Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 179 The offline door

On the playing field.

Everyone at WE sat down one by one, checked the equipment, logged into the competition server, and prepared to start the game.

"Brothers, can you win the second one?"

"KTA is just like that, it's bound to win!"

"Kill in a blast and win the championship!"

Everyone was smiling and full of confidence, and did not take KTA seriously at all.

Someone quietly came over to the backstage, whispered a few words to several Korean staff, and then stood there and stared at WE on the stage without saying a word, just staring there, motionless.

Soon, the game begins.

In the early stage, the two sides developed peacefully. The computer network on WE's side was a bit fluctuating, but the problem was not serious. Until 4 minutes and 35 seconds, the big-nosed screen suddenly got stuck, and he instantly looked back at the referee behind him.

"Referee, I'm offline! Request a rematch!"

However, the referee just glanced at his screen, and then said a few words through the intercom, turned around and told Big Nose: "It's okay to rematch, but you need to ban one less person, otherwise the rematch will not be allowed. It depends on your own opinions. "

By the time I said this, the network had been restored.

Everyone in WE immediately expressed their opposition after hearing this.

"The internet is down and we are at a disadvantage now. Applying for a rematch is a very normal request. Why do we need less BAN?"

The referee's shoulders trembled, with a hint of ridicule: "Sorry, I can understand your appeal, but there is no other way. If you insist on applying for a rematch, you must lose your BAN. This is the rule!"

"No." Big Nose stood up and wanted to argue.

The referee immediately warned: "Player Ruofeng, if you leave your seat during the game, it will be judged that you may have cheated and you will no longer be able to compete!"

"Fuck! What the hell do you mean!"

Big Nose instantly became furious, and his teammates quickly comforted him.

"Ruofeng, don't make a fuss. The game is important. If you have any questions, we can wait until the game is over. Let's talk to Mr. Zhang!" Qi Jiang was very calm: "The network is ready. Let's sit down and finish the game first. There is no use in doing this!"

Big Nose was still angry: "But they are obviously doing something shady!"

Qijiang put on her headphones and focused on the game: "It's nothing but, hold on! If we continue to make trouble now, it will only make the outside world think that we are deliberately making excuses when we see that we can't beat them, and it just happens to be what they want. If we continue to fight, Zhang will look for us later." They’re in trouble!”

He comforted him repeatedly, glared at the referee with an angry big nose, then sat down and continued the game.

The referee behind him showed a hint of annoyance, glanced at Nanchi-chan a few times, then said nothing and continued to maintain his expressionless expression.

In just a few words and less than a minute, the situation on the field was still stable and did not affect the overall situation.

Big Nose calmed down and continued the operation.

The situation changed at 5 minutes.

Qi Jiang's jungler Xin Zhao crouched in the middle, and the big-nosed mid laner Widow retreated to lure him. KTA's mid laner dared to push forward without flashing, but made a mistake in his positioning. Qi Jiang caught the opportunity, slowed down and provoked, and played perfectly with the Widow. The combo gets first blood.

at the same time.

KTA launched an attack in the bottom lane. The robot hooked the Smiling Aircraft first, and at the same time the jungler prince came with the intention of three-on-two. Fortunately, WE's bottom lane aircraft Qinnu's combination was very flexible and successfully escaped the pursuit without losing any kills.

8 minutes.

KTA's top laner pressed the line, and Big Nose Widow rushed to gank from the middle. Strawberry Crocodile followed up and bit, knocking out half of the opponent's health. Then Big Nose chased all the way to the bottom of the tower and collected another kill.

10 minutes.

Top laner Strawberry was caught dead, WE made a backhand move and ran to the bottom lane to look for opportunities.

The big-nosed widow went directly between the first and second towers, blocking the way back.

KTA sensed a crisis in the bottom lane and retreated, but was blocked by the big nose. Then the plane and Qin Nu followed up. The silk blood under the Widow's second tower got a double kill and successfully escaped.

In the next few minutes, various small-scale frictions continued to occur between the two sides. WE gained the advantage and the economies of both sides gradually expanded.

18 minutes.

The two sides had a 5V5 team battle at Xiaolong. The big-nosed widow divided the battlefield. KTA continuously lost many key control skills. In the end, they were beaten 0 for 2 and lost the team battle. At this time, the economic difference between the two sides reached 5,000, and WE was in the lead. Location.

Another wave of jungle encounters.

"Look at me, look at me, kill the jungler first, kill the jungler first!"

"There's someone coming from the other side!"

"Keep going!"

The WE players are staring at the screen with all their attention, without any distracting thoughts, and are fully devoted to the game. They are bound to win this game.

Half a minute later, the battle ended and WE won again.

On the panel, WE's economy has taken a significant lead, while KTA lags behind across the board.

The faces of the entire Korean audience were full of worry, and the commentators were also shouting, hoping that KTA could reverse the situation. Everyone in KTA looked solemn, and had a premonition that the situation was very bad.


Several Korean staff members in the crowd felt their cell phones vibrate. After taking a look, they gathered in front of the computer controlling the game intentionally or unintentionally, just blocking everyone's view.

The man who had been lurking in the background for a long time walked behind a few people, avoiding the attention of Emperor Xing and other Chinese people, and quietly picked up his mobile phone.

There is only one text message on the phone screen.

"Do it!"

His eyes quickly glanced over, and he put the phone away. The man did a few simple operations on the computer, and then left without changing his expression.

Although the movement was light, it still offended someone with serious intentions and attracted the attention of several other Korean staff backstage. However, the man's expression remained normal and he nodded lightly.

