who was leading the line, and everyone from WE came to support him. The rest of KTA backed up and took three heads, and then decisively switched to the Baron.

Cheers and cheers instantly rang out in the stadium, and the commentators even shouted crazily, as if they had already seen the dawn of victory.

At this time, Smile came out again, and cooperated with Big Nose 2 on 5 to produce explosive output, save the baron, and even chase two people to death.

Everyone in KTA was unable to retreat and returned to the city for supplies.

WE took advantage of the situation to win the baron, and the situation was instantly reversed.

With the Baron BUFF, WE killed the KTA jungler in the jungle, then pushed away the high ground in the middle, and then moved to the bottom lane.

Strawberry's super-large tank was in front, and the other four people clicked the tower frantically. The moment the tower on the lower road high ground was broken, KTA's newly resurrected jungler took the opportunity to rush up and start the team, wanting to take the lead and smile.

As a result, the team battle failed miserably, he hit an ACE, and was finally pushed off the base by a wave!


The boos in the venue gradually subsided, and the audience looked at each other, unable to believe this result!

It is clear that KTA wants to win the Baron and reverse the situation. How can you smile and drive away all five people in one plane?

Does an airplane cause such high damage?

It's definitely open!

The anger began to spread, but there was a trace of fear hidden in it, which couldn't be gone away!

"Xiba! Xiba!"

Park Zhengyuan pushed the items off his desk and cursed in anger!

"That idiot Kim Taeho, I already said that we would arrange the Chinese team together, but he said that we must be fair and just and not engage in internal operations. Now it's okay. The face of Korean e-sports has been completely shamed!"

"No one among the fourteen teams can stop the enemy's attack. The Enter the Dragon Cup has become a stepping stone for others!"

"I am sponsoring this competition to help our own team develop and improve our company's reputation, not to let others win the championship and go back with the bonus and trophy in style!!"

Park Zhengyuan was furious!

He is an angry young man who is very supportive of anything that is beneficial to South Korea's reputation in the world. It is for this reason that he sponsored the Enter the Dragon Cup.

When he reached 16 or 8, he didn't do much, and he felt that Emperor Star and WE had such strength. If the secret operation was too obvious, it would appear to be cover-up and arouse ridicule.

But later he saw that the two teams won too easily, so he thought of a dirty trick and planned to arrange a civil war between Emperor Star and WE when the eighth team advanced to the fourth round.

As soon as he told Kim Tae-ho about this idea, he was severely rejected by Kim Tae-ho.

But he doesn't care. He thinks it's interesting that the top four teams are two Chinese and two Korean teams. Moreover, he thinks that the Korean team is invincible in the world. Emperor Star and WE are already in the top four if they reach the top four!

As a result, I never expected that the top four Sai Dixing would kill NG like his mother was teasing a child and win directly 3-0!

Immediately afterwards, watching WE win the first game against KTA, he couldn't sit still at all and was extremely angry!

"Xiba, Xiba!"

"Our competition in South Korea is now about to be entered into the finals by two Chinese teams. We must not do this!"

"The champion must be Korean!"

"I have to find a way to destroy it!"

"The honor must stay in South Korea!"

Park Zhengyuan yelled, and the things on the desk were scattered all over the floor.

The assistant next to him didn't dare to make any move for a long time. Finally, he waited until Park Zhengyuan's anger subsided, and then he tremblingly reminded: "President, the second game is about to start. Should we do something?"

When he reminded him, Park Zhengyuan's eyes flashed coldly, like a poisonous snake, sinister and vicious.

He doesn't want to pay attention to Jin Taehao's warning now. He just has one thought in his mind. KTA wants to enter the finals and win the championship. No one can stop it!

For this goal, he can do anything!

"Of course I have to do something, come here."

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