Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 180 The first championship and 60E

"What? Continue?" Qi Jiang thought she heard wrongly and couldn't believe it.

The referee had already stood back and said with a smile: "Yes, there are no problems after inspection, the game continues!"

Qi Jiang, who had always been calm, couldn't bear it any longer: "You guys cheated so openly, and there are no problems?"

Smile also scolded: "What are you playing with, you bitch? Are you really not afraid of death?"

Big Nose said nothing and started looking for something handy.

Strawberry's headphones were all taken off, Curly Hair was also ready to put away his glasses, and all five of them were ready to fight.

However, the referee remained calm and even warned: "If you don't continue to compete, this game will be directly ruled a loss, and all previous game results will be invalid, and KTA will automatically advance to the finals!"

Several young men looked at each other, wanting to give up the game, but they felt unwilling to do so. Why should they let others win? He wanted to contact Zhang Zhaoyang by phone, but he didn't take his cell phone before going on the field, so he could only swallow his anger and continue the game.

At this time, the game reached 28 minutes, and KTA had already begun to push to the second tower in the bottom lane.

Everyone in WE immediately rushed out of the spring and returned to defense.

After a few minutes of shameless operation after being disconnected, the economic gap between the two sides was reduced to only 5,000, but WE was still in the lead.

Go down to the second tower.

Qi Jiang seized the opportunity and took the lead in starting a team. The five KTA people could only say that they could not hold up the wall. After a wave of team battles, WE after being reconnected played 0 for 4. The auxiliary robot left alone hurriedly returned to the city, but stood there After catching his eye, Big Nose chased him and took his head off.

After that, WE continued to attack, and the gap between the two sides was widened to 10,000!

In the 32nd minute, WE rushed to the KTA high ground and won a double kill.

At the 35th minute, they switched to the road and caught the opponent's jungler in the jungle. Several people from KTA supported them, but they were beaten by WE and lost their armor. They ran away with their heads covered. Smile Aircraft scored five kills in one wave, shocking the audience. Strawberry stood in front of the tower. The corpse danced mercilessly and taunted, and the cards were filled up!

In this case, KTA gave up the fight completely, had no choice but to knock out GG, and surrendered directly to end the game!

In the live broadcast room, the screen was full of enthusiasm, and all domestic viewers roared passionately!

"A beautiful wave of five kills!"

"So what if I'm disconnected? It's useless to give you a chance! KTA!"

"It should be me or mine!"

"WE, NB!"

Several commentators jumped up and roared!

Hundreds of thousands of viewers watching the live broadcast were excited, and various gifts kept flooding the screen!


Mo Yu had just watched the live broadcast and was so angry that he exploded.

He didn't even expect that the WE offline scandal would reappear.

It was obvious that Jin Taihao was aware of current affairs and etiquette, so in theory this kind of thing would never happen, but unexpectedly it happened anyway, and a cross-country phone call was immediately made to Zhang Zhaoyang.

"Zhaoyang, what happened to WE being disconnected? Is it something weird caused by Kim Tae-ho!"

There was a bit of noise on the other end of the phone. After a while, Zhang Zhaoyang replied: "It's not Kim Tae-ho, it's Park Jung-won! It's been found out. This villain is deliberately causing trouble. Seeing that WE is about to win, he simply cuts off the Internet. , the backstage staff and referees were all invited by him, and the players also said hello, so this situation resulted!"

When Mo Yu heard this, he was so angry that he yelled: "How dare you do such a thing? What did Kim Tae-ho say? He must give an explanation! It has been stated in the contract that fair and just sportsmanship must be observed in e-sports competitions, such as If there is a violation, compensation must be made!”

Zhang Zhaoyang was already in the background, and his cell phone was on speakerphone. Mo Yu's voice was so loud that everyone around him could hear it clearly.

Next to him, Jin Taihao looked ugly. He glanced at Park Zhengyuan, who was lying next to him grunting and beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face. The more he looked at it, the more bored he became, but he knew that something had happened and he had to give feedback, so he walked to the phone.

"Mr. Mo!"

As soon as Mo Yu heard Jin Taihao's voice, he immediately asked: "Mr. Jin, I need an explanation!"

Jin Taehao said helplessly: "Sorry, it was our mistake!"

"It's all over if you make a mistake?" Mo Yu sneered again and again: "You should remember the terms of the contract clearly. If something like this happens, it completely destroys the e-sports development strategic plan that you and I both agree on, and greatly undermines the fairness of e-sports competitions. Image, we have the right to demand compensation!”

Jin Taihao also knew that he was going to suffer a loss today. The more he looked at Park Zhengyuan, the more he wanted to beat him up, so he simply turned his head and changed the direction, keeping out of sight.

"Mr. Mo, I did not know anyone about the Enter the Dragon Cup and handed it over to such an organizer. However, this matter was also an unintentional mistake. It was definitely not my intention. Everything was done by Park Zhengyuan!"

Mo Yu said resolutely: "No matter who makes the decision, things have already happened. Mr. Jin, I need to see your attitude towards solving problems and your sincerity, otherwise I will have doubts about our cooperation. After all, a Moyu companies don’t need agents who can’t proactively solve problems!”

"Okay!" Jin Taihao said helplessly: "How do I need to compensate?"