When these Korean staff saw familiar faces, they instantly felt at ease. They remained motionless and did not make any noise to alarm the Chinese people. They just raised their heads and looked at the faces on the big screen. Their anxious expressions disappeared and they were faintly hung up. A few smiles.

On the playing field.

24 minutes and 42 seconds.

Smile Plane walked to the river dragon and suddenly couldn't move. No matter how he operated the mouse and keyboard, there was no response. He couldn't help shouting: "It's offline!"

The words have not yet finished.

The other four people also shouted.


"I fell too!"

Everyone in WE was offline, and all five heroes stopped. No matter how many people operated, there was no movement, and they were stuck there motionless!

Several people immediately turned around and complained to the referee behind them.

"Referee, what's going on? We're all lost!"

"What? Let me take a look quickly!"

The referee also pretended to be pretentious. He immediately stepped forward and looked businesslike. He went forward to check and check, but there was no next move, let alone suspending the game. No one else even made any move. They just watched. With.

Strawberry said anxiously: "Stop the game first, referee!"

The referee didn't even look up: "Don't worry, the problem will be found out soon. Do you think we will ignore sportsmanship? Don't worry!"

In desperation, the WE guys could only let the referee operate.

In the live broadcast room.

The barrage surged.

Everyone discovered something was wrong!

"Hey? What's going on? WE seems to be motionless. Is there something wrong? Do you want to suspend the game?"

"Disconnected or disconnected?"

"WE seems to have a problem, but KTA is fine and is still operating!"

“We have to wait for the referee’s results for details!”

Several casters are discussing.

However, what happened next on the field was so unbelievable that they started shouting curses!

Seeing that all five members of WE were offline, the KTA players did not hesitate at all. Ueno first grabbed the stationary aircraft with a smile on the river, and then Zhongsuke ran to the middle to kill Nanjiang Zhao Xin who was about to close the line, and even more after that Within a few minutes of being disconnected, he bulldozed a tower in the middle lane to the WE high ground in one breath, then searched for resources and moved to the bottom lane.

"The referee hasn't suspended the game yet? Will the game continue?"

"MD, what are you doing? Blatant cheating? Match-fixing?!!"

"Fuck! Those little brats still won't stop? Still killing!"

"Cheating! Naked cheating!"

The Chinese commentator couldn't believe it and yelled at the match-fixing!

The Korean commentator ignored it and continued to explain. He even saw the KTA players taking the opportunity to push the tower with their heads, and their voices became louder and more excited.


Upon seeing this, Zhang Zhaoyang immediately rushed to Pu Zhengyuan and questioned him.

"Old Pu, are you doing something dirty?"

Pu Zhengyuan smiled slightly, and then said righteously: "How is that possible? Don't slander me!"

"That stinky fart from NM!" Zhang Zhaoyang yelled: "Slander? The facts are in front of you, and you still have it? Hurry up and stop the rematch!"

"Don't be anxious, Mr. Zhang. The referee is checking and will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!" Pu Zhengyuan said with a smile.

Zhang Zhaoyang stared angrily: "A satisfactory answer? Are you so satisfied?"

On the screen, a few people from KTA had already pushed down the high ground in the middle lane of WE. Perhaps in order to avoid criticism from others, they did not take the opportunity to bulldoze the high ground. Instead, they returned to the city to rest and then pushed forward to the lower lane.

Pu Zhengyuan waved his hand and said in a mocking tone: "Don't worry, everything will be done according to formal procedures. Don't worry, Mr. Zhang!"

"CNM! Fuck! Fuck!"

Zhang Zhaoyang's blood suddenly surged up, and he suddenly got angry. He smashed the mineral water bottle in his hand, then grabbed Park Zhengyuan by the collar, went up and shot left and right.

Bang bang bang!

Loud applause!

Comparing the two, Zhang Zhaoyang is in his thirties, physically strong and exercises regularly; Park Zhengyuan is in his fifties and his physical fitness is not at its peak. After being grabbed by Zhang Zhaoyang, he had no power to fight back.

The sudden scene stunned all the staff!

"Security! Security!"

Park Zhengyuan shouted for help before waking up the others.

Everyone swarmed up and immediately stepped forward to separate the two.

In the chaos, some people tried to do something dirty, but the thirty or so people from the two teams, Emperor Star and WE, were not vegetarians. They blocked them in various ways, and even secretly gave Park Zhengyuan a few cruel blows.

After finally separating.

Zhang Zhaoyang glared angrily, pointed at Pu Zhengyuan and cursed: "You fucking wait for me, damn! I definitely want you to look good!"

Pu Zhengyuan's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and there were several shoe marks on his clothes. His speech was slurred and he was angry: "Xiba, little bastard, are you looking for death!"

The two yelled at each other, but finally did not take action. The chaos lasted for more than a minute.

At this time, Jin Taihao, who was watching the game in front, finally arrived with someone.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, someone immediately rushed to the computer to operate it, and then leaned next to him and whispered in a low voice.

The more Jin Taehao listened, his face became more and more ugly. He waved his hand and immediately ordered: "Resume the game quickly!"

3 minutes later.

The game finally returned to normal.

The guys at WE have been waiting impatiently for a long time. They are extremely angry when they see KTA frantically taking resources.

Qi Jiang pushed the referee away, pointed at him and cursed: "Just wait, someone will cause trouble for you!"

The referee looked innocent.

"Did I do something?"

Qi Jiang laughed angrily: "You know it in your heart! Hurry up and rematch!"

The referee seemed not to have heard it and said indifferently: "Okay, the game has returned to normal. Please return to your seat immediately, and the game will continue!"

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