Mo Yu asked back: "How does Mr. Jin want to compensate? Break the contract, manipulate the results of the game at will, and hurt the WE club. Come up with a plan of your own!"

Jin Taeho was silent for a few seconds, and finally said: "Now that the game has been suspended, I think there is no need to play again. WE will directly advance to the finals. In addition, we will not cooperate with Park Zhengyuan in the future. The damage caused to the WE club will be The person will be compensated 50,000 yuan in cash, and an additional agency fee will be added to the loss caused by Moyu Company. What do you think?"

His plan was indeed very sincere and all aspects had been considered. After thinking about it, Mo Yu thought it was good.

"Just follow this compensation plan. In addition," Mo Yu said in a stern tone, "Mr. Jin, don't forget that e-sports is also a sports event. I hope this happens only once!"

Kim Tae Ho responded affirmatively: "Only this time!"

"Park Zhengyuan, you have heard the compensation plan. You will be responsible for all expenses!" Jin Taehao stared at Park Zhengyuan with fierce eyes: "I told you a long time ago, don't make small moves. I didn't expect you to have your own way. All The losses must be borne by you, if you dare to object, then prepare to go to court!"

Park Zhengyuan was shocked by him. He originally wanted to argue a few words, scold Kim Taeho, and express his willingness to sacrifice and take responsibility for the national competitive honor, but he suddenly thought that behind Kim Taehao was a big chaebol. It’s extremely profound, and in Korea, I can only say that I understand everything!

At this time, he completely lost the arrogant and unscrupulous attitude he had before, and could only agree with great frustration.

ten minutes later.

The host went directly to the stage and announced that because the KTA team deliberately undermined the fairness of the competition, WE automatically advanced to the finals and KTA lost. No matter how loudly the Koreans present protested, it had no effect.

When you step down.

The referees on WE's side also obviously received the news. They kept bowing and apologizing to a few people, asking for forgiveness, and even wanted to help a few people get their equipment.

Smiling and mockingly said: "How can you be so arrogant before and be so respectful later?"

"Huh?" The referee looked confused and didn't understand at all.

Qi Jiang saw this and kicked him directly.

He has disliked this referee for a long time. He had been putting up with it for the sake of the competition, but now that he got the news, he no longer wanted to put up with it.

"Go away! MD!"

The referee was kicked and felt angry, but he had no choice but to continue to smile shyly and try to get closer.

A few high-spirited young men wearing bright clothes and angry horses didn't care. They laughed loudly and walked away, letting go of the bad breath in their chests.

Last day.

The finals began, with Emperor Star facing off against WE.

The venue was empty, with less than a third of the seats occupied.

The Korean audience is so pissed off. After these games, the two sides have long been used to it, and they don't care even if there is no one at the venue.

In the BO5 finals.

The two sides went through many battles, and finally tied 2-2. Until the fifth game, Emperor Star was at a disadvantage in the early stage, but relied on the jungle to grab the Baron to come back against the wind, reverse the situation in one fell swoop, and finally win the first championship since the establishment of the team. Trophy!

The bonus is equivalent to 100,000 soft girl coins!

This little money is not much at all, and after Zhang Zhaoyang won the championship, he said that everyone would get a prize, so the five teenagers didn't care about the prize money at all, the honor of the championship was the most important!

Under the golden streamers, everyone from Emperor Star gathered in the middle and held the trophy high. The backstage team members rushed to the stage. Zhang Zhaoyang threw himself on Lu Zibo, his eyes were intoxicated, and he caressed the small trophy as if he were caressing his lover's skin.



"Emperor Star finally won the championship!"

After the game.

Public opinion in South Korea was calm. Park Zhengyuan, who originally wanted to cause trouble behind the scenes and contacted several media outlets, received a phone call warning him overnight to stop making small moves. Unwilling to do so, he had to completely put aside his thoughts of revenge.

The Korean Open was even quieter. There was no heat at all about the related events, and the hundreds of spectators who witnessed the game hardly caused any disturbance.

However, WE's deeds began to spread among Chinese gamers.

He suffered unfair treatment and encountered the disconnection incident, but he did not give up the game. After reconnecting, he scored five kills in one fell swoop, which was a slap in the face. He showed our country's prestige in the international arena. It was simply magnificent!

In this one game alone, even if we didn't win the championship, WE instantly gained countless fans.

Even many users who don't play "Gods and Gods" know that there is such a team that beats the Korean team and turns the tables!


60E was born!

In reality, Mo Yu and Li Xiaofeng personally picked him up at the airport to celebrate the victory of the two teams that went on an overseas expedition. That night, Li Xiaofeng held a banquet for everyone!

There was a wave of discussion on the Internet. Many people were discussing this game, and related videos began to circulate. On the contrary, Emperor Star won the championship but there was almost no popularity and was completely covered up.

But Zhang Zhaoyang doesn't care. He values ​​substance more than fame. Mo Yu heard that he now shows off the championship trophy every day!

Time passed quickly.

January 27, 2008.

The twentieth day of the twelfth lunar month.

There are still ten days before the Chinese New Year. After arranging the New Year shift roster, holding the company's annual meeting, and handing out bonuses, Mo Yu announced the official opening of the annual holiday.

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